To all REED SEEJ fags on this board

To all REED SEEJ fags on this board

Anyone advocating for revolution before the people are on our side is telling you to commit suicide on behalf of your ideology and race. You can fantasize about DOTR happening soon, but in reality it would be the worst case scenario. I don't know how many people think that white identity is shared by a sizable number of people today, but they are wrong. We do not have a large enough concentrated group of people who advocate for National Socialism. Any warfare, as things currently stand, EVEN IF SUCCESSFUL, would end in the enemies favor and destroy the ideology completely.

Mao Tse-Tung I know, a commie, but a successful revolutionary said that "the population is to guerrilla warfare as water is to a fish." Even if we do well, as long as we don't have the people on our side, we will go down as a terror organization, causing further justification for government overreach and making another fight much harder for future generations. That being said, I am not disavowing accelerationism, quite the opposite. As we increasingly edge closer to minority status, it's clear that we don't have much time to gradually win the people over, so let me make this clear.
Accelerationism works, but only if people are being redpilled simultaneously.
Meaning one needs the other in order to be effective. If one is redpilled without seeing evidence of the world becoming completely fucked, they won't be so easily convinced (especially normies). If one sees further government restriction, but is only told that it is to stop genocidal terrorists, then they will reluctantly submit to the slow destruction of their freedom. Both can only strengthen each other.

What I am proposing is that the acceleration non-violent, FBI continue, but you must start making it your personal duty to wake as many as you can to what is really happening. At the same time, we have to change the way in which we are seen by the public.
The recent success of the right and reemerging NS ideals is precisely because of the de-tabooing of those ideas. This is happening because of Humor desensitizing people to it (which is exactly why they attack jokes so harshly), and defiance of expectations. People expect WigNats when they hear the word "Nazi". They expect skinheads. More recently, they expect neckbeard or incel types as they keep trying to intertwine us with them to the public. They don't expect fit, cleancut, well articulated, and normal looking people. This destroys their narrative and allows them go in with somewhat of an open mind.

Whether you want to fight or win through the system, we NEED the support of the people to do either successfully. Their opinion matters, so keep a good image. Don't defile the name of National Socialism with personal vexes. Show the people that they are misinformed. Show them the truth.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Most of this is pretty obvious stuff to actual Pollack's, but the shills are attacking hard. It's good not to let any newfags swayed.

If you want to convince people of change you first need to convince them that there is something wrong with the current order. Pretty fucking hard to do that with the masses when they are increasingly satisfied with the gibs our society gives them. Right now is time to convince the small minority of "aware" people who can think about the bigger picture. The masses won't be on our side until they stop getting what they want (pleasure and easy lives) from the system.


That's why you need the combo. Obviously I'm not saying we should redpill normalfag sheep, but anyone who at all thinks for themselves. They usually agree that the world is getting fucked from behind and that's when you start to drop small truths.

Word plays a lot on its behalf.
We should start taking the term "oppression" the same way we took "triggered" almost a decade ago.
Use it on shillpiro tier cuckservatives lolberg places like Reddit and Facebook.
With the same meaning as triggered as well.
After it catches up with the crowd, we go full and do the same with "nazi"

The main task is getting people to admit that there is a problem.
Ironically, some of our best allies may be non-Whites. There aren't many who truly hate White people, mostly, the hostility is rooted in envy, an inferiority complex and living in a victimhoom environment.
Red pilling non-Whites, even some sympathetic jews who aren't part of the elite works in our favor.
The grievances, problems and injustices are real, it's just a matter of presenting them in a non-threatening way. Basically, convincing them that if Whites lose, everyone else does too, sooner or later. The ships rise and fall together, that sort of thing.
The more non-White allies we have on our side, the less cover normalcattle Whites and SJW commies have to hide behind. We stop being ebil nahtzees once non-Whites start recognizing and agreeing with our positions.


Never disown your own lone wolves when they do arrive then however, it's a show of weakness and impotence to shrink from that when it's suddenly thrust into your lap.

Any process to revolution is two-fold, both offensive action against the system, whether that be social media psy-ops of our own (that hashtag shit was brilliant) all the way to full Tarrant as well as constructive actions, such as self-improvement, starting closed-doors IRL groups rather than the fedbait shit of Charlottesville and building means of mutual support for one another in order to detach from the system further and further.

