And when you listen to Feminists you can sometimes hear stuff, that sounds like they want the Patriarchy back: "Men should protect women and come to their defense in public and not just be bystanders. They should respect women as more than just holes to fuck. (Of course this used to be the case, before Feminism, when women were a protected class and respected in the community as Mothers, Caretakers, Matriarchs of the family and as companions)
They also control the media and the film industry. They promote their values and even their symbology (Oh boy, if you ever watch the Matrix with jewish Symbology in mind, you are in for something, my friend). Watch "Unconcscious Cinema" if you want to learn more about that.
Jews managed to turn the public opinion, which a few years ago was 60% against gay marriage in many western countries on its head. They did it very quickly. That's how strong jewish control of the media and our minds still is.
We are trained to respond to certain stimuli, by consuming jewish media and their films.
They can't help it. They have to dismanlte and subvert everything. But the most disgusting thing is the recent "share the power message". It's like they are getting us emotionally ready for political white disempowerment.