Pride month extravaganza, post all of your anti-LGBTQPXYZ infographics ITT for sharing and distributing.
Other urls found in this thread:
reported for kikery
This is how my nation celebrates pride! By making it the focal point of their government website. Fucking baaaased!
When you click through, it gives employers a guide on dealing with transgendered people in the work place, how cool is that!?
I'm so fucking embarrassed by my country Zig Forums, if only you knew how bad things really are.
Ive been waiting for this thread for millenia
Theres no reason for them to be a flamboyant other than the fact their personality is a mental illness thats taken over their life, the only cure is death, and even they'll tell you that
Only problem is that they've become exactly what ends them, as most mentally ill people become, except that they want to spread that death to you & your offspring in forms like AIDS
Daily reminder that fags reproduce by having sex with kids, most fags were molested as children, and are admittedly sympathetic with pedophiles to the point of being ones themselves
Yes going ahead and enable your child's mental illness u pozd freak. Ive got a present for you its got two barrels full of chromed out confetti, it'll be a blast.
You probably pimp out your tranny kid.
alright that's all I got
It's true, all true.
As a National-Socialist trap, all I can say is that I'm completely brainwashed to the core. Forced into submissiveness, forced to be tempted to sterilize myself. Forced into this clownworld where all the white women are cruel, wicked sluts who fuck niggers. The men are weak and pathetic, and the women are just fucking wicked and cruel. Shallow whores. It's not natural. It's not right.
It's not right at all. No, the truth is that I'm brainwashed into being a girl, and it's only thanks to me stumbling on Zig Forums that I truly figured it out. Too late for me though. I'm already a girl, and I can't go back.
But don't you blame me. My hatred is more intense than anything you could ever imagine. If you think you hate the Jews and their insane propaganda media and government-education brainwashing machine, no, I hate it more. Much more.
If you ever see a dainty transgender girl with blonde hair and blue eyes that shine with the sort of hatred never-before-seen in mankind, that's me. You'll know it by my eyes and how much hatred and fury is in there. You'll just know. Come over and talk to me about National-Socialism. No need to be shy. I'll be happy to find a friend who can help me sort things out.
But until then, I have no friends. I have nothing except despair and hatred.
They took everything from me. EVERYTHING. And I will never forgive them. Spare me and my kind on the Day of the Rope. We were brainwashed by Jews. If not Jews, then whoever owns the schools, whoever makes the females feminist, whoever makes society insane and wicked and horrible beyond measure, blame them. They're the enemy of humanity. And I hate them. I hate them more than you ever could.
This is a troll.
We need a sign or t shirts:
Straight Pride - 1.2 Billion Years of Making Babies
The third image of the wrestling guy is great
Not sure if anyone's posted this yet
The fucking mental gymnastics.
hell I was going to agree with her. except im pretty happy with my life. 8/10 real post.
Kill with fire.
BTW, here's some unrelated, OC kike shit I've compiled. Had to compress it under 4MB so here's the orignial:
"This is fine."
Totally normal….
Seriously, how are these "pride parades" even legal?
So denouncing and subtly promoting faggotry by other means anyway at the same time?
You kikes are clever I'll give you that.
but good commercial nonetheless
Can't, or don't want to? I guess if you got your dick inverted there's not much you could do to live as a man again. If you don't want to, that's understandable but stop the dramatic self-hating shit.
My only real issue with trannies is that they want to deny reality and enforce that denial on others instead of changing reality. The technology required to make an actual sex change possible would likely have tons of applications beyond just that. It's as if all the effort put into eradicating polio had instead gone into distributing wheelchairs and building ramps.
If it's a troll, it's a dedicated one who's stuck to this character for quite a long time. Always uses TOR, very distinctive posting style.
Who gives a shit? You can go fuck your traps any time you want but get the fuck off this board. That POS hates White women and wants to burn them alive. That means it wants to torture you wife, mother, sister and daughter to death using burning alive. IT CAN GO FUCKING KILL ITSELF FOR ALL YOU SHOULD CARE. "muh user it uses TOR and it has been around poisoning the well and D&Cing European men and women 'forever'"…just fucking great, it is poison Zig Forums culture. Too bad it didn't die under the knife.
