Why are discord trannies trying to Gas Light us into cuckoldery?

That's next level LARPing.
They spent all those months LARPing as Zig Forumsacks, right wingers and white nationalists on this (((interracial))) porn board, claming that it's common for white Zig Forums guys to fap to niggas fornicating white women and that it is pretty much the dark secret of the community.
It's just too ridiculous to believe that it's real and it must be concerned troll discord trannies LARPing as white nationalists to frame us and Gas Light us as secretly aroused by nigger porn.
But what the hell? How could they be so dedicated in this LARPing for months straight, have they mental disorder and are we living rent free in their heads?

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Other urls found in this thread:


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Anyway, don't fap to the porn jew

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On Twitch's just chatting section earlier today there was interracial porn being live streamed with Moonman in the background. Nazbols are the most vile,autistic, and self destructive(suicidal tranny) ideology to date.

what the? Do you have sources on that, an article ?
But aren't those people come from Zig Forums or similar places ?

Who's a famous Nazbol?

They're lives are worthless and they've got nothing better to do.


>>on this (((interracial))) porn board

Which OP's degenerate ass frequents. This garbage doesn't belong here. A quick glance at your screen and it reads like fucking reddit. Probably the jew op, ip hooping. No sane person cares what degenerates think or want. All human garbage that WILL be going into a wood chipper. We will have those running 24/7.

I will bet you that habitual porn users are more likely to support all of the globalists agenda. I wonder, is it the person or the porn.

If I had to guess, I would guess the same type of people who are Atomwaffen…not exactly National Socialist at all, much more Bolsheviks LARPing as NS. Definitely NOT WHITE (meaning German/European), by my judgment…most likely kikes.

A lot of it is born out of self hate OP. I can tell you the best way to address degenerates is to ridicule them. I maintain that Tarrant hit the wrong place and should've hit white leftists instead. Hopefully the mistake is corrected during the next happening.

So do you think that those are legit Zig Forums anons ?

There are multiple agencies paid to post here, and one part rent free

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It's best not to call them NazBol, even if they like to claim the label. They're shitlibs repping commie optics, nothing more. NazBol types will either cuck on socialism to support woke globohomo BS or gradually be pushed more towards us by the leftists stance of, "Lol, fuck the working class, the most important thing to focus on is anti-racism and bombing third world countries for not having enough fags."

Tarrants decision was tactical. Hit muzzies to drive them into a rage, they're low impulse control and he wanted to goad them into escalating the situation. He was at least partially successful.

Traitors deserve the treatment infinitely more, but are more adept at playing victim and turning such attacks to their own advantage.

What does it have to do with nazbol, retard?

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You are the trannies

Well damn, can't fight them digits.

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>Using (((Discord)))
There's your first mistake.

It goes beyond their heads that niggers are seen as some kind of bestial animals and that the whole thing is basically a corruption/destruction fetish. It's the same category as women getting fucked by dogs, pigs or donkeys. If niggers were considered human and equal, this kind of fetish would not exist in the first place. They are treated as animal pets for sexual pleasure of the most decadent whites and kikes (who engage in these even more). Quite offensive.

A (((clever trick))) They did was conflating nudist subcultures with porn, forcing them to defend each other when an attempt is made to disperse degeneracy. Don't get all wrapped up in the titty triggering, ya hear?
Also their ridiculous Puritan social justicing is pushing some of those old whores to the right, go the Magdalene route, mah boi!
Take a look at Bratney Spears' insta some time to get an idea of how that might play out.
You know, if any chump around here knows they have "white knight" tendencies, it might do a lot of good to begin working on some kind of "ho outreach programme," a rehab of sorts to turn roasties into cultural campaigners.
the guy that did the old von bluvens show quit to run a daycare, do something like that, but for old beat up mares.

So you're coming to your senses slowly. Above all else we also have these braindead faggots polluting the board.

Daily reminder that gays, transgenders and traps are mentally ill.

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congratulations, you've lost.

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Did that comic ever get finished yet?

Join my ray man doscorb


We are lgbt friendly and no rasism

If u be mean wwe will ban u

Attached: IMG_20190529_092728.jpg (649x851, 110.25K)

Join my rayman discorv


We are lgbt friendly and no rasism

If u be mean we will ban u

Attached: IMG_20190529_115039.jpg (538x724, 123.17K)

Fourth pic.
I don't think they are trying to 'subvert Zig Forums'; because what is the point? I think they are trying to destroy subcultures in favor of globalist 'culture' which means that YOU WILL WATCH PORN AND FUCK ANIMALS IF THE GLOBALIST SAY YOU WILL. What is threatening for them is ANY TYPE of subculture that does not comply with the globalist 'norms'. That is why they come here to push their degeneracy and filth. We don't have a 'political movement' so there is nothing to undermine in that sense. What we have and what they are trying to destroy, is the ability to think for YOURSELF.


If, and its a VERY big IF; there are people watching interracial or cuckold videos, it is only because of how the human mind can fetishise those things that people find most 'taboo', that is disgusting, shameful and abhorrent. If anything most people who watch interracial or cuckold porn are probably hyper racists who find perverse arousal in something so depraved and evil. Rather than seeing interracial cuckold watchers as an 'ally' to the 'progressives'; though should see them as depraved psychopaths who have fetishised their hatred of niggers and women.

I'm sure some of you other glorious bastards can re-word that general idea in a better way. Make them consider that degeneracy as something that fuels 'racist hatred' for depraved psychopaths.

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That's really amazing.
The anti-White hatred induced by being born a hapa should be studied.
It's exactly the same thing that drove Richard Coudenhove-Kalergi, the difference being that he had the intellectual ability to actually do something effective (he is the father of the EU.)

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Who even masturbates?

They're trannies, dude. Their entire lives revolve around thinking about sex and worrying about muh nahzees.

I don't know, but I can tell you that I've met irl Zig Forumsacks that like traps despite the whole love/hate relationship Zig Forums has with them. Maybe they just fell for the meme, maybe it's just something that comes from imageboard culture.

For some of them, it's a coping mechanism, or maybe they just haven't gotten redpilled on why it's wrong yet. While it's possible there could be some JIDF presence on that board, it's also possible that what you're seeing are Zig Forumsacks who are in a transitory state.

Either way, you should try to purify yourself from things that deviate from natural law. Everyone should understand this.

And it's all US paid.

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I've never been to /interracial/, I guess I could try visiting sometime to check out that thread… the mood doesn't really strike me though. I don't specifically recall fapping to a black guy fucking a white woman. I would think that would be memorable if I did.

That said: while I hate the constant pushing of it in real porn, I'm a big fan of rule 34 for cartoon characters and don't censor myself from looking at black-on-white art if that's what people happen to be drawing. I don't particularly seek it out, but sometimes with modern shows there aren't any white males at all, so you're either stuck with a non-canonical floating white penis to fuck your toon characters or else you have to make use of the junk around you to get the job done.