True path to enlightenment

What really is the true path to enlightenment really?Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Bahá'í Faith, Hinduism, Taoism, Buddhism, Sikhism, Slavic neopaganism, Celtic polytheism, Heathenism (Germanic paganism), Semitic neopaganism, Wicca, Kemetism (Egyptian paganism), Hellenism (Greek paganism), Italo-Roman neopaganism satanism?O9A satanism?O9A satanism is different from regular satanism so you can know…So pol what really is the best path to enlightenment?What is the true religion of a true aryan?Well it help to improve our lives?Or will it make us slowly die and decay?

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I think the true purpose of religion is to help communicate otherwise complex philosophical questions and describe the uncertainties of life to the normalfag masses

So in that sense I think European Paganism, Christianity, and even Hinduism and to a lesser extent East Asian Folk religion are all equally as "enlightening" as they all tell stories to help get people through life. Religion isn't really required for enlightenment, but it helps

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The simplest answer is that the true path lies within you. But you must know how.

The most reliable sources of this knowledge is Vedic Gnosticism, The Emerald Tablets of Thoth, and I the Great Genius (formerly the Gnosticist known as Yeshua ben Yosef).

Aryans are incapable of true enlightenment until they give up being niggers.

Generally, seek the word that’s true, and eat of the grocer’s flesh.

Lucky 21. Thoughtful post, thank you.

Niggers are also incapable of enlightenment until they give up being aryans, incidentally.

Buddhism is a simplified version of my ages long quest. But it will not reveal all.

One must learn to awaken their true inner selves to begin.

I mostly don't care for religion at all but believe their is a higher power

Higher power is just words. God properly comprehended exists even to atheists. Improperly comprehended, religious people also do not believe in God. This is what it is for something to be words.

This thread was created so you can learn the essentials regarding the true path of righteousness and enlightenment.

I the Great Genius am here to help show you the way.

This is it? This is what you sameposter hyped a new thread for? No actual communication, just inane attention whoring?

Great Genius, did jews do 9/11? Y or N, any other answer and you're a faggot and sage

cucktianity is never and will never be enlightened

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This is just the beginning!

What can I tell you that you don't already know?

Well what did you want me to say?I know know about religion!I only made this thread so the people that do can flood the thread and talk!So if any other lost anons here can find their way.

I know nothing about religion*

I must have you inquiries in order to further enlighten you.

Those who do not seek it have no hope of discovering it. What is it that you seek to know about the true path of the source?

There really is no moderation on here, lol.

Take the Baruch Spinoza pill

Want a good source to read?

Well I believe in a disciplined lifestyle.I make friends easily.Yet im pretty cold when no one is around.

I get facsinated each time I read a gnostic text, I think everyone should too if you seek for the truth.

Then you are cut from the cloth of my brethren.

You are certainly on the right path.

Please go on I want to know how "Im a cut from the cloth of your brethren"

Only you can answer this question (it lies within you). But first you must awaken your inner self through meditation (read the document I linked to).

I've got a document for you to read. It's this post, and it says you're a niggerfaggot and also not smart at all and should download Chrome

Ya I don't know about that desert religion….


The truth will remain hidden from those who have hardened their hearts against it!

How are you so inept at communication? What's the plot that you're selling? Is it any good? Did it regrow your hair? How much does it cost?

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Read Summoning the Gods.

My message is for those that have eyes to see, and ears to hear.

I am selling you on the eternal path of righteousness. My fee is your vigilance in pursuing it.

Shall we continue?

Ya fuck that ima be a larpy ass O9A satanist it's seems their relgion is about improving ones self I seen some other stuff too this is not the only thing but their was somthing about be cold ruthless and strong through the sinister way

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it's in one of their books

I know this is bumping the thread, for which I apologize, but PLEASE FUCKING GOD CHRIST G-D MOHAMMED ALLAHAHLLAH ALMIGHTY STOP THIS FUCKING THREAD!!!!!!!

lol no u

I think I'm somewhere near there already. Your thoughts lack the practicality I've come to expect from such a thing. You do not draw my attention to new sensory or relations and I expect you to go into some semantics game. Why not state plainly your tools of observation and the observation you wish to share?

Falun Gong/Dafa?

The originator of the movement claims that there are tens of thousands of paths leading to enlightenment.

Between Shem going east, and Japheth going west, I think perhaps many paths originate from ancient Aryans.

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I can only lead you to the revelation you seek. You must do the rest.

There may be many roads, but there is only one true path (it lies within you).

