I sincerely hope that more Christian churches in the US see terrorism. Religion is root of all things wrong is western society. Atheism must rise. Am I wrong?
I hope more Christian churches get attacked
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Yes and no. We should have a religion based on glorifying nature, our traditions and history, like Shinto
If that was true, things wouldn't be getting worse marching to Weimar despite religiousity at an all time low.
Does that have to be a religion? We should just teach that to kids at an early age.
Killing the pope would be excellent for the movement.
Yeah. The fact that you hate religion instead of being indifferent to it shows that you're simply a recalcitrant child when it comes to matters of spirituality. If you were truly "over" such ideas, you wouldn't rage against them. You'd simply ignore them, or patronize them. The fact that you have such visceral anger against organized religion is similar to the way a young child shows such visceral disdain towards toys/tv shows/activities he insists he's outgrown. The anger comes from insecurity. An adult doesn't need to insists they hate children's television programming, they simply ignore it. Or they let their children indulge in it because it's a useful tool to keep them occupied.
You hate religion and rigid spirituality because you have yet to outgrow it.
Hop to it champ and good luck
Well shinto isn't very organized in Japan yet you can still call it a religion. I guess it's up to you whether you'd want to describe doing those things as a religious practice. You could say you're just doing what I described, or you could give your behaviour a cool name and call it a religion like Shinto in Japan.
I don't want to. Ideally all forms of religion would be destroyed.
Criticism of modern religion is legitimate, as it has been irredeemably coopted. That being said, atheism is unironically its own modern religious sect. A return to a volkisch weltanshauung is the solution. To dismiss anything beyond the mundane material realm is pure foolishness. As long as a religion can further the prosperity of the Aryan, it’s okay in my book.
You are the child, my friend. Religion is a form of child abuse. They will answer for all the kids they have raped. All atheists who sit back and watch this folly go on are cowards.
"atheism is unironically its own modern religious sect" You are a retard. Also, learn how to spell.
Yeah you’re wrong because the only root cause you can see is religion and the only solution you can think of involves destroying more lives. You’re the same as a guy who beats his wife because she makes him lose his temper by not cooking the meatloaf right.
Oh please all knowing faggot, tell us what is legitimate.
I would never beat my wife. Christians do that as well as rape little boys. Religion supports rape, child abuse, etc.
Checked and fuck religion pilled
the only people who attack churches are mudshits.
ITT: How to get lynched by Cletus and friends
If his wife is reciting scripture 24/7 and won't listen to correction then something is going to give.
Christianity is just a form of retreat. It's not martial.
White Atheist here.. I am particularly disgusted with Christ-fags undying support for Israel. I'll comment about how much fucking money we send those jews and how they use and abuse us,, and they respond with a fucking bible verse about supporting Israel to get a blessing from the sky daddy.
So you're admitting religion is just something we make up?
We need a nigger muslim to kill the pope.
Maybe that will wake up European Catholics .
If two people think of the same idea is it plagiarism?
Shinto is weird.. for religion that no one believes in anymore,, it has temples all over Japan. Temples that are visited and maintained.
What about nigger churches where they organize to be uppity and demand gibs.
I can burn one on those, amrite?
The Japanese are just better people.
I agree. You can't really argue with a Christ-fag
Not all religions are bad. Not all parts of religion are bad either. But religious people are incredibly annoying, is there anyone who likes them who isn't one themselves?
Yes, like systems of government or any other societal structure. Just because we "make it up" doesn't mean we can't benefit from it. Some are worse than others, some can encourage prosperity, happiness and unity, others can be fucking horrible, oppressive and stupid.
I don't think complete Atheism is the answer, because a group must believe in something. Buddhism is a better solution nya~
Atheism does not imply nihilism, and monotheism doesn't necessarily guarantee meaningful beliefs.
The based catholic church under franco banned facsict books in their schools while promoting communism.
Priests were some of the biggest communist traitors in the west. It's probably the reason Spain is so leftist.
You are not.
Most of the current leftist thought comes directly from Judeochristian values, for example: Political Correctness comes directly from the concept of Blasfemy.
When commies say that Jesus was a socialist they are actually unironically right.
First fix the islamic religion. After that, we can discuss about this.
Let's not conflate Abrahamic garbage with ALL of religion and spiritual belief. Shinto/Buddhism is pretty based, and while I understand that most of what we know about european paganism comes from unreliable sources, I'm willing to assume that european paganism had a lot in common with shinto in the sense that it probably heavily revolved around the worship of nature, traditions, ancestors and the nation/tribe as a whole.
don't worry, in jew clown world, you can be as athiest as you want, as long as its noahidism.
