Fuck you goons
US, Japan and Austria Reject United Nations Proposal to Ban Various Forms of Anime, Manga, and Games
The UN want to ban Angel Cop.
Sad for us. Jews score another victory. (((Japan))) is and always will be an asset of Israel. (((Anime))) turns you into a tranny.
They should. (((Escapism))) rots your brain.
Good. Nothing but sodomistic and pedophilic kike garbage.
Stop worshipping the yellow Jew.
My mistake. Bad. Jewish nations rejoice at the legalization of Jewish control through kiketoons.
This isn't good news. The (((anime))) jew still thrives!
We have stopped. (((Anime))) is the enemy.
This. Our enemy has scored yet another victory!!!
As I said, it was my mistake. Didn't read the post fully.
Hmmm I wonder why three ZOGs don’t want to ban degenerate forms of media that promote escapism and sex
We understand. The point is that we stand strong against the (((anime))) jew. Kiketoons are the enemy.
Japan = ZOG
Escapism is a control mechanism
War on anime when?
you people make me sick
Good, anime and manga shouldn't be banned, as usual while all the leaders in the UN are banging kids, and sharing CP every chance (((they))) get, they're trying to label everything that they dislike as pedophilic. Japan really needs to keep fighting the kike's push to degenerate their proud, (ethnically pure) nation.
Inaccurate, why would the kikes be trying so hard to shit up Japan then? (((They))) have already fucked most European countries, but Japan is still ethnically pure for the most part, save for a few percent. Saging because niggerfaggots like you are very transparent.
Indeed. Anime = CP. It must be fucking banned.
Anime is for degenerates.
Anime shit is filth. Seeing how these people behave online and in real life has convinced me of this beyond doubt. It would be better of being banned. Japan needs to reembrace Bushido and not this feminized cosmopolitan Jew culture
Japan is an asset of the jews. Anime turns you into a tranny pedo and must be abolished.
UN should be lauded for their efforts.
This. It is the enemy. Always fight (((escapism))) wherever you see it!
You are absolutely correct. After we won against the weebs in the other thread is is beyond a shadow of a doubt that (((anime))) should be banned.
Support the UN in this cause if you are a true believer of whiteness!
Then you need to go back
Anime is and always will be a part of imageboards due to it’s origin and anime will always be a test for free speech ironically due to it’s degenrate-esque nature of drawing sick fucks who want to share actually deranged CP who’s right to share you must now defend due to the harsh nature of free speech: either you have it or you don’t
And guess what ANY rule means you don’t have free speech really just a sub-set of acceptable standards and a line you don’t want others to cross.
You know what’s also degenrate? Spending your time on a anime-based plastic plant decoration sharing forum.
the (((us))) has been occupying japan with 100,000 troops for the last 80 years, shitting up the country.
now they are infesting it with third world shitskins which will utterly destroy all that is decent about Japan.
Note that the censorship laws were american made, which led to heightened perversions in drawn form as a way to circumvent those laws.
japs didn't used to be porn obsessed.
Yes behold the proud culture of Japan
the real answer is don't support the UN or the US government, because there isn't much difference between them and both are corrupt.
instead, use your own head.
why should an (((international))) organisation have any say whatsoever over the culture/production/laws of another country.
This. Literally everyone on Zig Forums agrees anime is the enemy. This thread is ours now, to plan the war against this filth!
True Japanese culture will be permanently destroyed, and there is naught we can do about it. Literally the next Sweden and everyone knows it.
So cuck chan has finally made it to this site, huh?
That thread was entirely filled with circumstantial evidence and not a single factual evidence to back up any claims against anime. Go back to reddit with this fag
all this concentrated shillery and dnc(japa VS euro flavored dnc in this case), wow good job op, you struck a nerve
A unanimous agreement: anime is the enemy and must be destroyed. Weebs must be eliminated!
You sure feel the need to defend your cartoon little girls and degenerate websites, user. It’s sad to see Zig Forums of all places wanting to preserve a culture of pedophilia, hedonism and femininity rather than advocate for its destruction and the rebirth of the Japan of Bushido, Yukio Mishima and Kamikaze. Japan’s entire culture has been destroyed by this consumerist parasite and yet you defend it as a good thing
I don't use escapism, but your shilling is transparent.
Fine by me I am only into otaku stuff I was never one of those weebs that wanted to throw on a rob and a pair of oversized wooden sandals
The problem is, anime and manga isn't the source of it, it started back after WWII, and ever since, the (((US))) has forced all the shitskins and what not. Frankly, Japan still is ethnically safe, it'll take another decade or so of what the kikess did to America to start degrading their country. And no matter how you argue it, unlike porn, all manga and anime isn't degenerate, some of it could be considered the anti-thesis to degeneracy. Shills are out in full force to deny this, a lot of manga spreads good messages, but just like cartoons here in America, anime is being subverted, it's what the kikes.
(and the people you quoted)
inquire me on the process by witch i discerned the unalienable nature of your servitude under the descendancy of sem.
That won't be the anime they ban, you absolute dipshit. They aren't banning all anime. Nobody believes for a minute UN organizations are going to ban cp and other faggotry, but promote it while banning content which is anti poz.
Kikes are behind anime. There is no debating that. Fuck off with your apologism.
