Unless its the day they get rounded up and massacred, there's no use. The Old Testament which is part of Christianity is full of jew shit. Love thy neighbor too nigger, we can't change them
Maybe if we point out how in Israel abortions are not only legal but free,,meaning paid for by the government meaning paid for by American tax dollars since Israel is a parasite.
or maybe Tel Aviv thriving den of fags.
or how only a third of Israelis are religious..
We need to get the fundies back onto the synogogue of satan view of Isreal.
If only we had all the fucking money the jews do.
Ryan Torres
I was a christfag and I woke up. Mostly by watching liveleaks and bestgore. Christians are just as brainwashed as atheists and what not, but many of them can reached. You live a big mouseworld, and odds are you will never meet another person who thinks as you do. Not in this material age. If you're frustrated, just divert your aggression and care to something else, such as self-improvement. National Socialism isn't evangelical.
Ayden Russell
The Talmud says Jesus Christ boils for all eternity in a pot of excrement. Does that help?
Christopher Watson
National socialism isn't evangelical?
WTF? We don't become redpilled to be smug enlightened do nothings… we become repilled to save our race and nation.uc to save our race and our nation. we must spread the word.
fuck self improvement.. if I get wash board abs and my nation dies.. what does it matter?
You can try those angles, but evangelicals will simply reply that although Israel have turned their backs on God, God loves his people and will change their hearts and save them. You need to know more than bible verses, because zionists have their verses too. You need to have actually been raised in zionism and the church.
means nothing to 90% of christfags. Those who know it know about the jew but won't let go of their (((salvation))), or again they'll say the jews are wayward and will repent. "They're still God's people." This is thanks to the Scofield Bible and confusion of basic doctrines. The church had always been preterist.
Liam Cooper
Christfags can be useful. They were useful to Hitler.
They are pro-family.. against degeneracy.
with a nudge they are pro-white.
I am an atheist. But I see the utility of the churches.
Ethan Cruz
If you’re not even trying at being spiritual, you might as well kill yourself now. It’s literally the only thing only you can do and you won’t do it. Just at least accept it as your goal in this life so there is a chance you so y be totally worthless as a conscious human. seriously, please do this
Carter Kelly
In John and Revelation (and maybe some other chapters as well), it specifically states that Jews are of the devil and the synagogue of Satan. So how do these insufferable cretins have the idea that Jews are the chosen people of God? No fucking idea, either none of them read the bible or they are just too fucking apathetic to care. 90% of these fucking Christians don't give a shit, it's just social bullshit
Cooper Diaz
Hitler used force and power, start with that. You'll never wake up lemmings by talking to them, they're content with the ideology and standing they currently have. Christcucks have always changed what they think is good and bad depending on who's in power, just look at the American nigger situation. They don't care They love them now The only natural repulsive response you can get from these people is to tell them someone is atheist, a jewish invention. You could start there, but again, the only way to change the overall thoughts and beliefs is to gain power.
Robert Mitchell
They hardly ever read their Bibles, so I don't know that they can be reached by quoting scripture. I mean, look at how many church goers ate convinced they are saved by faith only, or that baptism isnt necessary.
You can reason some out of it, but not most. If you btfo their flimsy excuse for theology, you might shake them up, but offs are they will go ask their (((pastor))) who will explain that this is an obvious misunderstanding and to go ne a good goy.
Just like most people have strong views on politics or the economy without having s grasp on either, so are most "christians" moved by unrelated factors such as what their bandwagon thinks.
Keeping that in mind, your best bet would be to become preachers of local congregations (like dont try to take over the catholic church or the southern baptists) and preach what God actually says about Israel: that Christians have replaced jews as God's people and that the jews have been cut off.
A less extreme option would be to join a church as a lay member and be likable. Let everyone see you working for the betterment of your community, make sure your wife gets along with the other women etc and never ever back down on the Jewish question
Landon Perry
Spiritually empty people will never succeed in life. Hitler was a "le too smart for religon" edgy atheist and he failed miserably, with Germany now at the brink of annihilation. The greatest general, statesman, conqueror in history, Alexander the Great was deeply religious.
Nice try christfag, Hitler knew christian was a problem because they pandered too much to jews. It was impossibble for Hitler to win against USSR and US combined but he successfully pointed that jews are the real problems but we ignored his warnings
Levi Gomez
Checked, not that user, but I was always one of those edgy "God dudent exist" fags when I was a teen. But, even though I'm still not spiritual, it is my goal to become at least moderately so. I know some may argue that this isn't the right way, but I plan on doing a bunch of shrooms. I can't do meditation because I have neurological issues and just doing mundane, or tedious shit can be difficult, so I figure it's a type of shortcut in a sense. But as a European, I do believe every man should have faith in God, whether it be through Christianity (preferably not) or through Paganism, getting in tune with ones spiritual existence is necessary before one dies, cuz fuck knows what happens after that, better to be safe than sorry.
