ive been saying it for fucking years
big companies are fucking poisoning us with shitty processed foods which are literally degenerating our bodies
ive been saying it for fucking years
big companies are fucking poisoning us with shitty processed foods which are literally degenerating our bodies
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Yeah the enteric nervous system and it’s commication with gut micro flora is a new realm we are just beginning to understand.
Best thing to do here is to eat probiotic foods such as yogurt. Unfiltered beer, such as Hefeweizen of Belgian wit beer is another source, perhaps some more rustic “farmhouse” style ones as well.
Kimchi and various japanese fermented foods are great probiotics as well. Eat more vegetables in general, when eating meat try to get it as close to the source as you can. Farmers markets are a great place to get fresh locally sourced meat and dairy. Shits important and the (((factory farming))) kosher system is inhumane and terrible for the environment. Or fucking hunt, that’s a good source of meat.
Also stock up for the eventual food collapse.
I took the foodpill ages ago. Only eat grassfed meat and effs, fish, and some berries. I'm the healthiest I've ever been and I have not been sick in 3 years. Not even a cold. Couldn't say the same thing if I was still eating a SAD.
Isn't being autistic a good thing
Oh this is a larp thread lol
Stop taking antibiotics. They fuck up your healthy bacteria. Use Lugol's iodine to keep your thyroid healthy, it will be enough to protect yourself
antibiotics barely work anymore anyways due to being overprescribed and because of evolution
Not a LARP, just look at the population growth vs the environment. Agriculture is rather shaky, monoculture in general and prone to disaster.
Look to the signs, lower percentage of farmer to share of the population, more centralization of agricultural ownership, just-in-time food delivery system for supermarkets, stresses to certain sources of food such as fish populations (Cod stocks in Northeast US are just finally recovering from decades of overfishing, pacific is going to be fucked from Japan/China).
And further look at the ramifications of growing population. The average burger has to receive at least 50% of their calories from fucking corn alone. In order to compensate we feed the population with cheap grains with little nutritional value.
The stress cracks are already visibly apparent. Factor in a natural disaster here and there and this can dramatically alter production.
Remember to not give yourself iodine poisoning. Check your diet and make sure you're not receiving enough iodine before you pop Lugol's.
The wheat beers are also use a different type of yeast than shit beers (pilsner, ipa, etc.).
Beer was once called "liquid bread" for a reason.
Anything more than a litre a day and you are killing gut flora with alcohol and dehydrating yourself.
For non-europeans. Also, if the grains aren't soaked and sprouted and baked to rise from fermentation gases instead of baking soda, then it isn't really bread but some modern pastry and probably has soy or jews in it.
Native Europeans can't eat gluten.
Wanna know how I can tell you're a Jew?
This only became "bad" when they switched to low-fat and "vegetable" oil foods like 2% milk and soy pastries. I will post my list itt later. Lel.
Yeah it’s like many things in life, moderation is key. Mild beer consumption has cardiovascular benefits.
There is also evidence that beer reduces homocysteine levels, which is a marker of folate/B12 deficiency and a correlate for Alzheimer’s risk: sciencedirect.com
Just don’t be a degenerate and become alcoholic, easier said than done in this depressing clownworld.
Alzheimer was proven to be caused by aluminum in the diet like a decade ago.
Explain your post.
Bullshit. Read the books 'Grain Brain' and 'Wheat Belly'. Gluten is a protein.
The genocide
It is not done by jews or foreigners.
It is done by medical.
There is a simple solution to cancer, aids, other chronic diseases and psychiatric illnesses.
Psychiatric is different. But all the rest vegetable, fruit juices, supplements, herbs and minerals. Baking soda.
Iodine is a good one. Knowing way around.
Didn't know this yet
Whether or not cheap makes a difference, I don't see how using this will make go hungry.
Imagine that. Native Europeans weren't bread eaters. That was desert rats and Asians.
Show me a scientific paper ever that has used that word.
Also I did my PhD in a lab that used to investigate this very thing. Well, the focus was on something else but the effects of aluminum on these proteins was one thing my mentor used to research.
