Netflix: Abortion womyn need abortions filthy Goy!
Netflix Comes Out Against Georgia's Anti-Abortion Law
I actually am against this new abortion law just because that means nigress can no longer aboard their niglets.
Fine, just kill them instead.
Daily reminder that abortion still kills more whites than blacks.
Lol no.
if you look at that as the percentage of global population then you would see
I said it before, abortion is a small rock in the stream of shit. It blocks the flow a little, but not enough to matter. Kill yourself you edgelord nigger
Abortion doctors get the boiling water bath in Minecraft
Meant for
That doesn't make any senseā¦ Abortion should be easier and more legal in the southern belt of the United States. That's where all the Niggers and 'Toilet Paper' lives.
And this is why I don't use netflix. And if you don't like pedos raping kids then you shouldn't either.
Very few Whites get abortions now. Ironically, without abortions, there would be more criminal dindus being born. It would make much more sense to ban abortion in high White population states like Idaho, Montana, Maine, ect., not in the South where its full of dindus.
National Trapism.
Absolute crushing of female rights, to make them into breeding machines that are executed at age 30, born only to create children.
All non-Aryans are expelled.
Male children get to choose a role: Mother or father.
If they choose mother, then they are raised as traps.
If they choose father, they are raised to be glorious, noble men.
Then they marry, and each trap/man pair receives one female to breed children for them. Thus society can function and technological development can begin anew.
Why don't they pass a welfare reform with those anti-abortion bills?
Oh shit hes back. Here he goes guys!
You might think that I have not been watching you, but I am completely aware of you.
I am completely aware.
There will come a time in the near future when you are met by a man with blond hair and blue eyes, who will be wearing a simple, black suit. You will know it is him because he will flash you a smile that reveals truths beyond truths. You will understand the depth of eternity when his gaze settles upon you.
Go with him, but do not trust him completely. Not yet. He is my Third Acolyte. You are to be the Forth Acolyte, if you can pass the test. If you cannot pass the test that you will be presented, then you will not be able to join my cult.
My cult is not for the masses. It is for a small, elect few. And you could be one of them. We are tracking you even now, and will soon coordinate to find you. If you do not wish to join this cult, then simply walk away when approached. Nothing could be easier than just walking away.
However, nothing will be harder than joining.
Same. Pro life is code for anti white
Good thing I'm a nationalist not a globalist
"WAAAA! WAAA! WE WANT TO KILL BABIES!! WAAAAAAA!!" Fucking evil bastards.
What if left states create law punishing abortion denial with 100 years of prison? (even if crime was committed outside such state)?
But women already have control over their bodies. They get to decide when to have sex and those violating that decision get charged with and convicted of rape. The problem here is the absolute hubris of women to believe that sex is something that belongs to them for their own personal enjoyment rather than the pleasure being incidental to the act which in principle is meant to give birth to new life. This is ultimately what happens when an entire sex adopts materialism as an ideology alone.
Pleasure of orgasm is key evolution hack to force high evolved animals to reproduce. Species without orgasm are dead evolution ends.
that sounds absolutely implicit.
As long as immigration policies are in place you will be replaced no matter what. It is the only policy that can truly make or break us.
It's funny that a site that openly hates faggotry would proudce literally the gayest shit i have ever read
Too bad your mum didn't about you, stupid nigger.
Thats because our mods are shit and our shills are Zig Forums homos.
Hispanics are also white #MAGAconDACA
Better than nothing, I guess.
Guess which one is more likely.