Nearly 80% of South Africa’s 9- or 10-year-olds cannot read and understand sentences in any language
Nearly 80% of South Africa’s 9- or 10-year-olds cannot read and understand sentences in any language
Goddamn niggers are fucking pathetic. Wjhen will they learn?
How is that even possible?
Ask a nigger.
It’s saying they can’t read and understand any language. Not speak.
It’s funny the article doesn’t mention what the literacy rates among the same black age group was under white rule. If the problem is whitey’s fault due to historical injustices, why does a kid born 15 years after the end of white rule have worse outcomes than a kid who lived during white rule?
Whatever the niggers do there whites will be back to colonize it again once the niggers chase off the whites, collapse the economy, starve and then die off.
Problem is they are trapping whites by denying documentation necessary to leave.
More than likely Asians will colonize it as Whites are currently committing suicide. There's literally zero reason to be optimistic about our prospects.
I'd love for a gene-specific plague to hit SA and kill all the niggers there. All the whites who left SA could come back and start rebuilding cities like Johannesburg. It could easily become one of the best countries on earth to live.
As long as there's a select few to infiltrate it, we could have a country up and running. Elon musk was a white south african, after all. Then again, this is just LARP tier ideas, so I'll put that shit on hold.
The economist forgot to add "And this better than living under the Apartheid, here's why."
As long as you sit on Zig Forums from your moms basement consuming garbage and staying out of shape nothing will change. Kill kikes. There's no alternative.
My guess is, never
You have a pretty perverted mind, saving pornography of a kids cartoon show on your hard drive.
It's a poor way of describing that they are still completely illiterate.
I just don't think they are capable of it. They have the same big issues of most other African countries. Rampant government corruption. And only the rich can afford to have a decent lifestyle. Naturally, they still 100% blame Apartheid for all their problems.
25* - they are a full generation off the leash and look how they fare
It's a big hypocritical for me to say too much about this part. The US is quickly heading in this direction too. At this rate, it may only be a few more generations before the rest of the world regards the US as a 3rd world nation as well.
No, you read about as much as these little niggers can
This is extremely naive. If anything were to happen to the west's pets, every dried up cunt and soyboy fanatic will immediately pour all their western gibs into africa so that the half animals could subsist. Trump would send the fucking military.
A much bigger problem than any feral animal will always be nigger-tier apathy in whites. When two sentences of "muh apartheid" is enough to make the edumacated white readers of the economist blame apartheid for the glaring failure of niggers to make anything of 6% of GDP, and when people on Zig Forums can't even read that far, then we as a race can look in the mirror to see the cause of a lot of our problems.
Why would the jews even bother mixing us with apes if we act just like them?
What about the other 20%? If the bar is either not reading a sentence in ANY language, and managing to read 1 sentence, where did the rest of them fall?
I'd assume it means basic literacy at a 10 year old level.
I should qualify that to say basic literacy at a 10 year old level, according to international standards. But I'd guess that only a fraction of that 20% truly meet these standards. The rest only passing the bare minimum.
If I remember right South Africa is 70% black, 10% mixed, 10% Indian and 10% White, + or - a few points. I imagine most White and Indian can speak English and Hindi/Afrikaans, hence the strange wording that implies 20% can speak, read and write in more than 1 language; whilst 80% can't do anything. Jewnalists are well known to word things weirdly so as to technically not lie whilst obfuscating the truth, we see it in our news all the time. I could be wrong in this instance of course, but I doubt it.
In what world does a kid go from understanding nothing, to understanding everything at 9/10 year old level. I'd bet of that 20%, probably >15% managed to read a single sentence.
Nah, I just crop it, post it, rewrite it, delete it
I really used it to get attention.
Help me white man!
JFC. 10,000 years from now these niggers will still be complaining about that shit. They had it 100x better under apartheid than under nigger rule.
Fuck those NIGGERS
This is where these monkeys belong…
Not in my country spreading their fraud culture while infesting my women with aids.
Language and civilization and the wheel and stuff is racist, goy.
I do not feel sorry for these people. If they are incapable to provide the basics of survival then they should not be breeding in such high numbers. Their suffering is only natural selection.
Hmm I have a hard time believing that close to 100% of pavement apes or other subhumans in the US qualify as 'literate' (what would the standard of measurement be in that scenario). Without emojis on Twitturd and other social media they wouldn't be able to communicate at all.
I can't wait to find out how it's magically the Dutch's and British's fault
I just don't understand why the Whites aren't forming militia strongholds. I mean they could easily weather what the chimps throw at them if they have years to dig in.
If you exist; by default it is your fault.
Is it time for ETHNOGLOBE yet? I think YES, it is…
but can shoot
Can shoot. Child soldiers are a real problem user. Anyone who will not shoot a child is probably going to die in the GREAT PURGE.
based and robopilled.
Is there something wrong with killing an armed enemy combatant?
Now ask any anthropologist 101 professor how many nigger tribes have ever developed written language in all of non-nigger's recorded history.
