Oregon schools will be required to teach about the Holocaust. A 14-year-old helped make it happen.
Public schools in Oregon will be required to teach students about the Holocaust and the concept of genocide, born from a meeting between two unlikely partners.
Muh based Gen Zynklon
I can't wait to vivisect you.
Choose one. Gen Z is not just overall the most conservative generation, it is also the most polarized. I didn't give a shit about politics when I was 14. They do because social media forces them to.
I'd like to study their brain patterns and general behavior in a highly controlled setting. Kikes are infesting this board and it has increased significantly over the past four years.
This is beautiful
But Boomers had their ideology forced on them too. It was so effective that most boomers legitimately think that the nuclear family is the default family unit of historical white civilization.
Bump because you’re a jew pushing a proven false jewish narrative.
do you realize how stupid you sound?
As stupid as people who fall for the entire generational psyop in general.
"Oregon schools will be required to teach about the Holocaust"
Good luck with keeping the disgusting lie alive. Logos and facts always triumph in the end.
Holohoax was never mentioned before 1960. Churchill didnt even mention it in his 4.448 pages book Second World War volumes neither in the 2.054 pages in Mamoires de guerre. Eisenhower never mentioned it in his 559 pages book called Crusade in Europe. Books were published between 1948-1959. No mention of Nazi gas chambers, no genocide of Jews nor 6 millions victims of the war.
This fucking lie shows the power of those who controls humanity atm. Also what kind of instutions they use to brainwash people with..Schools…
REQUIRING it to be force fed signals loud and clear to every normie kid "something about stinks". :)
I can't think of any similar such "required info" that isn't "Yeah, everyone knows we are lying, but for legal reasons we must continue lying".
Niggers are just as smart, mostly smarter even!, than Whites.
Women are just as good at any job as any man, and should be paid same money for 'similar' jobs.
America needs Mexicans.
The Holocaust(tm) really, really, SO REALLY happened, so really we need to force even cucked anti-White school teachers to toe the line…because if we didn't have Force Of Law, and only unlimited funding they might…..
It was a fairly major thing force fed to GIs and was good sized sub-set of Nuremberg Trials. (although at the time Nuremberg was mostly about Nazis "starting the war" with other nations).
IIRC there were lots of news-reels in US movie theaters at end of war about "the camps" found by GIs.
Nah, for the most part, he's right. The thing is allies never found a single 'death camp', we in the US and Canada ran a bunch of concentration camps ourselves no nobody cared because everyone did it, and the holohoax thing only started being ramped up in the degenerate 60s when the country started going all downhill.
It works both ways, faggot.
I'd like to hear this perspective from someone who is actually Generation Z, I suspect that most of the young kids don't really give a fuck about what happened to a bunch of whiny kikes almost 100 years ago, but I could be wrong.
Kentucky has been doing this for a while
Why do kikes think this garner sympathy? Or are they just mocking everyone now?
Thanks slavshit commies and amerimutts.
Fuck the jew mod is awake and pruning anons for calling out their jewery. Never fails.
I suspect that the Jews are really pushing this shit hardcore, because the normie nigger cattle don't really give a fuck about the Holohoax, but their lack of fucks for the Holohoax has nothing to do with the tireless work of revisionists over the decades, nor due to shitposting for years on imageboards like this one, but to the fact that the normie nigger cattle are a complete zombiefied gigantic mass of flesh and bone that has no other higher concern than to chase kike shekels, eat, sleep, piss, shit, fuck, and browse/post on social media/watch television. They don't give a shit about the (((dominate narrative))) of World War II, nor do they give a shit about hearing about the other side of World War II (believe me, I tired).
I'm gen x and I've never given a fuck about whiny kikes.
My generation is pretty shit overall, but not nearly as bad as millennials or boomers.
I've met some based Gen X'ers, but yeah, your generation is nihilistic as fuck.
Are we reaching a point where the masses got so dumb and uncaring that they can neither get manipulated by kikes nor taught by us? It's basically screaming at a bunch of cows and pigs and expecting them to understand political memes at this point.
Essentially, yes. They are truly on auto pilot, they represent the last man that Nietzsche wrote about in Thus Spoke Zarathustra.
Media saturation is being countered by the fact the dopamine hit of social media makes them uneconomical.
I thought germans were supposed to be efficient? Why would they move a prisoner around five times if their ultimate goal was to turn him into a soap bar?
A certain 13yr old who's sponsored should require that the Oregon Public School System also teaches about how
The Holocaust Happened
If a zoomer faggot like me browses this board then at least some of my generation is okay
We lost. Whites are fucking dead and nothing can be done about it.
Good bot
Great! Pol has been teaching about the Holocaust for years. Send them our archive links.
Nigger cattle will never care. Boomers will die and Gen X and the Gen Z they raised give zero fucks.
Lol im gen z and we already have the holohoax shoved down our throats
(sadly checked)
Sadly, yes. I was originally very depressed once realizing this blackpill, but now I'm just kinda numb, and I try to find the most simple pleasures of life as copes now.
Yeah, pretty much.
You act like it wasn't already standard curriculum for decades. 60% of WWII history is holocaust history in public schools. And 60% of American history is war with the so-called native shit-skins, and enslavement of niggers. Then the rest is Presidents, the revolution, and the civil war. But the civil war is taught as a slavery related war.
When someone mentions Holocaust respond
Yes, what those jewish communists did in Holodomor was a holocaust in every sense of the word
Kike detected
Good job on learning redtext after ten years faggot
Kek. Keep shilling, nigger.
Kill yourself boomer.
That's true. It's been part of my state's statutes for the public schools here to teach the Holocaust since 1994, it's pretty much compulsory.
good, understanding howto is important.
