IL legalizes weed lmao
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There's a bunch of muh minority stuff in the bill as well-
IL legalizes weed lmao
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There's a bunch of muh minority stuff in the bill as well-
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Good. Fuck the fucking hyperkiked (((DRUG WAR))), aka the CIA's top revenue stream
I dont understand how you're allowed to do this positive type discrimination, isn't it plainly unconstitutional?
whatever honk
That's nice.
will the feds every go gang busters on this weed shit?
Fuck off boomer
Why aren't more anons getting together, buying cheap weed in legal states, trafficking it to illegal states, and selling it for more than triple the price you bought it for? Hell, you could simply rob these stores and not even have to pay, then it would just be nothing but profit. Pot just isn't that bad for you, pot head culture is extremely degenerate, but the plant itself is perfectly fine in moderation, and can be used for a lot of medical purposes. If you need a quick way to start making thousands of dollars, without the kike stealing it through taxes, get involved in weed trafficking.
Illinois is bankrupt. Their pension liabilities are mathematically impossible to pay. Legalizing weed to increase tax revenue achieves two goals:
1) raises some tax revenue to kick the day of reckoning down the road a bit
2)helps placate the masses from noticing they're getting straight robbed by the leftists in Illinois
Illinois will be the first state in the US to completely collapse. A shining example of leftist greed and corruption for the world.
Like I said, there is huge money to be made in it.
Well, the trafficking of marijuanna from legal to illegal states has become a big thing. Not ever legal state has cheap weed though. For example, this Illinois bill is enforcing a soft monolopy for the already licensed medical growers to have minimal competition selling to the new recreational market come next year. They are keeping the supply artificially low and the price of licensed weed is much higher than what is available on the black market.
Also this
I used to lean against Marijuana until I realized that it is better than every other drug out there that people use, maybe even alcohol.
If people want to use drugs to numb themselves or for recreation or whatever, it's better that they get into MJ and not Meth or Coke or whatever.
Plus it can help you see outside of narrow modes of thinking and expand your brain a bit when used sparingly.
Plus it fucks with big pharma so that's cool too.
There's also lots of religious history and connection between Aryans and weed. Egypt even had a goddess of marijuana, forgot her name though.
Any place that delays legalizing weed is controlled by mason gangsters. I see enough of the Prince Halls have moved out of Chiraq to Iowa so that this could happen.
No, that would be your meth and MDMA precursors. IIRC cocaine is now back with the Marines.
Weed will always be a better alternative than any (((prescription opioid))) when it comes to pain management.
LOL I feel sorry for anti-weed people. What a delusional world they must live in. They probably still think refer madness is accurate.
Ask Sheldon Adelson, who gets millions of state legal but fed illegal money washed through his casinos.
Oklahoma bitches about Colorado constantly, user. They now just make excuses to stop people with out of state plates. Most of the couriers are beaner illegals anyway.
This. Not interested in being a pent-up business yuppie consumer fag.
TIL Scott "Bulldog" Wagner of Chandler, AZ, who creates amazing, multidimensional meth mindscapes in an RV illegally parked in the vacant lot next to what used to be a Macy's bigbox, works for the CIA
This dude gets it. Legalized weed is an opportunity for the elite. In Ohio, they voted down a measure that would have granted a monopoly to half a dozen people. LOL We stoners are not as stupid as you holier-than-thou types think we are. Why do you believe hollywood stereotypes represent reality? Some of us smoke so we can focus. Otherwise the brain wants to wander. Maybe it's ADHD. but I'd rather smoke some weed and get my shit dome than pop some pill that'll make me braindead and constipated. LOL
I am dissapoint
Does marijuana actually do anything for pain?
It's cheapest in the North West, which is surrounded by the non-legal states of Idaho, Montana, Wyoming, Utah, and Arizona. You don't exactly have to be the mafia to traffic weed from legal states to non-legal states, selling online is more risky, so it is preferable to make contacts and get yourself a long list of people to sell it to on the streets. One of the safest places to hide illegal money is in storage units. Just make sure you don't get anyone other than close and trustworthy comrades and family members involved in the operation to avoid FEDs and snitching.
