At 13 seconds in you can see the words written "Death To Israel" and the Israeli flag that they stomp on when entering the facility.
"Death To Israel" in Iran's Missile Silo
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Good for them.
Don't the kikes have "Never Again" welded onto their warheads?
What's your point? Doesn't everyone have the word "death to Israel" on a wall somewhere in their home? I know I do.
Being against Zionism is not the same as hating jews.
Iran has the largest community of jewish people in the middle east outside of Israel and they are doing fine.
Iranian Jews are forced to assimilate under Iranian law. The try to kike and get jailed. That's the solution. Weaponized Assimilation + Nuking Israel.
No wonder they hate Iran so deeply.
Long live Tehran defender of the Middle East
forced to assimilate…. bull shit.
they get to practice their goofy little religion,, they just don't get to play "master race" like the zionists.
Jews can be tolerated if they behave and respect the nation they live in. Oswald Mosley said as much.
the zionists are dangerous scum.. but some jews are can be okay.
There's no good Jews but forced assimilation is much worse for the kike than genocide. Robbing him of power, wealth, and influence is the Jewish Hell.
yeah, catholicism used to have a similar function
They had the courtesy to write it in English.
Read their signs. Those "good" anti-zionist jews are still anti-gentile Talmudists, they just have a theological dispute with their zionist co-racialists.
This has been tried dozens of times, inevitably they start kiking again.
I think jew is good to have their own state/nation as long as meeting these criteria :
1. All of the jews are living specifically on those state or nation
2. No jews are allowed to have dual citizenship
3. Facilitating all jews to move to those state/nation. Either enforcing them or by facilitating them like only paying travel cost and administrative/legal works
4. If all jews are successfuly move,then we will lobby politician to pass a law to not have dual citizenship or people with dual citizenship to work in government bodies and politician.
5. Maybe nationalize all jews bussiness to be only american non jews corporation
6. No media allowed to be bought or owned by foreigners (i.e. jews israeli)
Mosley was a (((Tavistock))) stooge. All kikes should be deported to Israel, with the sole exception being some mischlings who support the Reich and don't personally identify as Jews.
How can something that didn't happen again?
was Hitlar another Tavi graduate, I saw some theory, wasn't entirely sure of it though
got any evidence about mosley and the tavistock institute?
Good moshe. GOOD
Yid aviv came on shift, their mods are shutting it down now.
Seriously. They have a literal jew yid aviv mod trolling post histories looking for shit to ban. And he still doesn't get it right.
All jews are, weak little whiny cunts. I hate how the holocaust is fake, it should of been real
(check'd and agreed)
its not "USA and Israel VS Iran", is "Deep State and Israel VS American People and Iran".
Like we didn't already
it's real in their minds, the romans killed 40 billion jews just yesterday.
oh baby check at this sweet id and sweet get
Chequed and kequed, also nice id
based. whats their patreon?
I wish they would hurry the fuck up and nuke Israel. Maybe Iran isn't the hero we deserve, but they might be the hero we need right now.
What's next? Missile found "this is definitely from Iran" written on it?
Since the jew fucking mods continue to jew:
Good! Still a shit fucking OP.
Just follow the connections until you find him. A marginal character for them, but one should be cautious when it comes to trusting the eternal Anglo.
I'm not sure I understand how to use this resource
Why doesn't the Iranian President found and suport revisionists. With the money he has he could easyly produce and print high quality documents to spread awareness of holohaux. If he managed to wake europe up Israel will be ashes.
Kek. Based President Ahmadinejad confirmed for appalling cheapskate.
I’m not supportive of any kind of assimilation anymore. They can assimilate into the fucking dirt.
Do you have any idea how much money it costs to keep a private yacht sea-worthy?
not true at all. iran has the highest percentage of practicing jews of any nation outside of israel.
heh when the video ended M83's music video for Wait pops up in the recommendations.
How appropriate.
Anyways I'm rooting for Iran.
Fuck the United States of Judea.
Nuke us please, I want this timeline to end.
fun fact: there were only two flags allowed in nazi germany, the first was the nazi flag and the second was the zionist flag (current israeli flag). the so called "talmud jews" were not exactly liked by the german government. the nazis held the belief that it would be a good idea for the jews to leave europe. out of all the jewish streams of thought there was an overlap between zionist goals and national socialism. the zionists wanted to stop being hated and portrayed as parasites in europe and build a nation of their own, because they felt it was not possible to be a proud jew while living in someone else's country.
I think "Jewish Voice for Peace" or one of those other kosher "anti-war" groups convinced the Iranian government to back away from the issue of the Holohoax.