This thread was taken down, stellar job mods!
Wonder what rule I was breaking?
I will say first and foremost that I am for the preservation of a White America, and I am what most people will refer to as a White Nationalist.
I believe the greatest threat to not only White Americans, but to all Americans as a whole is the clique of elites who operate and control the international finances, as well as our fed. To take down an enemy as big as this will take the entirety of the U.S and not just "white people" as the problem itself directly effects every American citizen. This can be done by both insurrection and non-violent political reform.
As for the latter, you cannot achieve this in alienating any certain group of people whether Latinos or Negros. To abolish the fed and re-institute fiat currency we must unite all the people, as everyone colored or not has been subverted by these internationalists.
The base tenant of fascism above all else, is United we are Stronger- and yes. United as a people we can do a lot more. We can rally the people up against the common enemy that is this international clique.
Lets get this straight, the only way to remove foreign populations from the U.S is either a mass genocide or a mass deportation. This is something which in the modern era, is almost impossible.
However, are either of the two really necessary?
I will make an argument that we can incentivise white birth rates, and lower negro and latino birth rates through pragmatic policy and non violence. Tax cuts for whites to making children as a starter, as well as enforcing 1-2 child policies for minority groups and giving them incentives to keep it that way as well.
Of course, we will also enforce our traditional values and constitute laws against miscegenation and homosexuality as it is a decedent to all people groups.
We can move forward and advance into a society without war, without exploitation, and with honest treatment to intrinsic human values without the persecution of any one person because of their race.
Once we stop to worry about politics, war, or individualist material values, man will finally be able to touch the stars and we shall fulfill our Faustian spirit.