Mass immigration from the 3rd world is happening in all first world nations. why is this all happening at the same time, in different places, under different governments?
i have thought alot about this and got me thinking about bitconnect ( a ponzi scheme that took place around bitcoin) everyone was making money as long as the market was going up. but as soon as the demand teetered all the money was gone.
our central banks and many of our programs for retirement work the same way we need more more more. the central banks need to continuously print more and more money, but cant print more with the same amount of people. There needs to be more people so the demand on fiat continues to grow. The problem is we are not having kids at the rate we once where. With all of the debt our governments have created we need more and more people so we can print more and more money or else the system will collapse under it self.
in america we have the federal reserve, The fed is privately owned and cannot be audited. we have no idea who these people are that run this. think about it you are taxed secretly by saving your money. every time they print a dollar your savings is worth less forcing you to invest causing the the currency to be inflated once again.
Why is mass immigration a problem everywhere?
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Did you just start paying attention or something?
why don't you think so
Lurk more, you stupid fucking dumbass.
Kalergi Plan
Hooton Plan
Barnett Plan
Kalergi Plan
Hooton Plan
Barnett Plan
Kalergi Plan
Hooton Plan
Barnett Plan
i had assumed this for a while, and kinda wanted to see what others thought about this theory
Boomer detected
Did u really just now figure this out op?
The ponzi sheme was planned to turn out this way
Jews hate our guts
This info has been discussed for years
Even if we would have the kids they would have tried anyway to flood us, just like they flood us here with trash shills and OPs
They can collapse the business cycle whenever they want by calling in loans
It doesnt matter where the third world scum is, we would have to kill them all eventually anyway, better now than never
Gold and silver is worthless shiny trash that kikes have been hyping and pimping from the start
Spartans used iron to avoid being controlled by kikes but boomers several thousand years later are not as smart
Based and true
It is us or (((them)))
(((They))) are pushing for our end. Resist!
ive never seen it discussed linking these together
in this way i must have missed those threads but im glad you guys see it like i do
Jews and the desire for infinite economic growth are the answer
The answer is obvious. I myself was complacent. I assumed the population of the earth was 7.2 billion, then a couple days ago someone hear suggested it was almost 8 billion. Impossoburu I replied. Then I looked it up and son of a gun it's over 7.8 billion. In the last few years it's suddenly shot up over half a billion. It was only 3.5 billion when I got out of high school in 71. This is insane. There can be no good outcome from this at this point. They're talking about Lagos and Kinshasa Nigeria being 86 million people. An torridly hot city packed with lecherous violent ignorant niggers, 86 million of them, for the most part living in the utmost squalor.
We are headed for the rocks in a tempest and the people in the wheelhouse are a pack of homosexual pedophile drunken lunatics.
very interesting i have not seen these before ty for link
You think the ZOG cares about money?
The jews spend tens of billions of dollars on social engineering projects. Sure they're making more money as a result, but its power they are after not money.
You must be new, OP. I remember back when I was new. Just keep lurking, you are starting to get it.
You can’t eat, wear, or shoot silver and gold. No one is going to care about shiny metals when SHTF, when civil war rages across the country, society collapses, and the population falls to less than 10% of its current size. Invest in things that actually have real worth. Firearms, medicine, food, tools, batteries, clothing, alcohol, tobacco, weed, hell even books, especially technical and scientific ones. Almost anything would be worth more than Gold when SHTF.
There is no debt.
money and power
No, it is happening in european and european founded countries, plus japan.
I haven't heard anything about nigeria or botswana having any kind of mass immigration problems apart from malarial mosquitos and aids.
It's being done as part of the kalergi plan, for which prizes are regularly given out for people who assist in the destruction of europe, it isn't a secret or a 'theory'. Look up "Tony Blair Kalergi prize". It is based on the mental illnesses inherent in the jew population, who are permanently paranoid, and live as parasiticial 'victims' that kill the host and move onto another one. Their greatest fear is being discovered by the host, so they have two methods; disguising themselves as the host by interbreeding, and flooding the host country with other immigrants, so they no longer stand out.
They've written about it enough themselves, it isn't a guess or based on a wild imagination, you just have to read what they write themselves.
((Capitalists)) need mass immigration to cut down wages of low skilled jobs. Then, those immigrants, who are generally low-IQ and will not become anything close to middle class, will vote for gibsmedat parties, which in turn, will keep introducing more immigrants.
Can you actually lurk more please? It is exhausting having to respond to the exact same low brow arguments day in and day out.
Because (((White Nationalists))) helped the Jews procure a forever victim card so now they can cry Knotsea anything someone attacks their global domination.
