A Case for a Multi-Ethnic Fascist United States

I will say first and foremost that I am for the preservation of a White America, and I am what most people will refer to as a White Nationalist.
I believe the greatest threat to not only White Americans, but to all Americans as a whole is the clique of elites who operate and control the international finances, as well as our fed. To take down an enemy as big as this will take the entirety of the U.S and not just "white people" as the problem itself directly effects every American citizen. This can be done by both insurrection and non-violent political reform.

As for the latter, you cannot achieve this in alienating any certain group of people whether Latinos or Negros. To abolish the fed and re-institute fiat currency we must unite all the people, as everyone colored or not has been subverted by these internationalists.
The base tenant of fascism above all else, is United we are Stronger- and yes. United as a people we can do a lot more. We can rally the people up against the common enemy that is this international clique.

Lets get this straight, the only way to remove foreign populations from the U.S is either a mass genocide or a mass deportation. This is something which in the modern era, is almost impossible.
However, are either of the two really necessary?

I will make an argument that we can incentivise white birth rates, and lower negro and latino birth rates through pragmatic policy and non violence. Tax cuts for whites to making children as a starter, as well as enforcing 1-2 child policies for minority groups and giving them incentives to keep it that way as well.
Of course, we will also enforce our traditional values and constitute laws against miscegenation and homosexuality as it is a decedent to all people groups.

We can move forward and advance into a society without war, without exploitation, and with honest treatment to intrinsic human values without the persecution of any one person because of their race.
Once we stop to worry about politics, war, or individualist material values, man will finally be able to touch the stars and we shall fulfill our Faustian spirit.

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Why not take similar measures to preserve other pure European races from mixing, like Swedes or Scots?

The merging of these different groups are- whether you like it or not inevitable.

In a country like Germany alone you will find four or even more distinct ethnic groups. Same in the UK, same in Italy, same in any other Eastern European country.

It's foolish to get too technical as to where to draw the line when an action is miscegenation or not, would you make the mixing of a Saxon and a Bavarian illegal?

These things will not even matter when we bring space colonization to the matter, as likely then we will be a united world- or at the very least a united country.

it's too fucking late at night for me i'm sorry.

Non-whites will have to removed from America, either through deportation or a slow campaign of anti-natalism and sterilization. Mud people who have no place in America

For anyone who hasn't actually thought about conducting a genocide in the USA beyond memes, contemplate this; there are AT LEAST 123 million non-Whites in America.
And that's not even counting the mutts, kikes, and mystery meat.
Even if you could get 100% of White Americans to suddenly become super-Nazis who wants to smash little niglet skulls, exterminating all that mass of humanity would be a tall order.
But that's engaging in absolute fantasy because you're not going to magically transform 100% of Whites into RWDS supersoldiers. We're not even likely going to get 50%. Instead, the number of Americans (and ONLY White people are Americans, btw) who would ever even consider killing niggers and kikes is fantastically small. Less than 10% at the very best. Many would actually side with the System.
So we're talking about a full blown, intensive, bloody civil war against our own people and THEN going up against the roughly 100 million or so non-Whites.

Think about that.

The Mexican peasant is pure European stock, jackass

Reddit spacing is two spaces between paragraphs. It used to be a good way to tell who didn't belong.

You just made a mess. Paragraphs, nigger.

Reddit spacing is part of the 8ch experience

I'm not actually saying that OP is right either. I believe that America is a White nation. ONLY White people can be American because ONLY White people want to be American. Everyone else hates America and no other race contributed to building America anyway.
But this lazy role play where we just magic away all non-Whites is embarrassing. THINK about what you're saying.
You know what else cannot imagine details? Niggers. Don't be a nigger. THINK about the things you want or claim to want and carry them out logically in your brain. Use your head-meat.

weak troll effort 0/10

You slowly genocide them. A pro-white state has to establish itself and commit itself to the removal of all non-whites over an hundred year time frame. Non-whites will be barred from reproducing and punished if they have children. Many will be sterilized and given gracious tax-breaks and incentives. Some will be rewarded for deporting, cheap euthanasia options, etc. Give them a simple life of pleasures, jungle music and drugs ontop of it all.

This at least is realistic.

Exactly, so many people fail to realize this. The only people who spread ideas like this are cia-niggers and people so fringe that they're out of their fucking mind.

I wholeheartedly believe, that while it will be difficult, negros can be turned into a more docile member of the working class, and if necessary- a balkanization with full government funding. Think it would be difficult? Doubt it. Just use the money we give to israel and other foreign nations.

Latinos are a much more different issue, as in numbers alone- they are the biggest threat.

Also this, but are the negro people who've been here for x generations really unamerican? What about Latinos who were also here for x generations?
The U.S was not a white country in the sense that it was 100% European, but it was a white country in the sense of the rule of the white man reigned supreme. I believe the later can be done without persecution- especially in the modern day when many of your average folk are benevolent and well meaning.