The fact is Alzheimer’s is a multifactorial disease. Some claim is buildup of oxidative stress, some claim it’s excitotoxic damage, some claim it’s genetic (ApoE mutations, methyltetrahydrofolate reductase alleles), some claim only a Tauopathy, some claim ABeta is the driver, and some claim it’s caused by environmental factors (aluminum being one of them). And a big one that is newer is the claim that it is a metabolic disease, a diabetes of the brain, so-to-speak.
Reality is the disease probably arises from a combination of all these things. Nobody knows what the root cause is, and instead we see signs of all these things in diseased patients. New drug being tested that I think is particularly promising: biospace.com
Here idea is that Alzheimer’s is a metabolic disease and the drugs target proteins responsible for regulating fat and sugar metabolism in neurons.
Point being though it’s a multifactorial disease
That isn't SAD, nigger. Most people aren't eating mainly steaks and McDonalds is not healthy. You're forgetting the copious amounts of sugar and all the plant foods that contain high amounts of toxic oxalates, oxalic acid, phytic acid, etc.
The west has more health issues and is more infertile than any other place on earth from eating a SAD-like diet.
Filtered for low IQ.
OP or others, I'm open to an email. I'm interested in the subject.
What do you need from email you can’t get from simply posting ITT?
Fucking retard. The Scotts were eating nettle flour scones before the Romans found them.
Who do you think controls that industry? Moron
What are the fastest/easiest probitiotic foods to make? I know how to make sauerkraut, but the process takes too long.
user, he heard that while smoking weed out of a aluminium foil pipe. He has no studies. But I must ask, what percentage of oldtimers patients are/were diabetic, or doing things where they would restrict carbs in their diet ?
Sprout beans.
Soak beans in water for 6 hrs.
Drain water.
Place in jar.
Lean jar upsidedown so excess water will drain out and air can flow in.
Cook when sprouts form.
You can sprout them until they ferment but rinse them at least once a day. Three days is max for me I don;t like them too fermened and I usually do just one day; ~24hrs from when I drain them and place in a jar. Make sure you do it where there is fresh air from a door or window often or it takes longer. Also if you over soak the beans they will die and not sprout. I use black beans and navy beans because they are the best. Larger beans will also take longer.
You also have to take in sea salt, to help pull the bromine out of your system, and a supplement geard towards thyroid health woldn't hurt, either - something with selenium, magnesium, and zinc at the very least.
Why not the organic one from the store?
Or no organic store in the neighbourhood? Or is it bad?
Best thing to do is just stay away from HFCS. They put that shit everywhere.
I don't have a testing facilityin my back yard.
But use a blender. Not some monstrous juicer.
It asks too much.
Be sure to buy high fat low carbs yogurt and the yogurt is made from grass fed milk. Buying them in supermarket is a big no because they contain too much sugar, so you must buy it from local farmers.
Lol no
Apple cider vinegar is good for gut health and simple to make. There are other alternatives such as doing Intermittent Fasting (IF) or omad. Eating fibers also counts as well
user, rural and low population areas already have problems with supply. I those areas there is usually only one source of any given food, and if that source is disrupted it screws the whole region. Contrast that with big cities where a ton of different producers products get brought in, so if there is a shortage on one thing it doesn't really matter because there are other options. That's why so many rural people supplement their diet with hunting or their own gardens. Likewise the bread basket of the USA is horribly maintained, constantly soaked with water and chemicals to turn the land into a sponge, which is slowly degrading efficacy of agricultural growth every year. In Europe the majority of agricultural production is in Spain due to the warmer climate, but Spain is slowly becoming more and more desert, which is going to screw over European food production as well. The idea of a food crisis is not a joke or a LARP
Newsflash you stupid jew fuck, it's linked to all the (((junk)))DNA.
Pretty sure ACV dosen't have probiotics in it
Scotts are gentically related to the boat people of the Med. The entirety of the Celts along the coastline were migratory elements of the collapse of the Phonecian and Egyptian Empires.
Your ancestors built the Pyramids, mine did not.
