All the stormcucks BTFO!!!! Our glorious leader Trump to place tariffs on those anti-capitalist jew haters in CDMX!! G-d bless America and ISRAELCHAIM!
All the stormcucks BTFO!!!! Our glorious leader Trump to place tariffs on those anti-capitalist jew haters in CDMX!! G-d bless America and ISRAELCHAIM!
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What if we opened the border to all adults, but required immigrants to be sterilized?
Don’t mind me; I’m plotting to ultimately sterilize everyone. I hate the ancestral sociopathy of humanity. In the Creator’s image, y’all are fucked.
Nice. There will still be retards whining about trump not being shitler, though. Praise KEK
Get out of here with your anti-America shilling, cuck:
Economic terrorism.
(((I trust my President.Screw the shils.MAGA)))
Okay trumpnigger, but why is the US still 50% white?
50% White? Is it still that high? You do know that they lie about the real figures right?
Civic nationalism is the future, brother. Don't let the Globalist divide us
I'm sure he means it this time.
It will be reported as 50% for another decade, just like a woman turning 39 year after year.
Nothing is more anti America than Zognald Blormpf the President who let in the most non white 3rd world immigrants per year in American history while doing double duty for Israel the entire time.
Trump already won in 2020 because Joe Biden is even worse than him on every level. No Republicans will challenge Trump on a serious level because it's career suicide to. The only path is violence and accelerationism.
the other guy looks like a mexiburger mutt
Merely pretending to be retarded is still retarded.
Mexico makes a lot more than 5% in the form of remittances from their invading beans, so I don't see why a 5% or even 25% tariff should stop them. At least it's more than he's done to date. But looking at the demographics, I think it's safe to say too little, too late. Who will kill Trump's family first - the extreme right, or the extreme left?
Kikes created this thread. Since Drumpf likes Israel so much. I can understand if someone was forced to vote for him last time since they only had two choices. But to actually support this zionist puppet who is more zionist than the last presidents in USA in the last 4 decades. Kind of shows the mentality of USA and how dangerous some US citizens are to the world.
You forgot his threats of actual military, state-level violence against Germany over a pipeline for Russian gas and his campaign of economic terrorism against Russia.
jew spotted.
Trump is such an idiot. How the hell does he expect consumers to keep up with all the new Apple products? Damn it. This is not Capitalism!
Which will result in higher prices for the importers which will be marked up even further by the distributors inside the USA and passed along to the consumer. Get it into your head tariffs equal higher prices.
Stop celebrating. When it happens then you can say he actually did something. And what's more, it doesn't prevent spics from coming in. The US should be mowing spics down as invaders, and that's aside from the absence of a wall.
Is there an official counter for how many times Trump said:
< etc
Because he ran his campaign calling politicians for doing that but that's how he managed to run his office.
I knew he was shilled by kikes but I didn't think it would be this bad.
Impoverishing Mexico and the rest of the third world further only exacerbates the situation. The only humane path forward is anti-imperialism, decolonization on the economic level by canceling debts to these impoverished nations like Nick Griffin of the BNP declared to do years ago.
He hasn't fired kikener and his stupid sjw daughter for their retarded comments that were so fucking stupid they went against the most important issue to republican voters.