I predicted this.
They weren't doing this already? Ok FINE. Because the worthwhile children, the ones with minds that still work, can search the internet now and they'll find all the jew lies.
Not to this extent. So the Jews will continue to pimp out their Holohoax fairytale, yet the Holodomor will never get a single mention in all a kid's 12 years of schooling.
Tfw kikes
I agree the based gen Z meme is overblown, as someone whose Gen Z and has to witness the vape-smoking-drug-taking-faggots I deal with in school, but one instance of one 14 year old doing a stupid thing isn't going to convince anybody.
So would you say as a whole that Generation Z is pretty degen like all the previous generations from Boomer on?
Likewise, slave! You dance so nicely for me.
And the hall of cost is the biggest meme of them all!
GenZ is the most degenerate leftist kiked generation ever. There is ample proof of this. Gen Zyklon is a myth.
It's great that you've finally woken up to the truth and back out of the unwinnable fight against (((them))). There really is nothing we can do to stop the eternal Jew, I have no idea why dipshits on Zig Forums even bother.
Oh shut the fuck up romanticists. There is no future. Accept the blackpill and deal with it.
This. Bumping so more people aee and accept the blackpill.
Daily reminder that (((/sig/))) is pointless shit that will only get you killed when you fight the jewish Gods of this world.
wow so organic
why don't you guys post your BLACKEDpilled porn anymore?
He's correct. There's nothing we can do anymore. See
That shits gotta be photoshopped, but by god if it isn't.
There are more redpilled than the previous generations
Not every last one. I don't have any statistics and shit but I would guess it's half and half. They're not all dissident right extremists but they're certainly not all buying liberal bullshit. I don't think I have all the answers but one things for sure, none of you here should just wait for our generation to grow up
Won't be the first time schools are forced to lie to kids, won't be the last time.
Get out, dumb fuck.
Not according to any statistics.
Wew such high IQ, it's not like people can't see blatant shills.
White Nationalism is the weapon Jews use to exterminate us.
user, everyone knows anyone under the age of 25 influencing some change in their communities (positive or negative) gained help from their parents and their associated connections.
And the (((zog emperor))) is playing 4d chess!
It's the generation who was raised on nihilism instead of church. They're all on board for degeneracy but they don't care about anything but themselves, why would they care about some war that happened a lifetime ago? All they want to do is chase serotonin release. As the Kikes allowed society to program them to.
this sure is gonna backfire hard on these kikes
Not from Oregonians… They will lap it up like kike fluid… Portland, Salem, Eugean, Bend, Astoria, Newport, all the satellite towns around them (suburbs) (Vancover Wa counts as its just portland jr at this point) and that lovely little place on the way to Redmond, warm springs I think, even has its own "mudslime center" to aid them in infiltration of the state. This state is lost and needs to burn in the great west coast purge.
t. Oregonian
Late 90s here, early end of gen Z. I don't give a shit what happened to them in the past, and they deserve what's coming to them in the future. But, since it's required to teach about it, then
>They don't give a shit about the (((dominate narrative))) of World War II, nor do they give a shit about hearing about the other side of World War II (believe me, I tired).
You don't start with that. You start with "isn't it intersting how we can't legally segregate away from niggers".
There's always a few.
>but to the fact that the normie nigger cattle are a complete zombiefied gigantic mass of flesh and bone that has no other higher concern than to chase kike shekels, eat, sleep, piss, shit, fuck, and browse/post on social media/watch television. They don't give a shit about the (((dominate narrative))) of World War II, nor do they give a shit about hearing about the other side of World War II (believe me, I tired).
Checked for sad but also somewhat useful truth.
They don't give a fuck because they were raised bereft of an identity.
Two syndromes in this capacity have come to my attention.
The first is the DADA's. This stands for demoralized, atomized, deracinated and alienated, and basically everyone under 30 demonstrates this to various degrees.
The state of the West, regardless of your political leanings, if any, generates demoralization. The destruction of the nuclear family, the sexual revolution and introduction of hookup culture, and the stigmatization of male camaraderie as homosexual in nature has resulted in total atomization. A constant barrage of propaganda has resulted in wide-spread deracination of all racial clades, but particularly Whites. These combined factors, coupled with the knowledge (to varying degrees) of the existence of this paradigm, has resulted in nigh-ubiquitous alienation.
As a result, the youth and young adult population is going to hit 30 and find themselves DESPERATE for something to believe in, as the full weight of existence in this timeline lands upon their shoulders.
This will be a prime opportunity.
Another factor in all this is what I'm calling Naturalistic Dissociative Disorder, or NDD. Pic related for the basic summary thereof.
The bottom line here is that the Truth which many will come to seek is a naturalistic Truth which rests solely in our possession, and the conditions imposed upon the youth and young adult population is acting such as to generate a massively-polarized and actively-politicized adult population in the near future facing desperate demographic and economic conditions.
It shall be an apple begging to be plucked.
We must simply out maneuver the (((serpent))) which guards the tree and its minions, which I believe is well within expected parameters.
Nice, I will do that, but also have a feely that this will show my powerlevel
Will Oregon teens rebel against forced indoctrination?
At some point, you have to realize that the traditions that have been passed down for a hundred generations are NOT the propaganda in the same sense as the mass media that apparently seeks to destroy those traditions. One stabilizes society while the other destabilizes it.
What an insufferable cuck virtue signaler.
kike parasite need to be purge,damn cockroach is so damn hard to kill.
Not a bad thing. The enemy dominates due to fear and intimidation.
maybe turkey based in their ass based
Gen Z isn't even remotely based, when I was in highschool, the majority of people were normal ass kids.
(((Leftypol))) approves of this re-education.