Authorities cracked down hard on WN before (WW2, 80s, 90s) - they'll do it again if they need to...

Authorities cracked down hard on WN before (WW2, 80s, 90s) - they'll do it again if they need to. I've spent so much time the last couple years on the internet thinking I was sacrificing myself for the greater cause. Political movements aren't successful because of the lower class masses, but by secret societies comprised of the elite.
Young men shouldn't dabble in to these ideas - it does nothing for their lives, if it does - it's only damage.
Aryans won't survive this century.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Jew thread

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Yes. Also reeks of asses and asscracks

OP is a spineless pussy.

What has all this time you've spent on the internet done for you personally (in terms of gaining actual influence) or for Aryans (in terms of building a strong group identity)? Nothing. Whites are losing influence by the day.

I'd fucking hope it is. Jews make up the elite class. Whites are on pace to be genocided. Go and spend time on 'white' threads - but only if you think they actually do something for you - ANYTHING. They don't.

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They can't crack down on invisible targets.

Of course there isn’t a political solution. Doesn’t mean you give up like a whimpering pussy.

Read Siege, faggot.

Oh look, its the KILL ALL WHITE NATIONALISTS spammer making a thread. I'm sure the mods will be quick to remove this thread that is the definition of low-effort spam.
Surely they will.

Bump to see it done.

Than what? The hierarchy will magically invert and Whites will be on top? A collapse of the dollar would ONLY harm the lower classes. Upper class Jews will be virtually unaffected.

First time making a thread in quite a while, actually. Care to put forth a solution as to how Aryans will see the 22nd century?

What's your implied alternative?
A FUCKING TON! Are you joking?

Yeeeeah, how has that worked out historically?
Go on, tell me "oy vey this is totally different goy!" you fucking faggot.

What, precisely, is this thread supposed to do for me?

Explain to me in detail how not browsing Zig Forums and not holding Nationalistic ideals will improve my life - in the same terms you defined - and what the alternative to such actions is IRL and how THAT will do "something for you".
I know you're used to just spamming 1-2 line shitposts, but actually come up with an argument. Make some statements defining what you would like to see people do INSTEAD OF what you're suggesting they stop doing. Be specific and in-depth in your explanations of EXACTLY what you want to see people do and HOW that will be more beneficial than what you're urging them to abandon.


That's what I'm asking you for faggot.
If you're basically saying "just give up guiz" then you are in fact nothing but a demoralization shill and there is NO JUSTIFICATION In this thread lasting any longer than it takes for the mods to be active again next.

If you AREN'T that, then see

and get to fucking work explaining yourself and providing a solution as to how Aryans will see the end of the 22nd century in YOUR eyes.

Again, if all you're saying is "nah bro you're dead game over give up" then its EXTREMELY obvious that you're here for no purpose other than to push demoralization, which has no place on this board.

Mods are active right now, BTW, and OP has been reported for low-effort/QTDDTOT.

… I wonder what they were mass-spoilering…

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It doesnt matter if we are to win or to lose. Read, at the least, the first 2 chapters of bhagavad gita, it will take 15 minutes. All what matters is we go out fighting the best we could.

I wish I had the answers. Centres of power in the West (cities) aren't White, singularity approaching - we're in a bind to say the least.
I'm praying that somewhere, a group of elite Whites are secretly networking. I have my doubts they'll be able to wield influence in any meaningful way.
Again, I don't have the answers. Maybe there is someone smarter than me or you in here that can lay out their master plan. I'm done browsing Zig Forums looking for that guy though, I haven't seen him.
The only people I know that are doing anything interesting are the YouTubers Aarvoll and Kenneth Brown. Been doing videos for over a year each and average only hundreds of views. Look in to them.

I concur.

Then why did you make this thread?
If you don't have the answers, you have no place telling others that their answers are wrong, do you? No, you do not.
And now you're just shilling awful jewtube e-celebs? What is this shit dude?

Then, again, shut the fuck up loser, and take your own advice by fucking off the board and never coming back.
Come back in 2 years with proof of that its "done something for you".

Oh, and as for 'muh influence', pic related.

