After years of study, rigorous discipline, constant meditation and fasting, I have unlocked the final redpill

After years of study, rigorous discipline, constant meditation and fasting, I have unlocked the final redpill.

Through the process of quantum mechanics, all that we can see within our realities are made to look as such by the photons around us. When one changes his mindstate to a certain fashion, the photons surrounding him begin to bend to conform to this reality. With enough time, and mental effort, one can begin to manifest the reality surrounding him, so long as he believes it possible, as the world must conform by nature to the logic surrounding him.

Photons, being quantums of light that represent infinite possibilities, conform to a history you have presented to be true, but the ones in the future, even through the seemingly innocuous process of thought can be made to conform to your desires. Changing prior history is more difficult, as the photons responsible for that particular reality, that energy must be destroyed. That is what CERN tests when they alter wordings and events, popularly known as the Mandela Effect. What people perceive as ghosts is commonly latent energy of a prior event.

Matthew 17:20
"20 And Jesus said unto them, Because of your unbelief: for verily I say unto you, If ye have faith as a grain of mustard seed, ye shall say unto this mountain, Remove hence to yonder place; and it shall remove; and nothing shall be impossible unto you."

I tell you now, understand the power of your mind and unlock the tools to alter the landscape of reality not just with applied physical and mental force, but with passive force also. Energy is a unit of power. The mods don't want you to see this.

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Other urls found in this thread:

So if I say to myself "I am strong and smart" as a mantra with intent and energy. it will happen eventually?

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so wat do we do about it, hm?

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Do you accept hearsay on a regular basis? Do you accept it written down hundreds of years after the supposed actual fact? When the people debating what to write down were not even alive at the time?

*tips fedora*

As there are infinite universes where that version of you could exist, it is possible. But you must truly BELIEVE it when you say it. If you say it but do not truly believe it there will be no logic for the photons to adhere to, which is necessary to maintain the laws of physics.

Emotional energy is extremely powerful. Such that it can manifest curses and blessings.

I've been projecting intense thoughts about a President beholden to Israel and a GLOBO-HOMO world. Really makes you think…

Must be true. I wanted frogs, spent a whole day thinking about how much I wanted frogs and 1 day later a frog showed up out of literally nowhere (no frogs for around a mile) and laid a 1,000+ eggs in my pond and now I have frogs. I needs some assistance with the bats though…anyone lend a hand bending space time so that I can have some bats in my bathouse? (It is a 300 bat condo but I can build them another house if they would just show up for work). I built them a nice pup catcher and everything.
Also every day I visualize the complete end forever of semites/khazarians/kikes, assorted other subhumans and homos…I could use some help making this happen as well.

Nothing what I wrote is a fedorafag atheist position. It's fucking factual history. You're more than welcome to believe what you wish but my questions to OP are valid. Having faith in an almighty supreme being doesn't equate to the folly of man's collected writings. The Bible is a collection of edited oral stories. At least the kikes pretend their stories were told directly to moses by god.

You can actually affect the very fabric of reality with your mind, but it takes much more than being a spiritual Jew with blind faith into rabbi Yeshu to achieve that.

No it doesn't. Anyone with any 'faith' can do it. It is not 'faith dependant' it is knowledge dependent.

You have to do it too I have discovered. Realistic and porporational.

You can change your emotional response to reality, and thus your perception of it even as reality is unchanged in the process. That's what's meant by this passage, nothing more.

Dude you don’t get to simply slap some fancy science words in your diatribe and claim to be woke.

Do you even know what a photon is user? I mean when you say shit like “infinite possibilities” I have to question that notion

I too do not believe in possibilities. I believe in a completely determined outcome.

Researched the same stuff you talk about for 22 years now. I learned a few things whoever thinks he knows it or gets it. That something is definite and that he found it "out" is a moron. In the first years of my inner exploration I had the same mindset as you. But as time progressed the more you learn the more you realize you don't know and that thinking in definite terms in this world is very stupid as I realize I was back then and arrogant.

I agree on some things however that we as individuals are very powerful and can affect the magnetic around our bodies from our thought patterns to certain extent. But not as much as you would think. Unless a major collective force drives it in a focused and directed manner. Like how the hivemind of jews operate in a singular manner and how they managed to lie and deceive about so much, because of this hive mind set they are interconnected somehow and creates the reality for the rest with massive lies.

