US demands social media details from visa applicants

Are Americans retarded?

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it's to filter out god damn britbongs, such as yourself

Is water wet?

wrongthink litmus test
can't have anyone critical of israel coming

ok, so if you have told them you don't use social media they check your phone at the airport and if you do have apps installed they deny entry due to deception?

If you don't use facebook and twitter you obviously hate USA.

You already failed

Not having social media is likely instant disqualification, can't have an unknown goy quantity coming into a police state.


Tell them a story of how your credit was stolen and thus you went luddite. It works.

At that point, just claim asylum. Then they have to let you in.

They would still reject them because trying to make the argument that social media is somehow tied to someone's credit being stolen is illogical and shit reasoning, and therefore, either a lie or blatant stupidity, both of which are disqualifiers for entry.

Some of you faggots really need to work on your imagination. Put yourself in the police state's shoes and imagine their perspective. Anyone who doesn't have a vast social media history is a potential threat to the police state, and therefore should be rejected on those grounds. Plenty of goys with long social media history to take their place.

I believe it's easier to just walk into USA from Mexico than doing it legally.

You are regarded as suspicious without social media among the mindless masses. How much more are the authorities going to raise an eyebrow when freedom from information is evident?

no. Water is water. Wetness is a sensation.

It always was

Thought this was to weed out the radicalizing assholes.

If it's not Canadians running away to join ISIS, it's some new age hippy white girl who recently converted thinking she can go over there and stop the violence. OR OR , once again going back to Maplefuckers - - They join isis, threaten to blow up their own country then get drone striked by the USA.

Private corps do this which is equally troublesome and crickets, what worse for state practice?
Autistic lolberts explain yourselves.

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This argument right here always makes me cringe. Yeah, so maybe you might show up as not a "normie" by a lack of 20 social media accounts. Regardless of that fact, if the gubbment fucks ever actually decide to go full retard, the ONLY people with any kind of fighting chance are ones who's location and whereabouts are unknown to them. Tactically you are fucking yourself over in so many ways because "muh everyone else, blend in." LOL, You are already browsing Zig Forums dissident… You are already marked. Reduce that damn data feed and get some opsec.


Human Rights Activists have been whistle blowing for years about how Social Media is being used to profile everyone.

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That's not whistleblowing. That's stating the facts.

This thread is still up?
Wow this place is dead.

So they ask for social media yet are allowing over a million over the borders. What a great administration.

I have the same question. I literally don't have social media accounts. I wonder how they would handle that, or if someone lies.


What's up with Mods deleting threads they don't like?

Obviously you are dissident too dangerous to let in.

Fuck america

As a white eurofag i literally have to pay for a tourist visa which already gives out way too much information, give hotel details at checkin which i never have to do with any other destination, go through a extra body scanner security check right after the normal one and then still get harassed right before entering the plane about if i even have a visa so another check.

All this shit just to have some retarded mutt look at me in terror when i arrive in fucking las vegas by myself because omg why would a single guy ever travel to las vegas by himself and give me shit despite me showing him my fucking return ticket and hotel reservation.

Meanwhile the pajeet in front of me who didnt speak english was let in without a problem by just saying TOURIST VISA ME LOOK FOR JOB which even i know you are not allowed to do on a fucking tourist visa you need a business visa but hey fuck it hes not white so he can do whatever he wants.

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Kill yourself jew. Blame it on your host country.

And keeping bullshit spam like this? I know right.

drown in the shitskins you let in while you harass white europeans

But hey good thing Trump is fighting for

Why would you even want to go there? USA is like Africa or Middle East by now - filled with shitskins or domestic pet niggers on any corner.

As someone who lives in a predominantly 99% white country in Europe, I'd be probably disgusted and annoyed the whole time. Fuck that.

You will never be white, yid.

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Nope, not Poland, more south

Anyone who lies about their social media use could face "serious immigration consequences"
so if you dont have any social media tumors attached to your soul you will be perfectly fine telling them that you dont have any.
tell the truth
do not lie
and you will be fine
in any other case bend over because they dont want and dont need, liars, fraudsters and fakes applying for citizenship or lurking their intel at the universities.
its a good thing to begin with.
cant wait for the 2nd term.

I dont think its dumb , it is someones portfolio on them without them having to say a word

Get a dumbphone that only has voice and SMS.

I'm 100% sure this won't be primarily used to try and profile pro-white nationalist immigrants