Have you tried not being a nigger and developing a highly specialized set of skills? If a beaner that cant even speak english steals your job its because youre easily replacable.
No wait replacable isnt the right word. "Worthless" is what i meant
No it's because they pay them cash and shit wages. And let the government subsidize their welfare.
Jews want everyone to racemix.
If low skilled labor is worthless, why do we import so much of it?
Then you can live with them faggot and pay for their welfare, crime and other nasty shit they do.
Yep. I was an LCMS specialist. They had me train my h1-b replacement for severance pay. Thankfully, China took me in. All white men with skills or talent can get offers here.
im assuming you'd have enough common sense to know you need firearms and food. but i think before things get really bad there will be a period where society is held together by strings and the gold or silver may be able to have the bartering power to get some more of the things you need
yeah im newer here, use to just shit post one 4chan. but to be honest ive thought about this alot before even being here, maybe that is what brought me here idk.
You know we are redpilled right? Try this advice somewhere else, we are the last ones to have interest in bullshit.
Not an argument.
Ah, it's a nigger.
for sure wasnt sure if anyone had made the same conclusion and reasoning,but got it
the jew, the devil.
this is the real issue. technology and the wealth of the first world nations has allowed shitholes like Nigeria to have their populations explode, yet it is completely unsustainable by their own people. Stop sending aid to Africa.
Ok so you guys seem to have it figured out, What can we do to put a spotlight on the federal reserve? I mean reading about the federal reserve about 11 years ago is what red pilled me. I feel like if this was more known people would be more willing to turn on those in power.
we have 2 options how i see it
some of you seem black pilled, just throwing in the towel. thats not what white men do, we fight even if we will certainly be defeated.
I'm guessing this doesn't count the off book numbers.
It is not the population explosion that creating the wave of immigration. As long as technology improves there ae no problems with population increase. The problem is that this is no longer happending and many productive nations like Rhodesia and South Africa are turning into shitholes. Add to this that there arecorreupt socialist who like doing human trafficking and then you get the current wave of mass immigration. The solution is simple, increase internal security in the high productive societies in Europe and elsewhere and let Ebola solve the problem.
You like the thought of living in your 10x10 shack in Mega-City 1?
There is always the sky if mega city becomes too crowded.
Overpopulation. If niggers could build prosperous, high population nations, they would. Since they can't they invade first world white nations and if not stopped they will destroy us all. Linkola was right, take the Linkolapill. The most important problem facing humanity today is overpopulation. Since niggers will not, and cannot, control their breeding on their own, we will either cull them to sustainable populations (or none at all) or we will be overrun.
Incorrect. We're not producing enough retards. The kikes need a stupid populous in order to have their way. They can't obtain that when more and more people are starting to dig into why human society's fucked up and who's truly at fault for it.
lurk 2 years before posting you retarded newfag
Endless economic growth and profits regardless of the environmental or human cost are one goal of ZOG. Of course the main goal is the Jewish struggle for dominance and mixing us out of existence in order to make a compliant slave-consumer class
This. We could have used ANYTHING as fiat currency. The only reason we use 'gold' and 'silver' is because the kikes control both.
This negro has not heard about Malthus. He could figure it out on his own in the 17th century, you couldnt do it with help in the 21th. The chinks heard about Malthus and then they instigated their one child policy because chinks, if anything, are far more pragmatic than christcuckian spermskins. If the chink sees a good idea, he will steal it, but christcuckian spermskins prefer to double down on stupid. What are mentally sane whites to do?
gold can only be dissolved by aqua regia dont fall for the kike disinfo gold silver and bitcoin are the rela deal
im glad that the cringe post was a satan post because it draws attention to the fact that christians follow a commandment that says no cucking thus you can easily see who is not a christian with that in mind
Capitalism is global, and free flow of capital, human this time, is happening globally.
Start sterilizing literally everyone in first world countries, and require sterilization for anyone to cross the borders. Bam! No more mass-mogrification issue. Familial marsupials will stay home and do their ever-pregnant dry-a-stasis thing elsewhere, joyously consuming the flesh of their children, while the first world will transition to exowombs.
Humans are not capital; humans are what capital serves. The inefficiencies of slavery are destroying the health and happiness of world rulers; they are literally dying because, and with present technology only because, they are failing to adequately broaden the technological basis of society. Full embrace of the poor will be full embrace of the rich, just as the wealthy benefited from rendering en masse so many other technologies. Many innovations occur only when technologies are implemented at scale.
Then change it.
Gold isn't currency.
And bitcoin represents units of work.
So you want to sterilize Whites Schlomo?