I was reading a bit into the symbolic background of the Statue of Liberty and found something I think we should make the subject of our next memetic conquest.
en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sol_Invictus Sol Invictus, literally the "Unconquered Sun", who was the symbol of fertility, health and honesty. He was the representation of white racial identity, which was made synonymous with the worship of the Sun.
When this French freemason installed the Statue of Liberty, this female figure was given the crown of Sol Invictus, symbolically conquering the "Unconquered Sun". She replaced him, and replaced white identity with a feminine form.
This mental image of the solar crowned woman is the symbolic centerpiece of the SJW and the Left, as evidenced by her latest depiction of ShitRedditSays (There have been other iterations of this character in the past)
What we need to do is reclaim the solar crown from this character. We need to meme back Sol Invictus.
I think at this point you'd get more mileage from literally aping the demolition scene from Man in the High Castle like a cartoon nazi parody.
Nathan Lewis
Here you can see the Colossus of Rhodes, the giant statue of Helios, who wears the solar crown.
You have to ask, why has the crown been transferred to a woman?
My solution, is to begin to depict Kek with the solar crown. We must retake the symbol of the solar crown. Let's give Hitler the solar crown. Anything to retake it from the Left.
I have no real aptitude with Photoshop so I must ask others that we try to make memes of this.
Let's depict Pepe, Hitler, Donald Trump and any other Natsoc/Fascist characters with the solar crown. Let's add this to the "God Emperor". We must forge the association of the solar crown with White Nationalism. This will strip the Left and give us a powerful symbolic and historical backing to our cause.
Caleb Cook
When you understand the historical background to these symbols, and you understand just how much of a symbolic affront the Statue of Liberty is, and what people mean when they speak of the United States as being a "Masonic experiment". It's plain to see that what we're seeing right now is the logical conclusion of "E Pluribus Unum" (Latin for "out of many, one".)
Nearly everything about American symbolism is Judeo-Masonry and outright Judaism as well as Satanism. Judeo-pedophiles larping as Sumerian Masons while shitting on the name, aren't carpenters and have had little to do with "building" ever since they devoted their existence to the pursuit of lust in a society of their making. The same can be said of French symbolism, which was subverted long ago when they gutted the monarchy and killed off the intelligentsia.
OP is a little retarded, but this particular piece of symbolism is the heart of Aryan spirituality and culture. The indomitable will of the conqueror, navigator and builder. The statue of liberty is an absolute affront and intentional insult, delivered to us by jews. It marks the United States as their "realm." They christened it to be the herald of multiculturalism and miscegenation.
You mean freemasonry which is largely christcucks who are about as loyal to jews as Trump is. Not jewish, but indulgent in Solomon symbolism. You're fucking retarded.
Jaxon Martin
I could really care less if you think my observation of jewish satanism, which is an oxymoron but a thing regardless, makes me retarded. There will come a time when no jew will ever speak for or represent a non-jew ever again.
Apologies, I am kind of a dumbshit when it comes to image editing and doing anything more complicated than MS Paint. It'd be a great help if you or someone else could direct me to some resources on how to do this shit myself
Gabriel Scott
This is an oxymoron. Jews aren't fucking satanists.
Austin Murphy
I should mention also that the solar crown was also frequently depicted on the heads of the Roman emperors.
We have, in effect, made ourselves a female Emperor here in the states.
The whole reason Aurelian and later emperors pushed Sol Invictus was exactly for this reason. It was to unite the distinct peoples of the empire under one God, one empire, and one emperor.
Jaxson Adams
I'll advance the idea one step further. Our solar worship is so deeply ingrained in our social consciousness that authority figures bear images of the sun and use them to create submission in others.
We must reclaim the symbol of the Sun! Make the Sun itself a fascist symbol. I know you guys can do it. With it, we will have the authority to rule.
Look at these police badges and notice the use of solar iconography, including one which incorporates the winged solar disk. We must make these symbols ours!
They worship demons. They invoke demons. And because Satan is now a popular demon, modern jews worship the idea of a big boss demon. Sorry if that factoid upsets you, jew.
They worship a single god who uses angels as intermediaries.
Eli Ward
You're a trumptard, you don't belong here.
Angel Nguyen
Why do they sacrifice children then? Doesn't make sense what you say
Joseph Murphy
They don't do that. Even if they did that, which they don't, that wouldn't preclude worshipping a god, i.e. the Aztecs sacrificed loads of people in the name of a god.
Connor Cooper
Fuck off back where you came from. Jews being demon worshipping pedophile retards is common knowledge here. You're either a jew or a judeo-phile. You aint welcome, nigger.
Daimon doesn't mean what jews taught you it means. Seriously, learn a little greek first before you wade into religion.
Landon Morris
Not much of an argument. People who can't argue are not welcome here.
On google?
Alexander Powell
No shit. But currently, demon means exactly what the media says it means in the perspective of most people in the world. You fucking retard. We can argue the true meaning to things in private circles all we want. We can trace the source of a word all the way back to Atlantis, but it won't change the how a majority of the world sees or understands something.
The world is a battle of perspective, and right now I am using lingo born from the global jewish perspective that dominates a grand portion of the world's people.
Caleb Ortiz
Announcing your filter is the gayest fucking thing you can do.
Logan Nguyen
No, complaining about it is.
Christopher Clark
Yes, announcing that you've filtered them, instead of just doing it and ignoring them is outwardly signalling your contempt, as if it was a downvote or something. It's a substitution for a downvote. People who announce their filters and argue "it's common knowledge and if you disagree you don't belong" are small-minded cattle.
Lincoln Johnson
Awesome, a jew started arguing with himself while I was off taking a shit. I'm going to advance my logic another step, for anyone who's following.
The reason everyone hails Brenton Tarrant as a memetic visionary is not just because he cloaked himself in relevant Zig Forums memes like Serbia Strong, but because of the historical references and writings he wrote on his gun. Anyone who examines his case knows that he was following a historical precedent of expelling invaders from lands. To investigate his case is to become grounded in those facts.
To make an ideology strong and take hold, it must be connected to history and the eternal. Part of what made Chairman Mao's "Little Red Book" so convincing and allowing something as ridiculous as Communism to take hold is because of powerful propaganda that led anyone who glimpsed it into the conclusion that Communism was the natural and logical conclusion of the universe, that all symbols flowed into it.
And we must be the same! All symbols are owned by Fascism! We do not live in anyone else's world! The rest of the world lives in ours!
I can kind of see that on some level, but I'd like to bring to your attention that the solar crown is not the Phrygian Cap. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Phrygian_cap
Usually, Attis is portrayed wearing a little elfish cap instead of the solar crown.
The image of Attis from your post is the first image of Attis from Wikipedia, which depicts Attis after his castration. I think, the solar crown was placed on him as a means of depicting that he has an enduring spirit, that his manhood hadn't been conquered by the loss of his fertility. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Attis
You're *kind of right* and you're *kind* of off, in that these symbols are associated, it's just more correct to say that the crown belongs to Sol Invictus. I agree though that it is a feminization of the concept regardless, and shit is fucked.