Doesn't apply to inanimate objects. Therefore not a fundamental law.
Elevation means creating the best possible surrounding for us to strive under, which brings me to the meaning of life "creation in accordance to the laws of nature for the benefit of all" because that's benefiting us in return out of which we become "better". Evolution is corrupted term, it needs to be adaptation, which is the means to survive. And transformation…are we robots in disguise, user? What do we transform into?
I see the error wrote about strength and fitness as merit for which I saw your term "selection" as a preference. Now you're writing "Merit is determined by selection" which translates to worth is determined by survival. That makes sense. Strength and fitness doesn't mean survival, adaptation means. Just look at the jews and tell me where you see strength and fitness? Maybe neck-muscles from lifting these huge hook noses?
Birth came before death, therefore there's a time frame where death wasn't comprehended by the will, which makes "will" a believe, a lie. The struggle is not a will, it's a demand.
You just contradicted yourself. Let me give you another viewpoint, this time fundamental for all. The most fundamental natural law "to be or not to be" that is the rule of existence and it gives everything that exists two barriers in which to operate (exist) in. These are the beginning and the end or birth and death for everything alive. So even an inanimate object operates under these rules, because it has a beginning, an end, and it exists in the middle. That is what a natural law is, a fundamental rule of existence.
That would mean out of nothing which is impossible. The natural law behind this is "the sum of all things". Inside this ecosystem everything already exists, but most wasn't created YET. It exists in either it's core materials or as knowledge not yet found. Let's take a baby that wasn't conceived as an example…all the core parts, which is everything inside the ecosystem, are already here including the knowledge on how to make it. It's only a matter of time for it to happen. the materials may change, but the baby will happen. That's why we cannot create out of nothing, because everything is already here, inside this ecosystem. When you have a new idea, then it doesn't come from nothing, but from the influences you gathered all around you. "the sum of all things" is creation.
That adaptation to the negative side…corruption.
you based that on morals, as in it's against the norm, therefore bad.
you made that up in your head based on your knowledge about squares and circles, therefore you are trying to make someone prove an impossibility.
That's an assumption on your part (hedonism), but I would fall for that one too.
We were given a tool to comprehend this world (consciousness) and a compass to navigate between positive and negative decisions (common sense). Use these terms, way easier to understand. Also calling morals laws and codes implies a fixed set, yet the natural order between positive (life) and negative (death) is always moving and demands adaptation to survive, therefore morality can't be fixed.
Again, use the term "common sense" and it makes sense. It's constant adaptation to ever changing circumstances, based on instinctive navigation under the barriers of the laws of nature.