To all REED SEEJ fags on this board
Anyone advocating for revolution before the people are on our side is telling you to commit suicide on behalf of your ideology and race. You can fantasize about DOTR happening soon, but in reality it would be the worst case scenario. I don't know how many people think that white identity is shared by a sizable number of people today, but they are wrong. We do not have a large enough concentrated group of people who advocate for National Socialism. Any warfare, as things currently stand, EVEN IF SUCCESSFUL, would end in the enemies favor and destroy the ideology completely.
Mao Tse-Tung I know, a commie, but a successful revolutionary said that "the population is to guerrilla warfare as water is to a fish." Even if we do well, as long as we don't have the people on our side, we will go down as a terror organization, causing further justification for government overreach and making another fight much harder for future generations. That being said, I am not disavowing accelerationism, quite the opposite. As we increasingly edge closer to minority status, it's clear that we don't have much time to gradually win the people over, so let me make this clear.
Accelerationism works, but only if people are being redpilled simultaneously.
Meaning one needs the other in order to be effective. If one is redpilled without seeing evidence of the world becoming completely fucked, they won't be so easily convinced (especially normies). If one sees further government restriction, but is only told that it is to stop genocidal terrorists, then they will reluctantly submit to the slow destruction of their freedom. Both can only strengthen each other.
What I am proposing is that the acceleration non-violent, FBI continue, but you must start making it your personal duty to wake as many as you can to what is really happening. At the same time, we have to change the way in which we are seen by the public.
The recent success of the right and reemerging NS ideals is precisely because of the de-tabooing of those ideas. This is happening because of Humor desensitizing people to it (which is exactly why they attack jokes so harshly), and defiance of expectations. People expect WigNats when they hear the word "Nazi". They expect skinheads. More recently, they expect neckbeard or incel types as they keep trying to intertwine us with them to the public. They don't expect fit, cleancut, well articulated, and normal looking people. This destroys their narrative and allows them go in with somewhat of an open mind.
Whether you want to fight or win through the system, we NEED the support of the people to do either successfully. Their opinion matters, so keep a good image. Don't defile the name of National Socialism with personal vexes. Show the people that they are misinformed. Show them the truth.