You won't win over any lemmings when the hard times come again by simply proclaiming a doctrine of their salvation and then sitting back waiting for them to flock to your banner and propel you into power, you have to build it on your own, in spite of the system and without it's consent. As the state continues to overstretch itself and fail, you gain more freedom to act and do as you've always dreamed. That's when we start to get them, when the system can no longer provide nor protect as we can start exerting real-world power.

You have a thousand ways to attack the enemy as well as to help yourself, your brothers and any future budding NatSocs to come, the enemy has all the power in the world and can only sit back, screech and demand you be scrubbed from normalfag internet at the very most.

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Not really, it's better to go after white people (especially white youth) who aren't already politically engaged and have a low social status (weebs, NEETs, incels, etc.), and illustrate how the kikes influencing our society is the likely cause of their grievances.
Associating their interests with National Socialism like picture related helps too.
It will eventually get to a point where focusing on converting normalfags will be considerably beneficial (due to their wealth and leverage in society), but a single dedicated NEET can convert a 100+ other people online, so they are more valuable for the needed initial rapid expansion of NatSoc ideology within culture.
Trying to convince already "aware" people (e.g. leftists, liberals, hardened conservatives, etc.) is usually a waste of time if they have been strongly ingrained in their belief system for many years.

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I'm seeing a lot of anti Seige threads lately. Thanks for motivating me to read it you stupid kike.

Explain how any of this is a bad idea. When has a revolution ever happened for national socialism in America?

thanks for bumping, shill

You're welcome. Now other people will see the countless anti siege threads and it will pique their curiosity as well.

What a shit idea. Lower status people will gravitate towards us regardless because it is truth. If they don't they would be a detriment to the cause anyway. You shouldn't target anybody in particular. If you are into anime mention jews in relation to anime. If you are a member of the fishing community openly and strongly stick to your beliefs within that community. Truth is on our side and so eventually you will convert them as long as you aren't obnoxious about it.

Alright, be a skinhead then. Prove to every person on the planet that their warped perceptions of a genocidal "Nazi" are correct.

Learn to win arguments the Socratic way. Instead of force-feeding people the answers, craft your questions in such a manner and sequence that the correct answers are inevitable and inescapable.

The mental gymmnastics some people do is insane, but anyone with a sense of intellectual honesty can't beat you.

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Well his right on mostly everything but not the siege thing more people need to read siege it's a good redpill tbh.

This dog is big enough to destroy a synagogue with one paw

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I've just seen a lot of shills on here lately using seige as a means to promote more mass shootings on innocents. Why would yyou go out shooting a a bunch of muzzies instead of politicians and bankers? which I would never do or promote fbi

You can't gravitate towards the truth if you don't know what the truth is. You need people to reach you in a world otherwise filled with leftist propaganda and a social stigma against National Socialism.
This means that someone intentionally has to efficiently market the ideas to you, and also usually seem relatable or be someone within your peer group (very easy if they don't really have a peer group to begin with like a lot of low status people).
The vast majority of people on Zig Forums didn't just open Mein Kampf one day and become a NatSoc (this includes myself and probably you too).
They were introduced to the ideas by other anons or way back when users from places like Stormfront astroturfed the ideas onto /new/ because they knew that due to the demographics/structure, imageboards could easily one day become useful strongholds for NatSoc ideology, which is what happened.
And given how white consciousness is vastly more widespread than ever in the modern world, I would say that this tactic is working.
Time is running out and the longer time progresses, the more internet censorship is going to be pervasive.
It makes logical sense to market to the people who will be able to also market the same ideology the most if the intention is the most rapid expansion of the ideas within the limited timeframe.

One mistake that you are committing is caring about what others think about you. If we win we'll be heroes, if we lose we'll be the bad guys like the Germans. Now as to the approach towards a plan of action is to attack intelligently think big. There will be lone fighters and fighter squads on our side, while people like "us" aren't exactly coordinated we do know our common goals. How to defeat the Zionist occupied government? Attack smart, fierce and constant. There's just one thing missing… when? Once a perfect opportunity is present you strike. If things go well you will have a wave of multiple attacks occurring throughout the country until the government is taken down.

Weebs, neets and incels are for the most part not of good quality, instead on wasting our time with them, we should focus on redpilling people who train, read books and/or do more productive stuff, redpilling your normie friends who are fit is much better than redpilling some fucking neet/incel that masturbates to anime porn/hentai or engage in all sort of degen activities. Quality >>> Quantity.

