People claim that abortion is unimportant, but it forces the left to willingly leave their propaganda behind. You don't save the future by attending dorky FED rallies or spout shitty memes, you save the future by protecting the future. If you save babies, then you literally save your culture. Keep praying that abortion gets banned for good and you'll win the good fight long term.
All pro-baby murder leftists are demons. Imagine killing your kid for a dumb toilet paper degree that allows you to purchase useless trinkets like shoes and netflix subscriptions.

Georgia didn't even ban abortion entirely, they just banned abortion if it detected that a child was living. Completely ridiculous.

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It probably doesn't help everyone is finding out martin luther kang jr is a rapist.

>caring about (((disney)))
>not anticipating a new capefag movie where the (((MC))) gets his magical blood powers from abortions and eating unborn babies and fucking stillborn babies and invades all political systems globally to enhance his own power

Yup it checks out: OP IS A FAGGOT with no superpowers of clairvoyance due to the magical power of aligning history with fact to predict the future

Christfags cry when elves abort orc rape babies.
Abortion is a National Question, and Christfags cry when white women abort half-nigger mongrels that could be used as shock troops for the ZOG.

Never forget: the face or forced integration with niggers is a rapist.

Stay mad, your propaganda and power structure will be aborted just like the babies you've killed.

MLK didn't solve shit. He just increased racial animosity between the two demographics, fuck that hypocritical rapist "pastor".

I fully support all kinds of abortions. Anything that takes a future enemy combatant off the battlefield is a ok with me. Also death to all adamite filth

Does no one see this? Will there ever be an emperor wears no clothes moment?

Can you justify why whites need to feed even MORE blacks? Also clothe, house and be subject to the consequence of keeping violent niggers around?
How much higher do the assault, rape and murder rates need to be for you to be happy?

You cry every time a nigger baby gets vacuumed.
There were two lines competing for the minds of niggers; nationalism and integrationism. Guess which one the ZOG preferred, Christfag.

And not banning abortion is preventing niggers nigging, spics spiccing? America is slowly descending year after year, Europe too. Abortion is ritualistic baby murder pushed by the kikes, we don't support that.

You believe that niggers follow the law? What do you think happens if they want to kill their own? They get arrested for homicide.

Abortion law puts the bad niggers away and it replaces them with the tame ones.

This is why Malcom X is superior, but he got killed off by (((them)) like GLR.

Yes but typical of (((their))) shortsightedness, their own golems are now attacking them. Again.

You can't tell me that there's con to be less nigging and less spiccing with MORE black and brown births. What logic is this?

you are more retarded than the other guy

Abortion kills niggers, white niggers and spicks. Which of the three are you?

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The logic is that either way you're going to get nigs nigging and spics spiccing. One is the slow descent and the other is faster but at least we aren't giving the Jews ritualistic murder.


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This kind:
Sterilization > Abortion

well of course to them its a blood sacrifice and a way to fuck up white women in the process.

You don't have to like MLK, but I don't know why you'd so easily accept everything at face value. Especially from the FBI. J Edgar Hoover was sleazy himself. Besides that, if MLK actually was "laughing at a rape", why didn't they stop it? These would have been law enforcement bugging areas that they'd parked nearby to.

Whatever though. Back to comic book movies.

The 'Right' wing of the ZOG uses abortion to claim that the Democrats are the "Weak Waycists." Being pro-life is a form of virtue signaling how much you care about dead nigger babies.

likely they wouldn't move back to cali, they are gonna move the to Florida like they did before. They shot near Walt Disney.

Isn't Wakanda basically a National Socialist state?

black panther has some suggestive miscegenation in the films

"Killmonger will appear in the spiritual plane. Queen Divine Justice will be featured. Movie will be political."
Another element that may be explored is the lesbian love story from the comics between Ayo and Aneka, two of king's bodyguards, after fans complained at the lack of LGBT inclusion in the original with the hashtag #LetAyoHaveAGirlfriend trending on Twitter. Will Marvel address these concerns in the franchise's next installment?
Lots of rumors… all sound like Train Wreck so far.

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It tries to be without knowing it. Unfortunately, it's full of niggers, so the whole economy is built around magical gibs rocks that literally fell from the sky and power every miracle technology. The lead "scientist" is a 13-year-old girl, and power is held by whichever nigger is best at chimping out in a fight.

Imagine if Hitler had been a muh-dick retard with a 70-IQ, and his path to power had been beating in the head of Franz von Papen. Instead of German labor, the Reichsmark was backed by a literal mountain of magical metal that did all the hard stuff for Germany, from providing unbreakable materials to infinite power generation; like mineral-based welfare for the whole country.