Use your head, fucking worm!
>Zig Forums realizes the truth about the (((anime))) jew
Stop defending this tripe or we will have your head.
We warned you.
And there it is. Weebs want Japan to be destroyed. Nothing more to it
Nobody has posted any legitimate debate against this post. HMMMMMMMM
All of Japan’s centuries old culture is being destroyed and feminized but you just sit back and consume show after soulless show these studios shit out.
That's all weebs in a nutshell, yep…
Thanks for reiterating what I just posted
Anime expresses something that was always there in Japanese culture, mainly their incompetent handling of emotions. Soulless robots in real life, gushing children in their emotional states.
Yeah, incredibly concentrated. I think it's just a D&C effort against Europeans and Japanese because we share such similar morals, that if we truly banded together against the kike menace, even the kikes with their billions of golems couldn't stop it.
Its the nip cartoons go-guys
This one topic has really got you flaming.
I spy, with my little eye…something that rhymes with bike
This. All nu-anime is complete and utter poz. Literally no debating that.
Japan no llnger has any morals or culture. They tossed it all in the trash for (((anime)))
Go wallow in filth, soyboy
lol are you serious?
Weebs got fucking ROASTED!
Fucking this
Here we see a pedophile with many sick fetishes identifying with an alien race
you two, i like how you think, keep it up palls.
Here's an idea. How about banning it for capitalism? You know, taking away the means of monetization and make it private use only? Guess how quick the problem would solve itself.
Pathetic. Stop defending your pedophile cartoons. Anime is the (((legal))) version of CP.
This man speaks only the truth. (((Japanese))) are not human. They are as nonhuman as jews.
Nigger, have you ever heard about preWWII Imperialist Japan, the moral state was very similar with how Europeans always have been, and continue to be, despite kike subversion, even Japan hasn't let go of a lot of a type of morality that isn't present in America as a whole, it only exists in white subsections of America, and Europe for that matter. I'll outline some if need be, but I won't bother with shills, only people who understand that honorary Aryan wasn't a meme, we share similar goals with Japan, such as remaining racially, that being the especially important one.
You make that sound like a bad thing
Flat out wrong. Europeans are highly individualist people, Asians are collectivist to the core. Europeans value rationality, Asians value social grace.
Actual effects:
Exactly even the "socialist" European countries you don't see anywhere near the pressure for social conformity you see in Asia
What a shame. Maybe all those kikes who hate it so much should go kill themselves.
I didn't say we're alike in everyway, just that when it comes to our races, Japs would make better allies than if whites were to team up with niggers, or any other shitskin for that matter. I will agree with you that I always found that "social grace" aspect of Japanese culture a bit suffocating.
So you agree that nips are no different from chinksects.
tbh I would rather it be suffocating than non existent like in the west
God no, chinks are a different breed all around, Japs love nature, and treat each other with respect, chinks and gooks are pretty much the kikes of Asia.
Must be sad that your brain is so kiked that if you see a drawing of a cute girl you either believe that they want to become said girl or fornicate with her. You kikes always like to project your own degeneracy onto others.
i must wonder is this wave of shillery is due to the beginning of summer, also shill list
5234e5("roasted"… need i say more?)
o and
>(((we won)))
>(((unanimous agreement)))
truly a shameful display
If you're going to post loli at least choose good art.
I remember when I too first learned how to redtext.
The (((goon))) cries out as you post anime
Good job, Trump. A boatload of kids from Rothschild is being air shipped. Freeeeedom.
Fuck your blog.
You honestly don't belong here kike shills.
Smug anime thread? Smug anime thread.
Goons out!
Damn, so what's the story with that nigger.
Need to reorganize these for ease of posting.
>(((anons))) lament the foiled attempt by an unaccountable unelected extranational marxist organization to unconstitutionally limit free expression of certain liberating artwork
>despite the fact that most of what is said on this very board is already illegal (((hate speech))) in 99% of countries
you guys can be the dumbest fuckers I swear
the same hand that bans anime will one day put you in chains for holocaust research
I'm not actually a full-blown weeaboo, so I don't have many anime pics, so I just ran out, but I'll post smugs in general.
Jesus I don't think I've opened this folder since the Presidential Election.
There's a minimum of 45 million slaves in the world and these fuck faces at the UN are fretting over computer games.
welp that's all I got. Anywho, nice to see glow-in-the-dark goon niggers and their (((UN))) buttbuddies get BTFO'd.
Came here to post this.
There are people who doesn't like Hollywood movies or Netflix shows, and you won't change their minds. I think that Hollywood movies and company are simplistic trash. You can cry as much as you want and I'll still think that they are pure garbage, totally devoid of any kind of creativity or artistic value.
You shouldn't be so angry just because we don't care about the things you love.
The amount of shilling and samefagging against japan and escapism n this thread and the last one is not helping faggots if anything it show how much the kike hate the goyim not submititing to their shitty agenda
Keep crying, nignog. You lose, goon nigger.
You know what faggot also do? Breathe air,maybe you should stop doing so faggot. Only the closeted faggots are blaming anime for their degeneracy. KYS Nigger
You know, your brain must be pretty kiked to see a male and immediately think of depraved and indecent thoughts.