I'd say the western states are safest for marijuana trafficking, just don't be obviously suspicious, and of course, don't break any traffic laws. There are literally millions of dollars to be made in a widespread marijuana trafficking operation, and I envision that money not just being used for personal reasons, but to help fund the revolution.
I've never tried it, but my sister prefers oxycodone instead of marijuana.
It's a nice little experience, keeps me and my comrades relaxed and lets us have a good time for a bit. Makes me think happy thoughts. Just don't smoke it too much, or it really can dumb you down and make you lose focus. Definitely don't get into degenerate pot head culture. it's much safer than alcohol by a long shot, I don't drink or smoke tobacco products myself, except for an occasional glass of wine.
here we have the leftypol leddit fag "weekend racists" that larp while high to get that extra edge in their pathetic dull life. weedfags have a high chance of jerking it to tranny porn as well since weed really opens the mind and relaxes you to any stimuli whatsoever.
im a true natsoc smoking dur grass, hale hortler cumrags!!!!!!!! i will sit and eat my brownies you go on and fight for me. inb4 da dude bro weed gud bruh nigger magic yo suhdude actually natsoc brah lame dude
This is coming from someone who can't even capitalize his sentences.
im fucking high bro i dont give a fuck bro i type how i fell. hold up for a sec here i need to roll a fat one so i can start feeling again im kinda burnt out and my dope ass is loose ya feel me slimjim?
Marijuana is clearly not the source of your autism.
Marijuana is a gift from God himself, but those who use it for recreational purposes alone should use it in moderation. I can also say from first hand experience that there is huge money to be made in it, anons could be making thousands of dollars and keeping the money out of the hands of ZOG. Not only would you not have to worry about surviving and living comfortably, you'll have money to stockpile food, water, firearms, ammunition, explosives, body armor, medicine, and to provide all of this for your comrades as well. Whether you smoke it or not, at least keep this in mind.
suuuuh dude im gonna rip this bong in the name of the great white race DOTR as soon as i get my fucking swisher you bitch. eggbrain here thinks weed doesnt rot the brain. stonehead already brought back to caveman thonk.
nice shizoweed is here. most of the schizos here are sponsored by their weed. native americans smoke weed go be your fucking savage somewhere else trash.
Jews may like / promote weed, but smoking weed will not turn someone into a Jew, nor will a Jew quitting weed turn into a human. Those things are determined by who you are to begin with, not by a handful of chemicals one may ingest.
he didn't get the memo only white men give 2 shits about the constitution
this is a pretty lit thought. im lighting up rn. god bless our new 4chanians and redditors that join us in this fight. i smoked with a jew he was pretty cool
image unrelated
Wahhhh, weed is bad, drugs are bad mkay? You're a bunch of stupid hippies! Get a fucking job, run the rat race, get a fucking haircut. Put money in the bank, invest in 401k plan, get a Roth IRA, find a cubicle to rot in, watch the stocks go up and down, destroy your fucking liver and if you want to pay off the mortgage make your wife is working too.
look at the little zoom zooms. smoking their weeds and promoting it like their mommies and daddies. true progressives. too bad weedfags are weaker than alcoholics. the prohibition for weed will be fast and swift.
They're only doing it b/c they're going to tax it.
They're desperate for shekels b/c they fucked up the state finances (too many gibs for the gubbmint workers).
Weed is only good if used 2-4 times per year in a massive dose. Otherwise daily use is just a counterproductive habit.
Actually, it will soon be as legal as tobacco is right now. Kikes promote pot head culture and excessive marijuana smoking, don't act like a nigger with it and there wont be any problems. And we aren't going to die in our 40s from liver damage, or from lung cancer, which are both caused by alcohol and tobacco respectively. We will be so much better off with tobacco products criminalized and marijuana legalized.
legal weed is more expensive than illegal weed.
also, they're doing this because they want more tax money
I'm a pothead, but I fucking hate weed culture. It's powerful niggardry which makes you want to throw it all away, but I'm addicted and have been 4 years.
At least you recognize you're addicted, hopefully you can shake it off.
