Emma Akerlund
We must seek justice for the Akerlund family
We should prepare ourselves for the light sentence (if anything at all) they hand out to this guy (who they won't even name, gotta protect the illegal immigrants!) and we should support Ebba's father Stefan during this time, and advocate he get those extra 100,000 kronas. They only paid him 20 grand, he deserves at least 30, and for some reason it's unreasonable to ask that? They can't find that money somewhere in Akilov's piggy bank?
It's interesting to note that Tarrant's spree for Ebba on March 15 happened exactly 1 week after this guy let free skipped his March 8 trial. I hope that if there is no justice on June 5 that on June 12 we see a protest of the injustice and people will understand what motivated Brenton.
He won't get shit LMAO, they'll just call him a racist and its over. Sweden are cucks
Dad already was refused by supreme court, the present issue is whether or not they'll actually punish this illegal immigrant who defiled her grave 30 times by dumping melted wax all over it and stuff.
Yeah. All Swedish “males” should just get it over with and take a suicide pill.
The trial will certainly be a turning point. If the case is thrown out because the terrorist has shown "genuine remorse", and any swede-bros here do not independently commit acts of violence against the courts, then I will consider their country lost forever.
Yeah, so suicide pills it is lol
just to be clear, if you are calling the homeless guy (name TBD, anyone able to find his name?) desecating Ebba's grave a terorrist, I 100% agree, but I just want to be clear this appears to be a different guy than the one who killed her. Rakhmat Akilov was convicted 7 June 2018 to life in prison and even if he's pardoned by some future cuck president he's banned from Sweden for life as a secondary sentence, scheduled to be deported to Uzbekistan if they don't keep him for life.
Goddamn you brainlet I hope you at least feel bad.
I am embarassed and I apologize sir.
She would tell you to forgive me though, you know that, right?
Yeah she probably would. It's all good.
She was such an Aryan goddess. Were she alive and older, I'd have impregnated her with my large yamnaya cock.
We can't impregnate her, but we should impregnate white women in her honor.
the fuhrer demands it
5. Now, it is a fact that women who find themselves without a man after this war cannot have children by the Holy Spirit but only by men who have survived. Increased propagation by the individual man is - obviously from the standpoint of the good of the people - only desired in the case of a portion of these men. Good men with strong character, physically and psychically healthy, are the ones who should reproduce extra generously, not the ones warped in body and mind.
6. If the dead of the past world war and the present are not to have died in vain, we must secure the victory with all means at hand. Every woman whose husband or brother or father or other relative was killed in one of these struggles must wish that! This means that every woman must wish that every healthy woman capable of doingso after the war's end will have as many children as possible, to secure the victory and to secure the future of our people and the future of her own grandchildren.
7. Now government regulations alone, particularly in this ticklish area, serve no purpose whatsoever. Here only a very serious conviction born along by the Movement canlead to the required attitute. The question is too serious for wisecracks and cheap jokes; here what is truly at stake is the safeguarding of the future of our people.
8. After this war we cannot command women and girls to have babies. What is called for is the most intelligent enlightenment possible - and here the much overused superlative is used advisedly.
9. This [enlightenment] must in my opinion not be carried out by men who might too easily be considered personally interested parties, [sexual] profiteers. In my opinion only older men should be allowed to speak on this theme, and above all, our women's organizations must perform the necessary job of enlightenment.
10. These needful actions involve not only convincing the women who have lost husbands or will never get one, but what is needed first of all is the enlightenment of the old folks, the mothers and fathers, who grew up among quite different attitudes in the past.
11. Still more necessary is the enlightenment of the wives, who in many cases turn into fanatical [advocates] of respectability only after their marriage.
12. When we reflect on what is necessary to bring this so vitally important problem for our people to a successful solution, then we must make the situation clear for the individual case. At first many women - want of logic is something women are born with - will affirm the appropriateness [of the new order of things], but in the individual case, applied to their personal lives, they will fanatically reject it.
13. The public, i.e., general, enlightenment [campaign] can, for obvious reasons, only get under way after the war. To mention only one reason: we cannot yet appeal today to the women whose husbands might become casualties in the future, and also out of consideration for our soldiers we cannot begin our enlightenment campaign; that would assume that we would have to get this line of thinking across to our men now serving as soldiers, but not every soldier will accept the prospect of his wide or bride bearing children by another man after his own death.
14. Meanwhile we must be fully cognizant of the steps that can be taken while the war is still on, and of those to be introduced immediately after the war's end.
15. We must begin immediately to remove all impediments to the attainment of our objective; in particular, the point is to orientate contemporary poets and writers. New novels, short stories and stage plays based on marriage and divorce are no longer to be permitted, and by the same token [we will allow] no poems, writings, motion pictures that treat the child born out of wedlock [unehelich] as of diminished worth, as a bastard.
(The word "unchelich" must, as I pointed out long ago, be expunged [right ouf of the language]. The prefix "un" generally denotes something to be rejected.
The guy that vandalized her grave was a mentally ill polish guy.
Maximum is 25 years, median is around 16 years.
If the case is thrown out, there needs to be more IRL effort posting on ChristChurch levels this month.
OK. What do you suggest?
Don't say mass shootings.
Getting pretty tired of you jews saying that.
She is obviously a martyr in the classical sense. If Kekistani iconographers were to crate a few magic icons in reference to her, normies could post them around; so social awareness of her suffering wouldn't be lost to kike media suppression.
Fuck off moshe.
Why doesn't the father take justice into his own hands?
He's so conditioned to accept the unacceptable, he's more concerned about the ramifications for muh peaceful mudslimes than avenging her death.
absolute state
Where do you live I'm bored rn.
Social awareness isn't going to do shit. This fucking kek shit is the worst thing to ever happen to this movement my god. No memes only war. Everyone is waiting for us to do something and the more we show weakness the more the world will advance towards our genocide. This girl's death is on our hands. We were supposed to be strong enough to protect her.
Together in action
Together in victory
Together in defeat.
Says the american 56% mutt