Merkel: Police should guard every synagogue, jewish school & daycare in Germany
what did they expect?
This should get good
What's the matter merkel, any particular reason why you're expecting anti-semitic attacks? Seems like she's aware of an event that's going to piss off a lot of anti-semites in the near future.
Merkel fits into that picture too well
This. Buckle up boys they're coming for you. Hopefully whatever German anons are left know.
Sounds awfully like concentration camps no? ;)
Germans prefer efficiency.
better to have them all moved to centralised locations with an armed guard and amenities
Makes me wonder if Merkel wasn't pitched this idea because she knew the left would eat it up, but the plot twist is that the "police" are actually RWDS.
was pitched
8 minutes to 11 is RWDS time
Its almost like if you let in a bunch of anti Semites from the middle east in your country then anti jew crimes go up????!??!?
Maybe Merkel is really our gal???
Only possible strategy I can think of is her low key threatening the jews to protect herself. She's not our girl, but she likely fears the jew.
Refugees will be given complete voting rights as a way of keeping the EU alive. Here in the United States they import poor garbage that gets propped up by white working class and the poor garbage muddies the voting waters. The more poor garbage the better. Dianne Feinstein magically got a few 100k votes California to secure her spot as senator. The more people the harder it is to really pay attention to what goes on. Currently they are flooding Texas and AZ with Mexicans to completely fuck the states from here on out. Sinema was given some magical votes when the counting was at 99.8% and she was statistically unable to win. John Mccains little mentee didn't challenge it because she was going to be given a senate spot from Gov Ducey since Mccain died. Arizona now has 2 cunts who will hold their seats for 20+ years. Taxes and city based fees will go up along with cost of actual housing. Public education will continue to tank and crime will rise. They will respond by blaming private gun sales and we will turn into Colorado in it's current position and then eventually California. Phoenix is growing so damn fast. AZ is fucked.
When you fall over yourself to cuck for your kike masters, but it's still not enough for them.
"You'll break in half bowing to a Jew"
- Russian saying
Honestly how much more obvious does it have to be krauts
the jews RULE you
"Your" soldiers and police literally guard them
Do they protect you?
Your daughters?
They are litterally an oppressive totalitarian government controlled by a tiny powerful minority
and even by cucked liberal values
that means you should fucking rebel.
Merkel need only give one more order and Germany would be saved.
MIGApedes here would do that for free Mrs Merkel, you wouldn't mind accepting a bunch of MIGA faggots from Jewmerica, would you?
This cunt is so desperate to save her job.
Take away Cuckman shit-porn. Problem solved.
It's almost like the Jews run Germany.
But fuck curches and Christian schools obviously
you mean like soccer fields, pools, and wodden doors?
"Kill Angela Merkel. Kill Erdogan. Kill Sadiq Khan."
why isn't merkel and sweden feminists not a meme yet?
Oh yes.
The real question is, why has this wretched, pharisees-fellating cunt not yet been strung up from a light pole?
Germany became a jewish state after WW2. Indeed Police should guard all jews there. What else makes sense?
German cops are lazy, incompetent, inefficient and afraid to prosecute anyone who resists or poses the slightest threat.
That's why invaders do whatever they please.
With more and more Germans having nothing to lose cops won't even be very useful as simple meat shields let alone effective defense forces.
Thats kikey, but ill take it.
New official Merkel meme, keep dressing in all black faggots.
I keked
Why not, pretty sure you've already sucked all their dicks.
If both jews and arabs are semites then would semitic gassing of jews be antisemitic or intersemitic?
So who will be guarding the police stations while they are all out doing that?
I need to go buy some popcorn, it's going to be fun to watch this policy play out…
Yes explain that. Obviously the fat seacow is for democracy since it entails total slavery at the hands of oligarchs whose only concern is expanding and protecting their own wealth and villas. The typical limousine liberal class who ruins every nation they decide to parasite on.
As the person who invited millions of refugees into Europe and promoted uncontrolled immigration and the refugee crisis, it's a little hypocritical for her to turn around and criticize intolerance when she is the one who has played a big part in the resurgence of right wing extreme thinking and destabilized the EU.
She doesn't care about how many communities and families she ruins. Because no matter how many lives she destroys like all the elites they can return to their 24/7 walled and guarded secure compounds.
Shouldn't blame her as much as you should blame the fucking Jew'd germans who actually voted for the kike, I mean who actually votes for dumb stupid shit like this anyways? Women?
