If you are free to do what you want without any Moral Law or Social Order monitoring and restricting you, and without any sense of reason and Logos, then you'll be end-up enslaved by your vices and the (((people))) who manipulate your vices rule you.
This is why the Sexual "Liberation" really is a very very advanced form of political control.
Same thing with pornography, video games, internet/web-surfing addictions, TV and TV shows addictions, Smartphones, Social medias,…
Don't let yourself be trapped in this "freedom" which is the matrix of control, which will make you miserable, weak and manipulated.
Is it too hard to understand that "freedom" actually means slavery ?
True freedoms means being free from sins and vices.
True freedom means that the Logos is King and that the Will conforms himself to this Logos, to this reason, so that he can use reason to control and stay in control when his passions and his urges try to hijack control and lead you astray.
To take an image, you are riding a horse.
You have to control your horse (which is your passion/urges) with Logos (reason). And then, your Will has to conform himself to this Logos, to this reason. If you do it correctly, you will stay in control of the horse and you will have a pleasant ride and probably a pleasant life.
However, if your horse is getting all existed and that you are unable to control it with your reason and that your will gives in to the horse, then the horse takes control (your urges/ passions take control) and a wild horse can harm you a lot, make you fall and be injured, or you can even lose total control that the horse will take you to the freeway or to a cliff and you'll die.
In other words, the horse represents the irrational and animalistic side of the human being and we ought to control it with reason or otherwise, the wild animalistic side will take control and lead us astray.
>>>Zig Forums
If you become a slave to the Moral Law, you become liberated from sins/addictions. That's how you become free.
If you want to truly be free, you have to conform your reason to the Order of the Universe, and it's Moral Law, and then, you have to conform your Will to your reason, and finally, you have to conform your passions/urges to your will.
It's a pyramid.
That's the only way to become free. You can not change the Order of the universe, you cannot alter the essence of things, you cannot change human nature, you cannot change the "scheme" of the Universe.
People often think that to be free, you have to act as if you are God and as if you could do whatever you want and define the Order of the Universe. Anyone who acts "freely" in this perspective end up being miserable and ruled by their vices, and often ruled by the people who rule the vice itself.
So since you can't be free by acting like God and change the structure of the Universe, you then have to conform yourself to this Order, to this Logos and that's how you can be free.
You can't be free by trying to be God…This is a narcissistic fantasy, which will make you very easy to manipulate, since you'll be enslaved by your passions, instead of being "liberated" and "free".
We are human beings with rationality and reason and so we can do decisions based on our decisions. Animals are not able to have free will and to act with reason and rationality…Animals are by nature enslaved by their own urges because of their lack of reason.
However, human being are different and we have reason and language, we can use reason/Logos to stay in control, in spite of our passions.
People who think that "Free will is an illusion" think that human beings are just animals like any other without any rationality or without any reason…In other terms, it's the Darwinian representation of human beings with natural selection, which put human beings in the same category that animals.
Animals are by nature enslaved by their urges…Not humans. Humans can chose between Good and Evil with reason and rationality and so every time a human chooses Evil, he is being guilty of sin and evil, because he chooses evil instead of good with his free will.
Yogic science will help you free you minds anons. Go to asana even if you are fat. Especially if you are fat
Thank you whoever you are. The /sig/ thread has been hijacked by tel aviv shekelbergs. I just wanted to let you know that the posts youve written have ignited a part of my soul . But I need help. I'm a teenager in the verge of adulthood but enslaved by 3 vices, namely: lust, wrath and sloth. Which books do you suggest for me to start self improving? Where do I begin? And end?
Especially this, from which books have you gained this knowledge?
I always knew this more or less instinctively, even though I never managed to put it in practice.
But Aristotle talks about it extensively in his books, and Platon too if I recall well.
But if you want to assimilate it in a more accessible way, watch some videos of E.Michael Jones, he does a great job of explaining Catholic-Greek values concerning freedom. If you ask me too, I can search for specific videos on him, but I did those posts based on his understanding of it, even though I read Aristotle beforehand.
Don't be afraid, a lot of us are. First of all, you have to acknowledge that you are living in vice and that you are enslaved, which seems to be the case in your part. So then, since you acknowledge that something is wrong, you can act on it.
unfortunately, you can't change your life without hard work and without going outside your comfort zone, no-matter how "Red-pilled" you are. In other words, you truly have to want to free yourself from sin and vice and you have to do it in your own. Of course, you can get precious help, but you'll have to do unpleasing work of fighting for a better self on your own, and this is hard.
