German-French-Roman Hybrid Master Race of Central Europe

I don't like race mixing.
But Atilla the Hun forced us to mix after the Merovingian Frenchman was the only one who could defeat him.
Then the Germans finally got on board after Charlmagne put and end to Muslim invasion of Europe.

These pure Germans in Denmark and Sweden and East Prussia, they are not us.

I've been torn between French and German my whole life.
I look French, but born into German culture on the east bank of the Rhine side of the rhine river; right on the border with france.

We're different from pure Germanics up north.
Let's end this whole war between Germany and France.

And right on time for Charles Martle, Carlamagnes grandfather, to stop the muslim invasion of Europe.

But we need to fight this phobia of race mixing between particular races, its okay. Like German and French.

Attached: war highlight.png (1280x1020, 213.52K)

Other urls found in this thread:ène_cultureí_Ímair

What a non-post.

Red would cover the area if we race mixed with the latin roman Italian whites.

Purple covers the ancestral claim of our French ancestry as originally trojan Cimmerians. Supposedly Conan the Barbarian character is a trojan Cimmerian.

Turks need to BTFO out of Anatolia.

Attached: kingdom.PNG (889x620, 180.6K)

Romans are Italics
Italics are Celtics
French are Franks
Franks are Germanics
Germanics are Celtics
So are Slavics.

They were in large part Slavic, genetically.

Oh. It's one of these threads.
So you want to LARP, eh?
How about this map?
It's based on an ideology espoused by an user who received 4-quads from God.
It's called Anarcho-Feudal National-Tribalism.

Here is the future of the North American continent after we overthrow all governments and civilization. Technology that leads to weakness and laziness is eliminated so that natural social norms can reassert themselves. Indeed, all forms of our former decadent civilization are eliminated and bands of men choose new names based on our mythological and historical cultures for these new tribal societies. If you're a Howard fan, you may recognize some of the tribes here.
Eventually, new city-states re-emerge in the reforested continent and compete with barbarian tribal groups for dominance in this harsh and unforgiving world.

Attached: Anarcho-Feudal National-Tribalist America.png (1766x1363, 3.19M)

you're not better than me just cuz your pure blood
German French have surpassed you in Europe.
Go back to Sweden NIGGA

Italis are not Celtic shit brain.

Unless you have some weird historical angle I don't know about.

it's the local "X are Celtic" spammer, feel free to ignore him, nothing of value there

Also tl;dr:
- ~200,000yrs ago Proto-europeans "appear" in Northern Europe
- ~50,000yrs ago Ancient Anatolians spread across what becomes the Illyrian, Italic, and Iberian peninsulas
- ~40,000yr Ice Age Happens isolating these genetically similar groups in the south into unique phenotypes and further isolating the Proto-europeans
- ~10,000yr ago Ice Age ends and all three new phenotypes of Europeans reenter continental Europe and mix with the Proto Europeans creating the unique phenotypes found in Europe today.

What phenotype are you ?

I actually didn't mean that.
That sounds terrible.
I'm just saying the natsoc fascist emperor ruler of Europe can't be a pure blood german or Frenchmen.
Pretty much anybody from the rhine river.

Guess where the Trump family surname comes from?
That's right.

Lel here's a (you), jew.

And for anons who didn't know their ancestors were Celtics:
From Iberia to Siberia

I'm a ghostly white brown haired green eyed Englishman. I married a blonde/blue Russian and had 2 kids. Did I fuck up?

take a good look people, this is what mental illness looks like

That is an odd mix.
Is there an English Slavic mixed culture anywhere?

