We have a TRSodomite/Alt-kike infestation
in 10 minutes of browsing I've seen 3 alt-kike started threads and numerous alt-kike posters.
ITT: dump anti-alt-kike images
We have a TRSodomite/Alt-kike infestation
Other urls found in this thread:
>implying we don't have a (((mod))) problem
implying (((staff))) doesn't delete threads they don't like but leave the ones that are identical but they agree with
This place is fucked to the highest order and ironically this thread will be slid of catalog because some low-IQ nigger made a thread baiting retards to argue pointlessly about inane shit that's not even a reality yet no effort in the OP, just b8.
Chiding people for not having 200 kids in current kikeclown world, when in reality we should be happy seeing a young couple with 2 kids because it's 1 more than the bare minimum.
Yeah, TRS is definately here. Will come back tomorrow.
Just move to >>>/fascist/ and STFU
Pick one and only one, kike worshipper.
this is just lazy shilling
I'll bet you don't have the guts to name them
Christianity is anti-sodomy. Although, TRS does seem to be fine with fully judaized evangelicucks, like Bulbasaur and whoever that other faggot they had on there was.
this is just sad kvetching
The biggest politically incorrect truth of our time is that fascism only means banding and Hitler was only telling the truth about the Jews, whom have in turn rudely and basely lied about him.
I agree, see . TRS hates christians. They still haven't gone through the most basic of redpills when it comes to christianity; kikes today are not kikes of Jesus time. It's the same cognitive dissonance evangelicals have with Israel today and thinking kikes are God's chosen people. Exact same dissonance. You don't see anyone here claiming Egypt today is mostly the same people of the pharaoh's time. But (((culture and propaganda))) have a way of distorting the past to manipulate the future.
Reminder this would have not happened if imkampfy was with us, he protected us
you posting on our board is lazy shilling, TRSodomite
I agree that TRS needs more publicity, but the stick about pretending to hate TRS is getting tiresome.
Apart from that Milo Yianopopoplops who else is in the alt right at the moment?
It's not nice to rile up the residential schizos, since they don't see that it's publicity, and buy into the TRS-conspiracy shit.
misspelled *shtick there rabbi, almost got caught there
-t.shlomo resident of TRS
And trannys and leftypol and JEWS
Hello TRSodomite
TRS has paid shills browsing Zig Forums every day.
You're one.
Kill Jews in real life loser
I can’t think of anything more jewish than hating Christianity
>Jewsus went around helping (((money lenders))) who were hated by everyone for being kikes
Cuckstianity is Judaism -Lite™ that ripped alot of shit from pagancucks and their gay religion just so the jew could subvert the goy into becoming spineless cucks, pedos, rapists, cultists,etc.
I cant think of anything more jewish than eating kike shit on a silverplatter whilst claiming its the most Based™ and Redpilled™ thing out there that all white (and only whites) should follow. All religion is kikery, but cuckstainity has caused the most damage by being the vessle of Judaism.
Schizo please. TRS is gay, but they aren't a nation state or a political party, they don't have the resources for paid shills.
Does that guy know that TRS are the shills being paid and that some kike is funding them not the other way around?
If you use ANYTHING other than imageboards your a kike.
Many of us were TRS fags one day, is retarded to attack the gate keeper
You've been mindfucked into willingly ghettoizing yourself.
TRS is making anything go mainstream. It's a dying platform.
No, but anyone who repeatedly admits to being jewish likely is.
who the hell is that TRS person/group and why should I care?
oh boy here we go.
They're probably not infesting us, OP. It's probably like 3 faggots from a Discord server thinking they can 'epic trole' Zig Forums.
God, Mike Enoch looks like a doofus.
There was a time where he was trying to lose weight, that's what emboldened him to use the camera, but even if he is working out, it's not doing much good, he hasn't slimmed down an awful lot since the start, if anything he's starting to look worse. It's not a good look for their movement to have a fat guy with terrible eyes and a generally ugly complexion to be the face of it.
