US Military Kikes In Uniform Making Political Statements

The US military is openly committing treason now. As much as the fag flag has always annoyed me (ever since I was in), they might as well lower it to the ground and just use the kike flag at this point. Daily reminder that no one is supposed to make political statements of any kind in a US military uniform, but kikes are just above the law again, goy. Nothing to see here, goy.

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Okay, and? What are you going to do about it? Nothing.

We will burn your country of semites to the ground and piss on the ashes before we get in the hmmv to go home. Then we let the Palestinians build upon the scorched earth to take back what is rightfully theirs.

What a traitor. If anyone can figure out the guys name, ill try to find his unit and let his co,mand know that US Army doesnt sing foreign anthems and its a disgrace to his uniform and country.

That's some next level zog shit right there. It's a shame that guy saluting doesn't have a side arm, just pulls it out, POP, then goes into the real salute HH
This happened 7 years ago
Here's his linkedin

Fix your spelling, nigger.

Trutv ussliberty thread got pruned it seems

Muttmerica hits a new low!

This isn't really a political statement if all he does is sing a national anthem. The military bases in Japan play the Japanese national anthem every single day and the personnel stationed there salute the Japanese flag. And from the military's perspective, which is the US government's perspective, Israel is our greatest ally. That is the most important point at the end of the day. All he's doing is going along with existing US foreign policy. I guarantee that if his chain of command ordered him the very next minute to treat Israel as an enemy nation he would be completely on board. ZOGbots are ZOGbots because they work for the US government which is controlled by ZOG. If it was controlled by the American people they would just be robots. Stop being mad at the symptoms. Fix the cause.

vs the us military being jew foreign legion for decades? They've long been openly committing treason.


The best predictor of future behavior is past behavior. So it's nice to say stuff like that, but you can bet no one with real skin in the game takes it seriously.

Just remember if you are deployed to the middle east that all semites must die. Pretty simply, kill them all and come home to your kin.

I wasn't aware of that. I just got linked to it by friends and couldn't see the date. It is incredibly damning. Like I say, these faggots might as well just ditch "old glory" at this point and don a fucking kike cap.

What happens if a serviceman doesn't suck israel's cock while in the military? Discharged?

could've included the video title

Attached: Despite making up only 2% of the population, Jews account for 74% of the MeToo perpetrators.jpg (1200x656 81.23 KB, 124.31K)

Low effort. Fuck off.

Attached: US Army sings National Anthem of Israel.webm (640x360, 9.34M)

Okay, so this wasn't counter to miltary protocol, thanks.

What? An American jew actually serving in the military? I never heard of that.

the complete sub saharan miscegenation of israel is the only bright speck on our horizon.

10,000 jews killed by a stampede alone? Black Friday has a lot to learn from the Romans.

Anthems are kinda samey as a genre, I wonder if armies ever cross-train on each other’s anthems to build up genre-talent.

As opposed to 1945 when we fought against our brothers at behest of the kikes?

If you look closely at the left there's a blue and white flag, sometimes as the wind moves it, it shows the star, that's the flag of israel. They are actually flying the kike flag dude, it's worse than you thought.

Josephus is such a liar about a great deal of many things, I don't understand why Romans would ever have an ethnically jewish historian even though they had to throw jews out of Rome by then multiple times.

Especially since Josephus wrote "Against Apion".

Attached: ClipboardImage.png (1285x407, 446.68K)

The Jews absolutely and completely own America (aka Jewmerica). You can only stay mad.


But if jews run the country, is it really treason?

Attached: kikels.webm (198x360, 949.99K)

Fuck off cuck. Shill your shitty eceleb trash elsewhere you manlet ass faggot

Hey, remember that Russian diplomat shooting? Meme it, time for some head cropping and exchanging shenanigans.

That was pleasant to imagine.

t. jew

fuck off shlomo

Start writing your letters and making your phone calls if it concerns you so much. Just like that commie fuck that got the boot from the academy, this fuck can be held to the fire as well.

Blame the evangelist cuckstians.. They're more pro-Israel than the Israel lobby. Hitler was right, Christianity has to go, too.