Thats it basically. Your a white trash larper faggot who watches porn instead of making a family. I bet most of the people on Zig Forums are faggots who bitch about WHITE GENOCIDE without ever trying to fix the problem themselves. This post is here to wake (you) the fuck up. Mods are faggots.
I am not a Mexican.
Good European woman and 3 kids.
Your a faggot who is incapable of having a rational thought. Do the math nigger. Sons and daughters of big 5
based and breadpilled
Wrong on all accounts. My family is huge already. We control most of Europe and a large percentage of the energy you consume.
I would only need to father 3 kids with my potentiate. I have no need for that many kids, and I don't see my potentiate as a breeding sow.
low test>>13339826
Nope, just know better. I value my offspring I intend to raise.
low testosterone
This angle is impotent. You need to love your people, and thus you need to approach from the angle of love and care. Your hate ought be reserved for those that have planted the seed of cancer in your people; the kikes that have distorted the natural order and warped what could have been into what should never have been. You can't fight for your own people unless you love them.
Blow me
Simply having kids is not enough to fix the problem. You will NOT out-breed them. And neither is it desireable (overpopulation is a thing)
Removing invader is.
Removing them creates a more lebensraum and a more homogenous atmosphere that will naturally stimulate families.
Extremely blue pilled. Never put a limit on your own people.
Hitler's rose to power started as a larp
the difference between r and K selected. The number of kids in the family.
Mormons are basically playing chicken with genetics. It's eventually going to bite them in the ass like it did with the Amish.
Not that my family isn't at least part of this problem as well. We are do it for a reason though.
Some of our most based people don't have families.
It's more important to support The Movement - there are plenty of Whites left to have the children, don't worry about that, the sky isn't falling, chicken little, there's plenty of time.
Here's your (((you))), Jew.
Nothing wrong with David Lane.
Why cause your wife won't?
Whites used to have 7 kids per family in the 1800s. This is horseshit.
You know who introduced r/K theory to the right wing sphere?
The jewish Dark Englightenment e-celebs.
Now, why would a group of jews want to introduce the concept that having less children is a sign of intelligence/good breeding/high evolution ?
Don't even have a wife.
Yeah, so did my grandparents, they also owned a farm and had piles of money.
Having more kids when you don't dedicate the time required to instill in each child a good rearing isn't very helpful either. The best children are well reared, not profligate.
Kevin Macdonald introduced the subject to them, as did the racial theorists of the early 20th century.
Surprise, most of us are rather well read. None of this is new. and r and K selection has been proven to be correct.
I'd rather have billions of poor white kids that could eventually make something of themselves than no whites at all.
Daily reminder that Ottoman rulers made red-haired people to reproduce with each other so they can have a steady supply of sex slaves
While having many children is a great thing, I highly doubt anyone on this thread has 5, OP included. I have 2, God willing there will be more.
They popularized it.
fact: if you get on social security they can't make you pay child support
fact: child support eventually maxes out around 30 or 40% of your income so you can have 10+ kids while still being able to survive if you have a good job
The Ottomans? The niggers that couldn't even stand up to the Jews?
Those Ottomans?
hey retard.
these aren't even US birthrates which were even higher cause they needed to populate newly settled territory
yeah retarded bitch and the average for whites decreased so why can't we bring it back up you fucking idiot?
See how the kikes being to freak out, the moment having more children is suggested.
What is the point that you are trying to make?#
That's what I'm suggesting.
Learn to read post IDs.
No I am saying that the change has been economic. When my grandparents had that many kids they were what would be multimillionaires in todays terms.
They were middle class farmers then.
They were K selected most definitely, je was an Engineer, she was a carpenter and seamstress. Both came from wealthy families and royal lineage Grandmother's father was a Habsburg from Austria from post WW1. He was a culmination of several royal lines from Belgium and English lines.
The were both K selected. That was the normal size family for their generation and status.
Actually you're obviously a goon.
r/K is a species level trait.
What profession a person has is irrelevant.
okay cuck retard. glad your shit genes will die off.
Not really. It's a breeding trait, there are r selected Europeans just like there are K selected Europeans. It's just a set of genetic markers that can be bred for.
Kill yourself. These vermin are not "based."
You've internalized the exceptionalism pushed by the kike. The same sort which omits evolution from the discussion of human racial characteristics.
White humans are K driven. Any deviation from that not attributable to pathology(illness), is socially engineered.
The current refusal to have children seen in White women is purely socially engineered and can only be reversed by changing the social and political environment.
But I think you already know that.
Her giving 3 children is fine. The point is to make them succeed in life, not run around like bunch of pants sagging faggots shoving their dicks into whatever they can.
Also, have you ever seen a woman with that many kids? It's usually not pretty.
Don't be jealous because you aren't White.
There will be no whites in 200 years with your attitude.
Then explain why whites used to have 6+ kids per family you fucking retard. You are just a pussy who wants the easy way out. My grandpa raised 5 kids and they all went on to have careers. You can too bitch.