Mike used to rant a lot about he never wanted to be a 'leader' of the Alt Right, he just wanted to do his podcast and be important… Reminds me of Sargon of Cuckad to a lesser extent… He too kept bitching about how he didn't want to lead any movement then got on his high horse as his ego fueled the dumpster fire that was his fucking 'political' career with UKIP.
Both of them should have stayed as content providers for a niche audience, it would have been a lot better for them if they had tbh.
Polite sage because making a thread about a 'TRS infestation' surely contributes to said infestation doesn't it?
To sum it up. An edgy, somewhat JQ woke 'movement' who steal Zig Forums memes and try and make our sort of politics mainstream but only serve to drum up hatred for white interests by being huge fucking jokes and letting the media eat them up and spit them out every fucking time.
That could be said of pretty much anyone advocating for whites, including 8/pol/. If you listen to NPR we're a haven for child pornography and terrorism.
Nice digits and hour digits too.
nigger they talk about jewish power everyday
go back to reddit
wtf? Are you saying the jewish press takes orders from TRS? Or are you saying they should bomb the SPLC?
did you forget that real life is a thing?
Since Zig Forums got Trump elected. Buttblasted faggots non stop raid the board with their shilling. There are paid shills as well. Even though the board is getting raided by low quality, -link to news articles- threads, mods will delete counter shilling threads after it reaches few pages down.
Yes, but Zig Forums is not a movement, the people who are from here do not have a title, a name, a flag and hill to die on.
Think back to what makes this place unique. People here are truly anonymous and can act on their own accord and that is a good thing, the media can attack Zig Forums, it can label every user whatever the fuck they want, but it slides off us like water off a duck's ass. Why? Because no one is going around public saying "I'm from Zig Forums" or "I'm from Zig Forums!". TRS would have you believe you can do the exact same thing but for their movement, it's simply not the case.
Yes, they're woke on the JQ, this isn't really a debatable thing, but exactly how is the Alt Right getting anything done? Zig Forums serves to redpill people just as effectively and doesn't need a joke of a movement to latch onto us like a cancerous boil. And that's exactly what it was doing for some time until around the time that Mike got doxed and they blamed it all on Zig Forums's Zig Forums… As if Zig Forums or Zig Forums is a person or a cohesive movement like you faggots claim to be.
You would have been far more effective if you took yourselves seriously from the beginning and not used shitty pepe memes found here, thinking that trump was going to do anything good, and most certainly you shouldn't have even attempted the whole Charlottesville thing. Genuine people got hurt because of retards who think that they can change the world by gathering up with the worst optics possible, I don't care if the media lies about you, no one gives a shit if the kikes make lies about you, everyone knows they do. But the fact that the Alt Right in general have made these decisions and had them completely blown up in their face for the simple reason that trying to play by the same rules as the kikes won't work is enough proof for me to know you guys are either retards or disingenuous shills or both.
And no, we don't share the same goal. Zig Forums isn't /yourguy/, you're not /ourguy/. Leave it at that and such autistic shitflinging won't harm your pathetic excuse of a movement any more than it already has.
Spoken like a true Aut Righter.
If you want to interact with other humans do it face to face, Faceberg/Tw@tter/MySpace arent real. The internet =/ Real Life and it never has.
If you really need faceberg or instagrams for IRL then you are already too far gone.
You are fucking cancer and will be killed when the ethnostate comes about. No one fucking needs you.
You cant just enter into this way of life and expect to be one of us because you just found out about something jew related on some twitter shitpost, you have to be born into it. A person that changes their entire beliefs over some shit on the internet is extremely dangerous and its no wonder why they fell for kike propoganda all their lives, most of them dont even belive in national socialism, they still think capitalism is so Based™ and that niggers are bad but this black man is OK. Alt-kike has completely skewed the public perception of what it means to be far right, now people think its just pepe meme spouting and kekistan shit instead of actually working towards a white future.
Nothin but niggercattle
Sage for yet another Moarpheus schizo-posting thread. Everyone except you is a shill, everyone except you is a Jew, we get it already.
