Multiculturalism and diversity will increase racial consciousness.
Growing up in Iowa in 1970's, I never thought about being White because everyone around me was white and I only saw non-whites on TV.
The white children of the future will grow up surrounded by the other. See what they are like first hand, and know the PC rubbish their teachers are pushing on them is crap.
All are not one. Goddamn sociopaths; racists can’t value people properly as individuals among individuals, so they ape compassion with pigmented chimpouts.
Isaac Hughes
Your such a faggot! the whole point of our effort is to insure our children don't find out about negro and Arab insanity when they should be having fun outside and unafraid.
Benjamin Cruz
Growing up in Illinois in the 90s I was already surrounded by “the other”, and “the other” were stupid violent people. Nothing to do with race. Outside of the dumbass youths guarding a few shitty streets like territory, race didn’t seem like a factor, and what most made me “other” was that I disliked fighting. The time I broke an upperclassman’s arm happened because the jackass contrived with two of his friends to wall me in enough that was the least violent way out. They were all three pinkish beige.
The races of peaceful and violent weakness are more primordially opposed to each other than the races of different melanin content. It’s a symptom of the Newspeak bullshit of our age that we’re supposed to treat violence as strength, and I guess we’re all supposed to die as vapid tardragers getting killed by our betters in peaceful society.
I discovered outside of public school humans mostly don’t posture and fight like primitive monkeys. I’d had some inkling of that based on how I never had people treat me violently when I did volunteer work with the church. People on sights like this are fed a constant slave-diet of mandatory weakness to keep them from discovering most of society is already pleasantly strong.
Samuel Scott
I didn't hate niggers until Jews started flooding my previously mostly ethnically homogeneous country with them.
I used to think like that for a while, but I'd rather be around violent, thuggish whites than peaceful subhumans, their very presence is an act of violence and hatred towards nature, taste, and common sense.
Gabriel Turner
They won't.
The masses will simply become used to their 'changing environment'.
And the media will actively support this process and effectively defend it against all odds.
Cameron Martinez
Fucking weak, man. If people do violence to you just by existing, get medicated. You’re killing yourself tolerating that much weakness in yourself. If everyone was a subhuman like you, we never would’ve gotten past clay pots and mud huts.
WTF happened, anyways? A few years ago stressing right-wingers into self-destructive bigotry was a clever scheme, now you people are irreparably unwilling to have any kind of strength or gravity. You “defeated” an evil plot by totally obeying it, and your causes have weakened accordingly. Did you not notice it was his capacity for calm strength that empowered Martin Luther King? Have you not seen the way society has bowed willingly in acknowledgment of peace?
Most brown people aren’t niggers, the way most beige people aren’t aryans. The problem racists have is one of statistical competency. Statistically optimal policies aren’t race-blind (see the real difficulties in programming antiracist AIs), but they also don’t look like high racism (most brown people are honestly law-abiding, and there’s no value in hating them).
Colton Barnes
You’re just a spastic wimp easily pushed.
Kevin Jones
You can't win leftynigger, even nature hates you, thanks for bumping the thread tho
This site recently has started to hate Christians for a reason it has long hated Jews: religious people aren’t weak enough to obey the whinings of violent criminals. How long until it’s admitted that 8ch hates strength as such?
Ethan Campbell
If we live in peace, we can prosper together, and eat each other’s flesh from cruelty-free vatmeats. If we live in war, we can suffer impotently, and eat each other’s flesh amidst nightmares of suffering. Do you prefer the future where you live or the future where you die? Are you strong enough to live forever?
We who eat the flesh of farmers and grocers should embrace the strength of softness! (Yea, for does not animal flesh belong to the farmer and grocer?)
Dominic James
act as the bitch and take the switch
Josiah Edwards
I've been seeing that pic for years now. The NSDAP was a political party. Name a political party today that can win.
Jace Howard
Liberal faggot dumb ass. We've moved past that because we aren't subhumans, subhuman races still haven't moved past mud huts and clay pots, or human sacrifice, or learning how to govern. By the time we're done, the world population will be much smaller, and there wont be a single shit face, or mud face to be seen anywhere at all. And it will be a perfect world.
Leo Rodriguez
Bad news comrade. Your children are going to grow up being harrassed by niggers and spics and being told by their dyke teacher they deserve it for the crime of their ancestors.
On the bright side,, I reckon they will rebel against this with a greater fury than you or I could ever muster.
The leader of the jews has come to our board to deceive.
Oliver Sullivan
Popular opinion doesn't mean much when free speech is outlawed. The Zionists have Germany in a death grip. Look at this. It only took them two day to draft the bill, no debate. no public discussion. Bang. Germans cannot criticize Israel.
I am the youth of this generation, and as long as our will remains strong, I personally guarantee that we will have our victory soon. It is our destiny to conquer this planet and to destroy the beasts who occupy its lands.
Nathan Wright
I don't care that much about world domination… just get the shitskins out of my town and stop sending my tax dollars to Israel and I will love you until the day I die.
Yes, but they will grow up in a invariably with censorship and restrict gun prohibition.
Christian Jones
We progressed by not tolerating such "people" and those enabling them. Your values are so inverted, you are seriously mentally ill (or a subhuman trying to justify his pathetic existence).
Yes, they abuse me by making me see their hideous faces and disgusting bodies, by making me smell their animal odor, by making me witness their disgusting behavior, hear their horrible voice, by making me see them enjoy life that they were never supposed to, given their biological quality and (both historical and present) level of development. You see, it's not just at all. Nor is it respecting my individual freedoms. It's completely antithetical to liberalism and progress.
You could say they are raping nature, reason, good taste and host societies.