Attached: Jews - Greatest Fear.jpg (803x821, 233.56K)

I made this thread to tell young guys to stop wasting their time 'shitposting'. I have trouble taking my own advice, but I'm of such a low birth that I wouldn't even be allowed in to elite circles. I'm blackpilled and posted this to see if anyone could offer me hope - negative.
They aren't e-celebs. Their interested, it seems, in creating community/secret society. Says a lot that they have to do it on YouTube.

Warrior-type violence is near obsolete, if not already. What are we going to do? Organize thousands of armed men? Expect drones and no sympathy from the public, as if the masses opinion on such a thing would matter the slightest.

But you don't have the answers, so why would you feel you are in any position to tell them that?
Well then take mine in doing what I told you in taking your own. Believe in the me that believes in you being a fucking moron or a shill.
Thats a lie and you know it, so fuck off.
Yeah, they are.
Yeah, that's why violence is still ubiquitous in employment and the sole mechanism of enforcing a given order. God you're fucking shit.
Kill the enemy.
Good, we'll have them too.
The most retarded thing you've said all thread.
There's already millions of people who would sympathize, let alone as things get worse.

You have already admitted that you are a demoralized faggot with no answers of your own, so you have ZERO FUCKING JUSTIFICATION in telling others how to live their lives, because you don't even know how to live your own life.
Fuck. Off.

Bump to remind everyone that this is probably a mod making this thread.

It's interesting enough to see how actually scared the shills must be to write threads like this.

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Ya know, if I thought this was a LARP by a jew, or even a simple demoralization shill, that'd be one thing.
But I suspect this is actually our moderation staff trying to LARP as a demoralized faggot in the desperate bid to create moralizing discussion on the board. Rather than doing this by eliminating demoralizing or disruptive commentary, they've chosen instead to go full freeze-peach - unless its REALLY damaging to the their image, like BLACKED spam or what have you - and LARP as shills and jews and demoralized Zig Forumsacks to try to synthetically generate the sort of discussions that used to happen on cuckchan but which are mostly unnecessary on a board whose user-base is almost-exclusively already on-board with the narrative.
These fags are never happy.

Classic still got a kek from me, ty m'lad.

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You got the right idea, you're just looking in the wrong place.

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Fuck off and die, yid

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These replies are brilliant propaganda-wise. Only thing is is that they don't actually carry any weight.

Violence is of course as useful as ever. What im saying is that the violence of today is wielded by merchants-types, not warrior-types.
What comes before that? Preposterous. "But one day, out of the blue, for no apparent reason, we'll be able to field a large army." Joke ting.
Ok, fine. We'll have some.
We'll have less drones, less men, less tools. How do you think wars are won? Numbers and strategy. Jew and Jew golem outperform WNs in both aspects.
If Americans and Brits were dumb enough to follow the Jews orders 80 years ago, what has changed? Racism was more common back then, the most popular radio-guy was a Nazi, most Americans were German - didn't matter. The few that did sympathize with the Reich? Without hesitation they had their rights taken away. Public opinion doesn't mean jacksquat.

When the last cumsk!n is impregnated with elite black seed, i will make my final sandwich from your newly conquered fridge wh*te boi

If I'm not a Jew or a Jew golem shill, what am I?

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Nigger, you don't have any answers and you're telling other people how to lives their lives.
Go figure out how to live your own life and STFU.

No its not. Its wielded by warriors employed by merchant-types, and they are overwhelmingly White and increasingly recalcitrant.
This right here.

You are a future bathrobe for my half black daughter. Race war soon cumsk!n.

A Nigger

Why are you complaining about him shilling instead of the people whose job it is to stop shilling allowing not only his shilling, but the shill thread in which he is shilling, to exist on the board?

Its like I shoot you with a crossbow and you start arguing with the bolt instead of firing your body guard.

White women of child-bearing age make up 2% of the global population. They have an average of 1.5 kids. Multiply their current numbers by. 75 and you will get the number of childbearing white women next generation. Keep carrying that over.

Blacked will become the worlds most recognizable brand.

Jews will have a feast day in which they toast to the genocide of the Aryan race.

It'll call come crashing down because

Psycho-nigger MLK watched rape and laughed about it.

Forgot my pics.