Alchemy. The transmutation of worthless into priceless via deep introspective work and overcoming challenges. Read joseph campbell and carl jung.

I know you know better than that. Lead is deliberately vague. Revelation is deliberately vague. The rest is deliberately vague. I can't speak frankly because this is a mirror tactic that charlatans use to fool morons and I don't want to argue with a charlatan. I used to do it, and it works, even on the charlatan.

Tell me how to see the spirits I interact with, without having to kill myself.

You are neither ready, nor worthy!

You don't know the art of perfect memory and you don't know how to see spirits. Fraud x2.

I was born with a photographic memory, and the ability to see and sense spirits!

Neither skill you understand and can communicate, you mental eunuch. If you are as you say, then you must be some sort of slave, to be denied such basic principles.

I don't know, slave is probably wrong, but you're supposed to be a genius unless that's just a title or something. Really weak genius. Still a mental eunuch. Definitely a slave to some evil, given the way you speak of readiness and worthiness, and no mechanical observations. Evil always does this.

Nothing you ever say or do will make even half of the man that I am!

You ever get tired of being evil? Observing the physical limitations alone should make anyone want to change but they almost never do. How can you observe your inability to explain memory and seeing spirits and not instantly recognize it is your own evil covering your eyes? You say all these things but at the end of the day, you don't know and can't know because evil stops you from knowing.

It's pathetic.

There's only one true path

Many of the religions you listed were doing just fine on their own before the expansionist monotheistic religions started their genocidal crusade. People find their own ways and what's the right for them when they're left the fuck alone.

If you can't see that women are highly evil, if not possibly the root of all evil despite living in feminist society you'll never be enlightened. This is the one common thing in every religion

Yeah because China never had warlords.

Boy you're not only a faggot cop, but a dumb nigger as well.

This. Choose wisely OP.
Goodluck! :)

If there were only one true path, then you're all screwed, because only one person's life would be that path.

You are perfectly permitted to choose any path, though not all paths are equal. Nor are all paths upright.

However, what is important is that you do not mix and match different paths. They are mutually exclusive. At least until you finish one path.

There could be a path you are intuitively drawn towards. You might argue that this is YOUR path, but you are by no means limited.

Additionally, in Shakyamuni's precepts, he said (essentially) that, a truth at one level of enlightenment may be entirely untrue at a new higher level of enlightenment.

In other words, don't take my words as law.

But I can't really answer the OP's question about a true religion of a true aryan. But I think you should free yourself of the concept of religion being right. Religion is a box, designed by certain men to maintain power.

Believing means stopping to seek knowledge, adaptation is survival by seeking knowledge. Now make your division…survival by adaptation or blind faith?


Spotted the faggot. Did chinese warlords spread an alien religion in a genocidal crusade?

You are the one who is spreading deceptions here DEMON!

Acceptance of your mortality mixed with understanding your significance compared to the universe as a whole and then seeing the beauty in the design and then laughing at the genius of it all.

We don't know anything about the universe. This is an enclosed ecosystem, and none of us knows anyone who ever left it. So be nice and stop dragging the, as for now totally pointless, universe into your argumentation.

There's only one true path grasshopper. Once you understand this, you'll understand how to reach enlightenment.

Have standards, and obligations. Doesn't make me a faggot, just demands I remain honorable in my intentions.

Actually the Chinese did do just that. They forced everybody to worship their Emperor as a deity incarnate. That whole region of the world is thousands of years of bloodshed and untold massacres in the name of some belief system or another.

Humanity as a whole is nothing but murderous, leeching, duplicitous, deceitful, and so on pejoratives. There are only a few groups in history that haven't fit this description at least partially.

There is one way NOT to find enlightenment. And that's asking other people to find it for you, especially a bunch of kikes and non-whites who are paid to post on Zig Forums

>to a subjective philosophic definition

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Biological racism (Ben Klassen) and growth of awareness, meditation (being in no-mind state).

If you are a great man on the righteous path, why are you obscuring the way to enlightenment? Only evil people need to be cryptic to hide their intents, but a good man would share the truth so everyone can experience it.
I have questions:
Do you have a certain diet or eliminate certain foods, liquids, fasting (like some others who succeeded) to reach spiritual experiences or what?
What method do you use to meditate?
What current religion do you think is the closest to truth morally and historically, methodically?

