Qualid Benomrane provided very important information to FBI investigators concerning Nawaf al-Hazmi and Khalid al-Mihdhar. Information which revealed Saudi government support for the two 9/11 hijackers.
Literally no one has. You see, we weren't hoping he exonerated Trump. We know Trump was clean.
Angel Price
Wtf is wrong with you
Ryan Green
fuck… this place is a shithole
Jackson Morales
((( ))) Well poisoner
Adrian Reyes
welcome to 2004 you slow nigger where do you think you are?
Jason Sanchez
Ok, faggot. What do you not understand about "jews did 9/11". The intelligence agencies knew what was going on because they were the ones training and funding these guys. They were the ones who determined that a strategic strike on american soil would get them the middle-east destabilizing war they wanted to create the "greater israel". CIA is lead by/infested by jews. The zog is the puppet of the jews. The international organizations are all controlled by jews, so no help from EU, UN, or International court. It's time to start a crusade the likes of which the earth has never seen, a.k.a. the successful annihilation of all kikes.
Joshua Morris
And Trump's good friend Lucky Larry helped do 9/11. They're all ZOG.
Tom Kean is part of the Carnegie Corporation with two members of the Qatari government fund Qatar Foundation International. Carnegie also created Common Core which replaces all education in the USA.
Hunter Lewis
Checked! DACAmnesty confirmed!!
Hunter Barnes
Q is most definitely a white man! If a liberal attacks you for being white, remember, Q shares an ancestry with you.
Aaron Russell
Adam Cooper
Are you fucking serious
Oliver White
I dont think he is refering to 'no planes' or other retarded bs, i thought it was common knowledge by now, that military planes hit twin niggers
Kayden Harris
FB GROUP!? Not from round here huh ? You think any regular long time exodus poster trusts mueller? Lurk a thousand more years.
Connor Wright
President George W. Bush nominated Mueller for the position of FBI director on July 5, 2001. He meant to be in that position for the event on 9/11. FBI was responsible for the crime scene that was "ground zero". They responsibly allowed all the evidence to be hastily removed to a landfill, the steel sent to China to be melted down. So Mueller was in a powerful position on 9/11, and played a great part in the hiding of that day's truths.
Chase Young
This user is a Jew.
Tyler Sanchez
Oldfags don't exist. We occasionally check in but 90% of the posts on this board are Trumpcuck QTards and legitimately JIDF with the occasionally FBI agent here and there. This board is lost. America is lost.
Anthony Butler
there is much to criticize trump for, but colluding with the russians to "hack the election" is not one of them
Lucas Collins
Threadly reminder that jews did 9/11, and anyone pointing to anyone else as the primary culprit is a retard or a shill.
Isaiah Rogers
wow, so naiive
Gabriel Thomas
Not very bright one, are you
Asher Hughes
Liam Edwards
Perhaps, but worth monitoring. I love it. Won't even go to any bunkers. Just using the lack of camaraderie and relentless D&C shilling to keep me pilled. I know I'm on the right track with NS… because we're taking flak.
As long as you effort-post irl - America, Europe are not lost. Won't be until the last brave man is dead. The struggle will simply (((intensify))).
Daniel Ramirez
What was the point of the Russia investigation? What did it accomplish?