So pol you know what month it is. Show your support for LGBT. Us Lesbians,gays,bisexuals and transgenders has had enough and we are mad. Please support us and show your love and well if you don't let's just say. *EYE GLOWS RED* YOU'RE GONNA HAVE BAD TIME
How are you going to celebrate pride month Zig Forums?
wearing my white pride shirt in public
Well Hitler was Rohm's butt boy for many years.
Buddy… you do know that white isn't included. Do you really wanna go down this route?
we'll youre ruining my comfort zone so i guess i'll have to actually leave Zig Forums and visit the real life. you brought this upon yourself
Birds are singing…
Flowers are blooming…
On days like this…nazis like you…
Ten Years After Lyrics
"I'd Love To Change The World"
Every where is freaks and hairies, dykes and fairies
Tell me where is sanity?
Here bud, updated your flag
The rainbow symbolizes ethno pluralism. Its white pride month now. Im going to celebrate by making another white baby.
Cool user.
Lets Go Burn Them
Lets let the fags, degenerates and subhumans go extinct. Their main problem is that they have no ability to be civilized or act in a civilized manner, they are completely material in mind thought and deed. They need to go to hell together.
You queers should have a nail in one mouth and a pike in the other.
My.. My so immature you think we want to go extinct eh sorry but GAY PEOPLE LIVE FOREVER. *shoots gaster blaster at you*
Everyone should buy a clown horn and honk that shit in faggots ears
Try it nazi but remember we have the GAY ARMY. You only have nazis on your side. Hitler was killed by a gay guy. Now then have at you.
Probably just stay in my house and try to avoid clown world. Maybe drive at night and runover a faggot.
I'm going to subvert this website.
If there is going to be an "internet monument" to a Stonewell let it be to a Stonewall worthy of respect. Please go there and post pictures and stories about Stonewall Jackson.
A great confederate general is more worthy of commemoration than a bunch of drunk faggots and drag queens throwing bottles at cop cars.
I burnt a rainbow flag the other day
Try it anti faggot and you will have a bad time.
Dude, you just posted severe cringe. Jump off a building.
Gay army lol oh please faggots would no-show if it rained
I know you are scared, don't pretend you aren't.
Why fuck is this shit thread still up?
Yeah, I am real scarred of a group of people who are only good at killing themselves.
nigger, stop replying to the bait, and post gore/redpills instead
Whatever that's just your way of giving up. You know I won you just can't argue against my points.
You did not make any points. Are you mentally disabled too? Oh wait, I forgot all faggots are.
Maybe we should remind them how tolerant the rest of the world is to degeneracy
Aw, the switched IPs. Get out faggot.
You never had a structured argument in the first place, you sodomite
Solidarity with our Muslim brothers and sisters. Truck of peace. Praise Allah.
Odd circumstance
Checked neverthless
Is that a dick?
I'm planning on making a donation to the Islam Science Center to support research on finding gays who might be able to fly.
I like how none of you can even try being intelligent
So, who abused you when you were young? Homosexuals reproduce through pedophilia.
My point still stands
Also, try posting a full size image next time.
You did not make any point retard.
Thumbnail faggotry?
Getting the bog ready.
I like the irony of your entire post.
Thank you very much for selecting
yourself from the gene pool aswell.
Faggots are broken.
your welcome, being out the gene pool feels great. You know everything is cheaper I can be myself. HMMMMMMMMMMMMM I WONDER HOW YOU ARE DOING????????????????????? inb4youlie
It's buggery promotion month, there's nothing to be proud about sticking your genitals in a shit-encrusted asshole.
The only thing glowing red is your bloody rectum.
Your mind is reprobate and you sin against divine order. Your only moral choice at this point is to control your self-destructive sexuality or off yourself. Yes, not reproducing means you can buy more useless crap form China. The (((capitalist))) love people like you. They can make more money off a dying society than a living one. Begone sodomite!
Does anyone have that chink "Herro.Faggot porice?" meme?
Stonewall Jackson forever!
Eat shit faggot.. nevermind you probably did that last night.
This is how they should be treated in the USA if European men had any balls. No worries the (((kikes))) are doing us a favor and soon with the amount of niggers in the USA trannies will be treated this way (righteously) again. I will remind all the Christians on this board that men are not supposed to wear women's clothing because it is an abomination to God (meaning they should be punished with death just like faggots). Nigger will dispense proper justice on homos and trannies when White men won't because they are too soft/effeminate.
Silly faggot!
Dix are for chix!