The Celts were pushed out by Germans, French, and Romans as they expanded.
You might be right that Celtic lands extend into north western europe. Like Brittany.

point is that "Celts" only started existing as a cultural and linguistic identity with the La Tene culture, and by that point Italics, Hellenes and Germanics and Balts and Slavs and Illirians just to name some had already split
Celts don't stand above any of these, they are just another, important, son of common bronze age aryan cultures

Celts were pushed out of Europe back to their homeland in Ireland/Britain.
They were over

but definitely not Italy you dumb barbarian

Many people in Transalpine Gaul fled north, especially down the Rhine, as Rome tried to spread religion. The Franks, originally a Germanic tribe from Franconia, and the group who eventually founded East and West Francionia (France and Germany), were a confederation of Celtic-speaking and Germanic-speaking tribes. The Celtic group Scot speaks both Celtic Scottish and Germanic Scots, as the Frankish kings eventually sold out and much of their land came under the rule of Rome. France was the last land in Europe to be called Gaul, with the exception of Portugal.

Wrong again. You say "back" implying that the Celts originated in Ireland. This is also untrue. The Celts originated in what is now southern Germany and spread outwards from there. Britain/Hiberia were among the last places that the Celts invaded/conquered. The last of which was probably Galatia in Anatolia during the 3rd century BC.

But they were. Not only did they found Rome they were many of the rulers over both empires and lived all around Rome in Cisalpine Gaul.


The people that call themselves Celtics today are the ones who preserved their culture while everybody else became different and part of Rome (see the Holy Roman Empire or Byzantanium (see Anatolia) or Greece (see Illyricum). It is most of the Celtic Isles and parts of Iberia like Galatia and wherever spainanon lives.

seriously, go take your meds


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It's all theory.
But it seems more reasonable that celts were native to the british isles,
italics native to italy.
And the period of time you speak of all the discoveries of celtic culture in archeology, i think is better attributed to white people being a more cohesive unified whole, whilse still having our tribes, but there being a widely similar "white" culture. Not because those settlements actually were celtic tribes that remain pure only in ireland now.

Druids were known to be spiritual leaders of all different kinds of white people
ike the white people priestly class that used to organize all white people
this doesnt mean everyone was celtic

Celts were not in europe before they were in ireland. post proof and i'll consider it.

Wrong again. See

Very debatable. Italic languages like Umbrian and Latin are Indo-European. They displaced paleo-European languages like Etruscan and Rhaetian which have no known relations. Linguistic isolates.


fuck sake
the oldest written example of written Celtic is Lepontic from north Italy, and La Tene culture nearby is not for nothing considered their homeland

are you even aware Celts didn't enter north Italy before 400BC, while Latial culture, ancestral to Latins, begins around the X century BC? are you just pretending to have down syndrome?
Celts are ancestral to fuck all, its a sister branch on the same level as everyone else

Do you have any evidence for this?
I am not a linguist but according to my knowledge the Italic languages and Celtic languages share a common ancestor but are distinct language groups.

he is mentally ill and cannot even read what he is posting

Read about the tribes listed here
And read about the history of Europe, this is a good start:
Urnfield is thought to branch into Hallstatt and Villanovan.
Villanovan becomes the Etruscans and then, after combining with the Italics and other Celtics, Rome.
Hallstatt becomes La Tène, which is the modern Celtic culture.
None of these groups are the same today but they share the same roots and genetics.


That is not relevant to what is being said.
You claimed that the Celts originated in Britain or Ireland. This is not so. Britain and Ireland were among the last places that the Celtic cultural group migrated to.

The link here is a good start.
Vulgar Latin becomes languages like Latin, French, Italian, Spanish, and Portugese. They are different languages but the same language group. Portuguese and Spanish share many Gaelic words and the names of Celtic tribes like Bavarii and Helvetii sound like modern Italian words.
These glyphs you read now are very close to the original Celtic runes.

French aren't the Franks. The Dutch and Germans are Franks. French are Gaulish/Roman hybrid mutt bastards. Only the 1% of the elite ruling class of France was ever actually Frankish.

I think that you, the other user, and myself are talking past each other. What you seem to be arguing is that Celtic and Italic language groups are in a larger language group; Indo-European. Which is true. Whereas is arguing that Italic languages did not originate from Celtic languages but evolved independently from a common source. Which is also correct.