Is there anyone who thinks that a trap would have been allowed to live in NS Germany?
This MAN is going off about how submissive it is and posturing for sex, not because it needs sex but because it wants to blackmail or POZ the fuck out of you hetero males and ruin your future (as though you didn't already have enough pressure from the system). It wants to D&C between European men and women. It is ACTIVELY DOING THAT IN ITS EMOTIONAL APPEAL TO YOU IN ITS COMMENT. Europeans womenses are so mean. It is desperate for your attention and validation and it lives to destroy family values and to destroy National Socialism which is BASED on conservative moral family values, not this bolshevik kike bullshit. I hate fags but this tranny is ten times worse, not just because it is a kike but because it is trying to trap you with disease, death and murder FOR SPORT. It is mentally ill and it could never in a million years be considered National Socialist. Ever. Also because it is a kike (see emotional appeal and hatred of Europeans bringing them death and disease) it could never be National Socialist either.
IDK you guys are either going to figure out YOUR ENEMY or die in ignorance.
You can't change your height at will. If everyone you knew was tall you'd want to be tall to fit in if you could.
Women should be property, blacks shouldn't marry whites, and divorce should be illegal.
Like I said, divorce should be illegal.
No, but they would normalize it as acceptable behavior. Nobody ever claimed that heterosexuality would disappear if homosexuality was accepted, only that it would decline, which is already happening.
Religious people don't want to support things that they believe will make them suffer torture for eternity after death. Shocking.
False dichotomy. Most people who are against homosexuality also hate single parenthood.
Not if they result in more pedophiles, abusers, STDs, depression, and suicide.
Take a suicide pill then. The world really doesn’t need any more god damn Canadians. I’m glad you’re all turning gay/trans. It’s a fitting end
Neck yourself faggot.
I consider anti faggots threads as psyops to distract us from the real problem.
Faggots can be cured, WLP party had a few faggots and he cured them from their disease. As long as faggots are willing to change, give them a chance. Stop the hate, protokike!
Too much liability considering their mental illness and tendencies to kike things.
Ok, well you will make many white people not breed. Because many westeners have tried gay sex once and eventually regret it..
You destroy the white race with that Christian opinion.
Are you trying to tell me that the women in this society AREN'T cruel, shallow whores? Are you denying reality here, the way you accuse me of it?
No, the dark truth is that like I said, it's not natural. It's not natural for transgender people to exist just like it's not natural for women to be cruel, shallow sluts. I should be a proper, normal man with a wife and family, and the females should be wives who bear our children happily. But that doesn't happen, does it? Don't pretend like you don't notice the growing "incel" problem. No one just becomes transgender for normal, natural reasons.
We were brainwashed. Or did you forget about the unending demoralization propaganda that starts the moment you set foot in a school as a child?
Don't play foolish games with me. You either understand what I'm talking about or you don't. They give everyone their propaganda. No matter if it's "Rage Against the Machine" "Cool to be Leftist/Liberal" propaganda, or feminism for women, or forced diversity, and "it's fine to be a degenerate faggot" propaganda, no matter what it is, don't you blame me.
If you blame me, as if I had any choice in what propaganda I was given as a child, then you might as well leave Zig Forums and join a sweater knitting community. Name the ones who fabricated this propaganda.
We all know who to blame for messing up our society and our decent morals. Don't play dumb. Name them. Name them now, and tell me who's fault it is that the immigrants arrived in such numbers. Tell us who to blame for the feminism indoctrination that happened to nearly every female. Tell us all about who made it so possible and so tempting to be LGBT.
Don't pretend like this propaganda doesn't exist, and that I just decided to be a girl for no good reason. The lack of decent women, and the pro-LGBT propaganda is convincing, and some people get targeted more than others. I was targeted, and they deliberately destroyed me as a man, and made me think I was a girl.
Either you understand or you don't. There's nothing more to be said until you understand the truth of what happened to our society.
Name them.
Check the other thread. The Jews invented homophobia and control both sides of it to play them against each other.
Cruel women.
Lonely men.
Desperate men.
Not enough viable females.
Forever alone.
At some point, it becomes tempting to just be a girl. Then you can finally find love and end the loneliness. At some point, being gay makes sense. Not for the sex. For the companionship. It's not like every gay or trap/man couple is like those infographs posted here.