Hear, hear. I don't want my country of origin being subverted by these scoundrels.

t. non-white

If you consider Americans, Hispanics, Mediterraneans, and Slavs to be white, then the global White population skyrockets 1 more Billion!

I’ve thought of the logistics myself and concluded that race-targeted anti-natalism is the only viable path to a reborn white America. Simultaneously of course, white families will be massively supported. The more white children the better. There are 46 million niggers in the country alone, imagine trying to move that back to Africa or trying to dump them in the Mexican desert — it’d be almost impossible. Short of giving them their own nation (which I oppose), this is the only way

are European. Therefore, white.

Bro, it's over. The jew won.

Top kek. Only Aryans are white

That's where you're wrong pal. Digits confirm.

fuck this nigger

#MAGAwithDACA you fail!

No. Only real Americans are Anglos. Scots leave last, Germans second-last. Everyone else gets the gun. End of story.

If you want to get into the semantics of who is white and who is not you're being a subversive little shit whether you like to be one or not.
America is a pan-european state.
It doesn't matter whether you're a greek or a slav. They are the same in my book.

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In addition to deporting recently crossed immigrants that haven't settled in we could offer the ones that have established a base here money incentives to go back to their home country, but only at a set amount of time before we revoke the offer.

It's not your decision faggot. Your ancestors didn't found the country.

Think of it this way, OP; Negros themselves do not think of themselves as American. They think of themselves (at best) as AFRICAN-Americans but mostly as Blacks or Africans.
Most consider the USA an oppressive institution that does not represent them at all.
I've listened to a lot of Black Nationalist podcasts and all of them hate America and want to run their own communities. By the negro, for the negro, as it were.
It would be an intensive and futile struggle to change this. And why should blacks feel any loyalty to a White institution anyway? If I lived in, say, Nigeria, I wouldn't feel any loyalty to the Nigerian state at all. Why should they feel loyalty to ours?

The raw numbers involved are staggering. And we must not forget that actual real genocides are extremely ineffective even with state support. The best way to actually conduct a genocide is to do it peacefully over a long time as another user proposed. Generally, the most effective way to ethnically cleanse an area is to harass people until they leave combined with state sponsored terrorism used liberally.
But just look at IsraHell as an example of this. Even with all """their""" money they STILL haven't ethnically cleansed Palestine.
Crazy, i'nnit?

Hispanics are fundamentally 1/2 European…

European = Aryan, dummy.

starvation will save us. we are only ever 12 weeks away from a pure white america if only you will accelerate.

you can't do that even if you wanted to.

the answer is simple then, the relocation of those who do not consider themselves to be American. If the majority of black Americans think this- even better. Less work for us and it leave us with a whiter america. If the more well established- higher IQ blacks seem to reside here, I wouldn't have a problem with that either so long as there is no miscegenation

Hispanic is not a race nor are many Lations here 1/2 European. There are categorizations of their own consisting of Castizos and Mestizos.

If I had to categorize someone like Nicholas Fuentes for example I would consider him white. After all, whiteness is based off of ethnicity rather than nationality. White Mexicans exist, and those are the ones that actually stay in Mexico.

This is why I am convinced that one of the most prominent shill tactics (and/or COINTELPRO shit) is to consensus crack the idea of
because they know it'd never work, but it does get the blood boiling (and has the added effect of making us appear insane to anyone who'd otherwise consider efforts against the system).

same with "NAME THE JEWS"

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It will be done and you will not have a say. Acknowledge your fate or deny it until the last minute, it makes no difference to me.

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Really, how's that then? oh, right, it's a secret epic plan that nobody can ever possibly know until you spring it last minute and transform the world


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i sincerely doubt it as you will disenfranchise a lot of european-american groups.

If you manage to pull it off, I will be in so much awe and have a lot of respect as it would be the greatest military victory in any civilization ever. I would even gladly leave.
Go back to Europe? I wouldn't mind lo.

oy vey there's no way you can genocide every enemy in an entire region the holodomor never happened don't try it goyim

Your opinion isn't relevant.

I agree with you but I'm skeptical on the bottom part. Though it is tricky.
The elite Jews in the U.S are definitely subversive and deserve to be hung from lampposts.

It is very difficult to put into perspective who these elite are, if they are just a lose organization of people, or if there really exists such a room where plots of world domination goes on.

And of course, there is the question of over representation of Jews in elite circles. Where does the rabbit hole end I wonder. It's very difficult to say as once you go deeper than Jews the situation becomes totally speculatory and the people promoting further theories seem to be out of touch with reality.
I say, once we do exterminate the elite, jewish or not Jewish people as a whole should not be expelled but if they were to exist in the U.S are to be kept on a very very tight leash.

ok retard

i'm armed kike, why don't you try.