This seems to be an argument over which group we're talking about. IE is a linguistic family and Celtic is just a branch of that family.

The Latin language is Italic. Gaulish is Celtic. Modern Celtic languages, however, are more Semitic in structure than anything. Absolutely alien to Latin, and alien to Indo-European ,for that matter.

Make an infographic pill that's easier to swallow,
i have a feeling you might be half right
French claim to be a Trojan refuge land after the Fall of Troy.
So if the French are going to be moving in to where the Turks are moving out, then that would leave room for a Gaelic return to Gaul.

But not to Italy. Take a middle ground, not any of the extremes. Saying italy is celtic is gone too farsville

The fall of Troy is equivalent to the fall of the byzantines and the completion of their migration to Rhineland France

post proof or it didn't happen moishe

Actually the master race are pure, blue-eyed, white jews.

Attached: paul-newman-promojpg.jpg (2568x1804 232.59 KB, 218.11K)

The Celtic language group originates in North Africa. It's not even European. It's a sister group of Arabic and Hebrew.

Who is this us?

I am Dane and Northern German. You are not me.

Sorry but slav-germanic mutts are master race

Read a fucking book, illiterate.
Don't attempt to engage in a discussion about a subject that you know nothing about.
You can start by looking up what the La Tene culture is and researching the vast quantity of evidence that links them to the Celts.
Celtic culture appears to have originated from southern Germany and spread in all directions after the Bronze Age Collapse.

Attached: Celtic_Expansion.svg.png (800x559, 404.79K)

We're the same race, you jackass.

Are you trying to say the phoenicians were Celtic? Ancient Carthage?

But still. Post some proof.

Also since we're shitposting, I'm Ukrainian-Russian with a hint of Estonian and German

Julius Ceasar knew the Celtic homeland was in Anatolia near Lygos. That is where a druid he found who called himself Qui (Who) said where "the people" hailed from and told Julius of many things which had happened but also of things which would happen.

The Goddess, Roma, that Julius Ceasar meets while crossing the river Rubicon is one such event the druid foretells to him.

Attached: ClipboardImage.png (400x295, 253.32K)

I'm saying that the Italians are Celtic.
Not all, since immigration from Africa and Arabia, and because Celtic evolved into other cultures near the Danube and Tibe, giving rise to Slavic families, who, in Italy, have surnames that end in 'a' like "russia", "polska" and "slavia". Surnames in Italy that end in 'i' are likely Celtic in origin like "scotti ", "cantabri", and "britanni".

No (you) for your lies.

That's a pretty wild claim. One that needs actual proof. Which so far you have failed to provide.
All evidence we have seems to indicate that the Celts came to Italy after the Italic peoples.

this is pure comedy gold, keep going

man, you cant just base all your proof off of some shit a scientist dug up 50 years ago.

All Celtic evidence in europe is archeological.
can you even trust archeology in a corrupt society?
common sense says the celtic culture has always s=centered on ireland

That's among the dumbest thing's I've ever heard
Common sense says you're a retard.

Sounds jewish, like "norse invasions of europe" vs "islamic conquests of europe". The spread of "Celtic" culture paralleled the spread of steel. Based on dna samples going back to ~5,000bc showing Europeans being much the same, people simply upgraded to a new "expansion pack" of steel while maintaining burrial and pottery styles, instead of the Celtics genetically replacing all much of Europe.


ill save you some time.
you're a northern slav


tHEY would love to be able to change history becaue they found something in the GROUND. what planet are you on, don't you know that 1984 began in 1684

This is the best start, language:
Celtic people and Italic people share a language but the Etruscans, who didn't share this language, lived in between them. Also, since the founding of Rome, Celtics and Italics, even if they were more different than I am suggesting, became the major populations of Italy, along with Greeks. And if Celtics made it to Iberia, they made it down the Italic peninsula, especially if many tribes lived on the Italian side of the Alps.