Jews are a very good example how this directed mindset can manifest into reality. Look at all the confessions of holohoax victims how they operate in a singular manner to deceive and lie. Only few of them told the real truth and with facts, those who did tell the truth about holohoax is like cutting through knife since you can back up their sayings with facts. But none of the majority of holohoax liars you can back up with facts like the lampshades and so on. Creates a bubble effect which then with lies waves out to the rest of world. Weaker mind believes in the lies since the initial bubble of lies are so strong.

Obviously a dark force is controlling certain groups on earth influencing to do what it wants on earth. Anything that relates to lies and deception is 100% dark.

But there are so much we don't know about. We are very stupid. If we think we know how it works. Then that just shows how stupid we are. Since beyond this world time just doesn't exist the same way and there's obviously other forces out there intelligent which made all this.

Our bodies are replaced completely every 7 years the atoms themselves, science look it up. Just what we don't see it. Our thought and awareness is what manifest body keeps it up. I don't dare to say what ghosts are. We are too stupid to understand. We think universe is limited and are unable to comprehend it. That's how stupid and limited our minds are. Our minds work in limited manner. Just as your redpilling guess work is in limited manner definite. But someone or something made us this stupid for some reason. Blocked something in us DNA most likely.

Bible and book of enoch I think is unto some truth about it. Only explanation. Our history has been lied about. Even some files which three letter agency released officially talks about the real history that another civilization existed here way more advanced than ours. Thats what bible also talked about and book of enoch.

Layer upon layer of lies in this world. The truth becomes so deluded one only sees the lies.

Take the head out of your own ass OP. Just my two cents.

All redpills are over painted bluepills.

Unlock your belief circuit. MASTER DEATH, ETERNAL LIFE IS NOW!

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Calm down with the drugs you don't have any superpower.


You and OP are over-thinking way to much chill down with supernatural and spirits and whatnot it is just silly, i don't object what you are saying it is just that things happen for different reasons not supernatural forces and quantumLARP type shit. Nature follows an order and everything happens according to that you will be better off reading a religious book than don't dwelling in that kind of imagination daydreaming.

I’m bending the universe into giving me unlimited dip for eternity.

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Niggers aren't blue?

With how much dick you suck, you'd think you wouldn't know the difference. Niggers aren't gree when you'r not a Jewish tranny.

I guess you're not there yet brainlet. A simple example is the Qlarp, a bigger example is internet sharding and this DoD honeypot site.

Why would faggots and Jews post and be mods on a DoD site you stupid nigger?

Pro tip: If you don't know or need to ask you're the stupid nigger. Lurk moar faggot.

Jews don't run the MIC, neither do faggots.

lel. I guess that knowledge is above your pay grade.

I have worked for the DoD you dumbshit.

kek! I know you worked for DoD. You told me that earlier. Why do you think I mentioned your pay grade "dumbshit"?

Here, I'm feeling generous - have an early promotion. Kay Griggs You won't believe any of this now, but everything you learn in the future will prove this true - as much as you will hate it.

* applies to retirees too ;^)

Nope. Natural law will just kill you faster because you chose to not adapt, thereby to not participate in survival, and instead fall for the temptation of hedonism while dreaming around. It's the "deer in the headlights" scenario…death is coming for you no matter if you realize it or not.

The biggest example would be the internet AT ALL.

Let's 1-up this…"WE LIVE IN A SOCIETY"

Two up it? Planet Earth?


Well, now I have to sink your trips with a hat trick…the natural laws.

Oh damn. I was leaning hard on Natural Law…
What will I do?

No, the laws of nature are real, it's that they are deliberately kept hidden from us. That's why religion was created to change knowledge with believe, and the laws of nature with the laws of men. The latter being nothing but self destructive means of control.

You're good if you stick to the laws of nature, user.

I am, I have a whole thing about 'second order desires', those 'rules' that were imposed upon us to control us (desires for desires which the entire system is based in) rather than first order desires. Tough to navigate this world when all you care about are first order desires. To ensure that no one could 'challenge' second order programming the kikes invented 'psychology' and mental health to make sure that no one follows first order desires without first submitting to their own second order programming.

It is a puzzle.

How about you 'imagine' you’re not a fucking dick, op?
What is Logos?