It all makes me feel so bad thinking about this

On Sat April 27, John Earnest, a 19-year-old nursing student opened fire at a Chabad service near San Diego, CA killing one woman and injuring two others.
He left a ten-page manifesto explaining that he wanted to make this statement:

There is at least one European man alive who is willing to take a stand against the injustice that the Jew has inflicted upon him. That my act will inspire others to take a stand as well. And when this revolution starts gaining traction (if I am not killed) I expect to be freed from prison and continue the fight.

Earnest has been charged with 109 hate crimes . Far from being released, far from inspiring others, John will be flushed down the memory hole. I wonder how he feels about his actions after cooling his heels in jail for a month? How about a few years?
He threw away his life, and took another, for nothing. A bright young articulate handsome European, he could have been much more effective had he instead become a leader of his generation. David Duke is getting old. America needs more people willing to challenge Jewish supremacism, but as political leaders, not killers. Let young men who might agree with John Earnest, learn from his mistake.

While I deplore his deed, I seem to be the only one to appreciate John's spirit. However, I am disturbed by a picture (included in the text) of him making the Sign of Baphomet, something a devout Christian would not do. People say this proves his act was a false flag. But what young man would agree to spend his life in jail for the sake of a psyop that accomplished very little?

I posted his Manifesto . Below, I am posting a part I left out (for reasons of space) giving his Christian rationale.

sup AIM faggot. why do you insist on making multiple threads that are all shit? don't try to deny it, you use the same exact lexicon (e.g. wignat, reed seej). fuck off bitch. PR pussbag. al-qaeda was seen as a terrorist organization yet liberals trip over themselves to suck off muslims.

Pierce tried that, and it didn't work.
Normalfags have jobs, peer groups, families, etc. which is a lot to lose for supporting a "fringe" ideology that doesn't provide any short-term material benefits for believing in it.
Even if you convince them, they won't propagate the ideology due to fears of social ostracism unless they are anonymous, and even in that case their ability to propagate the ideology is limited due to the many other commitments that they have.
Weebs, NEETs, incels, etc. are basically internet chads who don't give a shit about/enjoy social ostracism and have all the time/knowledge in the world to propagate the ideology. It's pretty obvious that you should focus on marketing an ideology like NatSoc to them.

If we win now, as the current viewpoints stand, we'd face massive civilian resistance both during the fight and after. Even most of the military would fight against the "Nazis" for the constitution, even i fit was falling away before. You have to think about others because without them, we would hypothetically be at more of a disadvantage than any revolution before.

I don't support the kiked AIM in any form faggot.

The "Lemmings" in pierces words wouldn't be idle to have on our side anyways. They are followers, not leaders. Our objective should be to erase the taboo of NS to the public (at the very least, white nationalism) and win the hearts and minds of the people after that.

The problem is there are conservative/neoliberals with connections to established parties who are feeding some wrong info and lacing the red pill.

InSoc is just as good. Being one sided makes you sound like a shill.

The conservative, rich white elite cannot benefit, as they are trying to do, by lying and lacing the red pill and trying to come out on top afterward with their user minions. None of the millionaire commentators currently in the media may be safe.

The vast majority of people do know there is a problem and the ones that don't are useless to us anyway. We don't need them.

The kikes power rests on a knifes edge and they know it. It only takes 5% of the population to lead the other 95% of sheep. We are just in need of a radical change in management. Nothing more. Nothing less.

Again, you need effective people to spread arguments/facts/memes/etc. supporting National Socialism, along with just having numbers in general, in order to achieve that, and the internet is by far the most efficient usable marketing tool in existence.
You aren't going to "win the hearts and minds of the people" with your pro-white bookclub of 10 people who go out and lift but don't focus on idea expansion.
You are going to "win the hearts and minds of the people" if you convert a NEET who then converts 10 other NEETs, who then also convert 10 others NEETs each, etc. with the group eventually becoming large enough to start being a noticeable force on normalfag social media platforms which is able to run mass online campaigns to the point in which the media takes notice (you are here).
This however causes push-back from the establishment in the form of censorship, hence why you need to continue with the most efficient mass expansion tactic of marketing to low status white people for as long as possible in order to have the best chance of hitting a critical mass within culture before it's too late.

t. Hasn't read Siege

Siege is an autobio of a white nationalist running a movement, not a revolutionary pamphlet. It's compiled from a series of articles that he wrote for his publication. His point about Charles Manson wasn't to revere him, it's to highlight the fact that the left will always associate you with killers and that it wouldn't repair your reputation as a white nationalist if you've denounced people like Earnest/Tarrant/Mason. In contrast the left praises their murders as a virtue. They openly support baby murder and terrorists like Nelson Mandela, but you want to go for optics and restrict yourself using hashtags. WHAT?