I have studied so many things and came to interesting conclusions about the way the Universe works on our observable level. The Universe is inherently electric. It dominates everything and even gravity is a biproduct of these electric interactions with the ether. Consciousness is external to the brain and our brain tissue is just a complex antenna ray that recieves the soul. Our experience of the speed of time is subjective. You can alter it chemically (obviously the time difference is the same but the percieving can change, even slow down) A good experiement is trying to stimulate you adrenal glands by running for a while and listening to music. You will realise that the rythm slows down noticably. While sleeping time skips, on mescaline people percieve minutes passing like hours and so on. All stars are born by insanely high amperage discharges pinching ether into ponderable matter. Any gas planet can be a star by just being the biggest of the bunch, because stars do not work as nuclear furnaces. They are planetary sized plasma based diodes in the path of galactic currents. The sun inside is cold as a rock. Evidence is the observable lower temperature of the Sunspots which are lower inside. The surface is just a bunch of anode tufts and the corona is the double layer which accelerates particles, hence the "5 million Kelvin" bullshit. All planets interact electrically with eachother and the Sun constantly and humans do experience mood swings from it. Even radioactivity is proven to be dependent on Planetary configurations and solar activity. There are no such things as black holes, neutron stars, only current fluctuations and current densities which defines star "size" and pulsation. Even the Sun pulsate but only on multiple year level. There are multiple observed Solar cycles 10 100 400 and many thousand year cycles of activity and inactivity which can overlap and cause havok, like a giant ice age. Even weather patterns and the so much feared global warming is only a natural cause of the Sun, not our activity. There is no such thing as spacetime, so called gravitic lensing is the refraction by solar plasma, common phenomena in plasma physics. Most pictures about gravity lensing is photoshop though. There is a good reason why relativity was made: A big uprising of electrical science in early 20th century which was capable of miracles: Invisibility, lowering gravity and inertia via certain high voltage electric signals, healing, electric nature of chemistry, biology. Also people would be highly against microwave pollution if they knew how sick it makes us. I recommend drinking a lot of clean mineralwater (non fluoridated/chlorinated) and Horsetail tea from your local pharmacy. Getting aluminium out of your body will reverse symptoms of chronic fatigue, non restful sleeps, morning headaches, migranes, regaining dreams (which are spiritual messages of your higher soul. You always should decode their moral messages and wisdoms to help your life). It took me single bottle of tea to regain my good health. Be aware though that it can leech B1 vitamins if used long term (if you don't eat proper foods like a nigger lmao) Magnesium also helps because aluminium takes it's place in your body if it doesn't have a source for it.
There I've shared very useful info. Now it's your turn to help our spiritual life. The emerald tablets are very hard to understand personally. Very old language. I've heard the true Goddess is the greek Diana of fertility and hunting.

Forgot the pics. Sorry for unrelated topics. I just want to point out OP's highly selfish, conceited attitude. You won't be noble by speaking like it.
Also anybody interested should check Garry Vasillatos' books of "Vril" and “Lost Science".

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What the fuck is wrong with you?

New age crap is always terrible but Rajneesh and his connections to (((hollywood))) types is unforgivable. Kill yourself.

Also, he's a streetshitter.

Rule of thumb should be to never trust anybody who is rambling without any background that others can search for themselves.

You're wrong friendo

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osho is a rapist who only rapes young white women

Gooks doing things to gooks somehow is the same thing as burning pagan temples and destroying all ancient history everywhere they can find. The library of Alexandria which was an enourmous source for all world's history, philosophy, guess who's been behind its arson.

This thread feels like a robot is trying to talk about something not within its ability to comprehend.

have sex

You'd have to be retarded to take that shitskin seriously.

In summation:
Kill yourself you fucking degenerate

delusional shlomo, this is all you can do : reeeeeeeeeing about a saint man using stuff that is not provable, in the specific manner of the commies


and then kill yourself you shitskin.


All religions are false, and there is no god.

Your genetic chain is your race and family, and it must not be ended with you. Mastery of the elements of physical forces assists in warfare and technological supremacy more than anything else.

Understand nature and bow to the natural order, or perish.

It's astrological theology - check John Marc Allegro Mushroom findings and Kybalion from Hermes Hermeticus

Enlightenment is a meme. Religion isn't supposed to do anything but make life simple for those who don't need it to be complex. You don't need a farmer to ponder the meaning of the universe when he has a busy and hard life growing food. Like wise the house wife has no reason to waste her life on such silly things, she has a house to keep and children to raise. Religion is supposed to be a moral frame work for the masses so they live good lives and raise good children. That's all it was ever supposed to be and any wrappings above or below that simply don't matter. They're just there to enforce it.

When you go searching for enlightenment all you're looking to do is dethrone god and claim superiority to him and the power structures put in place to hold society together. It's important to understand what religion is, why it exists and how it exists. Once you do you realize the true enlightenment isn't finding one with God.