Careful who you go around telling this to. If they're well read, they'll be able to remember where this idea originates and be suspicious of any ideology that preaches it.
That's obvious that I'm not preaching "1984" dystopian future here.
And if you want to stay in this universe, that's actually the whole point of the book "Brave New World", where freedom actually becomes a total form of slavery, which is the form of control that has been imposed on us.
The irony ITT is that we live in neither dystopia.
America is NOT a free country as there are hundreds of multi-million dollar organizations that spend every single hour harassing, attacking, and oppressing White people who engage in free speech.
And Europe has even less freedom than Americans enjoy.
We've never actually had absolute freedom except in the American west, the Russian far-east, and maybe a few other places. Ironically these areas were pretty swell and you and I would probably rather live there than in this restrictive, articial state called "America."
Go to bed grandpa
the complete chronicles of conan by robert e howard
with yourself
with yourself
i suggest you impregnate women, kill your enemies, and rest in between those activities
there is no greater goal to attain
Yeah, but go to hell commie.
I am also a Christian, but you don't have to a Christian to understand that sexual liberation is societal control. I think you will like this video OP.
Take your newspeak double think to >>>Zig Forums
have sex incels
Part of the 8ch experience
Here. E.Michael Jones explains it greatly in this video.
The first 15 minutes of the video.
The guy who said "white people don't exist"? Fuck off.
He's right though.
In Europe, nobody is "white", expect in France,Germany or Sweden, a.k.a all the countries absolutely destroy by immigration and they start to negate their real ethnic identity and say that they are "whites", only because they are not "brown" or "black".
That's something that deracinated and rootless American "whites" could very hardly understand without having to explain them.
Again, it's a blatant lie.
Ukrainian, russians are still gonna call themselves white, as well as poles.
Nope, they'll call themsleves as russians, Ukrainians and poles, and not as "white".
I know it because I live in Europe.
They call themselves that, yet they will also call themselves white.
It's only delusional american christcucks like E Micheal Jew who spawns this shit.
OP should read 1984, I laughed so hard that I nearly lost my kidney.
Not really. We talk about each others and about ourselves with our nations' names and thus our ethnicities name, rarely with being "white", that's an American rootless thing.
Tell me why Jews pushed sexual liberation, porn and masturbation?
They want to "liberate" you ?
Or they instead want to enslave you and destroy you ?
Why does the Jew pushes for degeneracy, a.k.a freedom, if it is not to enslave you ?
They want you to think that slavery is freedom.
orwell was a kike who inserted his age gap fetish into the story
Again, that's false.
Why are you americans always making up this lie?
Nobody among the ukrainian, poles or russians will deny themselves being white.
That's not their identity.
Only in heavily destroyed countries like France or England that people might identitfy has "white" because of the massive multiculturalism.
But most people in Europe, when they see themselves in the mirror, they think they are portuguese/spanish/italian/german/polish/… and not how "white" they are. That's an american thing.
Of course, the Jew media and the (((EU))) seeks to make Europe the new United States of America, where the people identiify as rootless "white people", versus "black people".
That's their fucking race, you retard.
They are white because they are european or european-descended.
Actually, it's the american who actually push this shit after they realize europeans hate them.
Country like Italy was not even a thing historically and they are actually milanese, venetian, but in the end they unite via Napoleon.
There are no white race, that's a recent concept from the two previous centuries.
Hell, even Adolf Hitler didn't believe in a white race.
You can't be a cosmopolitan like you are a claim that the whole continent is "a white race", it's retarded and it defies all history.
Like I said, this is Amerimutt Jewed and Cucked vision on race, that's not the reality and that's not Europe.
Wrong, there's been a white race since the greeks identify Europe.
It was and it is Jews who bring the Negroes into the Rhineland, always with the same secret thought and clear aim of ruining the hated white race by the necessarily resulting bastardization, throwing it down from its cultural and political height, and himself rising to be its master.
t. actual amerimutt nigger with no sense of history
The arabs call all of europeans "franks" for this reason.
Ok, you clearly no idea of what you are talking about don't you ?
"You are white because you are not black". Is that too hard to understand for you retarded cosmopolitan ?
You only become white because you went to the United States of America, deal with it.
But I actually do, amermutt.
Or you are white because you are white.
Are asian white now because they are not black?
How about muslims?
This is actual amerimutt thinking, there are irish, russians, germans living in the USA, just like how there are fucking germans living in Russia. Are they not white all of a sudden?
you cannot master your vices if someone else masters them for you
I aim firstly to make no other man my master, partly for its own sake but partly so I can master myself