Here’s the link, this will make libshits think less about trump getting impeached
Here’s the link, this will make libshits think less about trump getting impeached
oh ho ho ho
Your retarded this is to obviously fuck with Democrats
lol I voted in favor of impeachment, thanks for the link faggot
Kikes every time. Yet you niggers never say anything bad about Dems. It's always Trump. Makes me think neither of you actually belong, or that you're bots.
Do they even have a valid reason to push for it or is it still ‘Muh Russians!’?
How many Democrats even realize Mueller himself is a Republican?
If you align with either party you are the enemy.
Enemy to who exactly?
Smelly dumb anime poster scum.
It is you who don't belong here. Go back to reddit you faggot.
It's going to be obstruction at this point. Or some shit that doesn't matter because the AG won't charge him, the Senate won't follow through either. It's posturing for 2020.
No shit that each party is shitty the best shitty one is Republicans
Democucks, Republicucks, what's even the fucking difference anymore
Voted yes. Fuck kikes.
Nope. They are both the enemy to whites. If you support etiher party you are the fucking enemy, period. No 'if, and' or 'buts'.
Whose enemy? Yours? I think I can live with that.
Sure smells like summer in here.
Lets vote to impeach.
The enemy of the republic.
The enemy of the people.
The enemy of western civilization.
The enemy of the white race.
The enemy of the human species.
The difference is the people. Politicians are all cucks but a lot of actual right-wing and conservative voters still follow the Republican Party which is a lot more then what can be said about Democrats. We can take control of the narrative but oh yeah Zig Forums is 2cool for doing anything now. Tarantino would be disappointed
What difference? You're all the same fucking kiked retarded niggers
That’s because you’re letting kikes control the narrative
Yeah it definitely does now that you are here, it smells like summer and anal lube.
lol, the shills STILL dont know what makes them stand out.
shhh nobody tell them
What is the point of that?
Did they seriously use bridgette?
Yes, we're all letting kikes control the narrative because Trump and all the other republican faggots aren't the biggest jew dick suckers on the planet right? You homos say you're winning all the time and yet shit keeps on getting worse
I don't plan on saying shit to them.
Retarded Democrats already think Republicans are Nazis, we’re halfway there, we can make that a realty if we actually tried. Subvert Republicans user
they always have a way of signaling to everyone that theyre a shill.
pretty sure quite a few white nationalists and self proclaimed national socialists ran (and won) as republicans fairly recently.
that'll never happen with democrats, but does happen with republicans and at an increasing rate. yet democrats larping as "nazis" on this board still like to tell "us" not to vote for any republicans or vote in any election, even local. they even have the audacity to suggest "but if youre going to vote; vote democrat! for acceleration!" yea, so we can become like sweden, faster.
Name them then, I bet you can't and anyone you do name is going to be a pro-kike nigger loving shill
name one
Sup cuckchan
arthur jones to name 1 you stupid cuckchan faggots. lurk for 2 more years before ever posting again.
your time on cuckchan and reddit dont transfer here; youre both newfags.
A candidate who was denounced by the Gay Old Pedophiles, and lost, doesn't make the Israel-worshiping Republikikes secretly pro-White.
that wasnt the claim, kike. reread the post. i know its hard for your nigger brain to understand anything other than jungle drums and clicks, but spend atleast 2 years reading the post and maybe you'll get its meaning.
or not, i dont really care what some random literal nigger thinks.
Get the fuck out.
Not a single one of the "Nazi" candidates who ran won, and all of them were denounced by the Republikike party. Your claims is false.
David Duke and Tom Metzger both ran as Democrats, so maybe we should al be voting straight Demokike tickets and secretly taking the "bad" jew-party over?
Voted yes
such amazing levels of cope and faggotry in this one single post. he has that r/TD stank on him.
Thanks for the heads up OP, voted YES.
Fuck this kike.
Friendly reminder… exit polls consistently show 36% of whites (traitors) vote Democrat along with 90% of blacks; 80% of (((other))) mongrels who want to accelerate the US into Sweden for the gibs.
Have a nice day, shills…
It isn't just the Whites who vote for the "wrong" jew-party who are traitors. Anyone who puts any faith in jew-owned politicians is one.
