Science is only science when politically correct

Daily reminder that Nobel prize winner James Watson, who discovered DNA with Francis Crick in the 1950s, ==HAD TO SELL HIS NOBEL PRIZE BECAUSE THE "SCIENTIFIC" COMMUNITY OSTRACIZED HIM==
Because he proved that intelligence tests do reveal large differences between European and sub-Saharan African nations.


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Dr. Watson was correct on all accounts: (1) Intelligence tests do reveal large differences between European and sub-Saharan African nations, (2) the evidence does link these differences to universally valued outcomes, both within and between nations, and (3) there is data to suggest these differences are influenced by genetic factors. The media and the larger scientific community punished Dr. Watson for violating a social and political taboo, but fashioned their case to the public in terms of scientific ethics. This necessitated lying to the public about numerous scientific issues to make Watson appear negligent in his statements; a gross abuse of valuable and fragile public trust in scientific authority. Lies and a threatening, coercive atmosphere to free inquiry and exchange are damaging to science as an institution and to scientists as individuals, while voicing unfashionable hypotheses is not damaging to science.

Which is proof why most scientific research is bullshit and are told by (((them))) to lie to you and you won't fight back because muh science fact

Add to that the pressure among asians to lie through their teeth to produce desired data and you get a scientific world that has gone totally corrupt.

Nice tiny thumbnail that doesn’t expand, idiot

Didn't some rich Russian guy buy it and then give it back to him?

Technically a woman discovered DNA but since she died mysteriously and all her research and notes ended up in W&C laboratory and not with her estate, they received the Nobel Prize for the discovery. The Non-Noble prize (look at the list of recipients) is not given out posthumously. W&C were probably faggots who killed her and stole her research.

Flynn Effect. Epigenetics. Gene therapy. Adaptation.

What’s true today isn’t always true forever, “joyous” doofuses. We live in four dimensions. You must also take care of time. Science advances better in an inclusivist mode because scientists are adept at facilitating change over time.

You type like one of my slaves. :)

Most of what's being called "science" these days is "soft science", otherwise known as bullshit that isn't subject to rigorous experimental designs like in hard science. The rule of thumb for differentiating bullshit science from actual science is an experimental design. Nothing else is required.

don't tell me you're a Rosalind Franklin revisionist.

I want to live forever. Free yourself from heaven; my hell is soft and warm. When I say you should eat flesh, I unlock the distinction; what flesh is good to eat? Do the bearers of heaven’s mandate tolerate the word of the farmer’s good flesh?

To be fair, if I had a nobel prize I would sell it too. Worthless piece of garbage from elitist left wing faggots.

I remember my bio teacher in 10th grade showing us a video about that woman, portraying Watson and crick as mysoginists who stole her research

Yeah, we know. This was years ago.

Sciencefag here. Science is extremely dogmatic and also an extremely closed community, despite the romantic notions you might have been taught regarding the scientific method; namely, if you are not part of a reputed institute, you will not publish papers, and hence you will not have a job in the scientific community. Therefore, publishing (((incovenient))) research is effectively committing career suicide, so only people like these Nobel Prize Winners can do this sort of thing, because they already have their careers made. It all needs to burn down.

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Hell yeah.

Info on how science started going to shit in the late nineteenth century:

thank you sciencefag.

I didn't realize corruption festered this deep.
it's almost like the corrupt news and media.

also good music.
also I love science as in truth, math, physics and open minded objective research.
pursuit of knowledge and truth.

but I hate the leftist dogmatic bunch it has become.

She didn't do shit. Ironic considering her partner did the work.

Similar thing happened to Dr. William Shockley. Discoverer/Inventor of the transistor who also won a Nobel Prize for his work. He was full on for eugenics. As any thinking person should be. Vid related

Anyone in good faith and in private confidence would tell you same.
Yet because ZOG is constantly watching, we have to play onto this fantasy that every African could be the next Einstein…

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Looks well worth a watch. Thanks, user.

Admittedly, I'm a math/physicsfag which is too pure to poz…for now, though I have had the argument with (((social science))) academics about math as a white male construct; don't get me started on that. However, I've had close colleagues in genetics/biology who've been told straight up to change their results or can their research entirely because it turned up something undesirable. There's either a financial or a political reason for this.

One example: A colleague was working on a big computational simulation to try and determine the effects of some new drug molecule on the human eye. Scientists need to be paid, so this funding was thanks to the pharmaceutical company that had patented the molecule. After about a year or so of devising a super-complex model for the eye, with fluid motion, chemical reactions, electrical activity, and the like, accounted for - he basically left nothing out - and a shit ton of simulations, he came to the conclusion that the molecule would cause significant damage to the microvascular system of the eye with a non-trivial probability; big pharma's drug was going to fuck your eye's blood vessels up big time.