Even when their fantasies are being written by Jewish screenwriters with a $100 million budget, niggers' idealized world is basically America with more and better free shit.

remember in the film, Wakandan tribes was supposed to be a superior then the tribes from the rest of Africa. They hated other Africans but sadly in the end of the film they opened themselves to rest of the world, and brought a white man to mix with the Wakandan population.

I hope all you nigger lovers kill yourselves when the supreme Court throws these laws out

If you want to kill all niggers; you won't be up against niggers, indeed, or even other white people.

You will be up against what created niggers in the first place?

The white man has deep pockets, but short arms.

Good luck Casper

White Power!

Unitarians confirmed for white satanists.

Aren't most abortions in merica, niggers?
Why stop them?
Serious question, i'm pro life too btw but if the overwhelming majority are niggers then wouldn't it make sense to jus let them get on with it?

Pro life, but not niggers. I gonfused.

These people are so far gone they think democrats are secret racists.

imagine being a normalfag and actually giving

People who do not want abortions will not abort their unborn children. People who want abortions will abort their unborn children. Guess who the future belongs to after a couple of generations.

But muh niggers!

Fuck 'em. Nobody wants or even needs niggers. They are a net drain on the global economy and society.


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But if most abortions are niggers, wouldn't a racist be pro abortion?
Like Dems.

>Cash in your pocket
>All the sex you want

It'll never happen. You're dreaming.
There's no way, under the current system (which is all there is to work with for now) that niggers, spics, and moslems will be forced to undergo a sterilization procedure.
There's no way, under the current system (which is all there is to work with for now) that niggers, spics, and moslems will volunteer to undergo the procedure.
Go ahead and write you congressmen and suggest they draft a law saying that niggers, spics, and moslems need to be sterilized. At best, they'll ignore you outright.
Or just sit here and smoke another rock and hammer out more pipe dreams about right wing sterilization squads and, man, if only Hitler were still alive.
Fuck outta here with your stupid bullshit.

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This is a cope, the jews already pulled off las vegas, 9/11 and sandy hook

Maybe for christcucks. For me it is about getting the white population back up to sustainable levels of reproduction and restoring a healthy attitude about sex and the value of a life in zeitgeist of whites.

No. That is a jewish argument. Because it still encourages whites to kill their own babies. Are you retarded or are you a jew?
So what if there are more niglets, more demand for welfare support for all my chillin, more murders and rapes? Inevitably more whites will begin to wake the fuck up to reality of race and seek a solution

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oh yeah dude fuck white babies it's totally cool to kill white babies so long as you kill nigger babies too, sure whites are a global minority and every white abortion hurts us much more than it hurts the endless nigger horde but dude dead nigger babies haha btw why does everyone call me nu-Zig Forums i am a based conservative even though i'm sharing the same viewpoints as kikes and leftists

Isn't the arch zionist Ben Shapiro anti abortion?

Life begins at conception.
Two haploid cells form a diploid and a dividing cell rapidly becomes many. After a short pause the ride to Birth and then Puberty is just a process.

I can claim superiority over lesser humans and sovereignty over lesser countries without killing defenceless babies.

Though if you fear a tall black man smiling at your women or walking by you at night then you might just be the type of coward who prefers to try killing enemies before they become a threat.

bring back the days of duelling swords, rapiers and swordsticks for self defence?

Every non-white in a white society has the same genetic effect as killing white children.


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Ok Levi.

Meme it.

if the ratio was something like black abortions at 66%………….

So is Savage and the rest of the right-wing controlled op

My race is not nigger.

This movie was unironically redpilling to the point of hilarity. You have this magic land of negroes and what makes them so advanced and successful? Work ethic? Intelligence? No, magic rocks. Just be a stupid nigger lucky enough to be sitting on magic rocks. But at the same time, you still have enough intelligence to have your magic rock land of wakanda have the strictest immigration policy on the planet specifically because the rest of your nigger race is completely fucking retarded and you and your fellow wakandans know it. Everyone should emulate the wakandan closed border policy.

What the fuck are you trying to say? You posted a link to an amen article that talks about the evils of population replacement.
Implying the solution to those problems is to allow white mothers to kill their offspring.

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I don't know about the fags, but I don't cry.

Abortion is simply wrong, no matter the race. It's called personal responsibility. If she is a complete whore, then you stop her whoring by leaving her with a kid.


That's what abortion is retard, accepting responsibility and killing the damn thing.

>goy, accept your responsibility and kill your child
jew much?

Why are you posting your faceberg profile photo here? How is that going to help you learn to read? Every nigger alive is the genetic equivalent of killing several white children. If you killed one niglet and one white child, that is a net gain for whites. Since niggers abort more than whites, it is even more in our favor.

