My father inspects homes for rich people. I wont say more so as to not dox myself. Recently he has done inspections for two ex US intelligence officers, one from the CIA and one from the Navy(worked for NSA, CIA, etc though). My dad is an old white boomer, and they got along really well from that boomer comradery, and told my dad some secrets. First of all they never named the Jew specifically but they said that the "same people who are running the show now are the same ones who have been running it forever" and talked about how the "Rothschilds and Israel" are at the top pulling the strings, so as close as possible to actually naming the jew. On top of that, which is no news to us, the one from the navy said that the technology exists and is already in use to create videos of anybody from real life saying anything the feds/kikes want them to say through the use of CGI that is absolutely indistinguishable from real life. Basically, you cant trust fucking anything. Any video, no matter where it is leaked, is subject to question. They now have the technology to mass produce very realistic false flags at an even greater rate than before. I wish I had a source, but such is the nature of anecdotal evidence, and I sure as fuck wont name names because I dont want to commit suicide from two gunshots to the back of the head.
You're a lying sack of shit and need to fuck off back to kikechan with your larp moshe.
This isn’t your blog. Fuck off with your autistic hoaxes.
My dad works at Nintendo and he says the next big game is a 3D FPS starring luigi. Shigeru Miyamoto told him while they were in line to buy hotdogs in the cafeteria.
you should have posted the home addresses of these 2 Glow Niggers, so that we could go there and murder them in their beds. the only good ex-CIA is a dead CIA. also, your bullshit is just more "Trust the Plan, goys, lol the glowy bois are BASED and REDPILLED just like you too, only they can't reveal their powerlevel, so just keep doing nothing except waiting for the doompill while you whites are fleeced and replaced and diversified, so that us CIA faggots can continue our campaign of treason against America unopposed."
What are the chances this is just mossad jew pretending it isnt jews but cia fucking americans and europeans over the world.
Which is why anonymity is so important. The maskfaggots were on to something.
tl;dr ignore e-celebs because (((publicity)))
Ron Jeremy as Luigi?