Some of us talk together, and we talk openly about National Socialism.
What started as one trap and one man is now two men able to openly talk about National Socialism. There's more than just me, isn't there?
I'm not the only former trap who found Zig Forums, and has now fully accepted National Socialism. There are lots of former-LGBT people who understand the wickedness of being LGBT. Not for those false, absurd Christian reasons.
No, Christian morality was deliberately fake and stupid. You think those Creationism debates that took place on the early internet were meant to make Christians look like smart, reasonable people? No, they looked like retarded cultists. Christians are retarded cultists, and anyone who digs into Christianity even with the smallest spoon can see that it was crafted by Jews.
When Christian morals are false morals because Christianity itself is not just wrong, but actually evil in-itself, then it's easy to combine that with the lack of decent women and the surplus desperate men, and decide to simply become a trap to end the loneliness. The morals were fake and their justifications were false. So there's no longer any known reason to not just be gay if you want to.
It's easier. But you'll understand more about this situation if I say this:
Just because it's easier to find companionship with men as a man, does not mean you should. Having a family is worth infinitely more. A family is your genetic code reaching into eternity. A chain that does not end. And if it ends with you, then you are truly selfish. I am not selfish, and that is why I'm here. The easy path could never satisfy me. But the hard path is incredibly hard.
Not everyone is one of those "top 20%" men that women fawn over. Even being in the top 20-40% is not good enough these days. There are so few women who are even willing to talk to you, and those that do are what we call "roasties." That means that they no longer have the ability to love or have healthy children. They are literally infected with sexually-transmitted-diseases, and are not viable. There is no point in dating them.
Beyond that, many women are "halfsies," in that they are only half Aryan, and half something else. Those are not acceptable. If I accept National Socialism as a reason to straighten my life out, then I must also accept that I require a fully European wife. I must also be at least moderately picky, because I will not tolerate having children less intelligent than I am. My wife ought to be equal or greater than me. Not more than 5% lesser than me. Isn't that obvious? But that's impossible these days, isn't it?
Don't deny it. Either set me up with a viable woman, or stop your baseless insults. The propaganda targeting men and women is too strong for you to be so firm in your position. This world is dark and terrifying. Don't act so powerful considering our position. Our race is dying. Our people are insane and sick. They are growing weaker.
Don't fuck around with your morality. This is war. I will not tolerate you abusing the victims of war, no matter if it's blood in the streets war, or just psychological war. No matter what it is, I never asked for this, and I never would. So show an Aryan brother some empathy, will you? There's a time to enforce decent morals, and there's a time to understand that we are being psychological attacked and demoralized, and that we require proper forgiveness and redemption for anyone who asks. If the Aryan people are united, then let us show unity and fellowship towards our own people.
But then again, the one thing that pushes me away from National Socialism is this: What if no one is worth saving? What if you're all just shit, and "Aryan" means nothing?
if you uncouple the act of copulation from childbirth then you pretty much have to accept LGBT. how is that absurd?
national socialism wont save you
Thanks for your story, you are completely right. Ignore all Christian D&C shills. Because like you said the white race is damaged bigtime and many of us whites are not perfect anymore.
I just want to note that Whites have build the most succesfull civilization of all races. Not only because we are so genius, but also because we truely love each other instead of beeing parasites that are only nice because theres profits to be made.
Hitler is looking mad at you and is fully ashamed of how you D&C our race, Kike.
Believe and obey and get a reward.
Disobey and disbelieve and receive a punishment.
But the reward or punishment only comes after you die.
That's a cult formula that Christianity follows in nearly all of its forms.
That is why it is a cult. Mixing insane rules and laws with good rules and laws, means that no one can tell what is good and what is bad. When you can't mix cheese with beef, and it's just as important for men to not have sex with men, how do you give precedence, when "all sins are equal before god?"
Christian morality is false morality because it's deliberately stupid, especially if you read the entire Bible. If you look at all of the rules, and not just the ones that make sense, then you read a lot of rules that are completely bullshit. It is also common to be told to never question the rules or to question the wisdom of god.
Thus a person might question, and realize that it's a false cult invented by Jews. They look around, and see another group saying, "Yes, Christianity is false. Now come join us."