TRS is Nazbol though
I'm not a fan of these milquetoast podcast merchants at all but I still check in on what they are doing every once in a while and I must say you guys need to update some of your counter-propaganda. For example Ryan Dawson has long red-pilled them on Israel having done 9/11 and they are 100% behind that now.
Maybe being a skinhead faggot was no better? Something to ponder if you can handle it. I would prefer Whites look into this area under the guise of laughs rather than it be some stagnant pissing contest on who is edgier.
The first ones Whites will hang will be White Nationalists
Who knows whether they're shills or not. That's going to be for you to decide:
Thanks for the content boys, I just hope the government doesnt kill my dog. Here's all the paywall stuff for May 2019.
I never said skinheads were better, they are the same shit as kekeistanis
Ah yes, your entire civilization and race almost dead before your very eyes, how amusing.
You're actually proving that particular user correct.
Why do you keep posting here? You've already successfully killed this site.
It's funny how they've flipped on so many of the points that I (and others) would argue with their mindless followers about on this board. For example, they went from Eunuch saying "anybody who supports the Palestinians should kill themselves" and leading their list of "hate facts" with how many Palestinians supported suicide attacks against Israel, to actually defending them.
It's obviously a positive thing, but I don't buy that they're sincere for a second. After the doxing, TRS went from a fun little game Mike played with the goyim to his primary source of income, so he was forced to take it more seriously.
Bluepilled as fuck. Kikes have ALWAYS been evil and if you want to larp as an ancient hebrew then you are the enemy of the Aryan race and deserve death.
I forgot to add, even with 9/11, he's blatantly lying. Listen to any of interviews with Ryan and he'll say something like "my position was always that Israel was involved, but it clearly wasn't. You can go back to the episode they did with Dicky Spencer in September of 2016 to verify that - and probably others.
Just drown in semen and never come back.
Quit calling every White guy that shaves his head a skinhead you dumb nigger.
This guy is right. I can sense the kikes like spidey-sense here on Zig Forums that is almost getting me to browse other boards. Whenever someone drops a golden nugget in the thread, the replies stop immediately and old as fuck threads get bumped and new inane shit threads start to appear.
This site was dead on launch. I'm keeping the TRS/DS vultures from eating the corpse and robbing me of nutrients.
Both the DS and TRS are great.
No Misclings allowed. That includes you.
The above two images, NMR and Der Dritte Weg, are both explicit White Nationalist and Nationalsocialist groups. So you're a lying kike.
What is TRS?
And DS?
I never had any problem with the word alt-right.
So many angry incels insulting the only people doing anything in helping whites.
Putting in some overtime today huh Morpheus? You need new material. When you go around calling everyone a kike you’re easy to spot. If you didn’t just attack and name call you might be interesting. Though if you were interesting you never would’ve gotten hired at SPLC. Fat faggot
Reminder that Mike Enoch brought his faghag B'nai B'rith chapter president wife onto his fake WN podcasts to say things she didn't really mean and pretend to be "racist", and everybody else on the show knew it. They were all laughing at retards like you who thought it was real, and rightfully so.
What the fuck niggers I leave for week and these kike posts keep cluttering the board SAGE
No, we're getting hammered by shills of all agencies.
It's become notably bad since Tarrant and Notre Dame. They're throwing resources at us so at least we're draining their wallet a little.
This. Summer started early.
See you guys in September!
True, but boards always go to shit at this time of year.
Actually, user, it looks like they recruiting shrill college girls from the wymns centre to shill. They are not skilled by any means, using arguments that will not work on us, and frankly easy to filter. A good shill isn't easy to spot.
And then there are the >1 bots…
E-celeberty is always e-jewery.
Davis Aurini was the only one that fell for, then he got obsessed with buying skulls and shit.
cringe. tel aviv must have sent out their 2 year old templates.
Like this?
how do we know this isn't all part of some sick jewish fetish?
they probably get off to this, sick fucks
wow, he really destroyed those left tards. without patriots like this, Israel might have to up the wage they pay to politicians
Real world results, user. I read stuff here and then in two weeks it's news. Been happening like clockwork since 2014.
Tranny lovers.