Media falls for the #Fashtag, AGAIN
How come we keep winning like this?

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Because it's irrelevant, takes zero effort, and has absolutely no impact on social reality. Meanwhile, in real life, there is a never ending influx of non-White invaders, White children are terrorized daily in public school or their parents are forced to barely squeak by sending them to private schools where they get terrorized slightly less, the "nationalist" president openly has his every move dictated to him from israel while he seizes firearms from the public and makes sure whatever garbage jobs driving forklifts in a pet food warehouse there are in his phony "economy" go exclusively to niggers to make sure they're good and bribed to round Whitey up when it comes time to enforce a draft for Iran.

Damn, I mean can't really say it better than that.

Stay ass blasted moshe.

Look, it's funny to see the kikes waste time making articles about this stuff but for all the time being wasted on this one could be focusing on self-improvement or fighting the active genocide of our race.

Why not both?

wew tell us how you really feel

Gee, I wonder how (((we))) keep “winning.”

You’re not even TRYING.

They're reporting on it as a "4chan prank". How is that winning? I thought the goal was for them to take it seriously, which they clearly aren't. 65 IQ Trumpniggers ruined imageboards.

Any resistance is fighting anonkun.

They knew the OK hand sign was a prank all along and still associated as a white supremacist symbol.


it's gotten to the point where i'm wondering just how much we can get away with

Yeah people actually talk about it too. Thinking it’s a huge threat.

Why not go kill some fucking jews, then.

Maybe for your next trick, you can literally sacrifice your children live on Pat Robertson's show. It seems like the next logical step after zion don.

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They're reporting on it as a prank because they want you to abandon the meme because it is a threat to them. If we keep memeing though, we can make it real.

this user gets it

Yes user, let us go do the murder and mayhem thing!

Attached: fbi_agent_trolling.jpeg (1200x794, 137K)

$0.05 has been deposited in your account.

This but unironically. And with lots of fire and acids and chemicals and derived bugs

We must secure the fly of our tent and a future for outdoor gear.

Attached: hh-logo-helly-hansen.png (1853x1220, 23.42K)

Everything we do is credited to 4chan because there are too many actual journalists in here taking the temperature. Notice how the trannyism has been dialed back outside of pedo-friendly areas? That's "us" in the sense our outrage was leaking into the real world because tranny kids are a bridge too far even for the cuckiest of cuckservatives with morals.

will 9gag ever stop getting away with it?

Even if you weren't a kike shill, what would pissing and moaning in an echo chamber do that having fun making the media narrative restrict the overton winderrrr even more? You literally provide no alternate course of action and if you did, it would probably be some edgelord fedbait shit nobody is going to do, anyways. Help or STFU, faggot.

That's a bit JIDF

That's the tent brand that this roastie and her beastie used.

How are they falling for it when they know exactly what we are doing? Go back to cuck chan faggot. Sage.

too bad no one reads vt

They the left have been bred to be easily manipulated, therefore, we can tell them what to think too


your anal fixation is showing

Thats what OP is asking you idiot.

It seems for the last couple of years you can actualy tell journalists how you are going to manipulate them and they would still fall for it.

Shouldn't it be "4chan is?"

White Nationalist retards fall for the Jew propaganda as always

How many illegals has this shit stopped MIGA faggot?