A site called imgsrc.ru has based a entire CP pedo network, and it needs to be destroyed. I dont know how and i dont care. I leave that up to pol to do. Iam only here to spread awareness of this sick site.
Other urls found in this thread:
Age of consent was instituted by the Jews
No one's arguing against impregnating aryan women in their prime. People who go for pubescent/prepubescent kids should be executed though.
Do it yourself fag
Looks like someone is butthurt im exposing their favorite site you sick fuck.
Zig Forums is FULL OF PEDOS…you aren't going to get any support here. Try the FED's most likely they will laugh at you too, because it is their child porn.
Reported for linking to child porn.
Are you serious? So all im doing by posting this is giving the pedos a site to goto?
I thought pol could do anything. Shoot up a mosque with 50 muslims no big deal. Find shilohs fag flag no deal. Crash pedo site tho nope cant do that
LOL and how the fuck do you think an army of pedos is going to help "destroy" this site
Yes. I have tried to fight the pedos on Zig Forums but since it used to be a muslim/semitic/kike site they have ZERO morals or decency at all. Indeed most of them are the lowest most degenerate POS that you could ever hope to brush up against. Total goat fuckers…not a European among them.
How do i delete this thread? I think ive made a mistake and just going to give the site more traffick
You have to hold down the power button on your computer until the post disappears
You can ask the mods but I don't think they will delete it for you.
Lurking before posting would be a good first move
Yeah your right. Im a dumbass and wasnt thinking. Can you help report this thread.
Already downloaded everything OP thanks.
Hehehehe -Michael Jackson approves
And besides it's not even CP. Its jailbait. Beautiful legal and delicious jailbait for me to enjoy.
I will report your thread user. It probably won't do any good. On the good side, all the kikes will be jerking off to torture porn of little kids for the evening.
Thanks for the link bro
This site is cancer
all antipedo threads on 4chan get flasharchived or 404d within 5mins
why is this
Must be destroyed
I don't know if it's possible to destroy this kind of shit. Just look at the triforce chans; they change their domain name at least once a month so they can continue to operate. The only way you could really stop them is to dox them. I'd love to help, but I don't have the faintest idea about how one would go about doing that.
AI is coming.
It will be destroyed by AI. The users will be destroyed as well. I can't wait.
these niggers would fuck 12 year olds..
These people like to talk shit about Muslims. But they would bang kids
White people are just as bad as niggers and Muslims
semite detected
You muzzies are the worst things on the planet because you are semites, just like the kikes. Not to long from now you will all be exterminated and gone, your 'trial' will be over and you can go back to hell where you belong.
That's like saying killing your enemies is wrong because your enemies killing you is wrong.
Well, I found what OP is posting about but I don't want to click on those fucking links to prove it.
This is a sketchy ass website. I tried to visit a link not openly stating it was hosting CP and it asks you to click like, 30 fucking links. I ain't touching this shit OP. Good luck on your gay op.
what's this? It says you need a password
they likely communicate through GTA SA online and that other video game
The biggest Pedo network is here at Zig Forums. Again, another anti pedo thread and no mention of this.
You all are mentally ill.
I followed the links because I'm very well aware of the laws in my area and Im fucking safe
There's no fucking CP you dumb kike
It's all just semi-lewd pics of kids, you have no clue all of the other shit you can find, even with google images.
Please, stop larping