I visited /d/ for the first time ever

I visited /d/ for the first time ever.
I am just speechless.

For the love of God. I always knew anime was degenerate and subversive, but this is just hideous.

Imagine your 12 y/o son browsing this shit in his room. Imagine him jerking off to this.


Jesus Christ's second coming can't come soon enough.

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nigga u gay

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Sorry Moyshe but I'm not particularly interested in fantasizing about my son masturbating. I'd prefer if you're stop telling people to fantasize about that I think perhaps you fear the samurai? I think you're mad because you want teen boys looking at 3DPD porn like Blacked.com but they realize it's disgusting and prefer cartoons and there's nothing wrong with that.

the fuck youre talking about you filthy weeb

ALL porn is degenerate

Anime is eternal. Get used to it. I would rather kill leftists and jews that hate anime, along with killing anyone who hates anime, instead of getting rid of anime. Anime stays forever.

Welcome to the party, you're over 20 years late.
And you should've known by now that trying to suppress this shit only breeds more of it. They've got their little pocket of insanity and sexual depravity, while you got your own puritan and holy little nest. Leave them alone, and they'll happily do the same for you.
Seriously, fuck off faggot, no one wants you there.

Writing "y/o" is a sure fire way to signal that you lurk facebook more than you do this place.
When I was 12, the common joke between kids back then was about pedophiles raping kids and giving them nice presents if they didn't say anything. Imagine 20 kids laughing their stupid moronic asses off everytime Jimmy came home to school with a new gameboy. "Ahahahh, Jimmy got buggered by his uncle!"
For fuck sake, we we're 12 and already perfectly aware that shit was:
And if think /d/ is disguting, you haven't seen half the shit I saw as kid. Horrible crap that thought me valuable lessons. I'm still thankfull my parents limited the amount of crap I could see, I might have ended stabbing small animals for fun, but ultimately, they had little reason to be concerned. I grew up nice and safely.
You sound like the kind of pansy that wants government policies to take care of your own kids instead of doing it yourself. Eat a bag of dicks, the last thing I want is someone else to decide for me what my kids can and can't see.
When my little boy turns 12, I'll marathon Gurren Laggan for him, and make a man outta the laddie. And you can't stop that.

Took you this long enough?
Anyway, most anime today is absolutely devoid of any grace or dignity. Japan is fucking lost in a materialistic and industrial hellzone, a cucking even worse then Sweden imo. Not like it matters because the worship of orentals is absolute gay. It's sodomisitc.

Congratulations, all leftists and jews support the modern zeitgeist of which anime dwells in.
By supporting anime you are leading to the destruction of yourself and your people.

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I see. So you think pedophilia is inherent part of human nature? If children aren't this cradle of absolute purity then who's to say you can't have sexual intercourse? Stange reasoning but ok.

This is like going to a board about real life porn and telling everyone to stop interacting real life women. I hope you don't visit boards about fetishes, Japan can't even begin to fathom the depths a jew will go to be degenerate.

Get out boomer