Please don't call him a saint, Osho hated saints. He just a man who found out who he is.

brainlets like you will never understand him.
lmao, it's for the opposite.

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The path to enlightenment certainly isn't found in believing in fictional fairytales about magic sky gods that have immense power but do literally nothing at all, nor in wasting board space on Zig Forums to talk about it.

But there could be nothing instead there is something

I am working on an essay about this concept. I was raised non-religiously, but I was still curious about religious questions, and Christianity was the first to present itself, though I never felt as though it had the answers I was searching for.
In high school, when I started accepting degenerate values and spiraling into habitual mistake making, I again tried to search for some kind of spiritual understanding. Buddhism was appealing, but I still was unable to find myself practicing it.
A couple of years ago, I was introduced to Heathenism/Asatru/Germanic paganism, and for me, it suited my lifestyle very well. As I began studying it deeper and deeper, as well as comparing it to other religions (as well as reading some Nietsche), I was able to perceive the similarities between the myths, and take greater meaning even from the religions that I did not initially see value in.
My understanding is something like this: God, or the gods, is a force of nature, a psychological construct, a human-like and omnipotent entity, or whatever that which presents itself to or from within man that seeks to elevate his spirit and to will the world to his own determinations as he searches for higher purpose and conducts himself virtuously.
Whether or not you believe that God, or the gods, is an external entity, or an inner quality of your consciousness does not truly matter. What is more important is how a man conducts himself.
The story of Jesus is the story of a man who was Godlike because he conducted himself as such. Jesus can be any man, he was most simply a historical figure that was the center of a religious text. He was to be emulated, just as his story emulated that of Balder and Odin in Norse mythology.
For us to become Godlike, we must take a path of self-actualization. To become the truest version of ourselves. This is a difficult concept for some to grasp, as they see no way that they exist as a person without contextualizing themselves amongst other people. There is nothing inherently wrong with this, but it leads many to believe that morality is objective. No two people on Earth are going to share the exact same opinion on everything. To the man who does not believe in any deity, examples of actions that are non-virtuous (harmful to others without just cause) serve as an example that there is no universal morality because if there were, nobody would do anything that is immoral. The only way that a universal morality could exist is through something like the Divine Command Theory—that is to say that God decides what is good and bad (on one hand, the other hand says that God does what is good, which implies that morality is beyond His control).
What is observable here is that morality is, in actuality, subjective. When a predator kills its prey, does it violate some moral construct and debate if it is evil or not? No, it simply acts in accordance with its nature. It travels the path of self actualization by doing what is necessary for its survival, and not feeling guilty for doing so.
This is the key to becoming Godlike. When man must make decisions that will effect the outcome of his life, he must hold himself as the highest authority and act according to his subjective morality.
This conclusion posed more questions for me. If there were to be some kind of widely accepted system of morality, what would its basis be? It is evident that most people (particularly of the same background) on Earth are able to cohabit relatively peacefully in their respective societies. This took me down a path of investigating Natural Law.

The First Law of Nature is Self Preservation.
This is the one rule to survival. All interactions of a non-suicidal individual are centered around this concept. In a healthy society/tribe, a set of virtues exists to help prevent as much unnecessary violence within the group. There exist many different sets of virtues, but here I have collected many of them into one table of similar concepts, organized by row, and starting with the more feminine virtues and ending with more masculine virtues.
A man conducting himself by these virtues, except for when self-preservation dictates he subject others to his will, conducts himself in a manner akin to the majority of Godlike or otherwise role model characters within the world mythologies and is one step closer to achieving “enlightenment.”

Thomas Aquinas’ list of Basic Goods (with my additional interpretation) goes:
1. Preservation of Self
2. Reproduction
3. Education of One’s Offspring
4. To Strive for Higher Purpose
5. Contribute to the Commons
6. Avoid Imposing Unwarrantied Costs on Others
7. Seek Truth/Shun Ignorance
These Basic Goods developed organically (1-7) and in the 20th Century, have been systematically dismantled through pseudoscience and propaganda (7-1) until now the European races are experiencing sentiments of a mass suicide.
There exists a very divisive dialectic between Gnostics and Agnostics on this board which I understand. Abrahamism is indeed a (((subverted))) interpretation of Native European spirituality that opens the door for a slippery slope, and Atheism removes the European man from an important perspective of our world that opens doors to greater divine potential within himself.
The truth is, none of us have all the answers. If we are to survive, we must work together, and where our own lives are concerned, employ the use of informed decision making. I hope I’ve shed light in some way that’s helpful. I have more thoughts to share if they are wanted, but I think I’ve ranted enough for one post.
Best of luck, brothers.