Killing white children is not a "gain" unless you are a shitskin

Blacks abort more per capita but not in total. Pic related. Stop posting your ignorant bullshit if you care about the 14 words for fuck sake you imbicile

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Killing blacks is, even when there is collateral damage. No amount of throwing a yidfit will change this. Learn to read.

Die in an oven shlomo

Die in an oven shlomo

Malthusian population dynamics.
Abortion is keeping things from playing out naturally.
The sooner the system becomes overwhelmed with unwanted babies and more people looking for handouts, the better. This slow burn is not good. It is letting things build up too far, thus creating a huge problem when it finally comes to a head.
The longer it goes on, the worse it will be. Better it come to a head now and not 50 years from now.

Removing abortion will force the system to fail and thus allow nature to run it's course.

Yes, it is a national question. For my NATION, that is my BLOOD, I will deny infanticide. It doesn't matter what blacks do because they are not part of my nation.

Also, you fucking satanist morons who think abortion is meaningful haven't seen black "families". I walk by these tribes in the park with 8-10 kids. Who cares if they abort at a higher rate, the higher birth rate makes up for it. As an industry it hurts whites. That's all I care about. If I have to save a dozen nigger babies to save 1 white baby, it will have been worth it.

You argue like a jew. Just pure bullshit

Michael Savage, real name Michael Weiner. Bay area located radio jew with a national program, similar to Rush Limbaugh or Alex Jones. He's a neo-con kike with a big radio show. He also occasionally pays lip service to WN tier shit, white population replacement etc. he seems to mostly of the disposition that the white race is the best host the jewish parasites ever had or ever will had, but at the end of the day he is a kike, through and through, though a lot of boomer cucks like him.

This is a Christfag crying about dead nigger babies.

And since "America" isn't a Nation, trying to make abortion illegal in that interracial homosexual called "America" means trying to produce as many half-nigger mongrels for the ZOG as possible.
Until the White Nation has its own Nation-State, banning abortion means the ZOG wants more niggers and half-nigger mongrels to use as shocktroops against the masses of the White Nation.

This could only be said by someone who has never even conceived the fact that our real Nation is under occupation by Kikes and their Christfag sycophants.

Only non white women should have the freedom to have abortion. It's about time that white women check there privilege.

If this is true, we need to get an abortion ban in Florida so we can pressure Disney to leave Florida as well. Floridanons know that (((Disney))) is absolute cancer and would love for them to leave. Number 1 importers of Haitian and Puerto Rican workers in the State (probably, damn well seems like it). And that's not even mentioning the movies, the awful, awful movies.

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I've seen more and more blacks are waking up to the kike shit. It's like a side effect of over propaganda.

I don't know who kikes think will side with them. The "class struggle" is clearly failing apart.

Only the pretty stupid rare minority will support all the evil associated with the attempt of the genocide of white folks.

Fuck Jews

Go watch Molyneux 2 hour long video with a million and one sources on the shadiness of that man. I completely believe he was a rapist.

Abortion isn't the cause of low white birth rates.

didn't realize I was responding to this recycled shilling again.
that's european, middle east, and north africa combined into the category of "white".

Cuckservatives still acting like faggots I see

Video: young mother buries her miscarried baby.

Attached: veronica_miscarriage.webm (512x288, 14.49M)

The state of Georgia will lost millions on tax exemption.

You know what is sad?

Milla Jovovich aborting her own third child.
Then I realized she was 41 old years and already got 2 children. First was in 2007 while second one was in 2015.

Her abortion was in 2017 while she was pregnant for 4 months and 1-2 weeks. So why she aborted? Because it's child of another guy? Maybe, I mean it's hollywood. She might have a orgy sex or got sex with her ex and don't want husband to know.
Because another baby would hinder her career? Maybe but I can see she is being successful even with two children so it's not that.

She said she got abortion during a shooting in Eastern Europe in 2017. So probably one of movies released in 2018 or 2019 is where she got her abortion.
She never said why she aborted, only she got emergency abortion. So it's either she not knowing she was pregnant and got exam to know when she got pregnant and decided to abort right away which might indicate she got sex with another guy or health issues.
And she didn't say something about health issues so I bet it's from another guy.

I would love if the whole nigger and islam guys get killed by abortion.
Seriously, why the fuck anyone would want to abort a child during third trimester or even after baby being born? It's disgusting.


Just passing through
Kill all schitzos and boomers.

Good. Delusional Hollywood vermin should stay in their containment states. The only babies needing abortion are non-whites and retards.

Abortion is the #1 cause of death for niggers in the USA. Ending abortion will n

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I'm so glad this shit is going to get thrown out in the supreme Court. We are going to keep killing nigger babies and there is nothing you can do about it christcucks