You'll fail, especially if you haven't read Siege. James Mason did the same shit that you've suggested a decade ago with a white majority and it didn't work at all. He learned the hard way that the opposition would cut you from the System in every single form possible. He faced deplatforming, lawsuits, feds, etc. His solution is to isolate yourself from the system and build a non-cucked platform that way.

Siege is a fed psyop to conflate WN with a half nigger petty thief who ordered White girls to kill a pregnant White woman.

Today op was not a faggot.

Wonderfully well written response! I agree with your message wholeheartedly, but your response does not take into account the drop out of the system aspect of the book and the fact that revolution may one day be possible. Although the drop out “Varg” or “Orania” style method (whatever you want to call it) isn’t discussed as deeply as I think it should be in the book, it is nonetheless mentioned, worth reading over, and has proved to be successful in the real world. As for the revolutionary type activities during societal collapse mentioned in the book, they have arisen and proved to be effective in the fall of Yugoslavia (fascist militias organized and operated) and in Ukraine (the Azov battalion, sadly pretty zogged now).

TL;DR I agree with OP’s message, but the book does contain some interesting information that has worked in the real world. Read Siege, but don’t agree with it on everything and don’t be stupid.

Clarification, OP did address this, just not the “certain revolutionary activities” that can be undertaken during societal breakdown with a small group of friends. Polite sage for double post.

Stopped reading there. Take your passive aggressive snark back to reddit you alt-right queer.

You niggers stand out like virgins on grindr.

Attached: Don't Read Siege Merchant.png (2073x2029, 860.51K)

I disagree. We're clearly in a different environment compared to Pierce with the mass influence of the internet. We have an entirely new generation who know MSM is a joke, they don't watch TV, and even their normie jokes edge closer to pol-tier every day. It's been working thus far and I would wager it would work better if the media continued to seem unreasonable with their anger, rather than justified.

nigger you obviously missed the point. I'm calling out seigefags who want to start a war without proper preparations and support for it. I never told anyone to not read siege.

Completely agree

There will always be gatekeepers, but I have seen a few conservative talking heads sneak in some redpills. Steven Crowder brought up the bell curve of race and IQ in one of his videos to talk about how something is only racist if you say it a certain way.

*Mason, not Pierce

Millions of Whites are suffering from poverty, unemployment, sickness, homelessness, dispair and agony.

They have no where to go, no one to help them as Whites have no one representing them. The State tells them to fuck off because they are White. I see this first hand daily in real life.

You did this White Nationalists/Alt Right

with your larping, Nazi porn, vulgar mentally ill politics and doxing/derailing every attempt by Whites to create something that would work. You are the real enemy of Whites.

These are the people we should help with irl organizations. Imagine NS Food Drives and Charity. Golden Dawn found relative success by doing this exact thing.

Nice strawman. Siege does not advocate for you to walk out your front door and shoot somebody. It advocates for you to PREPARE for the coming war. As Dr. Pierce said we must remain within legal bounds before shit really kicks off, and conflating retarded Atomwaffen ideals of shooting your mailman with Siege tactics of educating yourself and preparing for the coming fight is D&C kike shit (now i'm not calling you a kike i'm simply saying that the strawman you're presenting was created by kikes). Attached pic is a great breakdown of our situation, the lemming will not take redpills unless bad shit is happening to them (as you stated in your post which is why i believe you're not a kike). Furthermore, the strawman you believe falsely represents Siege as calling for revolution now which is simply untrue, it calls for accelerationism, which will lead to more lemmings siding with us, which will then lead the to population support required for guerilla warfare and eventually full scale revolution. This last sentence is a plea to you and any other guy on this board who believes this false strawman that if believed will spell sure defeat for us, please stop spreading this and learn what Siege actually calls for, not the kike shit that has been falsely sown into this board.

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Uh yeah pretty much lol, things will get darkest before the dawn so to speak.