Learn English, Pajeet.
Would be a shame if we found out where Adriel lived and harassed his family…man it would be a shame. Don’t you anons think so?
This is the problem with Zig Forums nowadays. Not only do you people, along with your e-celebs, tell people to vote Democrat now but you at the same time promote glow in the darks.
Calling you "Trumpniggers" is an insult to niggers.
I don'y have a shitter account so I couldn't vote yes.
So is call you "Stormniggers" of which do far more damage to the country and Whites as a whole.
I'm more interested in making kikes lynch themselves. Let me know when you find a suicide poll from one of them.
So you have no argument. Get out there in real life and do some "National Socialist" shit or STFU cowardly larper.
There is nothing you can do to convince me to vote for politicians in either political party, they are both the enemy of whites, they are both complicit in immigrating spics into the country. Get the fuck out.
1245 followers of a leftist means nothing OP. Think before your stupid ass posts.
Kill yourself Trumpnigger I hope Trump gets impeached or chokes to death on McDonald's while in office.
Took some deep pilpul to get anons rooting for the Democrats in a 2 party system, but they did it in the end. Simple insults fail here, a steady dripfeed of shaming worked better.
This is how brainwashing works, get ONE point of agreement something isn't perfect and proceed with slow leverage, once a few points have been conceded it's impossible for an average mind to go back, they have to double-down and convert all the way. Only way to keep a stable cohesive ego structure.
Well u see someone might post an 56% meme and that feels bad. Best to give up and wait for Hitler2 that the kikes can't criticise.
Mcfucking killyouself you nigger
What's the point at this stage? Is this them admitting that they are not making 2020? We have less than a year before a potential change so what would this solve especially since nothing would get done before that time?
smash that yes button.
forcibly remove him from office and start the boogaloo already.
Foolish donald trump has dragged us white people into an unwinnable trade war against China. Why Trump always want to force Western value over everybody? We must oppose Trump and support BASED China like st. Tarent saying it.
How do you do, fellow American?
Impeach the con-mander I don't see any wall
What would it matter if they got rid of ZOGnald? The moment they do we get Pence who is better because he'd be gassing the fags and trannies back to Hell unlike faggotrump.
Yes I am fellow American. My family is purely Aryan and we own a lobster fishing business in Utah. Every time I take my boat out to sea I feel sad because the Trump's trade war means we cannot selling lobster to China anymore. China develop very much and take lot people out of poverty. We should copy China as St. Tarant said.
The chinks really aren't sending their brightest shills here.
We are a proud Mormon Utahn family. "Lobster fishing" is simply our quaint little way of saying we farm lobsters indoors.
Anyway, the point stands that Trump's trade war is devastating the U.S. economy. Tariffs have never worked as a permanent policy and they never will, because all they do is increase tensions and burden the local consumer. We need to vote the ZOGnald out of office to protect America.
How did your English improve between posts? Did the shill army swap you out for a native-speaking coworker?
Being a Utahn from America, I have always been a native speaker of English. You're hallucinating.
The real issue here isn't whether I am a Chinese shill. I am not. Instead, the actual question is "should we continue supporting ZOGnald Trump?" The answer is NO. Trump is destroying our country and he is part of the kike's divide and conquer tactics on the gentile nations. We must remember that the Chinese are our friends.
I really am sick of leftists and their dumb fucking polls and petitions. They don't fucking mean anything. They feel so fucking accomplished over nothing. Sub-humans.
Enjoy an obligatory filter.
Fuck off
天安门大屠杀 Tiananmen Massacre
Trumpjew is angry I see
Bugmen must really be pissed at the tariffs to be shilling this hard.
I don't get it. Why won't Trump name the Jew and nuke Israel already?
I mean, it's unseemly for our president not to be literally Hitler.
Trump is a fucking traitor to the white race, clearly.
Indeed he is
the democrats want to replace us in 10 years, the republicans want to replace us in 15 years, aren't they fucking based? Vote trump!
I voted yes
Zion Don needs to go
Five extra years. You can kill a lot of people in five years.
Not you, of course. I don't expect shit from you, even if the clock was down to 15 minutes. You'd probably spend the last 14 minutes jerking off to anime.