Wrong. Jesus was a White Aryan, as were the ancient Israelites. Kikes are not their legitimate descendents.
Apparently by 2026 muslims will start executing faggots during fag month. Interesting. I bet fags are glad they are so multiculturally accepting of other peoples and culture.
At some point you have to shrug and realize that we were the ones protecting faggots from the planet all this time and now that there are other cultures in the USA the faggots are going to return to being persecuted and slaughtered like they normally are…silver lining in everything I suppose.
forgot video too excited at the prospect of faggot executions.
Fighting back. SJWS must be stopped. Our children do not deserve to live in a world dominated by child rapists.
Well that pretty much rules out all the kike religions…frankly it rules out ALL RELIGIONS.
are Muslims actually based? as a former christian. I believe he has some valid points. and I like the fact that they would execute all the gays, clean the streets of Babylon. Please. What if Muslims are trying to save us?
I don't think they are trying to 'save' us user. The religious structure of Islam is a continuous state of slaughter. Would you want to be saved by people like this?
Saving us by committing terrorist acts on us no chance. They would execute the white race without a second thought giving the chance and that is what they are trying to do. Thats why we need to get ride of them.
Not me in particular, but the laws of islam could definitely clear a lot of degeneracy from Canada. He was honest and I respect that. It's nice to actually hear people share the truth. Yes Muslims are invading, it's clear as day light. But I can't see why this would be a problem.
I don't see a problem here
You can't get rid of them. Thats against everything democracy stands for. Canad and America welcome all immigrants.
watching the monumental videos of our time
So could the laws of christianity if they were followed. I would like to bring back the flaying alive of anyone who commits usury (that law was only abandoned 200 years ago and look how completely fucked over the world is in that time). Christians who follow the OT are told to kill fags and trannies as well. But no one follows those LAWS OF GOD either. I prefer Christianity to islam, if only people would FOLLOW THE FUCKING LAWS.
I honestly can't tell if you are being ironic here.
Well sir Islam seems to be taking things pretty serious. We will continue our lives as they carry out their duties. Honestly it wouldn't bother me if Sharia law was implemented. It wouldn't change much.
look how quickly they deal with degeneracy. one shot to the head with a ak-47. Christianity wont do this, they will tolerate it, and be dominated by it, ultimately losing any legitimacy on the scriptures of the Bible.
What? I thought gay people were created by seeing gay characters on TV?! Are we changing our minds on this?
The whole "gay people reproduce by molesting kids" claim has been going around for at least 30 years now. You'd think they'd have gotten their numbers up after all this time…
You’re retarded.
Lurk more.
Holy shit, dude, they are growing exponentially via rape of children/young boys. One gay man can rape (and POZ) like 50-1000+ boys in his life.
Wow…fucking hell, I was reading some English torture and public execution info and I can't remember the reference. It was years ago.
There are a variety of detrimental external and internal factors that lead to the creation of a faggot.
That's because it's an accurate observation of reality.
jesus is the king of israel and the bible says so you filthy lying ugly boomer dinosaur cuck
I have actually never talked to a self proclaimed gay man who did point out that he was sexually molested at ages as low as 4-5 yo. As bizarre as it seems many of them defended their pedophile vehemently. So in their minds, IT WAS THE RIGHT THING TO DO…THEY ARE PREDATORY PARASITES IN OUR CULTURE.
jesus is jewish and the bible proves it
user, you're actually fucking stupid, no joke.
They could if they actually read the fucking bible haha.
Now, it may because I watch fair use, but I'm almost positive Jesus said there was a time to kill. He described JC as one of the most lied about men in history, JUST LIKE HITLER.
If I we're you, I wouldn't per se be ALLIES with the or Islamic cultures, but encourage the same fight against the hoob menace. They are by all means BASED!!!!, but they will try to kill you the first chance they get (unless you convert)
HAHAHAHA, expecting a kike to understand any of that…it is so fucking WRONG that I don't even know where to start. First off BOTH GENEALOGIES ARE WRONG. When you can tell me why they are WRONG we can move onto the rest of the problems in that stupid fucking thumbnail.
No one in their right mind would waste time on you stupid fucking trolls.
When and how did it become an entire month?
so shooters have a larger gap to work with. counting down.
you won't do anything ;)
(i heard that works guys)
what does it look like
This, Christianity is fine people just need to start killing faggots and stop tolerating their disgusting bullshit
Jewish behavior. Poking at the bear is fun from a distance. Poking at it when it's ripping out your bowels isn't. They never know when close is too close.