The left is also focusing on rebranding:

There will be a war of rebranding, in which the left disowns the SJW to attract those same moderate fit white guys you seek. The left can publically drop then, bc they will support them regardless. Imo the only practical solution is to destroy the concept of morality and argue leftists are selfish and duplicious - claiming to support the interests of others but only caring for their own short term interests. Thats why they accept gibs w/o question. They are emotionally immature and ironically still possess elements of a christian mindset. This needs to be exposed. It will be their undoing to realize they still worship the god of their conquerer - and a god designed to make them weak.

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Is that gerbil ok?

What are your thoughts on South Africa's or Rhodesia’s collapse? There was no cataclysmic race war or organized European death squads, Whites simply ran away or died while the world looked the other way. (I do realize there was some fighting back, but it was most often done for personal defense.)

That’s exactly what people think, their minds were shaped by the media and OP is right.

He’ll walk it off.

I see SA and Rhodesia as a last gasp of what once were vibrant aryan colonies, it's not that they didn't want to survive it's that they simply couldn't.

Golden Dawn were not National Socialist faggots.

Keep trying Stormtard.

How come nobody that suggests acceleration ever suggesting infrastructure?
How come infrastructure int he USA isn't being attacked?
Why isn't electricity and water service being interrupted to major cities even though a very small interruption in utility services would be noticed very quickly by a lot of people?

For all the supposed terrorists in the america who want to see the downfall there sure is very little of it going on.

Neither of them had their Siege style revolutionary death squads though.
How so? Do you mean through international pressure they weren’t able to survive?

He didn’t say they were National Socialists.

You dumb faggot, the reason nationalism is on the rise is because America and Europe are falling apart. The (((parasites))) and their servants have decided to plunder these nations by importing massive amounts of slave labor. It has nothing to do with momma's boys like you convincing the masses or cleaning their rooms. This is accelerationism, pure and simple. They started it, and we should be all too eager to help sink the boat. Because the more dire the situation is, the more people break away from their system.

I'm aware of the necessity of civilian support, but you put too much stake in the hearts and minds of the masses. Only about 13% of the population supported the American Revolution at first. Once they saw us winning, many jumped sides and pretended they were always separatists. It would play out like that again.

As for the slow accelerationism you're advocating, it leads me to believe you dont understand accelerationism. The cowards dont need to think or understand, they need to feel and act. A coward will keep backing up so long as he has room behind him, all he needs to understand is that the proverbial wall is coming up quick.

There's no need to hurt anyone to accelerate either, just for the record. That does do the trick, but I've never killed anyone and I have my local antifa and police running around thinking the whole area (1 city, 3 small towns) has a notsee infestation. Although I've picked up a few copy cats, it's pretty much just one autist with a motorcycle and a printer. All you need to do is find a way to contribute to the revolutionary climate, plenty of ways to do that without violence. Ideally, in fact, you can indirectly provoke your enemies into committing the violence, turning your precious public from them AND contributing to the revolutionary climate

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You fundamentally misunderstand what accelerationism even is.

Also this.
You're doing God's Work, user.

I already agree with what you just wrote, retard. You didn’t read and/or understand OP’s post and you haven’t taken the time to read my posts either. Kind of sad tbh.
As opposed to:

Im a University student i have many ((friends)). The problem i see with most people is not that they dont understand what is going on the problem is that they are forced into cuckery since they need to be part of the current way society is. They end up functioning like cattle,and the reality is this: what can a young man do? Most people that know whats up are males from well off families that dont participate in pleb reasoning. I think that there is nothing left to do for broader society since people are mindfucked into following order. Religion is forgotten. The new god is money and we cant change that. Even if people die in the streets (((they))) will nake sure that a revolution is blocked one way or another.
PS White males that showed resistance from an early age ended up in prison or juvy and in the long run converted them with fear tactics even strong ones.


I have a problem with violence against innocent non-whites. It only loses us support and doesn't strike fear into politicians or bankers. In the American revolution, they tarred and feathered avid loyalists and noblemen, not random people. Also we don't even have 13% of the population on our side. If we did, it would be a lot easier.