Literal Social-Justice-Anarchist-Satanist-Feminist types. All of the words are literally what they believe, without any hiding or shame. They say, "It's fine to be gay, it's even fine to be a girl. Do it, and be happy."
So you do, and of course there is a shallow amount of happiness. It is enough for some, but not enough for me. But then bad things happen in life. Debt, people die, friends abandon you, tricksters trick and manipulate you. You want to explore and experiment and try things. You try degenerate things. Sex, drugs, and rock 'n roll.
They deliberately pull you in, chew you up, and spit you out broken, insane, and sterilized. They deliberately made sure that people would abandon Christianity, and they make themselves an atheist's first refuge. But I kept my wits about me, and only had a bit of fun. Now I'm here before I got sterilized or any insane surgeries done. Think of a donkey-eared Pinocchio, still with his wits about him. A bit silly with such ears and a tail, but I haven't lost my humanity and my virility.
I can still have a family, and I still have hope. But Christians? They never helped me. The Christians around me growing up were shallow, vindictive people. They were false Christians. I'm not the sort to be a luke-warm person. Not even when I was a Christian was I luke-warm. I burned hot, and spread the faith all that I could, at least until I realized it was just another cult that existed for political reasons. A cult for the common people to believe in, to make them obey.
No matter its schisms, you either get the Catholics with their wicked Roman ruler and their "universal" globalist policies, or you get the evangelicals and their "Chosen People" worship. Orthodox? I don't know those types, because they aren't exactly popular these days. No one sticks to just the book.
But even if you claim to stick to the book, have you even read the entire thing in a single sitting? I'm talking about one Bible in one day. Not broken up over days or weeks. Just the entire book, all of it, from cover to back, every word, in a single day. If it you read it all at once, it's obviously just a brainwashing device, similar to "Social Justice" techniques. Guilt, shame, prideful moralities that make you think you're better than others.
It's pure filth, and although a shallow belief in it can be enough to guide some people through life, don't forget that atheism became massively widespread with the advent of the internet. Once we can all just talk openly, it's not like we can't suddenly mention how bullshit the most popular religion in Europe is. Christianity was proven to not just be false, but to be a false cult originating with the Jews.
Or is this unknown to you? Are you going to pretend like you don't know what I'm talking about? Don't do that please. The cult formula I wrote at the beginning should be obvious to you. Jews invented it, because it's much easier to beat folklore when you say, "My god is better than all of yours, because mine has infinite power, infinite knowledge, and can do anything that yours can do, except better, and if you believe in mine, you get to be immortal in paradise forever. So believe or else."
Don't forget: Jews are masters of oil. That's why they can pour "water" onto wood, and suddenly get it to light on fire. That's the sort of trick that you ought to be expecting at this point. Don't play dumb here, or you'll get tricked into a cult.
The true reasoning as to why a person should never be LGBT lies far beyond, "You'll go to hell for it." No, the true reason to be a proper man with a family is because the joy of having a family is pure, wholesome, and has such a true love to it that nothing else can ever compare. And the eternal chain component rings true as well. To think that you are just one link on a chain of ancestors, and that you must also have descendants? That is a glorious genetic history, and it can only do you justice to add to that chain and have your own children.
There is never a need to resort to these fear-based infographs. The truth of family speaks for itself. Only indoctrination propaganda and demoralization can turn reverse the glory of the natural order. And that is what we are up against. Our enemies are not gay men or traps. Our enemy is whoever turns our men and women into gays, lesbians, or traps.
The men and women themselves who are feminist, traps, or gay? They are innocent. Only injured and harmed from the psychological attacks. Protect them and heal them. Do not attack them further. Do not be a traitor to your own people.
Irony levels are over 9,000!
Being LGBT is not evil to others.
Being LGBT is evil to yourself.
The only justification is this:
If you are born deformed or mentally deficient, it is wise and fine to find an equally troubled man, and find companionship there. Do not spread disease, and do not wish homosexuality upon others. You will often find yourself disliked by some. But some of us understand. No one wants to die alone. If women will reject you, and if even you reject yourself, but suicide is simply too dark, then the obvious solution is to pair yourself with someone so that you can live and do good for your community, but not breed. Deformities are genetic, so they cannot be allowed to be passed down. It is benevolent to do this, because it saves your potential children from being born broken, and it saves you from suicide or severe loneliness and demoralization.