Ty for this info my negro
I too long ago concluded (while still in pseudo-degenerate state, cause I was high) that our brains are like a complex radio apparatus designed to capture the signal our soul sends from the "other side", when I read that I got strong feelings of confirmation of those "hivemind" theories of consciousness, how can it be that we came to the same conclusion separately, and the more people I talk to about this, I find they also somewhat got to thinking this same thing, quite strange and interesting.
I also believe there are better apparatus than others (hence niggers), and also of course "bigger" souls than others, although I cannot truly affirm that there are inferior souls to other souls (nigger souls?)
Have you (in your research) got anywhere near to answering the "what's my purpose/mission/reason for existing?" question?
I'm at a loss with this one at the moment. Although on the one hand I strongly gravitate towards wanting to form a family, find a good wife and have kids and also get away from jewtropolis.
On the other hand I also am not sure if this is truly my purpose, ever since birth or since I became conscious I have always felt this need for knowledge, I always just wanted to know "the truth", as if there was only one. Perhaps a lifetime of philosophy and searching for truth is what awaits me, If that is so, I only hope that extreme loneliness isn't also part of that path, as it seems that a man who is happy and content with his earthly life quickly loses all his passion towards enlightenment.
Anyway, since the thread is absolute shit except from your post, give me your thoughts on this.

You're right, I'd never understand why people fall for such vapid pseudo spirituality.

At least scientology has celebrities.

I think this is relevant

i can explain why he did this and that but i don't want to waste my time on you.


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I'm happy to hear that. Carl Gustav Jung came to the conclusion that people have a collective subconscious (Miguel Serrano claims rightly that nations/races have their own Avatar and it can crystallize into form like Hitler when in need) Jung in his spiritual experiences met emotions as "Gods" themselves and spoke to them (written in the "Red book") It is all outside of us or everything is mind maybe. Our minds are connected and your state of mind acts as weight on a scale. I'm not sure about this one though. It's hard to explain but I do believe that strong individuals by just realizing truth can change the course of the collective.
Very good questions you have there. I do believe we have goals and we all had experiences that led us to where we are. I think some important events in our life are unavoidable by mere chance alone. There is some predetermination IF we let things flow, otherwise prophecies mean nothing. Willpower is the strongest force you can wield over time and it can change the fate of humanity if used right.
Let me set this straight. All spiritual experiences and proper theories point to the fact that we reincarnate. It simply is the only logical way. Fullfilling your goal or progressing emotionally or in understanding in life (which is self improvement in short) makes your soul better. All humans are soul vessels and your soul is a human soul. You never become else. Probably not even other race or may even only your own heritage, that's why it is safest to have your own kids. Your soul by being evil gets fucked up and you lose more and more of your emotional abilities. Psychopaths can't comprehend&experience or even conceptualise certain feelings they are monsters, ruined souls to be dealt with. Humanity in the golden age will recognize euthanasia for such broken souls. Atheism is pure ignorance of important things like this. It makes me want to vomit on them. Chinks can't feel certain things whites can. Most blacks "can't concieve abstract concepts" . Getting scarred, gibbed without healing (dying from it) gives birthmarks or defects which tells about the history of your soul. For example I have a perfectly circular bullethole sized birthmark on the middle of my chest. Probably I was shot in the trench or whatever. My friend has a big ass birthmark on his left foot which looks like his fingers were blown off by explosives. Very interesting it is a never ending experience and emotional growing.
Yes, souls must not be equal but this SHOULD be the case if people grow by all incarnations. I mean come on, you know the concept of Nirvana and buddhism came from the nobles(aryans). This should not be so insane for people. Bigger souls have bigger goals and as souls progress they get more divine objectives such as Tesla. He claims to have gotten all his ideas by intuition, guided by the divine. The more noble you live, the more your mind opens up like a flower if well kept.
I've rambled a lot. I hope it makes sense.
So in short it's our goal to help ourselves become better then/and our own race then/and others to reach higher mindsets (obviously we whites are way ahead of others, no offence) Nationalsocialism does permit all races to be good and healthy but recognizes the differences and the need for separation. It is no excuse for not caring about eachother as life forms.

You are a fool if you think there is a clear cut path to enlightenment. It's the wizard not the wand. and yes, psychedelics can help but have their own dangers. Forget that 09A shit. It's a joke. But by all means, look at everything and remember that the price of liberty is eternal vigilance.