Alright boys, so the fags decided to setup an online memorial that everyone can post to and add to, you upload whatever image and it gets uploaded to their cloud, do your best.
Stonewall forever
Add images of Stonewall Jackson and the confederate flag.
After all that's the Stonewall online memorial we want to see.
Here you go fren
If you use this site you dont have to make more email accounts just spam the shit out of this.
It seems to be the only one that works properly
Here you go my man
Great.. now let's put that image all over this thing.
"Best General Ever!"
Posting this.
How do i skip the talking?
also here's some gore to spam on the fag site.
sadly you have to listen to them regardless but on the top right in the main screen there is an add to the collection button
I love you fuckers
I'm guessing all of it needs to be approved by (((someone))) so I doubt anything will make it through
thanks fren
you're training their ai filters
That "someone" is most likely gay, pro-gay, trans or whatever. If it has even the slightest chance they'll kill themselves from this I say it's worth a go.
Posting Stonewall Jackson, the confederate general would be funnier.
Oh well, the important thing is that the faggot shrine is desecrated.
How'd I do?
Sounds like fun. I'm crossposting this to /b2/
fun fact a certain level of benign homosexuality is actually beneficial to the progression of society.
there's a reason they often became highly accomplished scholars priests and intellectuals
it's the current culture of aggressive homosexuality that is destructive
Are you even fucking trying anymore?
Она срёт вонюче.
No I'm being quite serious.
Homosexuality in men is something like 40% genetic vs 20% for women if it wasn't somehow beneficial to civilisation it would have been ruthlessly excised
the gay/celibate uncle who helps his sisters kids is a very real effect
frankly this age of agressive "sexual liberation" is culturally harmful to societal progression and improvement.
*and that is the real problem with jewish subversion and promotion of degeneracy
Homosexuality is somehow evolutionary beneficial to a society but only if it's not sexual.
Pick one and one only.
Sorry guys. I only see black when I go to the page.
*ly degenerate
(I keep clicking submit too soon)
[explanation required]
Global report. No one will ever believe you.
It is neat how jewish "facts" are never factual.
You aren't listening to what I'm saying.
there's a reason the act of sodomy was criminalised but not the thought
homosexuality has a large genetic component so it must have evolved to be beneficial or it would have removed itself from society long ago
degenerates would have been hung or burned at the stake but non degenerates were often upstanding members of society often directing their energies into art or religion or culture.
but homosexuality can also be a result of genetic aberration like transexuals that isn't being purged from the gene pool as it was in the past.
there's a reason mental illness is more prevalent in homosexuals and others
Oh, so you're trolling. Okie doke.
You can't criminalize thoughts faggot, that's why.
>has a large no genetic component
>genetic social aberration (aka asocial) like transexuals
>that isn't being purged from the gene pool media (owned and run by filthy jews) and social norms
Homosexuality is often caused by mental illnesses and not the other way around.
Or he might just be a stupid faggot searching for the cause of his state.
this website is filled with disgusting homophobes in denial. i'm out bitch
There is a genetic component and it is higher in men than women this is fact
Jewish supported degeneracy is the problem as always.
Who says so, faggot? The faggots who claim they're born like this?
see pic
I agree with much of this, malign mutations are a cause of mental illness and homosexuality can be one of them
but there are many causes
for example homosexual tendencies incease with birth order and the promiscuity of a woman
That's just stupid.
The fucking commie bastards who shared their women in RAF (red armee faction) weren't faggots and "promiscuity " was basically maxed out.
google it bitch
it was, up until 1965. stop trying to rationalize a behavior that has no use in progressing our species
were you lost?
Adolf Hitler was GAY and loved teenage boys, CIA files claim
You think using Google will lead you to the truth about niggers, transvestites and faggots?
not on my computar right now, can someone post them pictchures of gays in mudslime cuntries plz?
If I had one, I would.
How do I upload? The website seems frozen on my end.
pic related.
No, we need very aggressive homos who are por White. The Jews fear them 1000x more that the Stormfags larpers here.
is that thing a pedo too?
And yet twins are no more likely to both be faggots than any other brothers. Something that is completely impossible if there is any genetic component at all. Weird.
the spiral is counterclockwise instead clockwise and it's missing the triangle and bent line
well, let's flood that fucker with confederate images. :Let them know there's a Stonewall worth remembering.
Fuck this shit.
I didn't give a shit either way about the queers.
But now you have to praise them, tell them how fucking brave and beautiful they are.
Fuck that. I never asked anyone for a medal when I get my rocks off.
I don't need everyone's fucking approval and praise to live my life.
Why am I now required to lavish praise on these weirdos and give them access to children?
Fuck that.
Listen up. Queers. You have the right to do whatever the fuck you do in your sleazy little bars. Congrats. Now shut up, get off the streets and stop bothering me.
Stonewall Jackson forever.