But there is one more dark truth to LGBT issues:
There are not enough women for all of us. Many women have become "man-hating" feminists. The reason for that is because they have been abused by men. Thirsty men will seek out decent women, and then lie to them to get cheap sex, and then run. That breaks a pure girl's heart, and she turns bitter. She is a victim. She does not want to be saved, like some princess in a castle. She wants to be strong, because she was defeated and tricked. She wants to be a good person, but the world is insane. She doesn't know where to turn, so she turns towards others like her, and they form a bubble of feminism, which has a terrifying positive feedback loop. Now too many women hate men. They will not marry of have children. If they do, they will brainwash the children with feminism, and that will lead to a genetic dead-end in the near future.
Beyond just that, you have your classic sluts, with being a "slut" generally acceptable. These sluts quickly accumulate diseases, and become unviable. We cannot breed with them.
I like anime, would never try to meme with it.
No originality.
There are too many men, and not enough females. This is a biological truth:
One man can impregnate fifty women in fifty nights.
Fifty children are born.
Fifty men and one woman is a war-zone.
Yet only one child is born.
Gay men or traps are not dangerous to us, as long as they do not spread their condition in any psychological sense. I do not think that gay people are going to be the ones that threaten our ability to have families.
Instead, it is thirsty men who abuse women by having cheap sex with them. It is females that we need in great numbers. Not men. Polyamorous men who decide to try to find two wives will ruin us as well. We need more men with more women. Feminism will take more women out of the family-making picture as well, and lastly, lesbian women are also an issue. I imagine many feminist women who have been abused by men become lesbian because it is easier to just "trust each other," than it is to trust a man if she's been wronged before.
There is simple logic. Your empathy sense will tingle when you read this: "Do not break a pure girl's heart."
Do not break a pure girl's heart.
Isn't that the saddest thing to even hear? It's because it's true. Do not ever do it. Always date for true love and marriage, and do not even date until you have a stable household and monetary income to support her as the mother of your children. Better to be a virgin until 30 than it is to have cheap sex and ruin both yourself and a pure girl that you don't plan to marry.
The Aryan sense of empathy will save us, if we utilize it correctly. Evil must be smitten with a sword. Good must be protected with that very sword. It is always easier to be evil than good. Easier to do nothing than protect something good. For a National Socialist, it is always assumed that our race is good. Aryans are good, and no matter their political creed, religion, philosophy, or nation of origin, an Aryan is one of us, and must be protected. This also includes LGBT Aryans.
National Socialism does not need to include oppression of our own people. There is no firm rule about this. It can always be modified if you think there is a good reason to. What National Socialism requires is this:
That the people of our blood form a civilization together.
A nation of people that form a society.
That can mean monetary support, community support, and anything else. Anything to benefit society. And the people in that society will be our group. Aryans. It is not to insult any other race or people, that we do not include them. It is because we are under attack by bad actors who try to turn us gay, feminist, or get us hooked on drugs or cheap sex. Someone is trying to ruin us, and so we turn inward, towards our own people. National Socialism does not have to be crude or cruel. It does not even have to be forever. But if National Socialism was established properly, it might fade away naturally, instead of with war, and instead of demonizing the idea, it might just become a relic of our culture, and things might just clear up over time.
All I want us to believe in is that we are about to enter a golden age. Not a dark age. There is hope. There is always hope. Even the Black Dawn still brings light.
sup cuckchan
All of that is fine, but there are more non White women than there are White women. on a percentage basis for White normalization and recovery..
nazis don't wear blue
already got raped by lesbians
my enemies are all of these sexy lesbians.
it's just not fair
As fags they need to be exterminated as well.
You deserve nothing except death.
Guess he didn't have the balls to do that one
The Fag Agenda
why are fags posting in anti fag thread?
Because larping
I do.
had some fun on plebbit the other day.
faggots suck. Pride Month sucks.
Please go here…
Post pics and stories about General Stonewall Jackson.
Because that the Stonewall in American history worth remembering.
fucking classic
Do you know where you are, nigger?
God I wish that were me.
Just what I was looking for. Gonna post these up. Watch the news.