Yes it doesn't have probiotics content, but it helps your gut flora. It doesn't have to be probiotics to improve your gut flora. Keto diet should do. But if you still insist on it, yogurt is the simplest thing and can be done in one day
I always assumed you have to get some sort of probitoics to maintain good gut bacteria, is this the case or can you just eat something like a keto diet along with some ACV and be okay?
With the new understanding of lateral gene transference in bacteria, it's always a good thing to add new probiotic reinforcements.
"The mother" - the blob in Bragg's ACV - is a SCOBY aka symbiotic culture of bacteria and yeast, which is absolutely a probiotic
I highly recommend watching this whole video, while the primary topic is how plant lectins ("natural" plant produced pesticides) fuck people up, it also covers quite a few different but related topics including gut microbiome. It does a great job of conveying just how complex and integrated a diet is with health. No pill can be a fix for this.
I recommend changing diet first. Keto (under 20 grams carbohydrate a day) works well for most people, but some find that zero-carb or under ~100 grams carbohydrates is better for the. Pick something, stick with it long enough to stabilize, and then listen to your body. Also, make sure to get enough electrolytes, most importantly sodium, and magnesium. Eat animal fat and organ meats.
Once you change your diet, then you can try some probiotics that way whatever survives is supposed to be there, rather than constantly burn money on "health" pills. Honestly I wanted a dose of probiotics, I'd stick with raw foods or fermented vegetables/meat/unfiltered vinegar, rather than use whatever pharma companies of experimenting with.
I hate you retarded ketofags so much.
20 grams of carbs is still carbs though
how hard is it to understand that energy is very densely packed in carbs
and your body will not process that before the bad bacteria starts getting to it
why give energy to bad bacteria for no reason?
I just got a new job and didn't know how to celebrate. This thread talked me into doing that by paying attention to my health. I've been feeling like shit, especially after my accident a few years ago when I had a TBI. Been taking gingko biloba but I've just now ordered iodine, sea salt, zinc, magnesium, selenium, and iron. My diet has been absolutely shit, especially after spending the past year spending my time at both work and school almost every single day. In my current situation I'm not gonna be able to grow food. Anybody got an idea of what diet I should go for? I'm a manlet but built big, and because of that I gain weight pretty easily although I can also just as easily work it off if I put in the effort. My whole life I've been basically just eating steak, potatoes, pasta, breads, occasionally other vegetables, along with fast and junk food. My last job was as a baker, out the 4 years I was there over 3 and a half we used shitty bromated and enriched flour. When the new owner took over, a French guy, he switched the flour over from Imperial and Lions to Heritage European flour. Not bromated or otherwise kiked. It's troublesome that the US is one of the few countries to still allow like poisoning in flour, with non kiked foiur being hard to find unless you work in the culinary industry
Cretinism negated.
"Buttery Spread" Not Butter and not even Margarine by definition/Law?
"Honey Sauce" Not Honey. Honey never goes bad, yet…
Only Imagine what is in the prepared foods you do not get a "Label" for.
Pretty much this. The first step towards an ethno state is self improvement and the first step towards self improvement is a wholesome diet. Without the proper red meat, greens and whole grains you will turn into a degenerate, fat, screeching autist.
I recently got a promotion and started hitting the gym and taking care of my diet. May your life improve as mine has pal. I started dropping pink himalyan salt into my drinking water for minerals, eating a diet high in fish, fruit and meat. Cut processed food and sugar as much as I can bear it. Good luck to you.
Thanks user. The salt in the water is a good idea as well, I have a bottle I always have on me for my drinking water so I'll start adding that to it. We've been using Himalayan salt for a year now, that and celery salt are my favorites now especially celery salt for seasoning. It goes brilliantly for chicken stews and dumplings. I've given up soda again, before my accident I never drank it. I was very physically active my bike was my only mode of transportation so I never even wanted to drink it. Water, coffee, and one solid meal a day which was typically dinner for me went extremely well for me. I'd be willing to do that again but I want a more well rounded diet, plus the coffee I was drinking was typical store garbage so I need to start going for the low acidic brews. Good luck man
I only do the salt once a day, and I've cut soda as well. Using the bike to get around is a great idea, I've never done it myself, but if/when I get rural I hope to do it more. Started doing baked fish several times a week, throw a bit of butter, spices, and a vinigrette salad dressing on top and it's damn tasty. I get local coffee but I'm in a place that is a massive coffee growing region.
