Hexican Senator goes full Warhawk
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I hope we can invade Mexico. We'll kill their men, rape their women, and sell their children into slavery. Think of all the profit we can make from their sweet natural resources!
You moron, that how the Spaniards made the messicans in the first place
they really don't need a war, they've already reconquered a huge swath of the south west, just need a few more years of immigration
Or you lot could be the ones getting ass raped you never know.
Why don't you try invading Bergen county first?
This guy gets it. No survivors.
We should use Mexico as a dumping ground for America’s surplus shitskin population. Just dump them in the desert and close the border; it’s our gift for all of the filth and drugs they’ve let in over the decades
No, they don't need any more time at all. They are already ignoring anything the federal government (pretends) tries to do down there. Trump's bluff has already been called. He can't trust the present population of the United States that he leaned on to get elected to be reliably subservient to israel moving forward [among those who can fight and aren't in nursing homes, anyway] and he doesn't actually have the physical power to police the border even if he wanted to.
Nothing like a mudmonkey who's never witnessed a pissed off white man ever in their sheltered lives. We do war bigger than shitskins can imagine.
Invade Mexico, take it over, then ship all the nigs down there along with all the illegals.
Of course a Mexican always interjects with (((but Israel)))
> (((amlo)))
The same guys that faked a helicopter crash to cover up political assassinations?
Are there any based patriots left in the southwest?
No Texans willing to take action?
We're being invaded and there aren't any armed patriots on the border willing to stop this?
We also need to kill the Palestinians and their children, because 5 PALESTINIANS were caught celebrating the 911 attacks.
Texas user here, Hispanics are Aryan.
The only real answer to the (((eternal question))).
Sadly, all the potential in the world is worth nothing when the man/men with it do not actually do. That leaves those with far less potential to obtain all they desire should they simply step off and dare to be bold, while those with great potential cuck the fuck out.
best decide now what you are. are you ready, willing and able to be bold? or will you roll over like all the other cucks in the ocean of jewish cuckedmerica.
Reminder that no one will ever do anything about this.
"Pelos de elote" Indicating that his faggot tone is directed at Trump and his whispy blond hair. It's another way of saying guedo or blondey-hair. Most often the people who use it are dark-skinned commoners who stick together and look down upon the light-skinned fair-haired people out of inferiority for the most part. Recall that Mexico is extremely classist still and the useful idiots like Salgado here regularly do the dirty work for the wealthy families in Mexico, then are backstabbed and sold up the river. Communists never penetrate the real ruling class of countries like Mexico, but are the perfect foil indeed.
It was meant to be sarcastic
Never say never user. The cuckservative radio traitors have been letting lots of people on the air with grievances about this kinda shit whom are actually speaking of war with these subhumans, and by extension the enforcers whom would defend them from citizens. The traitors are working hard now to co-opt that message about a 'figurative' civil war and 'voting' rather than being irl serious business. They are all paid to be controlled opposition after all.
Prior years they wouldn't even dream of letting such 'talk' be let out openly. But even they have heard the rumblings and realized they lost the ear of the sheep for such things and are trying to salvage their place. We are the mouthpiece of the future.
Oh wow, a politician on twitter pandering to his base of retards. Fucking YAWN.
Wait till the Prespa Skopjeniggers get ahold of this.
Hellas Hellas Hellas
n-no user, that would be d-d-degenerate o-or something
Remember what happened the last time we did this?
Yes, but with a caste system and repeated raping, the produce become closer to being Aryan. This is the essential nature of Brazilian Intergralist Eugenics nya~
Anglos were the ones genociding native Americans to offer them to Satan.
Spaniards were the ones that acted like humans by spreading the Word like Jesus Christ commanded. They even started the first newspaper in the Americas a century before London had its own.
However, it was tried in India, but ultimately the lower castes are likely to revolt via some similar ideology as Communism nya~
lol, a christcuck spaniard, who doesn't know history nya~
I actually know history you demonic anglokike. My people are vilified for what your kike brethren did to the indigenous peoples of the new world.
Yeah I shouldn't have said we since I have Anglo blood.