Most people, in general, even niggers balk at killing armed combatants. That is why they make the most effective soldiers in 3rd world shitholes. They will do anything for food, no need to pay them, they have zero morality or developed consciousness (not that subhumans ever develop this but less than normal) and the other side (or side; the moral side) has a hard time killing them. They are the perfect machine for murder and actually winning a war. As I said, has been demonstrated to be highly effective in Africa and other 3rd world shitholes.
whos surprised? Im not
Right it was apartheid that caused the niggers to get dumb.
Fucking cunts that was the only way to keep the niggers in their cages so they could be trained.
We need to give them more money or let them come to our countries, only then will they learn and develop like us. All differences are caused by socio economic factors and as Christians it is our duty to create equity amongst all people to ensure everybody has a fair chance. Do onto others as you’d want done to yourself and welcome thy neighbour. Do these things and in death the gates of heaven will open up and welcome you for the great virtue of being compassionate and helping those in need as to create a better tomorrow. In god we trust, amen.
Why is this a bad thing? Most likely this 80% is all non-White. Who would want to make it more difficult for the White Minority to survive in South Africa by educating its enemy?
Neighbor mean someone who is part of your genetic bloodline faggot. The whole of the Bible is a genetic/bloodline religion.
Da wyte man be takin all da knowledge for himself. dat why he seem so smart. he take the knowledge of 2, 3, 4, maybe a million people. kyll white man eat brain and reclaim the education.
You forgot permanent sterilization drugs.
I agree with her. Let niggers get niggers out of education.
How much education do you need to tuck your penis into a gourd, anyway?
Times haven't changed. There's a photo proving that niggers still do that in pornos.
ooga booga muh dik you jealous wyboi?
It was only a way to keep them from make infant offspring. Didn't work.
gourd is the new kike female.
"Jamal got paid, through the new porn agency to tuck his penis right into that gourds asshole."
Why the fuck are we even trying with these sub-human fucks? Let them live as savages, it's their thing.
We're fucked if we decided to stay on the road we're on. Radical actions must be taken for radical change, and nobody wants to take those actions.
I pray to see the day the white man has nothing left to lose.
Took them long enough to blame nigger illiteracy on whites. Guess the fix is to take more jobs and farms away from whites and run them into the fucking ground. That will surely encourage the Bantu children to learn calculus.
No, a 10 year old kid today was born 15 years after.
Could you give me a link on that?
Not calling you a liar,, would like to have evidence of that for my own arguments.
The Haiti thing is not quite so clear cut as it seems.
America/jews did an efficient job of raping the economy at least twice
Zero trigger discipline. I wonder how often they shoot themselves and each other, and whether anybody there has ever learned a lesson from this.
Dream on.. White people's days of colonization are over. We need to focus on staying the majority in Europe. We have to retain our ancestral homelands.
Just a dream, user. That's impossible. Whatever kills them will kill you.
Ebil wyte men went away an took all de food wit dem. Now we black peepul starve. Ebil wyte men. Kill dem all.
Don't carw about Africa though.
Niggers are retarded… WOW, such breaking news. Now if the media wasn't controlled by faggot, jewish commies, the headline would be; American nigglets…
You must be new here.
bix nood
They're just decolonizing language, you evil white supremacist!
That requires taking up precious land.
If Europeans had genocided them all during the colonization times the world would be a much better place now.
Letting them live was a mistake.
They are expendable, dime a dozen.
You know what I heard the cunts say? They said that when the White farmers left they poisoned the Earth and THAT is the reason niggers are incompetent.
Language is cultural appropriation for chimpanzees. It is time they spoke in grunts and screeches like their ancestors.
The tzar let the khazars live as well.
child soldiers aren't anything new, the ussr and Vietnam had child soldiers.
Soldiers not prostitutes you dummy.
Why pol is never right, because you only think about sex.
Muh dick tho
What are you even responding to nigger?
I don't think they have a word for discipline in their language. Even if it was written on the gun, 90% wouldn't be able to read it, and 10% would think it sounds like math.
They're niggers. They barely gained the ability to pass the mirror test at that age. How are they expected to be capable of learning to read?
No one cares here except you. Also why do you word things like you're from a third world country where you learned fluent english but with unnatural phrasing/word choice?
Those are Abbos, not niggers. They're more genetically distant from niggers than Whites.
at least they airdropped some landmines on those niggers halfway in. should help cut down their numbers and ease this famine.
Nignogs not performing up to white man standards. You know what that means!
Those aren't abbos those are Papua New Guinea nigger cannibals. They're negritos.
Not worth its own thread but Pewdiepie just spent 12 minutes mocking the mental retardation of South Africa's former president the nigger Zuma.
This is why I believe we need to make white nations militantly white only meritocratic and keep the women out of politics.
We stold dey ritn n neva geyv it back yo
Agreed, race doesn't matter. When you take a white country and mix it you get Latin America, the most successful region on earth. No more wars, a dazzling rate of new inventions, and efficient use of their abundant resources. Once everyone is mixed into a latino race globally, things will all work out. That's how I feel.
The commies destroyed southern africa.