Using a bike to get around is an absolutely stellar way to lose weight and gain stamina while building your body up. I miss it a lot, it's also extremely therapeutic for the mind. Whenever I was mad or upset I'd get on my bike and after I got home I was in a fantastic mood. It's also a great way to see where you live and take in the sights. Doing it in a rural area would be amazing, not to mention safer. I'm not in a coffee growing location, at least not in a big one, but I am in the prime location for seafood due to being on the coast of a peninsula. The bounties of the sea are an excellent diet and people tend to live healthier on it. Look at the Japs and other Islanders. Thankfully Fish and Wildlife laws are somewhat lax here so fishing and potting for your food is painless. The state's a shithole though so as soon as I get enough money I'm going up North, probably the Midwest although I'm also looking at Oklahoma. Somewhere I can settle down, set up shop, and can raise and grow my food
Communion bread is made of Jews.
Or just, you know, use iodized salt.
eat unpasteurized free range rotten meat
You can also make your own iodine. Just mix some potassium iodide and elemental iodine (e.g. iodine prills) together in some water, and mix them together until they're dissolved. 2 parts potassium iodide to 1 part elemental iodine. After that, the dilution just determines the strength. If you're going for 5%, you can make a quart of that for about $30. So, to make about 5%…
100g potassium iodide
50g iodine prills
1 quart of distilled water (Or maybe a little more, this math is based on a quart being around 20,000 drops of water, but now I'm hearing it's actually 18927.06 drops, which would make it 5.28% strength iodine.)
Stir it and store it in some kind of glass with a non-metal lid.
It's going to take a decent little bit of stirring, so just keep at it until it's dissolved. Then store it overnight before using it, just to be sure.
Don't sweat it with the exact precision of the measurements. There's a whole lot of "good enough" going on in reality. Each drop of it is about 6.25mg of iodine (specifically, 3.75mg iodide and 2.5mg iodine). If you're going for that 50mg mark that many seem to agree on, that's 8 drops. At 8 drops a day, this'll last you almost 7 years. If you want less concentration, then just dilute it with more water. If you want half the strength, just double the water. It's really simple stuff.
If it's anything like my experience, fumes will leak out of dropper bottles (probably cause of the rubber) and can discolor things around it. Easy fix though, just store the dropper in a bigger bottle until you need to use it.
Also, don't use metal in the iodine too much, metal is generally reactive with iodine, so just use wood or glass. It'll also stain the wood, so use something disposable. Though, I did manage to clean mine with some sodium thiosulfate (pentahydrate) dissolved in water. Only needed two of those little pellets, and it went from charcoal black to nearly completely clean (still has a streak to work out, but we just haven't bothered to try again yet).
Anyway, it's really simple, and saves a lot of money to make it yourself. You can buy the parts all in the exact proportions you need online, so you don't even have to weigh them yourself.
Don't start too strong though. If you're going for higher doses, start low first, and work your way up. Test the waters. If you have a problem with iodine, consider other factors, such as selenium. Selenium is another necessary part of the process. But, if you do go for selenium, don't buy the inorganic crap. Get selenomethionine. Sodium selenate, which they also sell, is a raw form straight from the ground that you're not supposed to eat. From what I can tell, the problems people have with selenium come from these inorganic forms, not selenomethionine, which is what you're actually supposed to be getting. Be smart.
Anyone has dealt with erosive gastritis? Because I've seem a dozen or so specialists and they just keep pushing higher doses of PPIs (Will fuck you up beyond your wildest dreams), low protein and a bunch of fruits, and I keep getting worse, verifiable by endoscopic tests.
And yes to detriment of my physical well being I followed the very strict diet most gastroenterologist push. At this point I'm up for anything.