Ukraine and Ukrainians still exist you stupid fuck

Killing isn't hard once you get started.

good eat your bullets

does not disprove the holodomor was effective in its goals, would have achieved total depopulation if continued, and control of the food supply will also be effective in eradicating hundreds of millions of non european people in america

English Americans make up 23 million so roughly 7 percent of the population, good luck with that faggot.

Elite jews hide behind their jewishness (that they often don't give a shit about otherwise) solely as a shield from criticism, often citing MUH HOLOCAUST whenever convenient (as we're well aware of). There's a way to expel all aspects of the enemy without killing them, and that is to strip them of everything that gives them power. Make their traditions illegal (ban circumcision), strip their power (end the fed), and remove their ability to return (create a meritocracy). There's more to it than that, obviously, but you get the idea. All of these things would need to happen anyway, and if there's any groups that conveniently decry each and every one of these elements, you know they're the same fucking people regardless of what identity they switch to. Otherwise, even if you "ban jews", these same shitty people would return but as "christians" or whatever the fuck.

oh… oh no… I think you got me… I'm transforming into… a WHITE KILLER!
seriously, fuck off, your rhetoric is bunk and you're retarded

What about giving food to white people that live in close proximity to niggers that you're starving is a good idea? Starving is good for a general region but being specific to some groups and not others in the same region is asking for trouble.

Basically everything you're saying is still retarded, but this is a very important bit that we need to consider - right now, there's almost NO real way to ensure food supply in the US remains steady after a total economic collapse. We need to produce a fuckload more food to offset this potential disaster waiting to happen or planned to happen.

We started out with 5,000. Keep that in mind.

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Keep telling yourself that, sweetheart. You can't stop it.

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Uh huh. What's the plan, again? "kill 'em all"?

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Started with 5000 against savages whose populations were already wiped out before you could gather in numbers! Face it Anglo, your Atlanticist Empire is on its knees and for good reason. America aside from the South is German clay.

Thanks for the insight friendo, it's pretty late now so i'm going to read a bit then head to bed. I'll be back tomorrow but under a different ID more than likely.

Hell, it's already changed now.

Hey Muzzy if it wasn't for Hitler. Israel would not be a country.

cuck. wlp anticipates casualties yet we as a group are stronger. you should have been prepping since 10 years ago faggot.

That's why we started fucking with Mexicans, Spaniards, and started to make raids into mainland Europe to "save" the French and the British from Krautfags, numbnuts. And of the English, anyone who is from the North (as in Southeastern English Londoner Puritan fags) they all have to die as well.
The number and spread of our aircraft carriers and military bases says otherwise, mega-faggot.

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no we dont. white worth saving can already save themselves. no surprise south africa with no whites will starve, zimbabwe with no whites DID starve, venezuela with venezuelans IS starving, america with whites going their own way will have a bright european future free of jews, niggers, and mexicans. probably chinese would leave, or stick to the coasts due to the crash in real estate consequence of removing kike and reduced population.

1. White America died under Lincoln and it's not coming back. Blacks have been "Americans" since 1863 and the continuation of this pseudo-Nation was a joke since as racial minorities will always seek to dispute the political power of the majority because they foreigners within the polity.

2. Half of White America are Anti-Fa loving soylent faggots who are frankly worse than Niggers and Jews. I don't want to share a nation or political power with these fags. We have to divorce these "Whites" from Whiteness itself.

So what are is the basis continuing any current Political states in North America? None. They are all Jewish controlled anti-white Nations and those entities have to die. Every anti-white political State must be utterly destroyed. We need laws against anti-Whiteness is everyone country on Earth. No tolerance for Any Anti-Whiteness anywhere ever. We must make Anti-White is the New Anti-Semitic.

We need to give on the "save America" or "Make America Great Again" meme. It is over.

We must create a new Pro-White nation which be defintion must be Rightwing because caring about the qualities that make the White race valuables (ie. eugenics and Masculine truth telling societies) are ALL rightwing and leftism is Anti-Whiteness (i.e. feminine deception face saving cultures which is dysgenic and low trust).

New Nations are created by 3 factors. Common Blood/Genes, Common Language Culture, and Common History or Struggle.

I'm not interesting in saving White America. Im interested in saving the White Rightwingers everywhere and oppressing communists and Jews everywhere.

The good news is the political views are generally heritable and we can identify the bloodlines out the pre-1965 Americans and English Canadians who can exist under a non-leftist political order. We need to be creating the genetic database of those who fit the eugenic profile we want.

Doing this alone will create the common struggle which will unite our people and allow for the formation of a new nation and state in North America.