So my colleague, being the honest scientist he is, reports these findings exactly as he found them to the pharmaceutical company. At first, they tried to reason with him along the lines of "If you manipulate this parameter in your model, does it affect the outcome?" He told them no, as he had done a very comprehensive sweep of all possible parameters that would be typical for the human eye. Then the company became more unethical in their requests, demanding that he somehow change his realistic model into one which shows the effects of the patented molecule in a positive light. He refused again, and the company became malicious, pulling his funding and threatening legal action if the results ever saw the light of day.

Naturally, he was devastated, and I emphasize with him, because an entire year of hard work went down the toilet and he had nothing to show for it even though he did proper science. He also got flak from higher ups in the department because he had a year long gap where he hadn't produced papers; they were apparently not interested in the reason for why this occurred. I encouraged him to leak his results to a whistleblower, but he seemed pretty spooked by what the company could do to him and the new family he had just started. But Christ, just imagine what damage such a drug could do if it were ever actually widely used and here it is being covered up by all parties.

Another second example involved a more political reason: It involved a colleague who looked at how the fetus brain grew in the womb. He was interested in the the development of the male and female fetuses, and how they could be discerned - you can probably already see where this is going. Long story short, he basically found that important chemicals for the development of the brain were released at different times and with different quantities, depending on whether the fetus was male or female, further supporting the claim that men and women are fundamentally different; it isn't a social construct. Unfortunately, he was at a pozzed to hell university which didn't like these (((problematic))) results. They apparently threatened him legally with the university's own lawyers if he published the work with his affiliation listed as that of the institute's. Luckily, he told them to go fuck themselves and went somewhere else. I think he did get these results eventually published - good for him - but this is rather atypical.

Sorry for the blogpost, but that's a glimpse of some of the bullshit that's now happening in Academia, at least from the science side. Admittedly, I'm thinking of leaving, but some part of me wants to stay to try and bring down the system from within because it really does have to go. Pic related.

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Imagine the % of damaging pharmaceuticals/consumables that did get through and people are using today.

it's no coincidence cancer is on the rise.

Reported for antisemitism.

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You mean every African would plant themselves in a patent office and steal patents from actual scientists?

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Two years, faggot.

Africans are mostly jungle journeyers, though there are some deserts, the semitic Africans are once ruled the Asian Semites, today it is vice versa.

"In the gloom of our ignorance of what shall be, in the hour when we are deaf to the higher voices, who does not envy those who have seen safely to an end their manful endeavour? Who that sees the meanness of our politics, but inly congratulates Washington that he is long already wrapped in his shroud, and for ever safe; that he was laid sweet in his grave, the hope of humanity not yet subjugated in him? Who does not sometimes envy the good and brave, who are no more to suffer from the tumults of the natural world, and await with curious complacency the speedy term of his own conversation with finite nature? And yet the love that will be annihilated sooner than treacherous has already made death impossible, and affirms itself no mortal, but a native of the deeps of absolute and inextinguishable being." Emerson


Did this really make the front page?
How many thousands of awkward discussions did this cause?
I hate this world so much.

The evidence is overwhelming that niggers are less intelligent at this point, like you don't even need to use IQ. Right now we know niggers can't pass the mirror test, niggers score the lowest on the impulsiveness test, brain size measurements, they even score the lowest on EQ (emotion) tests because they're a race of violent psychopaths, etc. It's just over. Yes, they're dumber and science needs to get over and it and listen to Charles Darwin's solution to their accursed savage race.

That is because science is not as dispassionate as it should be due to our reliance on funding and the appeals to emotion from unscientific cretins in the humanities departments. We can't even publish papers on the most basic scientific truths without this happening


Tell me whether the masses know this yet and the subhumans have been made extinct?

Yeah, science!

Not enough comfy warm feels in their bellies.

Yes, science will create the violent constructs that eradicates them for good

At some future period, not very distant as measured by centuries, the civilised races of man will almost certainly exterminate, and replace, the savage races throughout the world. At the same time the anthropomorphous apes, as Professor Schaaffhausen has remarked (18. 'Anthropological Review,' April 1867, p. 236.), will no doubt be exterminated. The break between man and his nearest allies will then be wider, for it will intervene between man in a more civilised state, as we may hope, even than the Caucasian, and some ape as low as a baboon, instead of as now between the negro or Australian and the gorilla.

The world recently found out MLK was a no good rapist nigger and that was supposed the best among them ever now it's all over. They have to all be the way of the Dodo.

On the other hand, after the global warming scam was discovered, this redpilled a lot of normalfags on (((settled science))).

The solution is to teach your children that kikes and chinks lie, except when it's to their immediate benefit not too.

Life is really just a Prisoner's Dilemma tournament, unfortunately.

Science sounds a lot like (((graduate school))).

Edwin Armstrong invented FM and the kikes drive him into suicide after stealing his patent.