Disclosure - I am aware of BCP-157 and consulted one expert in peptides, but my case is too severe and would take north of 1000 bucks to bring any benefit. I don't live in the US, importing this shit is nigh impossible.
for many gastric problems (but I don't know if it includes erosive gastritis) one of the most efficient solution is to switch most of your carb intake to leavened bread
the real one, made with the yeasts/bacterias complex present on organic flour and carefuly nourished over a few days, making organic flour bread, leavened slowly, kneaded by hand to make a digestible 3d gluten fibers agglomeration (instead of superfast industrial process with chemical yeast gassification that makes toxic industrial shit)
there are a lot of websites in french, a google translation is sufficient to get most of them
I've tried what is sold as "leavened bread" in merica, an absolute disgusting soft crap with added sugar
real bread is completely something else
you only need flour (organic, no pesticides, no bactericide/fungicide), (reasonably pure) water, and a bit of salt
It goes beyond just what's in your g.i. tract helping you break down your food. It is in fact the food itself.
It requires effort to set up, but once you get it going, you can have new fermented pickles every day.
criminally unchecked trips. ACV even can help with your scalp if you get dandruff/dermatitis
shit's more useful than one may think
You might be interested
No really. Iodized salt exists.
Not true, but they're less effective against certain more serious diseases. For your garden variety use, they're still fine.
Not at all. The problem is inactivity. If we were all farmers and laborers like we used to be a few decades ago, this diet would be ideal. The problem is we stopped doing that. Most people don't get nearly enough exercise or eat right. They always do one or the other and so you have a lot of issues.
there's plenty of plain, sugar free, stuff in the market. pretty narrow ingredients lists too, but i havent checked closely since i dont eat yogurt much
Dude, really, c'mon.
And look up "Urchin Tracking Module", Mr PhD.
i was about to post this
Antibiotics should only ever be used to treat open wounds and abscesses. The fact that kike doctors did it for the littlest thing so they could get their cousin a fresh contract supplying clinics constantly is the 20th century poisoning of the well.
Ya, let's practice salt loading every day for just enough iodine to prevent goiters. If you had any idea of what you were talking about, you would know you need more than that.
Look at who I'm replying to. There's a dude talking about getting iodine through iodized salt, and I'm explaining why that's retarded. Now you're ignoring all of that and talking like I don't know that there's iodine in food (though it's also of very questionable amounts, considering fluoride, radiation, and other contaminants that compete with that iodine in the food supply, especially seafood). Don't be a retard.
Thanks so much for the bromide pill. Its been very clear to me for some time that american bread is fucked up in a way euro bread isnt. Bromide explains it perfectly. Ill begin iodine supplementing my family immediately.
Enjoy your hypothyroidism.
First of all, cap your fucking I's. Not only do they fuck with our food (air, probably too) but also hygiene products. Consistently using lotion prevents your body's ability to produce its own natural oil. So you constantly need lotion for dry skin. Like a crack head. Also, you literally need a doctor to prescribe you vitamins. High strength vitamin D.
The best for this purpose are sour beers made with wild yeast and bacteria, though they tend to be expensive (cheap sour beers are usually kettle soured and don't have living lactic acid bacteria remaining in them).
This worked fine until I developed a drinking problem and gluten sensitivity.
Take an iodine suppliment and read what says about bromine and salt.
the fuck is gut bacteria
Stop sucking up the freshest nutrition trends backed by (((science))).
The rising rates of autism are because of there is no more community in which people can learn and train their social skills, we are in an isolated single community that doesnt have a common behavioral code as everybody is doing their own thing, there are no "social skills" to learn and so it appears that people are getting more autistic when they are just getting more and more isolated inside the faceless mass. This is aided by personal recreation being so advanced in the form of internet or video games, that for young men especially there is less and less reasons to go outside, yet alone socialize with groids with whom you dont share an identity.
The rise of Autism is not a real thing, its just another sign of a decaying shit society.
P.S. (((Asperger))) is so Jewish, they shoehorned the fucking holocaust into its founding myth.
Oy Dr. Asperger was working with his kids in Vienna and the Nazis wanted to T4 them, remember the six gorillion.
go force autistic people who dance for hours at a time watching Thomas the Tank Engine videos (that aren't buffering correctly, restarting them and rewatching them every time it reaches the end of the buffered zone) into public.
They'll just /get better/
You fucking retard.