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Sounds awesome, let me hear more. I'm more into the fundamentals behind all of that, which are based on natural laws. I got them down to six and I call it "how the few control the many"

1. Ownership - guy has an apple, another wants it. Conflict happens.

2. Leadership - I'm the boss, gimme that apple. Conflict happens.

3. Laws - You must give me that apple for this is how it's meant to be. Conflict happens.

4. Law enforcement - gimme that apple by law or these guys will kick your ass. Conflict happens.

At this stage the violent response towards the one seeking control of the other was forced back as far as possible, but the huge size of civilizations still created too much collateral damage of slaves defending their goods. So the question was raised "how can we make them "believe" to give us their shit for free?

5. Religion - the deity speaketh "share those riches for free and in return you get as many empty promises as you want"

This is where natural law took over and created a circle. To catch all the non believer the controllers created mantle terms like atheist or infidel, thereby making everyone defined by not being followers of a doctrine . Fast forward and thousands of years of religious indoctrination have crept into the subconscious structure of everyone, and the atheists are now naturally longing for the same natural traits of superstition, faith and morality, but unlike the believer they don't have anything to direct it on. In comes capitalism/materialism/idolatry/ symbolism. With that the atheists became the most fundamentalists group of worshipers of them all. Materialism over everything.

6. Materialism - The hedonistic way of attributing worth to items aka Ownership. And the circle is back at the beginning.

Natural order, the balance of struggling to survive while death is tempting you.

Logos is the spoken words that control Life. In this case it is the kikes spoken words where they 'make all of mankind in their own image' with their thoughts, their values, their rules, their laws, their systems, their government, their finance and their organization…hurp durp, how can low IQ (84 IQ average) people always win and end up 'ruling the earth'? Well maybe it is because they control the LOGOS that defines all the thought and FUCKING POSSIBILITIES, EH? If people were smart they would just start anachically murdering everyone who even mentioned it because THEY WOULD FUCKING KNOW IT IS 100% BULLSHIT MIND CONTROL. (Oh boy, for fucking sure I am going to get banned for this…again).

Jay Dyer used to have this fantastic video on postmodernism where he discussed the kikes control of everything using language (the Logos) to alter all of the future actions. By changing the meaning you change the course of the Earth and can 'direct the narrative'. He was FORCED to remove the video for obvious reasons because, number one…the kikes didn't want to let anyone else know how to DIRECT the system (god knows someone might get an idea like living in a fucking KIKE FREE WORLD) and they didn't want anyone to know or understand WHAT THE FUCKING LOGOS WAS, because they didn't want anyone to understand their MURDERS AND SLAUGHTERS ON THE PLANET…
You start with that 'LOGOS' shit in this thread and you and I are going to have a problem, user.

Hold on…those sound like very good possibilities but I am raging out beyond control right now with fury and I need a couple minutes to calm down.

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It's called "Lectures on Faith" and it's the only reason you decide to wake up in the morning.

You're a fucking nigger you just change perception of the real world the real world doesn't change. Epicurus had it right thousands of years ago

Close. Its Natural Law which is the structure of the universe.
Reality-Truth-Morality. The structure, fundamental principles & mechanisms of existence. The basis of all Truth from which all morality must derive.

No. That's just conceptual frameworks.
Reality has a structure and its name is Logos.
Your mental universe -your conceptual framework- has been created by the jew in combination with your detachment from hard physical reality and its rules.

Proof that the universe has a fundamental structure that is not optional:
Draw a square circle
Ill wait.


They are already the same.
Is pie, we love pie.
It is also the number of a square.

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user, that's a triangle . . .

I wish I could.

There is more to this. The jew identity is a construct, a front. Behind it comes the khazarian story and whatever came before that. Anyway those fronts are all hiding a bloodline, and their constant pursuit of DNA, blood libel, child sacrifice/abortion etc. indicates that they are desperately trying to stop the consequences of the bloodline corruption by the millennia of race-mixing, inbreeding, all the other degeneracy, and the resulting mental and physical consequences. That should be mentioned in connection with their goals.

Do rip them apart if there's a problem, I'm also always looking for easier to understand terms to describe the points. My line of thinking goes like this "simplicity speaks truth, complexity hides lies" I based this on the fact that natural laws are so "easy" to understand that they are implemented on instinctual level. So the ultimate truth must always be the easiest to comprehend. A great real life example would be left vs rightwing memes. The left has like a wall of text that nobody wants to read, because they have to hide their lies behind words, while the right has the truth on their side and can therefore cut the information down to the lowest common denominator until the picture of a smug looking frog is enough to get the message across.

Or if anyone is really interested in training without the ceremonial culty nonsense.

You could do a lot worse than reading and training this.

What's the difference if your perception changes your World?