War with Mexico would be glorious and brutal, because it would also start a civil war in the US with the Hispanics siding with the Mexico. Kill two birds with one stone nya~
Yeah, Anglos put pre-columbians on reserves, and allied them. Spaniards raped them.
You must be talking about Americans, yes the white settlers wanted land and the pre-columbians were at times in the way. But Britain and Spain themselves were the result of numerous conquests nya~
Anything else is ignorant slave morality nya~
Meguca pls go nya~
fuck off weeb
better to kill them all and keep your muh dick in your pants around non-whites where it belongs instead of acting like a fucking nigger.
But Hispanics are Aryan
You're from India, yes.
Doing a real top job, mods.
might as well make use of the hot ones' pleasure conch while they're still wriggling tbf
I don't have a conch you faggot
Your posts are gay, but the pics are great and I like how you rustle jimmies around here.
Keep posting cat tits.
So we got it wrong. The Spanish should have slaughtered every last fucking one of those savages instead of spreading the word of a kike and breeding with them. All of the Americas would be European, from the Arctic Circle to Tierra del Fuego. And with the former Spanish colonies maintaining close transactions with Spain, the entire Hispanidad could have joined the Axis and blown the fucking kikes and their Anglo pets out of existence.
*Relations, but that works took.
For everyone non-european. Blacks, asians, etc. They can do whatever they want then. I'm not including jews because those need to be killed on the spot.
They would need such large amount of european blood on them you wouldn't consider them hispanic any more.
It's a chatbot run by autists who got fundi ng by glowniggers. Ignore it whenever possible
who cares about the west coast and lower midwest anyway
They call it shooting yourself in the foot but I've never seen it done with 155mm. The hubris of spics is truly greater than that of kikes after all.
Those liberal Cali gringos better donate their stolen real estate and pay reparations before they end up being gore memes.
I can't read almost anything in the replies, but they seem to universally be mocking the politician as retarded.
user, have some standards.
…Goblins grow hair?
actually it was 5 ISRAELIS, (((Shlomo)))… search "5 dancing Israelis"…
This. Just dump all the niggers there and it'll work itself out.
Even if you do find one like like that, they expire after about age 23. Then they either balloon in width or shrink to 4ft, in severe cases, both may occur.
Ya seems risky. I mean ppl in the US are going to pop. It wouldn't be a stretch to just genocide all Hispanic looking people in south west. I could see that happening if mexico got too crazy
Being bold means more than just deciding to do something. There is always resistance to everything you do that is against the grain.
What are we waiting for? Those subhumans are consuming those natural resources that are rightfully ours.
Rape them, then murder them… then rape them again if you wish.
> kill their men, rapekill their women, and sellkill their children
This. Why go all through all the turmoil of war,, when you can just cross the border,, evade the paltry attempts at immigration enforcement, get one of the regular illegal alien amnesties,, have a fuck load of kids on the dole and vote your way to el republica del norte.
or maybe I am assuming too much patience and planning on the part of the spics.
well, if we do it after the Spanish, they'll get a shade lighter.
Maybe we can bleach them into being acceptable ?
To be fair.. the only reason all the filth and drugs came over the border was because there was a market for it. If there is a demand.. a legal or illegal market will find a way to supply it .
I fucking hate spics. I hate them more than niggers, I really do. They're treated like goddesses. But you know who I hate more than beaners? Boomers. The cocksuckers who brought them here to pick fruit and sort eggs. The evangelical farmers who shove the cost on everyone else, and just like goddamn military cucks expect applause. And fuck mexicunts. None of that territory was ever Mexican, it was Spanish and French. No mexicunt mestizo shit for brains ever used that land. It belonged to some Spanish planters, who were massacred by the mexicunt, spic filth, and the rest belonged to Napoleon, who sold it to fund his war with Britain. None of it had been surveyed or appraised, it was all hearsay and legend. Nobody thought it was worth shit, until Americans died settling it. These cocksucking retard mestizos and their catholic pussy god are as bad as bantus. They all need to fucking fry.
Nah, to be fair the filth found a way over because they were given amnesty by cocksucking Reagan, and none of these traitor faggots on by border shot the beaner shits crossing. If I was on the border, I'd massacre a family crossing over, I'd split them all in two like nesting dolls. My dogs would learn to love the blood of beaner children and hunt them all over the goddamn desert.