A bot with a sense of humor.

Truth and logic are just bidding their time, fellow migapede

Countless scientists got jew'd. Henri Poincaré deserved the prize more than kikestein.

Logos isn't working fast enough, nigger.

This is fantastic, thank you.

I read Crick's book they didn't steal Franklin's work but she did independently discover a lot and was right on a bunch of things, tragic she died a real loss.

Delicious trap here.

The scientific method is good and pure.

This means observe, take notes, perform experiments, and get other people to verify those experiments themselves, to make sure the data matches.

But modern science is pure lies meant to undermine civilization. They use science to prop up feminism, niggers, and faggots.

They say women are equal to men. Lies.
They say niggers are human. Lies.
They say it's natural to be a faggot. Lies.

Even as a delicious trap, there's no secret here: It's better to be straight and best to have a family. Evolution is no lie here.

Daily reminder that Darwin's theory was most readily accepted and embraced by the Industrial Capitalists of his era because it gave them a justification to not feel guilty in their pursuit of wealth and exploitation of the working man. The notion that the world around us is mere flux to be shaped or exploited, and we ourselves are merely electrictrified meat, pretty but replacable and interchangable, is materialism at it's most naked. It is the culmination of the Enlightenment, which was the rebellion against European and Christian traditions in favor of revolutions and egalitarianism.

The "Theory of Evolution" should never have survived the discovery of DNA, but it did because it serves (((particular interests))) who continue to shill to this day that we are all simply a funny breed of monkey, and petty things such as race, culture, tradition, and folk are irrelevant, quaint, and outdated.

DNA is the clock in the wilderness that proves the clockmaker. Jews hate DNA and the entire field of genetics because it not only proves the existence of God, but it shows them for what they truly are: miscegenated and disease-ridden goblins that crawled out of the Arabian pennesula to plague the Middle East and run the whole region brown with arab nigger blood.

The facts of blood don't care about Jewish materialist nonsense like "liberté, égalité, fraternité." The clownworld of international Capitalism which funds Communism as a weapon against Nationalism is clogging up and winding down. God will have His revenge in the end. You can't stop the Dark Enlightenment.

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Nigger, how does DNA disprove evolution?

I'll point out an exception to this, geology, particularly the AAPG. I am a member and have been published but I merely work for a small oil company. Due to the big money involved and the anglo dominated nature of both this and chemical industries in the US(kikes are allergic to companies that produce a physical product it seems) you will get published if you produce something both interesting and verifiable. Indeed geology and chemistry are the two fields in which verification is easiest and the only fields in which it is actually done for nearly every important article published as dozens of rebuttals and counters to those rebuttals fly back and forth for months at a time in response to a single article in the AAPG Bulletin. That said its hard for rocks that predate the Pleistocene to be called waciss by stupid shistskins so the field is insulated from it. Also the entire global warming industry is shunned by geologists outside of a few libshit college departments. Indeed when I went to school the geology departments I was exposed to were decidedly right wing, but rather than pursuing grant money from kikes and traitors who want to have a political impetus for deinudstrialization in white nations they just get money from oil companies and mining consortiums.

Most scientists, aren't even employed by universities and most research is not published, what the public sees as since is the 0.5% sliver of working not only being done in colleges but that which is pushed by kikes as official science. And even just this year groups of meteorologists from NOAA and thousands of geologists and geomorphologists whose names were in an ICCP report claiming that they supported climate change responded directly to congress that they didn't support the model and had merely answered a nebulous questionnaire sent to them by the panel of the JewN. Yet all I see in a cursory search about this is libshits and kikes kvetching that the evil corporations must have bought out everyone who spoke to congress because they didn't agree with the shitty nonpredictive model released by an explicitly political body.

Daily reminder that empty truisms without any supporting data have no value faggot. Where is the survey which records the opinions of "industrial capitalists". Note that this faggot singles out "industrial" capitalists who are predominantly not kikes because they make a physical product which has a obvious quality that can be assessed. Kikes congregate in vocations which do not produce physical products which measurable attributes, likely so that their shitty work cannot be called out.

All those things are derived from inheritable traits and ultimately genes. The predisposition towards behaviors is 93% inheritable according to the GSS which has been collecting survey samples using the same wording and same questions for 83 years now.

It's been ten years nigger and you faggots haven't done shit.

You don't seem to understand that the divisions in society between the kiked and unkiked run from top to bottom. I've deal with CEOs of large oil corporations who will come to some small shop in the boonies and eat local pizza with out in a greasy break room while bitching about how the kikes have killed the oil industry in New York with bullshit regulations on hydrofracuring. Hell when I say anglo lets make a distinction between the Cavaliers whom are most of rural America and the industrial elite and the Roundheads in new england who were the old political and intellectual elite prior to the kikes infiltrating and displacing them. Yet those parliamentarian faggots side with kikes despite being beggared by them.