You're dumber than
Intelligent people who are interested in the truth do. Clearly you don't. You'd rather we throw out 100 years of archeological evidence so we can trust the worthless intuitions of a worthless sack of shit like you.
Fuck off, cunt. People like you don't deserve to breath the same air as those of us interested in desciphering the rich and amazing history of the world

We are all connected.

Early and Middle Bronze Age


Atilla was Scythian you retard, he wielded Hadakura's Sword, Istenkardja described in the Hungarian Pagan stories, without many of the Germanic tribes defecting away from their Blood, Rome would not have won and be the vehicle for jews to spread into Europe. Germanics wanted to speak like Romans, forgo who they are for spiritual Semitism. This now is just the current iteration of the Germanic Downfall by trusting foreign ways and foreign people. What is it that you Teutons really want?

Prussians were originally a Slavic people, by their surviving songs and cultural artifacts. There again Germanics try to LARP as another people because they destroyed their own folk ways by adhering to neo-jewry.

Charles Martel barely defeated the Muslims because he was waging a war of conversion against Redbad in the North. Ironically the Church after his death in the Visio Eucherii says Martel is with the devil for his destruction of Church Property to fund his army. You can't win against spiritual jews, you may help them but they will curse you just like the jews themselves.

And the fact that you ask
proves quite clearly that you have no clue what you're even talking about. The term Bronze Age Collapse refers to the states not the metal.
Fucking moron. Kill yourself. Stop talking about history if you don't even know anything about it.

nOT TO throw it away.
but you can't rely on archeology alone
especially when using that evidence to drastically re-write history for the volk.
There is a big darn good reason why Ireland is currently home to the celts.
This is better proof they originate in british isles than some Indiana jones bullshit where they found similar decorative artifacts in a few different holes in the ground.

Ireland is better evidence than your holes in the ground.

No. Your feelings are worthless just like your life. Men use facts and evidence to arrive at conclusions. Not your fucking feelings.
Filtered for excessive faggotry

That's fine, I'm not hung up on nation states. I'm mostly northern slav with some Germanic admixture.

Also I really want to do the 23andme or that other service but it seems shady, wish there was a Zig Forums approved genetics testing service. Perhaps there's one I can get sent to China or some shit to eliminate on the pozz? I also doubt they share genetics data with western kikes, idk. Always been curious to find out as I'm a chemist by trade and am autistic for truth

Attached: bruh.jpg (615x460, 137.63K)

Celtic Cultural Mecca is in Ireland
Written history records gaelic celts in as far as modern day france, but heavily contested with rome in the south. these are not feelings. these are not 2 holes in the ground dug by probably by some jew archeologist.
romans have mythological orignins of their ancesters in rome from 3000 years ago
this is not feelingz
your jew holes in the ground are not enough by themselves even if they weirent dug up by a bunch of rabbis


Do it at home by yourself.

Attached: BenjieOnSwaths.jpg (578x1200, 744.64K)

was right. You are mentally ill. Or more likely a child.


France is Germanic, it is also Latin and Celtic. The same is true of Germany though. Celtic sites have been found throughout Germany, and if Romans made it to France, they passed through Germany. Pretty much all Europeans are Euro-mutts. This means as Europeans or Euro-Ameticans, our identity is: ethnic European, or native European. Or you could just say White too and that works. White pride worldwide.

Franks were a Germanic tribe that populated much of France, many peasants there

Ireland is not Celtic. They speak a Germanic language. They were settled by Germanic vikings and Germanic English settlers who interbred with them. Ireland is Germano-Celtic.

Jesus fuck, OP. I'm pretty sure the rest of the anons have already covered it.