Most "anti-semitism" in Germany is from the shitskins they import.
That is tragic if true.
Because we are peaceful people. I am telling you that without a targeted BioChem intervention against ALL SUBHUMANS, nothing will ever get done.
jews are incompetent and basically borderline retarded. They are so stupid that they will eventually engineer their own demise. The question, and really this is the ONLY QUESTION, is by going along with their blatant RETARDATION, how many of our people are going to go down to the slaughter with the kikes?
84 average IQ Zig Forums…what do you think is going to happen when an 84 average IQ 'runs the show'?
Consider it done.
This is all part of the 'open borders' communist pillaging of the European people. I actually had a dream about this the other day. What does it mean to 'be a nation' if the entire planet has 'voting rights' about what happens in your nation?
So 'nations' were made meaningless by the globalist retards who PRETENDED that a 'nation' was the borders and not THE PEOPLE. A NATION IS THE DNA/BLOODLINE PEOPLE, not the 'border'. They tried to make 'national confusion' by saying OVER AND OVER AND OVER that when someone is 'born in a border' that they are 'a part of your NATION' but this is a TOTAL LIE. Look how far communism has taken this…right up to the edge of total and complete collapse.
This should be especially funny in Berlin, where the Arabs run the police.
He's kind of correct in that assessment. It's not the white population though that reacts to this but muslims go rampant on jews if they can get away with it. Funny that (((their))) push for diversity once again puts them in some victim situation.
Voting rights are a farce, oligarchs in the west who protect their own wealth and income streams have most say in politics. Nations were made irrelevant by these people who decided to work together internationally, thus it has become much easier for them to play nations out against each other. We're currently at a point that it's very hard for any western nation to make an effective fist against corporate rule, as they're elected by this corporate rule. I don't think more democracy would solve this, it would lead to people demanding more liberty, property, rights and it would probably lead to an anarchy. A nation is defined by its bloodline and people, its rulers and dominant culture/ideology/religions. The rulers are the globalization elite, banks, and the culture is defined by an endless demand for more equality, social justice and liberty which has theside effect of leading to less rights and less freedom.
>Funny that (((their))) push for diversity once again puts them in some victim situation.
It would be funny if it affected those kikes with power. Occasional acts against low tier kikes just allow the higher ups and their shabbos to tighten the grip on the people who rightfully own the nation.
This. They aren't surprised, it's according to plan.
Don't go into a Jewish "daycare."
There's normal daycares for everyone. I see them all the time.
Blacks, arabs, europeans, everyone, all in the same normal daycare.
So what the FUCK is a Jewish Daycare?
There's no such thing, is there! But if you go in, will they be raping children or something? Are you not allowed to see what Jews do with children when they're completely alone? Why guard the entrance?
It's madness! Unless… unless there's something really fucked up going on inside Jewish Daycares.
yeh they will probably be much easier to protect if they are all concentrated in one area. What do you guys think? has anything like this ever been tried before?
It would absolutely make sense that they use nondiscrimination laws to put themselves in positions of impunity. I predict women going to the police after being rapefugeed and only getting raped by the cops for their trouble.
If you live in some "western" country you should fucking say that to yourself you moron.
because morons think that judaism is a religion, so its ok. Just like catholic or evangelic daycare facilities. Muslims ones exist aswell, I guess.
Germans do not get to vote for individuals. They vote for a party and the victorious party appoints an individual. It is still stupid, but who really knows how Germans tend to vote? The ballot counters will come to the correct tally regardless of what is in the ballot boxes.
Everywhere is growing really really fast in the US. Look at the stats, its insane the population growth in massive numbers of cities. I am pretty sure the subhuman influx is vastly under reported. Nothing explains how thousands of cities across the nation are doing 6-8% growth other than external immigration on a scale that dwarfs anything we even pretend to talk about. Most new subdivisions across the nation are 60-70% of one demographic or another, they are getting imported en mass together and dropped right next to each other. Some are nearly entirely poo while down the street another may be muzzy, down another street some kind of asian chink, and then the hordes from africa given plush subsidies being black. And the ever present spreading of the nigger infestation thru subsidized section 8 and various housing grants.
They have kicked things into over drive.
It’s immigration, but not from foreign countries, just from people escaping California as immigrants push them out of their own state
They are manufacturing holohoax 2.0 because the old holohoax is losing steam.
Merkel is a jew and a communist.
Oh no, stop :) and here i was, wondering how to find them