Like you guyz 4 real? Man, like you playin right? This a game you play where you put a KKK hat on and type stupid shit at the computer? Like really? Cuz I know you don't hate all niggas. Hell naw, I know you aint such big fools. Yall never met me, so how can you hate me, maybe you would, but like you dont even know that you hate me. you see what i'm saying? As for Jews man, that shits whack. I aint see no jew busting my ass on the street. No jew put my ancestor in chains lol like no one ever give a fuck about jews. Yall love Hitler. Maybe he cool i dunno, but don't hate on the brothers, that's all I'm saying.
greetings tastefully dressed black fellow. We do not hate black people who strive to return to the continent of Africa and live in the jungles of their people's origin and leave white settlements alone, so no we do not hate all of you. However the vast majority want to continue to leech off white society, so we dislike you for that.
You should take a look at the men who ran the slave ships.
I'm an American though. My dad was a marine, where do I go in AFRICA lol.
Jews run the slave ships? Alright you got my attention. Where can I read that?
Implying niggers read.
Okay, I'm being mean. Look up: The Secret Relationship Between Blacks and Jews: Volume One.
No archive because you're a nigger
Lordy lordy, poor little nigger ole' me will just get it on get it on audiobook then. Thanks i guess.
God, it's the (((Y'ALL))) poster again. Please die.
wow, great thread OP. I'm so glad the mods allow this.
What does he usually post?
They probably don't, but they seem to check in every hour or so, and then fuck off for a long stretch. You might not like it but the turk was peak moderator performance.
If not a larp read the secret relationship between blacks and jews volume 1. Goes into detail with thousands of citations.
Oh boy..
That line convinced me it was certainly fishing for bait. The dialect isn't too bad, but it's more like how a nigger would speak rather than write.
Congratulations on bumping it, dumbass.
I only put on my KKK hood when I stream, not post here you dumb fuck.
I want you to realize how shitty your mods are, niggerbrain.
kikes ran the slave trade and still do.
Drop redpills in kike threads and move on.
But please sage.
Text book definition of a dumb fucking nigger.
Shlomo really isn't sending his best.
Yo realtalk mayne, if you liquidate ya assets and move over to Africa your ass can run a whole village real ez, and get like 3 wives and shit.
Give it a thought.