A faggot who stays in closet and busts jew commies head in the street is a faggot I can tolerate.
Until the night of the long knives anyway.
Can we just exploit this online memorial for laughs without deteriorating into petty in-fighting?
Can we just exploit this online memorial for laughs without deteriorating into petty in-fighting?>>13355671
/asp/ crossover edition
Do you think it's a good idea to post the images regarding the website known as "Tribe" that contain content of homosexuals being child molesters/pedophiles? I'm pretty sure some anons know what images I'm talking about.
remind me anons how far into the weimar republic are we at the moment?
we're broke as fuck and degeneracy is promoted as wholesome…how much longer before the correction takes place or are we all damned?
Rohm wasn't killed because he was gay.
No, he wanted to run the SS. And his boyfriend Shitler had to have him killed in a power struggle.
Shame he lost. Or 100 million Whites would have never died under (((Hitler)))
Grand Solar minimum has begun, weather will get worse and worse, probably until full tyrant state is instituted to depopulate or stop those CO2 generators.
At this point to "live in a society" is a death trap, and once the music stops, the last chairs left won't be worth sitting, then men will know the empire was a death trap, and it could snap anytime from now to 2030 probably at the latest.
The Germans don't rebel this time, there is no cohesion among the tribes, we whites germanic nordic celtic races are being systemically exterminated and have no alliance or cohesion in our own groups to form an alliance. The shattered, scatted, tattered white man is being put onto the same par as Afghanis, we will be lucky to survive and rebuild after the next ice age, but by then any survivors will likely forget not to let usury tempt them into insane imperial death.
Or we may be about to invent robot armies and remove kebab and discharge the Lodge.
I wish I could upload webms
saw this up there kek
STFU you killjoy. This is good fun after a day of doing things your bitch ass can only dream of.
I agree, the only Stonewall I care to remember is Jackson. I got to read a book about his life in sixth grade because of my based history teacher. His life came from such humble origins, and yet he grew to be the brave hero we know today. In his honor I will spam the fuck out of this gay shit with Stonewall Jackson.
Lol one of those fancy mental illnesses that can be spread by seeing two male cartoon characters marry each other. Or caused by being molested (or is that only if the kid is in the right birth order?). Or kind of caused by genetics, but only if the kid wasn't loved enough as a child. I wonder which of these factors lead to homosexuality in animals; was baby penguin sexually assaulted as a child or did he see a gay cartoon?
Man, the time people waste around here on this unproductive shit. What have you built today for the good of the race?
We all get it by now. All sorts of people do all kinds of degenerate sex stuff to each other. The less I have to know about it the better. It's fucking annoying how in-your-face a lot of gay people have to be about their sexual proclivities nowadays, but I can't really be bothered to worry about the fact that there are men who want to have sex with other men. It's been a thing for pretty much forever. It's not even that interesting.
post book recs bout him
Shit site. My contribution.
Any quantity is black mail orders.
No. It must be subverted and mocked and it goes away.
I will not tolerate those fucking queers making a memorial to a bunch of drag queens and faggots throwing beer bottles at cop cars because they got arrested for sodomy in alleys and parks.
I will not celebrate it as milestone in human liberty. It is not equal to the Battle of Bunker Hill or the Storming of the Bastille.
The only Stonewall in American History that deserves remembering is Stonewall Jackson.
Spam the shit out of that site with pictures and stories of Confederate bravery and glory.
Unite the chans and make this happen!
a dead fag is a good thing so I won't ask questions.
Okay,,that one is funny.
Just a few off the top of my head.
This one is good
The one I read in sixth grade:
Read this in College:
Another Interesting one:
His childhood home is comfy. It was a cabin home with a beaten path from his house from a thicket that surrounded his yard. A small creek ran over the path and would flood in the spring.
Did any cops die in the fire?
Your beloved fuhrer too then.
This is dedicated to the Soldiers of Butt hair.
Honor thine shrine and clean yer peniz!!!!
holy fuck trying to load that atrocity gave me ass cancer
rohm wasn't even gay. it was just spread after he was offed to make the situation more palatable
Hops from beer contain 8PN which is a powerful phyoestrogen (too much makes you grow breasts)50 times stronger than soy phytoestrogens, also cannabis destroys testosterone so don't smoke or drink hoppy beer.
Please spread the word about this site and how it needs to fucked with.
I've gone everywhere I could think of to ask for help with this.
Stonewall Jackson is the Stonewall that I want to teach America's Children about!
A bunch of drunk drag queens rioting because they can't butt fuck in the park is not a historical event equal to the battle of bunker hill or the storming of the bastille.
Degeneracy is not Liberty.
Stonewall Jackson forever.
Heh, classic
I find this amusing.
I doubt any of our contributions are going to make it on, they probably manually filter every upload.Still though i wanted a laugh
So i wrote this "You will be next, keep hugging them muzzies"
~Beniz al Jizz
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