I quoted Mao out of a guerrilla warfare manual, you autist

Two things about Mason:
1: he's a self-mutilating retard who doesn't understand how mirrors work
2: Universal Order (his philosophy) is NOT National Socialism. This ass-backwards worldview will do nothing but hinder the rise of a National Socialist doctrine in the modern world. The detriments of Mason's continued work will be seen for years as long as people continue to spam "Read Siege". The Swastika, the symbol of Aryan superiority, is being tarnished and dragged through the mud because of slimes like Mason.

Attached: backwardsmasonUNIVERSALORDERISNOTNATSOC.png (1621x843 222.3 KB, 124.4K)

youre the retard here

Quit talking like a woman. We'll do what we must. The end result of our rise to power must be a world entirely without shitskins. We'll probably let the Japs live, but all the shitskin subhuman races will be destroyed, and needless to say, the kikes as well. We can repopulate this planet with white babies, raise them well, and have them carry on the cycle as adults. We will master the resources of this planet, no longer will we waste our time dealing with shitskins or getting subverted by kikes, we will conquer the earth and reach the stars, we will terraform and conquer other planets, so that our race will continue to exist even as the earth is inevitably destroyed by a catastrophic universal event which we wont be able to prevent. We have to do what we must, the ends absolutely justify the means.

A pozed pregnant white woman with a kike infant, you faggot.

Good lord you are a giant fuck tard.

What you delusional faggots can’t seem to understand is that the system rewards white lemmings with material comfort and social stability (being able to keep their jobs and as of recent developments, their bank account) in exchange for playing ball with the anti-white agenda.

Hell you can present an incredibly powerful argument to white lemmings complete with concrete evidence and statistics and even still you’ll be rejected on account of their survival mechanism telling them to stay safe by siding with the system, whether consciously or unconsciously.

Mere “redpill” arguments alone aren’t going to remove the instant gratification of comfort the system smartly uses to condition the masses.

Remove the societal rewards, and then you’ll get through to them.

This post is the truest post I’ve seen ITT.

it's just a parrot of this image

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Ever wondered where Aldous Huxley got his info from?

Aldous was wrong, the method hasn't been pharmaceutical but social.

Calling the collapse a fantasy and in the same breath advocating converting braindead masses to NS, the utter lack of self awareness.

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Whether or not you agree with the philosophy SIEGE itself, you’d be an absolute fool to believe that our modern wasteful mass consumer culture will remain sustainable.

Read “Can Life Prevail?”, faggots.

Read SIEGE, faggot.

and read ANTI-TECH REVOLUTION, faggots

love for your own should always be stronger than hate for the enemy. helping your own when they need your help is what made the nazis so successful. at the end of the day we need to start seeing each other more as family members. The national socialists were a peaceful movement. they were attacked and murdered. they had the discipline not to get hot headed and engage in random acts of violence, they knew that the average german would not approve of these things. when it became impossible to hold discussions because they were being obstructed by armed groups of men the SA was formed as a way of securing the venues.

I’m surprised we don’t here more about Pentti Linkola here. Taking aspects from both Ted, Linkola and National Socialism is the ultimate synthesis

it was only after years of campaigning that the national socialist workers party had successes. they were not trying to win an election, they were trying to win the hearts and minds of their own people, this was in stark contrast to all the other parties. even the internationalists were not as devoted to their cause, due to the fact that it was very "en vogue" at the time to be a left wing extremist, the same is true nowadays.

maybe you are right, i am not familiar with Pentti Linkola writings. this vampirism masquerading as consumerist progress would not have been something the nazis would have tolerated, their worldview was not compatible with modern capitalism.

No, they certainly would not have tolerated this culture of degeneracy and nihilism. Hitler sought to give his people material prosperity with projects like the Volkswagen and cheap radios and housing, but never this soulless consumerism that we see today. Today it’s more clear than ever that action needs to be taken to limit the world population and to return to a simpler form of living. In regards to Linkola, here are some links if you’re interested (start at chapter 4 if you want to skip a lot about trees and birds)

thanks for the links

Nationalist news flash:

Brenton Tarrant started shooting.

The jews are scared shitless there will be a revolution, and they will all be killed, that's why they are swarming us, and starting nigger-babble threads like this trying every which way to talk us out of laying them out. (at the end of the day who could blame them, but it shows how scared and desperate they are, and it is proof-positive that if there is a war they are set to lose)

A revolution does not need majority support - look at al-Qaida, and the Taliban, what percentage of muslims do they represent? (5,000 out of a billion?) - and they took on the US and won.