Attached: OP Admiring his Post.jpg (446x336, 22.49K)

Europeans are European. This German/Celtic/Latin divide is bullshit. Just look at Italy, it was settled by Lombards(Germanic) and countless other tribes. Or spain, many of their surnames are Germanic, Rodriguez is Germanic(Roderick). Also the name of our country America is rooted in the Italian name Amerigo which is based on the Germanic Emerick. America is a Germanic term, but its government structures are filled with Roman symbols. Ethnic European is the biological identity of Europeans. And it is our culture too. This Germanic, Celtic, Latin stuff is bullshit. We are White or you could say native European.

As an aside, didn't they recently find dna evidence linking bronze age graves near stonehenge to switzerland natives?

Britain, France, and Iberia gave us celtic languages. See the thing a lot of these kids forget is we have had a lot of intermingling in europe for thousands of years and there are overlaps in language and cultures because of how much time many of these cultures cover as empires rise and fall.
People like to forget the Beakers.

Many of the henges are used for burial of the dead, while they camp and celebrate in the larger "super henge" near bye, so there should be dna from Celtics from all accross Europe in their digs.

Watch the Expedition Unknown episodes on the Celts and the Henges, there are a few. And there was a recent documentary [Operation Stonehenge: What Lies Beneath] on the henges that feature the same research team (C. Richard Bates). They also do Atlantis research, too. Spoiler: Atlantis was in Dogerland And climate research. Spoiler: global cooling

Some do. Scots is Germanic while Scottish is Celtic.
The Celtic isles were first inhabited by Iberians, then Norse. This is where you get a Sean Hannity and a Kenneth Branagh at each end with a Liam Neeson in the middle. I am a Norse-Gael, btw. All of the Northern Sea Kingdom was once ruled by Ivar Ragnarson, a Norse-Gael.

"switzerland natives" depends entirely on the period
but if you are talking about the bronze age stonehenge site, it has been more or less established that the core of modern English islands populations arrived in that period from central Europe with Bell Beakers, not particularly related to the Swiss
the input of actual Celts from La Tene is not easy to determine since these are all heavily related and close populations to begin with, and at the moment there aren't many Celtic samples available

If you read the Gallic Wars by Caesar he describes Northern Gaul is inhabited by the Belgae, a Germanic tribe. Gauls were Germano-Celtic people prior to Roman invasions, afterwards they were Germano-Celtic-Latin people. French aren't any more Bastards than Germans in terms of being Euro-mutts. French are White Europeans.

The Gallic Wars also describes the British coasts as inhabited by the Belgae, bear in mind this work is attesting to a Germanic presence in Britain at least as early as 50 BC

Belgae were a mixed bunch, some were Germanics, some were Celts. Doesn't mean the rest of Gallia was anything like that or that they were in any way Germanic.í_Ímair
Found this wikipedia article that gets into it

There is other sources that describe Germanic tribes throughout Gaul, it was Celtic and Germanic the area. Gallic Wars is one of the very important sources though. On DNA tests they lump French and German DNA together. And The Franks were described as having invaded and taken northern France, and if you read the Life of Charlemagne you will see mentioned that the Franks planted Saxons all over France. I forget which version of Life of CHarlemagne it was, there are two, both short, by different monks though


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Very interesting graphs. The following is not a response to you, but I find it very strange that some commenters on this thread have been speaking as if there is some sort of impenetrable wall separating Germany and France, as if tribes were not crossing into each others regions and living in various areas. Germans and French are very similar, and French are also very similar to Italians due to Roman incursions into France. So I mean, for people who want an idea of Germanic tribes in France please read:

The History of The Franks by Gregory of Tours.

Attached: Donkey Fable.jpg (2388x1249, 487.21K)

I miss infographic threads. Thanks for this, user.

Well, Ben Franklin is wrong then. He was from the 1700s, you know.

I think there is likely context to this that is missing. Race was viewed as both the obvious pigment, intellect, and physiological differences and the values that are upheld. If someone can be "Anglified", it follows that they are similar enough to Anglos that they need only adopt values and language. Note he says "purely white".