Jackson Torres
The irony of that post with that movie… Israeli super-spy, you say? Well, "fuck you, I did it for my country and I'm proud of it!" Though I guess Milchan did risk his livelihood for the supposed good of Israel… Damn you; Your 4-D chess made me 5-D chess myself into submission so…. touche, fren?
The whole Christian Zionism meme is heresy actually. It was cooked up by Schofield who was an alcoholic Freemason who divorced his wife (all of which bars you from ministry biblically speaking). He was receiving money from Zionist Jews to preach that crap and to annotate a version of the bible.
I had some success with pics of dead Palestinian children and quotes from Paul and Jesus about Jews being of the devil and enemies of Christ etc. Also a lot of quotes in the bible about Jews introducing heresies to the church, combine that with 'nothing new under the Sun's.
There's a few good documentaries about it too. Marching to Zion is a popular one, but there's better out there.
Ryan Watson
If you have neurological issues, DO NOT CONSUME PSYCHEDELICS!!! Trust you, you don't want to risk acquiring something like HPPD, or worse…Speaking from personal experience, HPPD is a fucking nightmare; I see a translucent layer of static in my field of vision 24/7, from the moment I wake up to the moment I fall asleep and it corresponds with my anxiety levels meaning as my anxiety increases, so too does the intensity of the static making it virtually impossible to ignore. There's also a bunch of other crazy annoying visual ticks I get throughout the day. For example, blue field entopic phenomenon (which is sometimes linked to HPPD). Whenever I look up at the sky (or other bright surface), I see hundreds of tiny, bright, pinpoint dots flash into existence, zig-zag for ~100ms, then disappear which is also extremely annoying. My hypothesis is that HPPD occurs when one has a genetic predisposition to neurological problems and takes psychedelics/tryptamines, permanently rewiring the brain, causing a hypersensitivity of all senses (and not in a good way). It's sort of like over-increasing the dB of a song, hoping that it will make it sound better when it reality, you've just created a shitty "turn up the volume"/loud music meme. Regardless of the underlying cause, there is no cure aside from ordering bulk triazolo-benzodiazepines from Chiner. This only leads to massive benzo tolerances and insane, seizure-inducing withdrawals apart from looking like a cringe-drug edge-lord. It sucks…
Blurp cuz jesus was jew and circumcision is jewish and I, boomer am circumcised. Plus jesus made gentiles honorary jews threw his sacrifice so we are all jews on this blessed day. But since real jews are even more jewy they must be like super holy because jesus was a jew
Ayden Cox
And other unprovable tales fagoots tell each other
There's a few different takes on how to approach this. There's the religious aspect of how jews see Christians. There's the political aspect of how they regularly sabotage and murder American civilians in terrorist false flag attacks. There's bringing up how the bible was edited.
I think the jews are getting scared about losing their biggest American demographic. Pic related. The reality is most of these retarded boomers aren't going to move from their comfort zone even if you light a fire under their asses.
You're part of God but cut off. You're as much of god as an acorn is a forest.
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Blake Turner
Connor Jackson
Speak for yourself acorn nigger Imma oak. Psyhedelics are a cheap spirituality. You settled for glass marbles and you'll never know pearls.
Blake Cruz
Bullshit. The real issue is (((morality))) that was forced on Whites via (((Christianity))) where being a victim gives you a moral high ground.
Logan Martinez
a lot of people replied to this with no argument
Easton Campbell
No amount of reading holy books, doing psychedelic drugs, or wanting to believe could change my mind. If there is a god, which you can't possibly prove the existence or non existence of by the way, he made me like this for a reason.
Anthony Watson
Whats there to say other than alex the great wasnt deeply religious
Noah Lee
Also a little motherfucker called Napolean?? Yea total failure. Not like christcucks posting on Zig Forums.
Cameron Gonzalez
You think mediate on your "energy channels" but in reality in are actually doing nothing while your race fades away.
You fell for jewish mysticism.
Logan Gray
Have sex. No one will take you seriously if you look like a slob. If you don't have the discipline to not be fat, how can you expect others to have the discipline to fix what's happened to us?
Jaxon Johnson
Luke Stewart
Who said anything about meditation nigger? Thats some fag ass passive bs. You are amazingly brainwashed by judaic materialism. Pro tip- earth is an energy farm. If youre not self aware and capturing energy for your own use, then you are being fed upon.