US Manufacturing Collapses Under Trump

U.S. Factory Gauge Falls to Lowest Level of Trump Presidency

So. Much. Winning.

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Kike free

We Aryans don't need factories where we're going…

Shitskin shill or a nazi kike tool is so triggered of the antitrust thread he proceeds to make one.

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In contrast to his pre-election, self-created hype, his presidency is just one big train crash. He's a total joke. He even proved he was a total fraud when he started pandering to the left in an attempt to build new supporters for 2020.

Animefags are trannies. Fuck off to >>>/lgbt/

That's nice.

Get lost, Satan.

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Getting a bit greedy there, sport.

Based Zion don making america great again, who needs those manufacturing jobs anyway ami rite?

Don't even reply to the aningays.
Just filter and ignore them.

Exactly, who needs these manufacturing jobs? We can just take opioids all day until we die. All hail the orange nigger!


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t. Trump

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#itler dubs confirm, orange nigger best Israel President.

Lowest black unemployment in the history of the United States! for the second time

Cartoon Hitler fags need to die.

Pol is not a news reporting website. Hide and move on.

The biggest issue is that the US doesn't manufacture much that the outside world needs or can't replace internally/externally. The US also doesn't manufacture much of the things it uses on a basic level, having outsourced almost all of it. So it is susceptible to being frozen out by external markets in trade disputes, who can go elsewhere, and poorly configured to take up the slack for domestic consumption.

Remember his bombastic campaign speeches where he kept repeating about his friend who opens plants?
"I got a friend who opens plants!"
Remember that bullshit?
What a fucking nigger he ends up being.

bump against MIGA.

This is mostly fearmongering, I aftre that Trump is a kike. But actually look at the graph in the picture. The decline is only 8 precent and it is on the same level as 2016. So Trump spikes the economy a bit.

Not good but also not extremely worrying. Economic cycles have more to do with this than Trump.


The one thing Trump is doing that is actually good, and you're upset because it isn't profiting Jews enough?

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Nigs gonna invent the thing soon. Just you wait.

She's beautiful. Some guys have all the luck.

USA will need a trade war with China though they can't allow China to keep growing at the expense of everyone else or they'll face a serious problem by 2025 already.

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I hate faggot graphs that do not have any explanation as to what the Y axis actually represents.
The entire graph swings 8 "units" over 2 years and shows continuous dramatic swings of 3-4 units.

Excuse me faggot?

Did Q predict this for his cult too?


this is all part of Trumps accelleratiunisum plan disguised as a cringe beta marxist faggot subplot but in reality he fucks over the 1% rich jews and he will turn around any second and declare war on the left

Do you even Eco-Fascism?

Do you prefer the cottage industry model? How do we balance economy and efficiency of scale with the more distributed production?

I'm sure resourceful patriots will invent new things for jews to steal.

He’s been a fraud since day one when he said Hillary fought a good campaign and refused to prosecute her.

show the graph under 8 years of Okikongo and compare it to Trump

Kirino always is.

this is retarded imkikey bullshit, newfag. stop.

this is retard imkikey, who is correct but for the wrong reasons. bloomberg kikes are salty about the tariffs and just pulling spurious correlations out of their asses

surprisingly, he's really not that bad, tbh. not necessarily very good either, but not really that bad

US only manufactures high value added goods, which are really sensitive to investment and consumption cycles. i bet if we look at that graph in context it means jack shit

remember, there are diseconomies of scale, too. anyway, economies of scale (or great benefits therefrom) are largely a myth. check out The Second Industrial Divide by Piore and Sabel

"Thus hastening the day."

Apart from OP’s post, you mean?

This, I was immensely triggered

American produced goods are generally of so substandard quality that you'd be just wasting your money buying them. Better to buy european or jap-made stuff.

What's the complaint again? That during 4 years its been higher than under Obama and still is by a little margin?

your hebrew opinion is disregarded.

According to that graph, for 4 years it was higher than prior to 2016 and even at it's lowest point is still higher prior to his presidency.
(((Coincidental))) that it happens to tank this close to election time.

How is a trade war coincidental here? Trump took a risk and it tanked. He is responsible for both his ups and his downs.

i'll give a fuck when they stop hiring illegals and begging the politicians to import more of them, you dumb faggot