The difference between the two is whether or not those particular genetic markers are actually active.
White people whom are K selected appear to have endless energy and be in a constant state of awareness or mania.
I am K selected. Some lazy shit with his pants sagging that needs coffee to be functional probably isn't.
Dude, I am too old for a litter of pants shitters, and where do I find an attractive woman young enough to have that many kids that is actually both European, and a memember of a royal bloodline?
Ex-wife, yes she is a royal.
lmfao you faggot. you sound like a woman talking about astrology. You corny retard. K selection is not to analyze an individual. It's to analyze entire populations and your theory of whites maxing out at 3 kids makes no sense when whites used to average over 6 kids.
It's a text based format clown.
As mentioned in other threads there are plenty of contributions you can make to whites if you are not a parent yet.
genetically speaking it's better to have 6 kids and one gets genital mutilation surgery than to have 1
Speaking as if I owed your people something still. I only owe my family now.
hell you could have one kid and try to raise him right and he ends up a tranny
A. To get a decent wife you must own a house. A house in my home town in a working class somewhat shitty neighborhood is $2 million. A house in a good middle class neighborhood is $3 million. No decent woman with even halfway passable morals will bother to even say hello to you if you don't own a house in a good neighborhood. If you've got that she'll come looking for you.
B. Most of the women in my home town are degenerate promiscuous pigs who will jump into bed with any lowlife willing and able to provide them with a gram of coke. This crosses class lines.
C. I've spent plenty of time and money looking for a woman that wasn't a wastrel or an idiot or a drug addict. They exist but they're Chinese and I only want white women.
The days when you could get an entry level career with prospects without years of experience are done. On top of that, women aren't interested in marrying men who aren't in a career with prospects. What previous generations did doesn't matter unless the opportunities are similar.
Wow, are these all from the same woman?
Respect for that woman. She even still looks breedable.
My two brothers encountered this too. I have 7 hapa nieces and nephews so far.
A. if you're tall, good-looking or just socially intelligent enough you can be broke and still get pussy
B.are you saying you aren't in a career with good prospects?
Slightly different meanings here
I wasn't until my late 30s, No interest in marriage now
marriage isn't even a necessity. the important thing is making white children under any circumstances
What will you do when your one night stands simply abort?
Is it possible to learn this power?
For God's sake, please use correct grammar in the fucking OP.
have more one night stands
Fucking nu/pol/ not just hitting the hide button on a provoker ad hominem thread with no real argument but:
If they all abort, what then?
Keep having more one night stands.
And when those abort too?
it won't happen. i am handsome and women want to have my babies. your wife could abort your kids too
And when it does?
it could happen once but not 10 times
only 10% of white kids get aborted. the stats are not for your hypothetical
what if a man gets married and his wife aborts all his kids?
i was
You can't go around being a nigger and leaving your sons and daughters to grow up without their father. That's practically handing them to the jew from day one.
You'll still get visitation.
I turned out tougher and more redpilled than 90% of the fags with nuclear familes. Most nuclear family fags are scrawny cucks who get cucked by niggers and can't fight for shit.
OP here. Most of you don't know wrong from right. You guys are worthless trash. You faggots are forgetting about the nature of animals with a face of filthy smile of self destruction. Admit it. Your future is stolen. You can't claim your family your own. You aim is for poor entertainment and depression. You made a hell of your life. Just wait, wait until you're filled with regret and disappointment. You can only hang your heads. You can't resist your sour existence.
Sovereignty and blood forever. Your faggots are fighting for the merchant.
Once you make a big family, you'll will encounter the most breathtaking experience of your life. You'll naturally gain noble virtues after becoming a parent. You will appreciate your own parents more than you did before. You'll get to play hide and seek, you'll get to build Lego mansions and pretend that you are feeding a plastic baby doll with a bottle. You'll learn how to love someone unconditionally. You'll learn how to give, not take.
Then you're an exception to the rule, at best.
I already have a girl girlfreind that I love very much and we have talked about kids one day we both love kids and plan on a large family but not right now as we are both still in university and want to do our degree and get a decent wage coming in first.
Anons can't help it if kikes, white elites and middle class have attacked them because of capitalism. Where are the 12yo white lolis all over us? It's your fault dumb trash!
Been looking for a nice lady for more than one night. Half the time these women are mad at me and I don't know why.
Well if she wanted to talk to me she would.
I shrugged.
You have to approach women you idiot.
She was walking the other way and looked mad as hell at me. Could feel her anger down the street.
Not approaching what looks like a nuke waiting to go off on me.
You have to flirt with a lot of different girls. Let's say you flirt with 20. Ask for 10 of their numbers. At least 7 will probably say yes. Text 7 girls. Fuck at least one of those 7. It's a numbers game my friend.
I have never been turned down
So then why can't you get women?
The fuck? I get women everyday.
Are you fucking retarded bitch. You were just saying how you can't get laid here.
No you don't virgin.