We already have majority support - and the jew media has lost control. Why do I say that? - because (bad as he is) Trump got elected against the jews' wishes - the jew hysteria already started there.

Let me repeat that we HAVE majority support.

And if all else fails there is the Zarqawi strategy of egging a volatile third party into a war with the lemmings - at which point they will not have any other choice but to fight. (the Iraqi Sunni lemmings did not want to fight the US Army (who could blame them), so Zarqawi started a civil war with the Shia, at which point they had no choice but to defend themselves from their pissed-off neighbors, and than the US had to fight both sides, and lost) Brenton tried to do something similar when he hit a mosque. In the US that volatile third party is the Mexicans.

Watch for people using jew terminology "hate" "neo-nazi" "innocents" etc. people who quack like jews are jews.

For any further questions read Brenton's Great Replacement (most of your concerns will be addressed there), The Turner Diaries, Hunter, and Rockwell's White Power, and This Time the World, and Siege too (which I have not yet read, but I will)..

Maybe we can learn quite a bit from the history of the early Chinese Communist party. How big was Jewish involvement in the Chinese Communist party? Did they do it all themselves?

I started a White Pilling page on FaceBook, and we got 1000 followers in one month, in another month we had 1600 followers, with up to 60,000 monthly impressions.
On the page we write articles about the importance of raising large and well adapted White Families, we talk about the dangers of race mixing. We teach people about the treachery of Usury, and debt slavery. We speak about eugenics, and the JQ..

The group has brought together passionate and racially awakened Aryans around the world, and I have been able to meet some great Brothers and sisters through the page.

After our great start , Facebook began to throttle us , and ban us, they deleted two of my accounts, and they stopped showing any page growth for the page.

This project has shown me that there is a willing and interested audience for These all important truths.

We must white Pill the masses, and we must unite around mutual aid and a collective vision.
Don’t be afraid of what fellow whites will say when you white Pill them: they need the truth, and it is worth any sacrifice.

There is Hope! There is real
hope! Our people are Awakening by the thousands, and this is our 1919.. only 14 years from now , and we will have Fuhrers in place in many of our nations, with this we can begin working towards the 4th Reich of Pan-Aryandom.

Thank You,
Matthew Baumgartner
DaAryan WorldView

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>so (((organic)))
why do they fear the survival fiction?

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brenton tarrant was funny meme for like 1 afternoon max. in judo you amplify the opponents missteps. tarrant style accelerationism achieves the opposite. true accelerationism would be fighting the illness, not the symptom.
just because you repeat it doesn't make it true
read up on zarquawi, talk to some iraq veterans.

Agreed OP. Time is short, but not so short that we should be acting impetuously. Certainly not in an overt manner anyway. Redpills are hard to swallow for most folks. But the truth can set us free. Show them that which is hidden by zog mainstream media. And prepare/stockpile now, while the economy is good.

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The Nordic Resistance Movement has been campaigning for about 20 years now. They don't have much to show for it. Many other groups have tried the same approach as well ever since the end of WW2

because they don't know enough about mass psychology, communications design and propaganda to be cost effective in their efforts.

Makes me wonder what Golden Dawn is doing right

Ah, anther busy little yid, working hard to debunk Tarrant, and swearing by the power of the (((yid))) media.

Which is why you're here trying to debunk him.

Well, what I say is:

Hell-ary getting her ass kicked makes it so.

The US is 1/3 black and latino, if Germany was 1/3 black/latino Hitler would not have come to power - unlike - Trump. So actually we have more support than Hitler or Mussolini ever did.

POTUS (whatever his flaws may be) calling the jew media FAKE NEWS makes it so.

The power of the jew media is not the alleged fact that people believe them, the power of the media is people believe that their NEGHBORS believe them, while, actually very few people have EVER believed them. But everybody feared them. And now they are broken.

Ding Dong

golden dawn, although somewhat primitive in their approach, helped many poor people in greece. greece was in an economic crisis and golden dawn members spent their own money buying food and supplies for impoverished greeks. so in many instances you basically had a socialist government doing less for poor greeks than right wing football fans - this is powerful propaganda and it gets people talking. Golden dawn would even help known communists sympathizers, as long as they were greek, this builds trust and loyalty in the population and this is why golden gets away with using violence.


There you have it, just distributing propaganda is not sufficient. People are more susceptible to radical ideas and movements in times of crisis. This is also what accelerationists state.

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