Enjoying a smoke on the backporch with your bros is alright but being a pothead or one of those muh weed idiots is peak degeneracy.
It gets out of your system fast. The real problem is turning out to be LSD because of the difficulty of testing for it.
No you'll just become brain addled and psychotic.
These niggers never get funding despite their (((preferential))) status because they are niggers who can’t put a business plan into action and they don’t know how to navigate local politics or handle the real estate side to even get a location let alone organize the logistics of marijuana business that’s heavily monitored by the state. There’s many many moving parts in this line of business.
In other words, this shit ain’t fucking easy to get off the ground and nigs gonna nig.
In some of the legal states, sure, but in the North West there is a lot of legal competition, not a monopoly. Because of this, prices have been driven down there. To be honest, you could make a lot more money by simply robbing these stores and making off with as much weed and money as you can.
I use it in moderation, so it hasn't damaged my brain at all. As long as you're responsible with it, there wont be any problems.
I'm not a nigger.
We live in a police state, one which is actively committing genocide against us, consider it an act of economic warfare.
Mushrooms and LSD to break free, my man.
The jew media pushing the legalization of pot is singularly about making whites complacent about their own genocide and nothing else
All these fucking kike shill trying to get anons hooked on pot to deradicalize the board makes me want to fucking puke.
I mean it's obvious!
On a given signal his media started pushing women's liberation to destroy the west.
On a given signal his media started pushing nigger emancipation and miscegenation to destroy the west.
On a given signal his media started pushing the normalization of faggotry to destroy the west.
On a given signal his media started pushing trans-inanity to destroy the west.
On a given signal his media started pushing pedophilia normalization to destroy the west.
So when his media on a given signal starts pushing the total legalization of the eternal icon of hippies, niggers and every other kind of useless degenerate, meaning the herbal jew, it's totally because he knows it is going to create a New Generation of Aryan Super Soldiers who will gas him for real this time!!! It's clear as day! Fucking Hail Victory, let's blaze it!
It totally has absolutely nothing with further degenerating the European races and turning everyone into complacent, pacified potheads just as things were getting intolerable and people were starting to fight back. No. They are doing it to turn us all into werewolves! Because that's totally what pot is known for; turning people into tireless agents of will, reason and action.
It seems the pot has already completely rotted your brain. Upheavals come because people can no longer take feeling like shit. How the fuck do you get a revolution going when everyone can just sit down on the couch and fry their brain to make it all go away? Let's push a poison on our youth that makes them calm and contented as their world falls apart, a literal opium for the masses. What could go wrong?
" It was not meant to be an organization for contented and satisfied people, but was meant to gather in all those who were suffering from profound anxiety and could find no peace, those who were unhappy and discontented. "
- Adolf Hitler, Mein Kampf
Yes, that sure is a good reason to get every single white youth who isn't retarded into the habit of smoking pot.
The superman is not a fucking pothead. You become the superman by overcoming pain through will until it doesn't bother you anymore. If your solution to overcoming the petty fear you feel in your petty life is to blaze it until the fear goes away and you can move forward then what fuck do you do the day when you have to face hardship drugs won't shield you from? Do you think the jew is just going to let white people just take their lands back and become free without setting the world on fire? What's your plan for that terror? To just smoke so much pot you can sit there in the mud an giggle like a retard? You think sweet apathy are going to help you when you are already starved and exhausted and have to fight the urge to not just lie down and die?
There is only one way to victory and that is to make the Will the master of the flesh. This and only this is what will allow you to march through the coming hell. Fuck the herbal jew and fuck everyone who pushes it on our youth.
The jew media pushing the legalization of pot is singularly about making whites complacent about their own genocide and nothing else
Weed has done nothing but make white people into retarded niggers
That's a cotton-pickin' lie. Alcohol does that.
I cannot wait to see what their next excuse is for so many nogs in prison. They think they are all good boys who dindu nuffin other than have an ounce of weed on them when they were pulled over because the police radio sent out an alert for another nigger who looks just like them. What are they gona so when they realize without the petty drug charge they would have landed there by other more violent means at a later date?