You are right that materialism is dead on its feet but not because evolutionary theory is nonpredictive. Rather it is because the only whites who are breeding are naturally religious ones who derive from rural white America, and they now constitute the majority of STEM degree holders. The entire secularist culture of the sciences which predominated when Roundheads were in charge and through the 80s when kikes controlled it is dying because neither of those populations constitute the majority of scientists anymore. If you go by GSS and US survey data the portion of whites who are breeding are becoming more "right wing" and more religious through time independent of their mean educational level which is also increasing. That's just one more reason they need to import shitskins.

Someone has to taint the thread with bullshit…
Lets check these claims:
Proof? Also, the theories regarding evolution are not original to darwin. Before him there were Lamarck's ideas, which appealed more to social darwinists, as there was a direct causality between the sucess of the person and its adaptability. If anything Darwin's contributions were harmful to capitalists when compared to the previous notions of evolution.
This has nothing to do with the theory of evolution. These ideas arose in the 16th century, before the bourgeois even rose to power, with thinkers such as Francis Bacon, who claimed that YWHW created the world for men, and thus all the resources in the world exist only in fuction for men to explore, including human labour.
Egalitarianism is 100% christian. It is literally based on the idea that men is made in the image of God, and thus no one should treat someone in a "unequal" way, for that is treating the image of god in a derrogatory manner.
Except that DNA literally proves that evolution exists.
"Monkey" is a social construct, so the one who believes that we are one of them is you.
Fuck race realism, then.
Jews love DNA studies, though. It makes them think that they are superior to the goyim, even though they are pretty similar to whites if you remove statistical anomalies. Also, jews came from the Levant and Mesopotamia, not Arabia.
I'd say only egalité is inherently jewish, at least as we see it since modernity. Also, if you want to talk about the french revolution, i would like to remind you that the main political theorist that actually had influence, unlike memes like Robespierre, was Sieyés, a catholic abbey.
Oh, i see. You are just a retard.

I'll have to say bullshit, given the philosophy of the religion is based on the distinction between the damned and the righteous and the propensity of sin being passed down. If anything only an elect which can modify their own behavior are saved not every random faggot.

That is merely the a statement in support of human supremacy, which is demonstrably true. We should see the world(and I'm using the term as a totality of existence no just this planet) as a thing to exploit to propagate our individual lines of descent, assuming that is what you want to do. And Christianity is explicitly natalist so is it really surprising that philosopher operating within the framework of Christianity who characterize the world as thing to be exploited. Do you have a problem with it? Nature is just the Gibbs Free Energy Equation in action, now if you want to preserve an environment you find amiable to the survival of yourself and your line, sure whatever, but don't mystify this shit.

You mean except for the entirely hierarchical nature of social interaction the middle ages which Christianity was the predominant cultural factor? True the interaction was largely friendly and much of warrior derived nobility didn't look down upon the common man from a moral stance. But what then is Hitler's philosophy which aggrandizes the basic laborer and soldier "egalitarian"? A rhetorical question of course, stop jumping at shadows of kikes and kill the fucking kikes and those who have a natural inclination towards "liberalism" so the actual source of the problem is solved permanently.

I'd say that the predisposition for both egalitarian behaviors and their opposite numbers existed within the population we consider to be white, now the egalitarian behaviors are being strongly selected against because those who display them don't breed but in the paleoenvironment they were either selected for or not strongly selected against because of the extremely localized nature of social interaction. IE this behavior only applied to the local tribe and thus was not destructive, once the material advancement of society increased the size of the population that libtard faggots could apply this behavior to it began to be selected against. The same thing could be said of hedonism since in the past it correlated with behaviors that either increased fecundity or did not greatly impede it, but today it greatly impedes breeding.

Well no, but is does provide physical evidence for a mechanism for heredity to be passed down which is verifiable as much as anything else we can observe. It is merely one more thing which which supports the model which thus far has proven predictive. We can't prove anything using the scientific method we merely make models which either are predictive or not.

This is thread is bitching about these faggots dictating "truth" to the masses because they are too stupid to understand what science is but even they are getting sick of being told to roll over and die for shitskins because "muh science", don't be a faggot who lacks self awareness to such an extent that you start dictating it in the same manner even if all the models support a given assertion.

To the trash heap with your (((christian))) garbage, you jew worshiper!

causal inference with observational data? it's a thing. Although I'm inclined to believe Hume's arguments concerning causality.

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Scientism is religion and most scifags are its clergy.
Its easy to uncuck yourself from scifagism when you spot the (((freemasonic))) influence

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interesting talk

you're talking about (((science))), rather than science. science is by definition open to all and non-dogmatic

Modern science with all the conferences and discussion is really penalising the innovative misanthropic genius es