This makes the perfect case for deportation camps to be set up around the country for the mass removal of brown people. If shit-skins in the US start parroting this, it wouldn't be a stretch to get niggers in support of doing it to them as well. Niggers hate them. Right-wing white people are already borderline ready to support it.
Mexican born and raised in the North of México, proud Nazi, reporting in. This is a jewish plot. I can tell you that anything that comes from México DF is pure jewish bullshit. It is well known that AMLO respects America, and that for no reason he will step into the business from the great America, as he has been doing it since the beginning.
I love the fact that Bantus are slowly being pushed to the forefront of Zig Forums's collective fury.
as if the spics would come here if they were not people willing to hire them.
Yes, they would, because they come here namely for the welfare and other benefits, not for work.
Your frijole jefe just said today that America first is a fallacy. He probably believes we have no legitimate right to reject or deport the illegals too.
I don't understand this guys thinking. I would not support Mexico in any war, especially one against the US. And many wouldn't either since they left the place for a fucking reason. Only retarded children bite into the Mexican great bullshit since they never lived there.
DF Zig Forumsack reporting in. The fucking mayor is a kikess named Sheinbaum, and she belongs to the same party as the current president. Both the left and right wing parties in mexico are full of either kikes, arabs, or goblinos. The
Your WHOLE country is goblinos, you mexican vermin.
This would be the first war worth fighting for the US since the first Mexican-American war. They already are invading us by the millions and have let other millions pass through their borders to invade the US as well. One of the many reasons I left the military was that it did absolutely nothing to benefit the White people of the US, but this would be such a grand improvement (if there are also deportations, anchor babies and all) that it’s hard to comprehend compared to how shitty things are nowadays. I wouldn’t rejoin either way, fuck being a ZOGbot, but, imagining all of these dead spic invaders makes me happy.
If you're going to disregard the minute white populace remaining in a country overwhelmed by actual vermin, you don't have much longer until America is considered a vermin country as well.
A literally no one spic politician who was in charge of a town that turn into cartel hellhole a decade ago will not spur a parasitic government to go to war with its host. If spics didn't exist at all your government would still behellbent on turning whites into a minority. Just look at all the sommalis they brought into Minnesota. The only war that would benefit america is a civil war.
>easily 70% of the people coming in for services over 90% of which were court ordered via social service intervention are latin
>literally 4 out of 5 families of mexican descent referred to our agency were referred because child sexual abuse had occurred, usually by a father or uncle, sometimes an older usually half brother
A deep, primal part of me wants to get the hell out of here, move to a better state, warn them of the machinations in play by the evil powers of this world to take their little slice of home and corrupt it into some terrible mockery of what it once was, but an even deeper more primal part of me wants to stay and fight, just to have a hand in cleansing the world of these despicable parasites.
Well, with the deportations, if they would happen, would very likely go violent fast, giving others opportunities to act in a manner to clean this country. I am sure an enterprising individual like yourself could find a way to exploit that chance while the zogbots like national guard and police are busy dealing with violent spicroaches.
Please let it be so
Simple fix. Just sterilize their women before interring them into brothels.
I don't love you.
where do you think you are, rabbi sanchez?
Truly the spic is worse than the nigger. Not only is he somehow even more homo, he dresses the same as the nigger, amplifying his faggotry.
Bean niggers are the worst niggers in America hands down. Worse than prairie niggers; worse than island niggers; and worse than actual niggers. Just smart enough to be dangerous and just hardworking enough to put white men out of jobs, they are the ultimate uncanny valley between human and afro-chimp. Suffer not even one to live.
I hope we carpet bomb that shithole until there’s nothing but ashes left. I don’t want to dirty my cock with spic whores.
No thanks.
Wake up, burgers. Southern US States might end like Kosovo if nobody puts an end to messican immigration.
No one will put an end to it. No one will wake up. No one will be deported.
That's a photoshop made by Negro body shape-lover.
If they want to pull the "we wuz here first" card, we've got the Hyperborean Celts who settled here long before they did. Rightful clay.