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You can.
10 downing street, london
Knock three times and ask for Theresa.
That's me mum.
Were moving soon so be quick about it.
And im still waiting for that squircle you pseudo intellectual mong.

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We don't know anything about the universe other than what we can see, so applying the natural laws to the universe might seem logical, but it's not based on a provable truth, it's a believe. Believe in nature is only temporarily and then followed by curiosity, which leads to knowledge, therefore a fixed believe is always a lie, because unless you have real knowledge it can't be the truth. So let's keep the laws of nature inside this ecosystem until we can prove the beyond.

You fell for a jewish trick there, user. What you're describing is morality in a fixed sense, like the laws of men taught you. In nature morality represents the "law of the land", that means temporary rules of behavior based on adaptation to ever changing circumstances. A fixed moral in nature would give predators the time to see through it and attack it as a weak point, which is why it's been thought to humans. All of the laws of men are against nature to corrupt our survival odds, while the ones in the known hold all the cards. It's a rigged game.

You know man, I think you might be right. Timaeus by Plato mentions the eyes emitting light that forms ones vision when in contact with the light of the external world.

Natural Laws include but are not limited to:
Nation and the continuation of our Blood.
Loyalty, family and in group preference.
Strength, will and the capacity for struggle.
Struggle itself, the act of overcoming.
Merit, the selection of the fittest.
Power, the manifestation of strength through action.
Labour, the products and expression of a Nations Power.
Ecology, interconnectedness and selection.
Death and the will to live.
All these things are Natural Laws because there is never a time when they don’t apply and they are thus fundamental structures of existence.
They are mandatory not beliefs or opinions.

See above.
Then think about it a bit.
Give it a go.
I can elaborate a bit if you like.

They are writing about time and space. Time can obviously be proven in nature, space can not. There is no such thing as space, it's another word for nothing, and nothing cannot exist.

Like the fact that I can send myself into an alternate, but similar universe by truly believing, and therefore willing it to be true.

If I had not posted the OP, there is a good chance that Zig Forums would never had begun mass research into the fabrics of reality itself, and how to unentangle the mess. In doing so I have permanently altered the course of history, through butterfly effects. A rippling in consciousness. And to think, I begun this foray into this mess because I began to recognize patterns in recognition of a thing, then saw the dissemination of it throughout my world view. Then I put towards thoughts to this idea, and eventually found what I believe is true.

Those who are capable of understanding the ability to alter the future, not physically, but through mental effort itself may one day become fellow travelers through the universes. Perhaps one day we may find a course that ends in our favor.

This whole post is fucking tragic.

Holy shit, they let the asylum folks post here now.

There are no such things a (((photons))) retard Einstein invented them. Light is an adjective not a noun.

top kek. schizoposters are hilarious.

I mean, i get where the pillock is coming from. Conceptual frameworks have a big impact on how we conceive of ourselves and the world around us and thus how we act. Memetic warfare etc…
But he jumps the shark because he has no grasp of reality itself and as a result just wanders of into solipsism that promises freedom but only delivers delusion. Its a faze a lot of people go through that usually ends when they overreach and reality slaps them down. The problems come if he combines his ideas with drug use, then he's truly gone.

Doesn't apply to everything.

The struggle is to survive and you will always lose it, because death cannot be avoided.

Sometimes the weakest or the most resilient are holding the pole position (look at cockroaches). Selection means preference, that is hedonism. Natural law judges equally and tests everyone, it demands adaptation by any means, as long as it's in accordance to the laws of nature.

The laws of nature is was connects everything.

Not the will to live, the struggle to keep living.

Most of what you said are specific rules mostly for humans and not always applicable to the rest. The laws of nature need to be the fundamentals that direct everything.

How does "Nation and the continuation of our Blood" apply to a stone? A stone exists.

Please tell me how the above disproved my description of what morality is?

Some people haven't learned to not try to actively interpret the bs your subconcious is feeding you.

What you're describing is hedonism. You put your own believe over everything else, that's against nature and self destructive. It's a temptation to lure you towards death, thereby a test of survival.

What I find interesting is that the applied emotional energy of Zig Forums seems to rapidly alter real life events. Not in the aspect of the knowledge being shared, but purely the emotional aspect.

Emotions are extremely powerful. They are energy. It is no coincidence that where great battles are fought, there are people who can hear sounds and see visions from the battle itself. Gettysburg is a very popular example of this.

