The Mormons are the church in the US closest to cucking that can still be brought back from the brink.
The majority of Mormons are solid, clean-living people with strong culturally conservative instincts. But prog cancer is spreading surprisingly quickly. Until recently you only saw it online but the progs have become bolder, speaking up in church services and trying to force institutional changes.
In many parts of North America there's a shortage of men. Porn and video games are the main reason. Guys get sucked into those, don't go on their mission and stop attending church out of shame/depression/cynicism. Every time it happens, one more faithful girl doesn't have a husband. It's worst in the Mountain West. In some YSA wards there are two or three women for every man. It isn't worth going into the reasons for this. Mistakes were made. We compromised too much with modernity.
I'm a Mormon (Latter-day Saint is the preferred term these days), 28, a grad student, married, two kids, closeted cynical right-winger and I've never posted on a board like this before. But desperate times, right.
I won't be able to take it if the church cucks. What we've created is too fucking amazing to lose. Deseret is the closest humanity has ever come to utopia. We need more solid Mormon families, more babies. There are beautiful girls (Mormons are mostly English and Scandinavian stock) growing old without ever bearing children.
I'm begging you. I know you think Mormonism is ridiculous. I know, magic underwear and planets and whatever. But you've got it wrong. I'm begging you. Find some missionaries, take the leap and go full Mormon. Quit the weed, the video games and the porn. Be a man. Get off the internet. Find a good girl, she'll follow your lead. She needs you.
I won't be posting on here again. Godspeed.