Are you trying to shill something here, or are just really that stupid?
Fun fact: 90% of the cells in your body are non-mammalian and in total weighs as much as your brain, in total. Poor diets and oversanitizing developing bodies is a source of many disorders, not just autism, but other mental disorders, digestive issues, autoimmune especially (anything from allergies to MS)
You literally claimed the rising amount of autistic people was just an absence of social skill
Stop saying things you don't mean.
People will agree with you more.
Oh also forgot to mention, fecal transplants are a new topic of research. Basically you take gut bacteria from a healthy donor and give it to an infected patient. It's been shown to cure, yes cure, over 70% of C. difficile cases, which is significantly higher than with antibiotics, plus you don't ravage all the other gut bacteria in the process.
Basically if you have kids, make sure you give them a proper diet and also just as important is to make sure they go outside and play in the dirt, take em to petting zoos, etc. Your immune system needs to learn friend from foe and does so during childhood, so not being exposed to the right pathogens/flora at key points in development cripples your immune system and results in a whole slew of modern illnesess, many of which are autoimmune/inflammatory in in nature.
Also, goat milk kefir is GOAT
One last thing. There's a case study of a Finnish town that got split in half when the soviets stopped by. The populations are genetically identical, but after a few decades it was found that the western side had 5x incidence of things like allergies, and this is attributed to the oversanitized conditions and processed diets compared to the less developed soviet side of town.
I'm so fucking glad I hate hops with a passion. I only drink wheat and sours. Kronenbourg 1664 blanc is my fucking jam
I was raised outside but with shitty food. Ended up with celiac disease. No one else in my family has it but there is a history of IBS. I've been thinking about getting a fecal transplant for a while now, my system is so fucked up I get horrible stomach issues randomly. Blond and blue eyed, 6'3" with a great lady friend but am terrified my awful condition will affect my offspring.
The only research papers I've seen are from Russia essentially saying that bleached wheat causes this. Any other sources that you know of about this stuff?
Go strong on kefir and learn how to ferment it, it tends to really solve these issues.
No reason for "invasive" and expensive procedures when transplant is basically the same as consuming high amounts of probiotics fixing your own gut. Try the cheapest first.
The probiotic pill is kind of a scam, it doesn't contain enough active good bacteria to fix problems without spending a shit ton. Look at the active bacteria in probiotics vs kefir and you see this. Kefir also costs nothing and gives you everything.
That is just honey flavored corn syrup. Fully processed so its got none of the good shit honey would contain even in that fraction of a %.
Corn syrup is fucking poison. Its processed like alcohol in your body, most of those drinks are just a few % of alcohol, most people are drunk after a few drinks, and after a certain number your body starts to fucking DIE by alcohol poisoning. Not think about how much corn syrup is in an single soda, or all the processed foods all around you. Fucked up shit is straight corn syrup don't taste sweet! But they add it as an sweetener, gobs of it. Most mericans eat enough of that shit a day to put an alcoholic to shame. And then add in carbs are mostly processed the same way as well and fuck.
It's more likely the antibiotics then, which indiscriminately kill who classes of bacteria.
They can grow the bacteria in a petri dish, all strains of it, make huge colonies with sugars and put it in a probiotic pill.
Fecal transplants is medieval!
But medicine has always been barbaric. You'd think doctors delight in torture.
Pardon the accidental necrobump.
anyone needing knowledge on keto diet should watch dr.(((berg))).. I know his name is (((berg))) and not a doctor. But his keto videos are great and should redpill a lot of people. Take a note that there is dirty and healthy keto, do healthy one. The only good carbohydrates that should be consumed is fiber ones, anything else should be discarded or at least lower the amount of consumption less than 20g/day
fecal transplants is honestly digusting things, you can revert the gut flora into healthy one by doing healthy keto diet. There are also yeasts on gut flora, probably served as nutrient for bacteria, however overconsumption of sugar will explode the growth of yeasts and bad bacteria that will cause a lot of inflammation and other gut issues. I can't believe people wasted a lot of money on this. Also, fecal transplant become useless when the patients eat a lot of junk food after that.
damn it Zig Forums. It's called gut-brain axis