Through applied emotional energy, especially mass emotional energy, I believe there is a grand ripple effect that dramatically alters the course of history. Though one thing I believe, is that most people do not have the ability we have. The masses lack this spiritual-emotional energy, as they are scions made only for the purpose of serving, as without them we would have nobody to uphold and maintain what we have. Do you think the intellectuals enjoy hard and menial work? Ha.

No. Zig Forums itself has already shown it can defy the odds time and time again, as well as find connections to things where nobody else can, purely because they wish them to be.

Who would have known that Kek would transform into a real ancient Egyptian deity?

Draw a line and keep going faggot.
You know as well as I do that the only way I could get into the UK was disguised as a semitic retard. You have to have a minimum IQ before you qualify for entry. If you are drooling and throwing acid it only goes faster. I enjoyed your mums tears.

No, user. You haven't even unlocked some of the earliest red pills.

And fuck of with this law of attraction bullshit.

He attracted you.

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Yes it does: A species or sub species that doesn’t have in group preference will be replaced by those that do. In group preference works. Different biological groups have different ways of expressing this but the basic principle remains.

The struggle isn’t about not dying its about elevation, evolution, transformation.
Q: what is the difference between a domesticated animal and a wild one?
A: Struggle.

See ecology: Merit is determined by selection. Selection is determined by ecology. The principle remains.

The will to live only has meaning because of death.

I phrase them in National Socialist terms because they are aimed at us but the principles remain universal, you just need to think about them a bit more. As i said, i can elaborate if you want.

It specifically applies to living creatures as indicated by the blood thing.
Stones can take care of themselves. I should amend that.

You claim that morality is simply the laws of men. This is partially true.
We have awareness that is capable of doing more than just existing. This is very powerful and allows us to create things that dont exist as a direct creation of Natural Laws: Cars, central heating, pencils etc…
We can create things that shouldn’t exist because they are perversions: Sodomites, trannies, mobility scooters for ham planets, ways for the weak to flourish etc…
And even try to create things that cant exist: Marxism, square circles, good jews.
This is a problem because we can easily wallow in our own bullshit like op is right now and the first thing we will know about it is when reality and its rules is culling us.
Wat do?
Unlike less aware creatures we need to comprehend the Laws of reality and internalise them as a code of conduct Morality so that we don’t end up as a 'diverse' collection of degenerates crying because reality wont play fair.

tl:dr What other code of conduct could there possibly be but the structure of reality, Logos?
Morality = Natural Law as guide to life.

That's a believe, not a truth. It's based on your perception. So far it's just a natural temptation trying to lure you towards death.Spirituality is a lie and based on hedonism, and emotions are misrepresentations/perceptions of different natural traits. In this case, when you talk about "rapidly alter real life events" it's our survival instinct that perceives a threat and gives us heightened senses. That's when people say they can feel that a storm is brewing.

No, it's teamwork without the restrictions the jewish system forces on us outside. Anonymity takes away all the oppressive laws of men and offers temporary (mental) freedom. In here we can have the creative chaos of mind with next to no restriction, because we don't have to follow corrupted social norms. It also naturally forces you to adapt constantly, unlike places like reddit where you have to follow guidelines and become a drone. What you're experiencing here is a tiny window into the true freedom they withhold from us.

Yeah, I know. Good thing you're making that thread.

What the fuck did you just fucking say about me mum you little bitch?!

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I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I've been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills.
I said I enjoyed seeing your mum tears…mmmm so salty, so delicious. I think they might have acid in them though. Tell me, how small is your dick after she put it through the semitic pencil sharpener (those rabbis have big beaver like teeth) 8 days after you were born.


This isn't Elder Scrolls, you don't have CHIM. You aren't Neo in the Matrix either. The only way you bend reality to your will is through force and hard work. There is no magical secret.

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He let me ask you a question…
Does this bullshit retardation ever work on a race other than soicuck feminized whyte bois? Because you and I both know that it is kike bullshit. Once a man has given himself to a European woman and has had European offspring he should be fucking every fucking thing that walks and some things that don't. That, DNA, the only currency of value is the way to conquer the planet.
Too bad European men are CUCKED INTO FEMINIST BULLSHIT like you judeo values to understand NATURAL LAW, like the fact that it is only important FOR WOMEN to display ingroup preference and that it is dysgenic for males of the species to display it after they mate with their wife. They really ought to die fucking if at all possible, that would be doing a SERVICE to our people.

Kill yourself.

I saw two mud crabs by the water the other day?

