When did you reject the meme of morality and accept the eternal law of nature that, indeed, might is right? I don’t understand why normalfags believe it exists. Nature wills that the superior rule and that the inferior are their slaves. What is right is decided by violence. The justice of nature is for the superior man to appropriate the power and possessions of the inferior. The Jew, through his sly machinations, knows this eternal law of nature, and wages covert warfare on white gentiles in order to destroy us and establish his rule. To achieve this the Jew turns these natural laws upside down, whispering in the ears of the weak (women, mongrels, cucks, bugmen, shitskins, the downtrodden) lies of morality, human rights and equality. Quantity rules over quality as the many oppress the exceptional few, bestiality over intelligence, the weak against the strong
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Hey fuck you, man! Feeding my fragile ego by being a moralist faggot behind my keyboard is the ONLY way to win!
Just stfu and let me live out my superhero fantasy!
Moralfaggotry is a sickness and is wholly counter to the Übermensch ideal.
Saying that might is righteous is saying that it's moral . . .
If might IS right, then globo-homo is right.. might MAKES right, he in ruthless power becomes right by virtue of.
Why then does the American military not control the country?
The truth is not that might makes right. That's childish. The truth is that perception makes right.
Those who control the flow of information hold true power. Physical strength is irrelevant in statecraft.
Who said anything of physical might? That is a very limited way of perceiving the term.
If what you're saying is that power makes right, then we are agreed. I'd rather be a weak media mogul than a strong regular person.
Power is always just a trick. The key to unseat the power of the jew is to cause a withdraw of consent of the governed.
Only then will we ever unseat the jew.
This. The ‘is’ versus ‘makes’ distinction is important
Wrong. Truth is Right, no matter how few guns are on its side. To think otherwise is to agree with the status quo and to believe that the globohomo agenda is the right one because the entrenched (((Capital))) and (((Media))) are on its side.
But that is a type of morality you no-book nigger. At least cite Leviathan if you wanna go the might is right bantz.
Nietzsche's Übermensch ideal meant someone that plays by their own rules and lives an adventurous life to it's fullest. It's pretty faggy to be fair and doesn't exactly fill the void left by the death of God nor give a shit about continuing the species.
In practice it manifests itself as dopey individualism, buggery, a mid-life crisis, gang-bangers and wanna-bees rockstars. Fundamentally, it spits in the face of duty in favor of sentimentality.
When whites start fighting back and pulling off the parasite they will conquer their way back to glory. If we don’t fight and struggle, we can’t win. If we don’t win, or don’t want to fight, we deserve to die.
Let me clear the air on what is righteousness.
What is good is a judgement, which requires a form of consciousness. Universal righteousness only exists if the gods do– whom judgement matters. If you worship a god of war, might is right very well is a universal virtue. So keep in mind: when you speak in terms of universals, you are most certainly in theological territory.
In metaphysical materialist philosophies, aka cargo cults for intelligentsia, goodness does not exist outside the minds of men and is more or less just a strongly held spicy opinion. This why they always mutter on about social constructs and how profane they are..
In these two extremes of theology and materialism there's a few things in between. Morality based on what is good for man as what is best for continuing the race, which could be summarized as a type of utilitarian stoic philosophy. It's only real weakness is it's assumptions on the properties of the dimension of time and existence itself, but that's a very deep and bizarre rabbit hole for another thread entirely.
That's fuckin sad user
The way to power is through words and trickery, rather than brute strength. Subtlety and deception IS might, because that way leads to victory.
Some might is handed down to others for leverage because it is a tool and usually by money. It there for prevents the mightiest by allowing to stifle the future most powerful.
It causes devolution.
No brother, might MAKES right.
Might wins, but isn't necessarily right.
This supposed 'eternal law' was what Monarchy and Feudalism was based off, even though hereditary kings didn't come till later for Europe.
So if it was 'the eternal law' then why doesn't it exist anymore? Even today it could still be done with the technology in the form of company towns or private cities.
Adding again to my reply above.
Why doesn't the military takeover, overthrow democracy and choose to elect a Monarch or 'Alpha Male' to rule the country as happened in Anglo Saxon England and Europe before hereditary forms came in?
Why does the military allow democracy to exist if true and why does the French Republic still exist after the revolution against your supposed 'eternal law'?
Pre-Enlightenment society believed exactly what you said and anybody who said 'might is right', was wrong in favor of democracy they looked at you like a 'crazy' or laughed at you.
And to correct what I say not elected in the form of voting but as in an Absolute Monarch being chosen through a selection process or criteria, and sometimes if there is any then such a process/criteria involved before the ones allowed to 'elect' choose him.*
If might is right then the Judaic matrix that rules the world is right.
It does exist you nigger, the kikes won world war 2 and have had control ever since. Every nation in the world was founded from violent conquest. We will take back the west through a violent revolution. Might always wins.
You didn't answer the point, why does the pre-enlightenment system based off 'might is right' known as Absolute Monarchy (Sometimes or half the time it was not even hereditary but through 'elite selection criteria') no longer exist?
The 'military' consist of 'the mightiest people' but they have not taken over, removed democracy and chosen an 'Alpha' (A Monarch) yet as they used to do all the time.
In the old order known as 'Feudalism' which was based on 'might is right' those who could fight or exercise the most military power (With an agreed 'Alpha Male' called a King) were at the top.
Merchants and business-people below them with workers/farmers who lacked any ability to exercise 'might' being below as part of the serf class.
It was not merchants/business-people or those who could win elections from the masses that could rule but the 'mightiest' essentially always being at the top, ruling or agreeing on who could rule.