Conversely, yellows, blacks, etc. could never be "Anglified" in a similar way. Color looks like as much of a moral judgement as it is objective observation of race.

I feel like that’s not at all realistic for the average person, even a chemist.
Like a Y haplogroup (think something like R1b or I2 for Europeans) is a bunch of SNPs and short tandem repeat sequences. Interpretation is tedious and the amount of research you’d need to do into the specific loci is intensive. And that’s not even getting into primer design for sequencing. And in saying this as somebody who does recombinant DNA technology for a living. I think a lot of the big companies use a technique similar to microarrays at this point

23andMe is mostly health related. You are looking for genealogy.
There are some companies out there. A lot of these companies are literally run by (((tribe members))). I’d highly recommend staying clear of a couple, one of which is Family Tree DNA. They’re services are really good but they have a memorandum of understanding with the FBI, which is sketchy as fuck.
Im by no means an expert on this stuff, like I said I do similar stuff for a living but actually doing it for yourself is intense. I’m partial toward the company YSEQ since they don’t seem that sketchy. They are focused on Y-chromosome which is really important to do. Tracks patrilineal ancestors, which is a small part of your heritage but remains very constant for tons of generations. Good place to start:

Otherwise I think from some cursory research AncestoryDNA seems ok. They seem to at least have half decent privacy policy and claim they will deidentify or delete your results upon request. They only do autosomal DNA which is highly variable and can only be traced back a handful of generations, but on the plus side will give you a more global view of your heritage.
Hopefully that helps. As stated this isn’t from experience because like you I’m worried about submitting samples, but curiousity may get the better of me one day

Just a question for my anthropology anons out there. Does anybody know what the differences between Celtic and Germanic really are? I feel like I can kinda sense some but to me they almost seem like groups of tribes that are more or less the same just distributed over slightly different areas and over different times.
For instance would it be a true statement that Celtic cultures, or at least their influence were slightly older than the Germanics? And then following the Migration period germanics conquered a lot of Celtic land, and supplanted their culture?
Also in relation to Celtic gods, there seem to be more similarities between them and Romuva gods (in Lithuania, which are VERY old) than there are to Germanic gods, indicating the Celtic culture predates Germanic by a bit.

Overall too just in general I get the sense that the Germanic tribes were more martial and stratefied, whereas Celtic was more nature oriented and tribal/animistic/shamanistic. Seems to be indicated a bit in Tacitus. Is there truth to this? Or faulty perception?

I would read Germania by Tacitus, also look into the writings of Plutarch and various Roman historians. Gallic Wars by Julius Caesar too. They all talk about Germanic and Celtic tribes. The so called Germanic and Celtic nations of today are a fusion of Germanic and Celtic blood. Obviously places like Ireland would have more Celtic than Germanic blood but they have both. As for Cekts being more nature oriented, i can’t say but bot had sacred groves.

Trees were sacred to Germans and Cekts, they also had wild horses in Germanic areas that were set apart in honor of the gods, as a symbol of freedom, interestingly wild horses are under tgreat in America at the very same time our freedoms have been challenged.

wild horses are under threat in America

Was to hear about the horses. It’s weird but I was never heavily around horses growing up but have ridden them numerous times and always felt it was very easy to connect with them, perhaps it is something in our blood.
As for those sources. Read Tacitus will have to look into those other sources though.
As for perceptions was just always under the impression there was something more ancient about the celts. Perhaps more WHG or EEF cultural influence with them, whereas germanics seemed to have held onto Yamyana/PIE influence more, but just a perception. Appreciate your inputs. Our history fascinated me to no end

These are free online audio books of The Gallic Wars by Julius Caesar and Germania by Tacitus. Both witnessed the Celts and Germans firsthand.

Not to be a dick, but you thought it was easy to connect with them, because they're bred for riding. I'm not aware of any genuinely wild horses on the planet, they'd have to cloned.

Feral horses then