You show your ignorance of British politics. Up until very recently there were myriad factions all vying for power, and they were always divided. The jews have slowly but surely taken over every faction, and we find that today there are very few people who are not on their side. Yet even today there still persists anti-jewish elements with significant reach, though as this is Britain they are not JUST anti-jewish, but they will be anti-other-stuff too. Unfortunately we have anti-jewish leftists and anti-jewish nationalists who both hate one-another more than they hate the jews.
The country has perpetually been divided along class lines, along ethnic lines, along religious lines; and peace maintained through a willingness to work with one-another on the surface, whilst planning to undo whatever was achieved when it was 'their turn'. This is actually terrible for 'progress', as pretty much everything Britain achieves through one government will near certainly be undone by the next. We still see this happen with pretty much everything, except the jew-approved things like women's suffrage, faggotry, divorce and abortion. This is a recent phenomena though as it is only in the last 30 years that near enough every faction was finally subverted.
The jews have had to work hard at undermining Britain (and the USA) for a very long time. Where they were able to seize power (or at least attempt it) in nations like Germany and Russia in a single bloody coup; such attempts never worked with the Anglos. This is due to their moderate approach to politics, as well as their deep-rooted divisions. We have deep-rooted divisions in other nations too, but they were not tempered by a moderate approach to politics; thus in France and Italy we saw (and again see) rapid political unrest and violence, culminating in the French revolution and Italian Fascism (which was a direct response to Italian Communism; the lower classes of Italy became violent communists and literal antifa and in response the middle class became Fascist and bashed them).
Thus when we see jewish individuals rise to prominence in Britain in their history; you must remember that there were countless other factions opposing them all the way. Whilst the jews attempted to use the British Empire's reach to further their financial schemes, they would often meet roadblocks in the form of the Brits ending slavery, introducing human rights and all manner of other things deemed 'moderate and fair' to British sensibilities.
Today one might argue that this has left Britain (and the USA) as some of the most hopeless countries, at least in regards to their establishment. Where power was quickly seized (and then quickly lost) in other nations, the Anglos were only able to be subverted via a slow and relentless nepotistic take-over of every single one of their factions. Today these factions have worked together to make it near impossible for new businesses and groups to start up in Britain due to the fear that it will set back their kikery yet again. Currently though, there is no faction that I know of that is not tainted by the perverse touch of the kike in the Anglosphere; they have managed to embed themselves in everything, for that was the only way they could truly destroy the country. As such Anglos are left with few outlets, yet we still see them struggle for freedom in the forms of Brexit and Trump (and yes, you can criticise both of those; but the Anglo's voting pattern shows that they are still not ready to sycophantically bow to something they disagree with).
Again this just shows your ignorance of Britain. Britain is not a 'nation', it is a country that includes several nations - peoples. There has always been an 'outrageous, disgusting and depraved' element in Britain, we famously have the letters of the Duke of Wellington attesting to his absolute disdain for many of the men in his army. The best way to speak about Britain is to frame it as a nation that is dividely more deeply than near any other, yet is more willing to work with and tolerate that which they find distasteful with an eye to making things in their favour later on. The whole 'keep calm and carry on' thing exemplifies this; the Brits just grit their teeth and get through it whilst working to make things how they want them to be. Of course today this is a terrible thing as every faction has been subverted with the jews, so whilst we still have the same rivalries of old with the same back and forth of such things as extreme spending and then austerity - we now have the jews throwing in their contributions, accepted by both sides, and which are never undone down the road (things like abortion, divorce, faggotry, female suffrage, the banning of guns, etc).