Instead of a wall, you yanks now have low-IQ disease vectors from Africa crossing your southern border.
My prediction: Despite owning the most guns in the world, Americans are too lazy & fat to actually do anything to stop this. You burgers are going to get raped by niggers & walking bean-gas factories.
At only 60% white, America is fast on its way to becoming a certified mudskin nation. You guys are far worse off than all of western Europe at this point, at least demographically speaking.
Moshe? Oh right, I'm a jew because I don't want niggers to invade America? I'd like to see America remain a predominantly white nation, as I would Europe as well.
Some jews literally should be gassed for their role in creating this human-trafficking crisis.
Brody Morales
Israel whore Trump putting in the work for his Israeli pimps.
Is this really as bad as it sounds? They are all going to congregate near each other and spread disease to more immigrants. And all of these immigrant bubbles are in liberal places. I see immigrants bring HIV, Ebola, etc to more immigrants than be healthy. This wave has the potential to kill more illegals than they are bringing in.
Carson Edwards
Shut it down!
Jason Carter
Ebola is just what this country needs, just like when it needed smallpox.
Lincoln Lewis
nothing more beautiful than an old fashion plague. maybe the jews will purposely spread it like old times
Andrew Green
Love has no borders, grow wings Ebola Chan and spread your love!
How come Ebola chan never visits places like Brazil or India ;_; India would be a heaven for it, but poos are probably already immune.
Thomas Turner
And then when they are sick and dying they will come to your place.
Literal infected zombie hordes at your door, soon, irl.
Michael Murphy
This is a lot of shit-posting from a Euro fag whose country is assuredly infested daily with niggers from these same countries. Don't throw stones in glass houses, faggot.
Justin Cooper
Cameron Lee
I don't understand your esoteric metaphor… what does Rio Grande supposed to symbolize?
Give me your tired, your poor..etc blah blah, was added to the Statue of Liberty later.
Bentley Sanders
Dude, wtf is your problem?
Dominic Moore
Those with ebola won't survive the trip. This is just concern trolling.
Matthew Sanchez
Unless a nigger goes and gets deliberately infected then immediately hops on a plane to those countries, it won't last long enough to establish itself.
Samuel Moore
It would be neat if he was a mafioso but hes just a TV personality and branding expert.
Andrew Green
Thread theme for Ebola chan thread.
Julian Wilson
As the most powerfull nation in the world, USA also exerts the most influence. However that means USA also gets the blaim internationally for percieved wrongdoings, real or not.
Kevin Collins
indians aren't stupid enough to eat raw bats, user
Xavier Nelson
I've heard that them bathing in the Ganges actually builds immunity from all the shit and variety of microorganisms present in the river