Attached: Military Demographics 2016 - (((Council on Foreign Relations)

Try it cumsk!n. I bet an african and a jew bring you to jail for my hefty black brothers to maul.

And now you've just given up entirely haven't you?

What about jewish women?

We are in a unique time in history. The lügenpresse has lost it's iron grip. The only time we have come close the the free flow of information that we have now is when pamphleteers were in their heyday, but it's nothing compared to the power of the internet. We can instantly fact check. Not only can lies like the holohoax no longer be perpetrated, but they can't last. Even the most detached normies are hearing rumblings about wooden doors and dancing Israelis. They are asking why Trump is such an absolute disgusting cuck for kikery.

The tide will soon turn, probably in the next 5 years, and kikes will lose their grip on the narrative. The world will return to it's normal state of nationalism. Hordes of normies will follow the path of Paul Nehlen, and their combined rage will shake the foundations of our society. The zionist traitors will likely not survive.

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bump for exposure

Funny thing is, I bet this is cover-shilling. Now the mods will come back, delete this IP's posts, but leave the thread and claim to have done a good deed.
Its all so tiresome.

hush goyim


You're funny if not anything else

Our 700 million Aryan brothers in Latin America will help us kill the (((press))).

Yep, I knew it.
This is a mod thread.

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This is our moderation staff lads.

In case you were wondering, the thread that got deleted was the "i came out as trans today" thread.
I guess it didn't get the response they were hoping for.

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Stop being paranoid, mods don't exist

Aww… I was going to post in that one to call the guy a faggot.

t. Aryan teen girl

Might as well not.
Hell, might be better if they didn't.
/int/fags like you only ever shit things up.

You are degenerates, the products of degeneration reactions at the societal level.
You are the embodiment of the failures of society that will result in the downfall of the societies upon which you are reliant and you will subsequently be slaughtered when those societies crumble as the direct consequence of the presence of degenerates like yourselves.

And nobody will miss you at all.

The last 10 or so posts have turned this into a potentially successful Jew Thread in to yet another failure White thread.
Mods can go ahead and delete.
OPs permission.

You don't have to give yourself permission to delete your own shitposts you immense organismal failure.

I'm moving to india to become a yogi. They'll never find me there. Going to start a grass-roots aryan movement, by having a 'movement' in the grass.

I usually post on 4chan. Thought 8channers may have been of a higher caliber. Nope.

Attached: Ay Yo.PNG (1363x830, 1.78M)

both places are
use reddit, that's where the quality is

Or return to natural order. You're being deliberately obtuse on this.
If Aryans don't see the 22nd century no one else will either.

No you don't. You post here basically daily. You don't even try to be subtle anymore, which is the most disgusting thing about it.

Zig Forums has completely ceased to have any purpose in its existence. Its just a slower, smaller 4chan, run by the same caliber of worthless infantile vermin.

Then literally why are you even posting here…?

That's a good question. Habit mostly.
I've started posting on 4chan a lot more.

Its better at this point.

I guess its more than habit, really.

Like, imagine you have this friend. And you're watching him slowly fall apart because he's got these people in his life who are utter trash. You've demonstrated that these people are trash on several occasions, which isn't very hard, because they are such trash.

But your friend doesn't seem able to give them up. Its like theres something forcing him to keep them around.
You might consider casting that friend aside and just giving up on him, but if you're a true friend, you'll keep coming around on occasion to at least check in on him. See how hes doing, maybe find a chance to remind him as to what trash he's brought into his own life, and maybe, someday, that trash will fuck up so spectacularly that you're finally able to get him to see how badly they've fucked up his life.

So I guess that's why, really. Zig Forums Zig Forums is like an old friend, just like 4chan. Occasionally, you stop in to see how they're doing and remind them what trash they've brought into their lives, and how much damage its done to them, even if you can't force them to change.

The difference is, 4chan has a lot more friends than Zig Forums does, and trash though both might be, at least you have more people to talk to who aren't trash there than you do here.

Yeah, they network in congress, corporate board rooms and at members-only country clubs. (((Who))) exactly do you think elite Whites conspire with, fren?

Americans and Latinos are Aryan

Checked for truth.

I beg to differ, lampshade.

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