So the current plan of action is to use genetic science to find with largest group of "Whites" and rightwing people to create an new Ubermensch race from these pre-1965 American/Canadian families. The post-1945 American Empire is the enemy to be destroyed.

Somebody has to do the fucking work of building the "White Right" into a organized network like Amish or Moron i.e. we all share a common culture of eugenics and what Curt Doolittle calls "reciprocity" i.e. non-parasitism or non-leftism i.e. the definition of being rightwing i.e. being eugenic, truthful, and having agency aka Masculine rule.

We can build the state after will have separated "Our People" from that horrid mess that is the Evil Liberal Empire of the United States of American.

Mormons have their nations within the Empire. Amish have their Nation within the Empire.

We Fascists Need our Nation within the Empire. We essentially already have a Zig Forumslack nation but are considered too dangerous to be allowed to organize formally and since political sensibilities aren't protected like religion or degenerate sexuality is our effect have been effectively blocked.

We essentially need Genetic Social Media networking because race isn't enough to exclude the faggots. There's no point in talking about Fascism without a Nation and you can't build a nation with faggots even if they are white.

We need to be ones blacklisting on not doing business with leftist and anti-whites and only dealing with our kind like Amish or other exclusive groups but we do on the basis of eugenics and truth telling mentality rather the Christcuckery or ANY form of degenerate untruth.


this is the way forward.

choose one

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You're either naive, retarded, or both. Do you really think that they would be allowed to starve to death? They'd be shipped food, at a (((cost))) of course. This is why you must ensure you have the ability to produce and maintain everything of actual, direct value needed for survival (food, shelter, sanitary needs, etc) - because otherwise while YOU are being starved to death, the necessary puppets will be given their strings to dance away.

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We know that. Stop shouting.

Glad to know my American wife (her parents are Central American) is white.



Such as…? And don't bring up Nordics/Dinarics/Alpine races.

Anglo Americans rise up!

Take back your country!

You want to bet?

That does not include the millions of Americans with majority Anglo ancestry, most of whom identity as "American".

Regardless of what kind of omelette you choose to make, you will have to crack open a few eggs to do so.

I live in Nova Scotia and all the women in Alberta are fucking diseased whores.

Yeah, we're interested in white survival. Fuck economics.

Proper formatting just means that some of us are more experienced.

I've never used Reddit for more than restaurant reviews.

Anyone who is actually a true American (Northwest European) should read Madison Grant and call OP a fag

Mexican-Americans have your back, Aryan brothers!



The thread actually has to break a rule to be taken down… what rule is it breaking?

You realize that the globals saw it, laughed at your faggot ass and dismissed the report?

Cringe. Governments exist to represent people of a community. Any government that is multi-ethnic and not based on absolute liberty is, necessarily, a failed and contradictory oppressive state which impedes on the liberty of the people it was originally supposed to be representing.

Yeah, because cucks like you give into the exact same defeatist propaganda. Deportation certainly is entirely possible, especially if it's done under a dictatorship. Establishing the dictatorship is the hard part. You're actually stupid if you think deportations are an impossibility. And in the end it's not immoral either, please tell me exactly what's wrong with sending Africans back to being represented by other Africans? We're the ones doing the moral action, here. Don't let the kikes confuse you.

Non-whites will always be incentives to act against the interests of the people of the country they're invading. Why? Because they don't have political representation, cultural representation, or societal representation. They will always feel like outsiders and will ALWAYS be the dogs of people like Jews who they work mutually with to bring the destruction of the United States. Because in the end, they're outsiders looking into our society. You're living in a fantasy land. Sure, there's honorary Aryans, but if you actually think a true revolution is going to be headed by outsiders you're severely blind.

Even so, doing thst to upwards of 150 million is an impossibility. Where would thry go, how would they live their lives? Those who wanted to can leave of course.
The only way to establish a "dictatorship" in the USA would be a cataclysmic war and economic collapse. That's not going to be happening very soon.

You're thinking too logically for how a non-white person thinks. You're projecting your ideology on to them. The truth is the vast majority of them don't actually give a shit. Hell, 100-110 IQ whites don't give a shit.
As long as these people are living comfortably and they have their modern commodities they will not be a threat to the established ruling class whether /ourguys/ are ruling or (((not)))


Reported for not even trying to hide.

Reported, too, ban evader.

You are paid to post here.

You're geuninly retarded.


Well, nigger, you just made a case for your own lynching. You don't get to come here and promote disgusting mongrel breeding programs with an attempt to sugar coat it with "How do you do, my fellow whites!".

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What mongrel breeding shit did I condone? Did you read my post?

Nope, I'm a mod. Off-duty tho lol

And he's moaning in the meta thread like this all day, I don't even need to check the post history for that.

Far from truth. Being aryan is much more than being white. Its not having horns.

Just stop