So it is 2019 and there still isn't a coherent unified group of Whites in either Europe or America where we have gained a place where we can call home. So what is the plan at current because we have many camps of which nothing is being achieved to a level that is needed given the lack of time we have. After finishing watching the last 30 minutes of Spencer speaking with Jim Goad I asked myself why are they not talking about housing, money, networking, jobs etc.? Is this not the essential for zoomers and millennial Whites right now? Should we not be acquiring housing through rent or otherwise close to each other in order to establish a qausi-ethnostate even if just 20 of us? (inb4 muh housing) No one will know if you keep you 'tism in check. We are there to build up money through work, a community where Whites can be and look to plan on from there.
Should this idea develop and spread to other Whites in a decentralised manner, would this not spark something that cannot be put out? Similar to the fall of the soviets this is White people helping each other financially, physically, mentally etc., as we should be away from the (((eyes))) that fear such actions.
These are failed movements and looked to either be centralised or not have a realistic plan. They want to go from A - Z without even looking at B which is money, jobs and getting together and further networking. So what is the plan for the upcoming decade because if we can't even hold an office space of sorts and talk freely or have a house that is ours without anyone knowing, then what are we doing?