So they do believe in it then, otherwise they wouldn't maintain it. Shinto is little more than the maintenance of traditions, values, mythology and aesthetics. It has only a vague, token amount of faith in the metaphysical, but it's still there, and it's probably a good thing that it's only a token amount because otherwise you'd get fanatical zealots splitting hairs and causing great division between people within a nation. It's also a good thing that it doesn't completely discard the notion of spirituality because I believe faith in spirituality encourages one to transcend our human flaws and weaknesses.
We're living after Kant, there's no excuse to seriously believe in a god or gods. Buddhism still contains the denial of reality that made Christianity inherently nihilist. All monks reject reality, all of them are wasted potential.
Put me in the screencap VICE news.
Japanese traditions, the traditions of the gooks who attacked Pearl Harbor. The gooks who fought for supremacy of the Pacific and lost to my ancestors. Fuck them all. Nuking them twice wasn't enough.
shut the fuck up boomer
You don't honestly believe I'm even a boomer you fucking gook-lover.
I only want to see more churches attacked to rile up Christians and make them go full Deus Vult. No, I don't agree with you that entirely getting rid of religion is a good idea because it provides a very important mechanism for social cohesion; namely, duty to a greater or higher purpose. Part of the reason why the west has gone to shit in the modern era is because of the emphasis on the individual, rather than the community or nation.
Worship your dead Jewish hippie somewhere else
Not gonna do anything, so stfu.
I didn't say a goddamned thing about Christianity in my post; it must be the natural oven-dodging Pavlovian response.
Polite sage for off-topic
Well OP, the medicine is still afraid of Wolf lone. Politicians are also to protect Christians, because the success of the jews more than the risks from the death of conservationists. And requires the written declaration, spergs proclaim his intentions before pledging to become a point of want to, it will not be able to attack. It is in fact, man, and it is not pretty.
Might wanna recompile your code bud
You've a Marxist.
He's not wrong
fuck you.
The United States should have just kept selling them oil and scrap metal and let them build the Asian Co-prosperity sphere. The world would have been a better place.
What a high-effort thread.
Totally deserving of its own thread, this question.
I sure am glad this isn't just spammed shitposting to create argument threads.
Thats a lucky thing.
Ha! If you think that I was a bot, you don't try to fool me. I'm Sitachaki and I inhabit the 'Lady'.
Fuck Pearl Harbor.
You and I both know that mentioning that jewish crap was completely unnecessary. You're retarded gook meme said everything on it's own.
Should have just nuked the entire country into a nuclear hell they would have never woke from.
Pearl Harbor fucked you.
Why Christian churches? Why not synagogues and mosques? What are you sliding, moshe?
While we're here lets do the full set.
You're a bad moderator.
He's - probably you're - not sliding anything, he's - probably you're - making shitposting threads to be disruptive and to spark arguments that achieve nothing. Its all so tiresome.
I wouldn't want to live anywhere in asia, Shinto isn't for me. I'm a white man, I don't want to worship japan, I want to worship my own nation, my own ancestors and preserve our ancient non-semitic traditions and values with a nice little sprinkling of spirituality in there. I believe that's what we were doing before the jews pushed their insane bullshit on us.
Yeah, thats good sentiment.
Robert Bowers got a synagogue, Brenton Tarrant got a mosque, Varg and Dylann Roof got a church. All three are (((Abrahamic))).
Not a moderator, just an American.
Shilling for gook religions is pathetic. Now you're backpedaling. Be a man about your treachery.
Yes you are and you're very bad at it.
You're also a very bad person.
I would say you should feel bad about that, but I know you won't, so what's the point? Terrible person that you are, it'll flow off your wretched psyche like water off a duck's back.
You should consider suicide.
What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.
I'm quite serious. You should consider ways to kill yourself. You should just think about it, at least.
We both know that nobody will miss you.
The degree to which I am serious about the suggestion that you consider suicide has been amplified considerably.
No would miss you, christ-fag. You support child abuse. The world would be better off without you.
Omg, you're telling someone to kill themselves on an image board! You're a big time edgelord now.
people seeking protection in the next world won't care for protection in this world
This isn't about christianity, this is about you. You and what a waste of existence you have become.
Do you even enjoy existing? Don't you think you'd enjoy not existing more? Well, you would. You wouldn't enjoy anything, you wouldn't not enjoy anything, you wouldn't be anything anymore.
You could just go away and be gone.
Nobody will miss you or mourn your passing. You'll just disappear. Not even ash or memory to mark your passing.
It'll be as if you never even existed at all.
Doesn't that sound better than your present state?
Lmao, is this real?
Almost as if they turned off their own self-preservation instincts.