The 'Divine Right of Kings' (Which did not necessarily say hereditary) was based off the notion that whoever was mightiest and could rise to the top did so as part of the natural order's approval.
Whether it be 'God', gods who basically embodied nature/governed over nature or 'nature itself'.
If might makes right the many are always right, because they are stronger. Go and read some Greek philosophy.
Which makes you a Democrat. Forgot to add that
what that fuck did you just say?
No the ubermensch is not about some "live life to the fullest" basic white girl shit retard. The ubermensch is kwisatz haderach.
Seriously, clown world won't survive another decade.
If might is right, then you have no reason to complain about being subjected you faggot.
There are two types of people in this world goys and jews. Is it better to be the guy who invented 5G or the jew who stole that shit from him and sold it on ebay? lol.
The hardest pill to swallow. I finally choked it down and i'm slowly digesting it now. Perhaps the greatest truth and the most difficult to act on.
Not so fast there, friendo
If you think about states as entities rather than as a collection of individuals, then the implication is clear. Democracy is weak and the only way for a democratic state to survive is to transform itself or to isolate itself from the world.
Not a democracy. At best it's an oligarchy wearing the skin of a democracy to appease the sheep.
Murder kikes in the street
Might does not make right. A wise man may be frail and old, and he may be beaten down by a young criminal. This does not make the criminal's claims truth.
This expression should not be taken so literally.
The fact is might may as well make right. What is "right" is irrelevant without might to back it up. If Wrong possesses more might, then it defines what is "right". The most prominent example of this is WWII. Hitler was right, but his might was not sufficient. The might of the Jewish capitalists and the Jewish commies was greater. They defined what is right going forward, but their ideas do not hold any more validity as a result. As we see, their ideas have either crumbled already, or are collapsing around us as we speak.
pacifism is a jewish things because jews can't fight and fear nature
That's exactly why IS and MAKES carries different meanings of the phrase. Might MAKES right is the proper utilization of the idea.
I have. Callicles and Thrasymachus had this shit figured out millennia ago
How shallow. Might doesn't end where you want it to end by saying a bunch of words. Might ends exactly as far as one can enforce it. If I have the might to complain, then I complain. If someone has the might to silence me, then they can. If they can't, then they're not mighty enough to do so.
This is obviously true, the society that has the strongest and smartest people will always triumph over the weaker one. Might is right DOES NOT mean whoever chimps out is correct. Might is right can mean a society with zero violence if that is what creates the strongest society. I dont know why people have such a difficulty understanding this concept. There are no inherent rules to nature beyond the physical laws. The reason society exists is because it is strong, the reason society is dieing is because it forgoes the things that made it strong (white men, morals, ect).
Yes this also includes that the jews are right, and they are from their perspective. If the jews win then they will have proved the righteousness of their path however the reason they are going to fail is because they are weak.
Right is Might
Might is right, but right is might.
You people live in vortices of manipulation quelling and constraining you, because people who notice that might is right, but not that right is might, get met with the might of the people who are kind.
You who stand afoul of everyone live enslaved to conflict and then die. The power you sometimes have to take the autonomy from others is an expression, a partial reward you could say, of the screaming hostility you have expressed to your own autonomy. As the violent have no autonomy, so they can indeed sometimes take autonomy from others.
Yet slavery has been fading throughout history because kindness is a greater might than might itself.
The problem is the winner writes history. The winner can justify all of their moral wrongdoings and there is no one to stop them; so might literally makes right in this case.
I love that meme
Hitler would be proud
Their lies make it right; it isn't right on any moral grounds. If a lie gets told and believed enough times it becomes true–some Chinese proverb. If the Jews' lies were made public there would be a revolution in the streets tommorow.
Really, though, might does make right; even the Greeks couldn't forsee a world without slave labor. It's not right but might that holds a government together in the end.
This link has been subverted.
I don't believe in any form on morality. Regardless of what people say, be that divine morality or that might is right. I don't care what the masses are lead to believe. All I care about is that when something before me fully and absolutely goes against my personal values/desires to my subjective view, that something is evil to me, and my response is to do everything in my power to stop it and remove it from my world
His channel was shoah’d as part of the purge
is there a bitchute?
If anyone seriously believes "might is right" then they can't complain about the current state of affairs since jews are "mightier" than Whites and rule over us. It also means niggers and gooks are superior to us since they outnumber us.
Remember to vote with both paper and bullets!
CT talk
I remember OP. King Nigger radicalized me with all his jive talk. Pushing anti-white propaganda for 8 years and presiding over an attempted coup against the great white hope. When I saw the dweebs at FBI cia and DOJ were not being held accountable I realized the only path to liberty left for us is in the wake of the next Fuhrer
Whats wrong with "might is right" meme is it conjurs the image of an idiot meathead bullying through life. It would be more memetically correct to say "The strength of the pack is right." Justice and cunning win over isolated brawn.
Is there an alternative link the great shoah struck here.
Not for that specific video, no
Jap-a-doo larpy: Slicing & Slashing! "The sword is the soul. Study the soul to know the sword. Evil mind, evil sword."
t. – Toranosuke Shimada
You don't understand what might is.
A billion ants does not make a mighty force.
A thousand liars and manipulators does not make a mighty force.
Ironically it was the SJWs that taught me the nature of power more than anyone else, more than you pol faggots ever did. This time 3 years ago i was a milquetoast ass 'classic liberal' or whatever.
It wasnt they who are living in a fantasy make believe world. It was us 'reasonable' folk all along. it was me. SJWs know fully the power of…power. Simple, raw, agnostic, amoral power. Principles are not power, ideology isnt strength. Power, is power. Strength, is strength.
Its all so simple now.
Go on…