Are Indians worst than niggers ? Extremely perverted by porn and obsessed with every White woman they come across, filthy and dirty, the Inbred Indians and Pakistanis might be worst than niggers tbh.
Are Indians worst than niggers ? Extremely perverted by porn and obsessed with every White woman they come across...
checked and based
You have to go back from whenceyoucame
Reported to speed the process up
Only if you're in India.
Imagine if the upper classes of India had remained white. Overall the ancient Aryans of India were redpilled on miscegenation, but they overlooked men marrying lower caste women. They were mongrelized out of existence and the great products of Aryan wisdom on the subcontinent became no more than cultural relics.
A real shame indeed, because India could have been a great country for White people and now is a degenerate inbred shithole . There's still the Kalash tribe remaining, but they are way too small to be taken in consideration.
So many people fail to realize that the Vedas were written by white men, Buddha was a white man, the non-Dravidian languages of India are Aryan languages and that things like the vimÄna are forms of our ancient technology
We wuz Brahmins and shiet
Poos are better in the sense they aren't charitable cunts, nor believe in yidsus. They're also worse in a sense, because they worship Trump. Modi is Bibi's bff. I don't know, its a tough call. I say they're better than niggers, but lower than nips. I don't know enough about India to say. Poos here might be obsessed with white women and porno, but they tend to stay to themselves and not rape. My city is still majority white though.
No, they are not the worst. The problem is that there is 1.3 billion of them, most of which speak english, and unlike chinks, they have free access to the internet, so we are much more exposed to their shitty behavior. They are still below japs and unkiked chinks in the non-white hierarchy, probably on par with thais and flips.
Idk tbh
Im 1 4 th indian
My grandpa is conservative as fuck and made alot of,money
Most indians i meet are fucking annoying
I dont think any race is a problem unless they weaponize them for mass migration
Besides arabs
They should stay in muslim countries if theyre muslim
The Dead 1 was filmed in the midst of a civil war in Africa and it was such a nightmare that gave the movie Crew PTSD.
The dead 2 was filmed in India, it was worse than when they filmed the first one, mobs of poojejs crowded around the team, trawled, stoned, fired, asked the security guards call the poojej police and they said they wouldn't come because the last officers who came had their ears cut off, attempted to gang rape the actresses and the girls on the team and then still wanted to appear in the film.
worse than niggers?
can a nigger help fix your puter??
Why would a white man need belp fixing his computer? Fuck off pajeet your disgusting,.smell like shit, shit in the street and make me dry reach. And fuck off out of Australia you filthy fucking putrid filth.
The caste system existed for a reason. Thanks for getting rid of it, Anglos.
You're not on reddit.
i'd rather live in a neighrbohood of curries than a neighrbohood of nugs.
the modern white man is pathetic and knows far less about many things than the average indian or paki living in america, and that is a fact.
The "average" Indian knows jack about shit. Just because they have a "degree" from some poo "university" doesn't mean they learned anything.
Okay, Pajeet
thanks user
indian food is fucking amazing and if you disagree you suck dicks