Shut up you retarded feminist. Since you fucking faggots won't go with ETHNOGLOBE (since you are fucking feminine pussies) we are going to go with the next best thing.

Did you fuck one?

With your 'staph'?

Nice one OP

If you really wish really hard will Anime become really real?

Who says we wont?

Not really interested in kike ETHNOGLOBE user. Was really speaking to that pussy faggot that chimed in before. You kikes are the only ones with the balls to actually DO WHAT IS FUCKING GOOD FOR YOUR RACE. Unlike the cuck faggots in this thread who want to ‘’wish their fucking problems away’’…Jesus, do they even deserve to live if they deny every aspect of their male prerogative?

Will anime become real? Who would care user? Not me, I am too busy trying to get these reluctant fags to save themselves.

Fyi, not a jew.
Race mixing is racial suicide and spiritual sickness.
Blood loyalty doesn’t = feminism just in case you were wondering.

And that is why they have kids with a European woman FIRST to make sure they don’t bring disease to our people and then get busy fucking the shit out of everything that moves afterwards. I fucking hate porn because all that precious European sperm should be going into the wombs of the brown trash of the planet rather than in a tube sock. Keep in mind this is because they are too faggy to ever really take care of the real problem and will only ever bring their faggotry asses to something compromised like race mixing rather than solving the problem like men and ensure our racial survival the real way, by actually ensuring OUR SURVIVAL.

Fucking non whites is never ok.
Just kill them.
Clean, simple, honest.

Doesn't apply to inanimate objects. Therefore not a fundamental law.

Elevation means creating the best possible surrounding for us to strive under, which brings me to the meaning of life "creation in accordance to the laws of nature for the benefit of all" because that's benefiting us in return out of which we become "better". Evolution is corrupted term, it needs to be adaptation, which is the means to survive. And transformation…are we robots in disguise, user? What do we transform into?

I see the error wrote about strength and fitness as merit for which I saw your term "selection" as a preference. Now you're writing "Merit is determined by selection" which translates to worth is determined by survival. That makes sense. Strength and fitness doesn't mean survival, adaptation means. Just look at the jews and tell me where you see strength and fitness? Maybe neck-muscles from lifting these huge hook noses?

Birth came before death, therefore there's a time frame where death wasn't comprehended by the will, which makes "will" a believe, a lie. The struggle is not a will, it's a demand.

You just contradicted yourself. Let me give you another viewpoint, this time fundamental for all. The most fundamental natural law "to be or not to be" that is the rule of existence and it gives everything that exists two barriers in which to operate (exist) in. These are the beginning and the end or birth and death for everything alive. So even an inanimate object operates under these rules, because it has a beginning, an end, and it exists in the middle. That is what a natural law is, a fundamental rule of existence.

That would mean out of nothing which is impossible. The natural law behind this is "the sum of all things". Inside this ecosystem everything already exists, but most wasn't created YET. It exists in either it's core materials or as knowledge not yet found. Let's take a baby that wasn't conceived as an example…all the core parts, which is everything inside the ecosystem, are already here including the knowledge on how to make it. It's only a matter of time for it to happen. the materials may change, but the baby will happen. That's why we cannot create out of nothing, because everything is already here, inside this ecosystem. When you have a new idea, then it doesn't come from nothing, but from the influences you gathered all around you. "the sum of all things" is creation.

That adaptation to the negative side…corruption.

you based that on morals, as in it's against the norm, therefore bad.
you made that up in your head based on your knowledge about squares and circles, therefore you are trying to make someone prove an impossibility.
That's an assumption on your part (hedonism), but I would fall for that one too.

We were given a tool to comprehend this world (consciousness) and a compass to navigate between positive and negative decisions (common sense). Use these terms, way easier to understand. Also calling morals laws and codes implies a fixed set, yet the natural order between positive (life) and negative (death) is always moving and demands adaptation to survive, therefore morality can't be fixed.

Again, use the term "common sense" and it makes sense. It's constant adaptation to ever changing circumstances, based on instinctive navigation under the barriers of the laws of nature.

Yeah…except you won’t and more is the pity because White men are too feminiszed to even consider doing the right thing by our race. I think that is why White women are fucking other races males, because at least they get to fuck a man (and not another woman), even if he is subhuman trash.

That's called corruption and it's based on hedonism, which is against natural laws and is self destructive. You either work according to the natural laws and keep to the order or you get the shaft.

It already is user-kun.

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