Every single weed smoker is the first one to suck up all the shit kikes pump into their aids riddled brains. They all act like niggers too and listen to nigger shit all the time. All those alcoholics did far more good for white people then weed fags ever have
Nothing says "I contribute to society' like being in jail, am I right?
There some here who smoke and are none of those things listed. Personally I'm not sure if I would have ended up here if it weren't for weed and how it made me think about things differently, eventually beginning a train of knowledge-seeking.
In a historical sense sure, because history has been often booze-fueled. But to say modern day alkies are better than your average stoner is a dubious claim. The average stoner is more mainstream than ever and your average alkie is still a belligerent scumbag.
Sounds totally believable and not at all like a lie intended to trick Zig Forumsacks into the claws of the green jew.
big time. but you have to smoke enough.
why are you promoting alcoholism and pretending that weed is degenerate?
Reminder the protocols talk about getting goiym to think alcohol is part of their culture. it's seemed to work
unless that part of the protocols is one of the editied in red herrings
Are you even trying? Stimulants are for weak people.
I think Illinois is hoping everyone gets stoned and forgets about the massive tax rape that's about to happen there. Sad thing is a lot of normalfags would stay in a shithole like Illinois because dude weed lmao.
are you high right now? What the fuck did you just type?
Good. More places need to end the jew war that exists only to grab shekels from drugs that are safer than all prescription drugs.
The corrupt state in the union with the most corrupt city does something stoner stupid. Shocking.
Keep em dumb and dependent, all going as planned, muwahahahahahahaha
Yes, that's what you see when you read kikestream media. Mhm. The kike propaganda is totally about how weed must be banned and not at all about how wonderful it is and how it should be legalized so that all goyim can drown their brains in it.
Weed is very bad.
That's why I am glad it is finally being banned after decades of free use so that people can finally wake up and stop being sheep.
Oh wait…
Very convincing argument.
You're hopeless. Go watch reefer madness since you huff all the big pharma propaganda you can find.
You have no argument. Nothing you want is good. Everything you want is bad. Kill yourself for being degenerate. We will never support you.
They were all about bashing Trump and it turns out he really is a two-faced piece of shit, just for different reasons. Same applies for abortion and weed, doing the opposite of what liberals say doesn't make you conservative, it makes you a sucker for reverse psychology. And when you say "kike propaganda" you aren't even including Fox News, are you faggot, are you?
Like a future for white people where we dominate the planet?
I haven't met a single pothead who wasn't a useless piece of of shit. Pot is a nigger drug.
I haven't met a single alcoholic who wasn't a useless piece of shit. Alcohol is a nigger drug.
The fact that anti-weed is the role this sock puppet has been assigned only serves as evidence that it is a good thing.
So if we all don't go outside and take fifty pozzed up our asses right now then we all suckers for CNN reverse psychology. Because you aren't the kike attempting reverse psychology right now. Right.
This is absolutely true. Hitler was right.
Morphine and methamphetamines were used by the Wehrmacht at the highest level. Didn't Hitler do coke? lmao
Like supporting Israel, am I right?
If you make value-judgements in spite of what propaganda tells you to do, you are still under their control rather than making them independent of propaganda. Because reverse psychology is how you ended up thinking Trump was /ourguy/.
You don’t want that. Otherwise you wouldn’t be supporting DOOD WEED LMAO.
You can't even process this line of thought, can you?
Prove it's a lie.
both are degenerate you stupid nigger-loving kike
Doing anything immoderately is degenerate.
Only few millions of dollars and 10 years and you will know - that jews are in power.
1. War.
2. No experience with the long term effects
That's the important part. The difference here is that Fox doesn't feign to oppose israel getting money and then actually be happy if someone was able to decrees the gibs. If that were to happen Fox would fight tooth and nail to give the kikes their gibs wheres when it comes to pot they present the most limpwristed "resistance" just to keep traditional whites placated and in the couch but it's perfectly clear they have no intention of stopping anything in any regard. That's what controlled opposition means.
This is so retarded I don't know where to start. It is on the level of "if you kill your enemies they win."
Might as well, they made homicide legal there years ago.
Don't make me post the Goebbels article.