All I'm saying is, you should consider it. Think on it. Marinate in those thoughts a bit.
Just imagine not existing anymore.
You'd be gone and nobody will miss you and you will leave no mark upon the world.
It will be as though you never even existed at all. Doesn't that sound better than your present state? I'm sure it does.
I can tell you are not happy. We can all tell that you are not happy. So why not just end it now?
There's many quick and easy ways to do it, low cost, little or no pain.
Just consider it at least. Think about it.
And remember that nobody will miss you.
Well, the felling is mutual. You sit back and watch as children are abused by this system. You would be clapping if muslims were killed. I hope you die a slow and painful death. You are pure and simply evil. Do you know how people like me are abused by this system? I am autistic, 17 year old black man. You could never understand my pain
Not once have I called myself a Shintoist or a Buddhist. I'll openly deny that I am either one of those right now, to be perfectly clear, and I'm not suggesting other white men should become shintoists or buddhists either, that would be pretty cucky. I just brought those up as examples of religions that aren't as cucked and retarded as christianity because I wanted to demonstrate that religion can help to foster a militant desire to preserve a nation and its values in the face of globalization and attacks from semitic death cults.
You probably masturbate to the thoughts of little boys being raped by Christians. Also, I don't want a shooting. Ideally, religious people wouldn't be allowed to indoctrinate kids. I don't want violence, but I would rather have that then have more kids get raped.
wrong, kikes are the source of all problems.
looks so natural no one can tell.
the details will never be reported
This isn't an isolated issue, kikes need to be hated across the board. Also Christ-fags are sheep, they just follow whoever preaches with a collar, so put on on and preach to them.
I already responded to this, gook-lover.
We're living after Kant, there's no excuse to seriously believe in a god or gods. Buddhism still contains the denial of reality that made Christianity inherently nihilist. All monks reject reality, all of them are wasted potential.
nigger churches?
Psycho-nigger MLK watched rape and laughed about it.
you lefty niggers have a lot of fun making dumb threads
I find if weird that people were applauding the murder of muslims but hate me for even joking about it.
I don't do anything, you don't know anything about me, I don't care about christianity or anything else in this thread, I'm here to talk to you.
I want you to really consider it. I want you to think about it. At least a bit.
I want you to imagine not-existing anymore.
I want you to think about how little it would matter to the world, how miniscule a loss, not even measurable, your absence would amount to.
I want you to know that there doesn't have to be pain, there doesn't have to be any cost to you or those around you.
You can just let go and be gone.
And nobody will miss you.
How am I a bad person?
Also, the same could be said of all humans imo. No one really cares until you are dead.
These are not 'lefty niggers', this is our moderation staff.
This is what they do. I'm not sure if its because they think it will help the board, or because they think it will hurt the board. It doesn't really matter either way, as the road to Hel is paved with good intentions, as the old saying goes.
They are bad people. They are degenerates.
That is not a term I use flippantly.
A precipitate is the product of a precipitation reaction.
A degenerate is the product of a degeneration reaction.
These are the products of a dying society, and, when these societies upon which they are reliant fall, they will be slaughtered wholesale. They fundamentally cannot exist without this reality, and their very existence is what is bringing about the downfall of this reality.
As I said, I'm not sure if they think this behavior is helping the board or hurting it, but either way, it doesn't truly matter.
What matters is that they desperately need to consider the prospect of self harm.
"Degenerate"? Anyone who stands back and does nothing while children are being raped is a degenerate. A bullet to the head is too good for you, sir.
Where have you seen beneficial mutations(like immunity to malaria,HIV where genes for receptors gets broken and then these receptors prevent the disease from entering) create new genetic material on a DNA/genetic level? If not then evolution where one species turns into another one like whale into a cow is a lie if it can't be observed.
bomb the vatican then dumbass
You know exactly why and how you are a bad person, and you know as well as I, and everyone else here, do that you are a particular case in that you do not have anyone in your life who cares about you, and you never will, probably never have.
You are a bad person, you know how and why I say that, and to pretend you do not is only further demonstration of the fact that it is the truth. Given your current status, self destruction is the most righteous course you could possibly undertake.
It won't rid you of your sins - and I do not say that from an Abrahamic perspective, just so you don't get #triggered (or pretend to be) - but it will ease your burden. Its much easier to not exist than it is to exist. Much easier.
You need to at least consider it.
And remember that no one will miss you. You won't even be remembered… Except maybe by me. But I'm very forgetful these days, so, who knows?
Guess only time will tell, ya know?
I really can't read this. Learn how to form sentences, mate. Btw, I am not a mod. Where did you get this from? The first post was a joke to get attention, but we do need to do something about rape in the church.