This man is a patriot simply for the fact that he is exposing the evils of the most powerful people in the world. I understand the people who attack his character, but that is just a dirty way to deter from the message of the person to focus on a person short comings. A Jewish trick. This video is a tribute to all the whistleblowers out there and if you are a fed reading this, consider the following:
If you enjoy that check out the rest of the shit ive uploaded to this channel. Its a compository of sorts…
This man is a patriot simply for the fact that he is exposing the evils of the most powerful people in the world. I understand the people who attack his character, but that is just a dirty way to deter from the message of the person to focus on a person short comings. A Jewish trick. This video is a tribute to all the whistleblowers out there and if you are a fed reading this, consider the following:
If you enjoy that check out the rest of the shit ive uploaded to this channel. Its a compository of sorts…
You broken weaklings aren’t strong enough to push this from the angle of the UN. I bet that statement from a UN Torture investigator just totally drains your energy for defending this guy.
Jeremiah Nguyen
Yes. What can I do really? Nothing.
Lucas Brooks
Zig Forums admins. assisted the Q larp which was designed to prevent global protests.
I imagine only idiots do shit like shout Heil Hitler openly. You save that shit for the privacy of your own home.
If you must express your power level in public you do it in subtle ways that normies won't understand and so they'll be upset seeing you prosecuted for it.
Like for example: get a baseball cap custom made with a hashtag symbol on the front of it, and when you see a jew, pull out that hat, put it on, and then point up at the #
Josiah Anderson
a friend of mine whistles the british grenadier march every time he sees a muslim
Andrew Cook
Jason Reyes
Muhhamed fucked his Aunt. Islam is a bunch of sand nigger aunt fuckers.
Nicholas King
I do heil hitlers when cops drive by. Fuck the consequence.
Blake Fisher
I Heil Hitler everytime I see a jew. Problem?
Jacob Butler
The US government serves the Jew. The US government is the tool of the Jew. Death to America. Death to ZOG. Also, Cassandra, I heard you give amazing head.
Parker Edwards
Kill yourself Trumpnigger. I wish he'd of stopped Trump.
Camden Baker
Ausfag here, scomo is too busy getting good goy points… I bet he doesn't even remember the blokes name, but he'll be freed and the same with Tarrant.
Just gotta hold out for abit.
Easton Howard
Question: has Assange ever named the jew?
Dominic White
Assange tried to play things safe, that's why his is where he is now. He should have dumped EVERYTHING, then disappeared during the ensuing confusion. But he wanted to remain a free citizen, that was never going to happen. If you intend to expose the most heinous beings on the planet you better make peace with whatever afterlife you believe in, then dive in head first. But it's ok. We know what needs to be done even if he isn't willing to do it. All he was able to do was talk, we will do.
Caring and being able to do anything about it are different matters. Someone can free him during the happening if he isn't executed by zog.
Luis Ross
Asher Brown
Fuck journos. Assange is a cringey cunt that needs to die
Justin Reyes
Easton Cooper
muh Shitler over and over and over. It will work goy!
Dylan Smith
Yuck your lucky your not in public juden
Samuel Anderson
Kill yourself for being stupid enough to be open about your beliefs when the game is rigged against you.
Thomas Torres
why do people that live in a country that hates its rights for its citizens because reasons just not leave said country? why do you have to wage a marxist war or agression against the culture of every nation you enter to replace its culture with yours? This world will reach the peak of the Jewish Question once more, as it has so many times. The Talmudic culture of the world will either completley subjugate the world, or goyim will rise and destroy it completely this time. Sampson option or not, the Jews will not cease their protocols. Thus we must prepare for the worst.
He's not a journalist but he did break several laws.
Riiiiight, so unless you praise someone, no matter what, you're a jew. Guess who you sound like?
He's a mental patient who still dyes his hair just like when he was in an Australian pedo cult. Prison will be very familiar to him.
You should fuck off to leftypol.
Carter Gutierrez
He didnt drop the insurance when he had the chance so fuck him. Not like we can help atm
Zachary Johnson
see, its opinions like this i look for. this is completely reasonable, because it begs the question: if assange had damnable info that he was saving to realease if he was arrested, where is it? What is going on?
uh did you look around recently? the government and corporations are worse than ever. it didn't change a thing "exposing" it
Julian Barnes
this is an old communist line – since we didn't have total revolution, nothing counts. I disagree with you completely. Much has changed since 2010, and many, many of us have woken up. Change doesn't happen overnight
Chase Hernandez
Mason Morris
Better start learning Spanish soon to communicate with the new majority. They're cucks desensitized to corruption though. I hear you could make them work 20 hours per day without a bathroom break and they'll just shit themselves rather than revolt.
Logan Gonzalez
Either it was a bluff or they broke the insurance network by targeting infastructure or personnel. Either way it doesnt matter. Normies dont care and i dont care unless the key drops.
If youre a keymaster reading this: fucking drop it already. He is as good as dead.
If you don't think anything has changed , pick a youtube video at random and start reading the comments. Then compare those comment to what you read and see here. Zig Forums tier ideas are spreading and Julian Assange is one of many people responsible for that. Do you think Saint Tarrant thought up his whole manifesto by himself? the moment I heard the 'remove kebab' song I knew he was one if us. 1 user can kill 51 invaders in 5 minutes, so don't think you aren't changing things.
He’s already fucked. It’s a kangaroo court system he is going through and he can’t win. He is literally being prosecuted for exposing crimes that should be prosecuted. Wiki leaks should just dump everything they have before they comprise him through torture tactics. Like “It can all go away if you just work with us”.
Hudson Morgan
post a link to this statement?
Carson Baker
Heh, Trump betrayed this guy too. I can't name a single time he actually truly backed up his supporters in the system, just some fuckin heebs.